Feature History - Fall of the Mongols

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this video is sponsored by curiosity stream get a free 31 days of streaming using link curiosity stream comm / Fuji history well wait till the end to hear more hello and welcome to feature history featuring and then not featuring the Mongol Empire because in today's video we'll be following up with the previous rise of the Mongols with the foal of the Mongols in the last video we talked all about how Genghis United the Mongols did a whole lot of warring and then a bit of dying and how he's air Agha died did exactly that as well I then left my audience on a cliffhanger for a month with the Empire left and the unstable Regency of organized wife Tora G so let's finally dive into this now and see how one man's hard work and victories can be so swiftly undone by cruel cruel time Tora Jane had since organized death and 1241 planted herself in the favor of Karakoram aristocrats generally through a lot of favors and heavy corruption those in the Empire's capital supported the Secession of her son GLIAC however for him to become Great Khan all Khan's must attend the curl tie and bar to Karn of the Golden Horde was still far west and refused to attend claiming illness the stalemate stood for four years a pretty long time to be having a sickie but bar 2 would eventually send his brothers in his stead and Goya could finally be elected as Drake carne in 1246 after that bar - and goyahkla would constantly be in a standoff with each other parties control over the western realms was repeatedly preempted by GU ik and the Josh ID and Agha died families would be in a fierce competition with one another in 1248 Gore could do two things one is he would call that bar - should really meet him in person and at the same time he raised an army it was to march to the Middle East to destroy the Troublesome Islamic cash machines but but who was still warned that Goya could might be trying to arrest so gorg began to move west with an army and bath too began to move east with his own army but the showdown didn't happen buuck died some believe he was poisoned some believe he was too sick and it should be noted he was an alcoholic no matter what happened bar 2 was blameless and gorg was dead next great car needed to be elected and the orgonite family was left with no suitable successor bar 2 would go ahead and host his own cruelty outside the heartland and those that attended elected bar to who actually refused the position and instead endorsed manga the son of Toa as great car the iodide and Chagga tied families refused to accept manga or simply anyone outside their families bar to would order a more formal curl tie to be hosted in the capital which saw manga officially elected as gray car in 1251 but that was going to have been given it was boycotted by the rival families as soon as manga entered power he learnt of the conspiracy that the Agha died were planning to usurp him he ordered a purge that saw 300 people executed and many others imprisoned or exiled the estates of the Agha died and Chagga tied seized and the towlines family's position was secured in an alliance at the Josh I'd manga proved to be a great administrator and his early reign he began many construction projects administrative reforms and fostered the creation of empire-wide postage and trade the security the Empire offered became known as the PAX Pongal occur Mongol peace the quote has been heard lots a young woman with a gold plate on her head could travel from one end of the Silk Road to the other with no fear that's how effective Mongol order was but while the people felt security monger didn't the Chagga tied family still held influence in their own carnot and the Josh I controlled the golden horde more as mangas ally not ethical he saw to further consolidate tied power by assigning his brothers hula coup and Kublai two new campaigns hula COO would expand the Empire out into the heart of the Islamic world establishing the Ilhan at the new carnot would be responsible for the destruction of the hash machine order in 1256 in the sacking of baghdad in 1258 who'll occur over sword the destruction of the old' abbasid caliphate centuries of islamic knowledge and almost a million lives cuba lie on the other side of the empire would play a major role in the continued war against the ever resistance song dynasty the front against the song was expanded Kublai forces the mission to smolder wide Kingdom attempts by other generals were made to go even further invading Vietnam the tropical climate scorched earth and guerrilla tactic to the Vietnamese were however just as effective here as they were in the Vietnam War the Mongols were repelled by 1259 Hulagu had conquered his way past Syria and kuba was making steady gains against the song with no intention of letting up but like always the Great Khan is not immortal and manga we get a bad case of the terminal pigs dysentery the Emperor died and old Nobles were summoned to witness another Colonel Tigh who lucu began the long trek home leaving a sizable part of his army on the campaign without him at this same time the Egyptian Mamluks would reach an agreement with the Crusaders to focus on the Mongol threat the man looks would defeat the invaders in the Battle of iron to loot Kublai didn't wish to see his campaign see the same setback and decided he wouldn't abandon his post in the absence of the brothers the youngest of Tolo sons eric bakker would have himself elected as great khan his siblings didn't really agree in cuba and who the coop march to the capital not to vote but to fight cube light would call a cruel tie on his own territory in northern China and with the support of the local administrators was elected great camp so their father till I had raised three Great Khans of his point and two of them the Khan at the same time Eric bouquet would ally himself with a late bar to his brother and successor Burke I can't however Burke I would have little actual involvement in the main conflict between Kublai and Eric bouquet as he sought to expand the golden horde into the territory of the rival ill Harnett he marched his army over and Hulagu and Burke I were locked in war over on the west side of the Empire Kublai made the reluctant march north as eric bakker sat in his seat of power which given his actions actually had no power the city of Karakoram meant nothing without the Mongol Empire and the civil war left the Mongol capital with few supply lines to use it was just a city in the middle of a harsh wasteland Kublai on the other hand had the full force of northern China to bring with him in China's cities power and wealth were well-founded Houla coup would pass away during the conflict and so at Burke I Eric bouquet would meet Kublai in battle and be sent upon the retreat his allies deserted him and he surrendered to Qi and 1264 Kublai Khan was the Emperor who brought the war to its end but the seams in the Empire lasted Cuba lies earliest actions saw immediate focus placed back on the east of the Empire under Kublai the Goyo would finally capitulate and Korea was incorporated into the khan's new regime the Yuan Dynasty Quba I began to style himself as a Chinese emperor and moved the Mongol capital to Beijing which while appeasing his Chinese subjects distanced himself from the Western Carnot's the khan's dynasty would force the song imperial family surrender in 1276 making it the first ever foreign dynasty to unite all of China but this victory would be one of Cuba's last under him the angles seem to be reaching a natural limit of conquest expansion west into Africa was blocked by the Egyptian Mamluks expansion east into Japan so the Mongol Navy sink in two typhoons expansion North would be nothing but cold harsh Siberian wastes an expansion south and to Vietnam was repeatedly repelled not to mention to cross them to somewhere like India would require them to march through the Himalayas conquest was the lifeblood of the Empire it was a war based society but war was no longer beneficial Kublai Khan would be the last Mongol Emperor and it could be argued it wasn't really one at all the Golden Horde and chengetai Carnot often ignored resisted or even combated the Great Khan and despite that much of Cuba's focus was placed on fostering a culture of art and poetry through China Cuba lies court would welcome in the famous European explorer Marco Polo and so much of what we know about the Mongols in the West comes from just one man's insight into just one con Cuba I was painted as a grand Emperor and as much as he was he constantly lived in the shadow of his grandfather Ganga's car his failed invasions and abandonment of traditional Mongol rulership haunted him he became grossly overweight in his old age and died in 1294 not quite the heroic death he might have expected his successor Timur Khan established peace with the Western Carnot's who agreed to recognize yuan dynasties nominal supremacy which was a name only the Mongol Empire didn't exist instead it was now just a loose connection between four Carnot's the Yuan Dynasty would pass from Emperor to Emperor up until in 1368 the red turban rebellion saw the Yuan Dynasty overthrown by the Chinese Ming the remnants of the one retreated to the Mongolian heartland the ill hannett would convert to Islam and embrace Persian in Arabic culture the Black Death which ironically the Mongol empires trade and Eurasian connections most likely spread saw the carnot ravaged and disintegrate into many small estates had very little to do with their Mongol roots the Golden Horde also saw the influences of Islam and Christianity stripped their identity and they split into smaller Carnot's in the 15th century their former subjects in the ruse would create the Russian Empire which across its campaigns will incorporate all these comments by 1783 and finally the chagga Thai Carnot would be dominated by the heavily Mongol inspired timurid empire in 1370 and that empire would spin off into the mostly Indian Mughal Empire in the 16th century and that Empire was conquered by they're not even remotely mongolic British Empire in the 19th century the Mongolia we see today is the result of the northern Huang dynasty falling apart to smolder Carnot's and being conquered by the Ching in the late 17th century when the Ching fell in 1911 the powers-that-be in Outer Mongolia were heavily influenced by Russian and Chinese Communists and became the Mongolian People's Republic across the 20th century with the collapse of the Soviet Union the modern Mongol state was born it's only been recently that Mongolians could freely look back to that past their traditions and celebrate them and so that's why more and more we hear about the positives of the brutal conquest happy Mongol Empire it's a point of pride for the small landlocked country that once in the past even if it was very loose and short-lived they with the biggest empire in the world so many empires have forgotten many of the empires I mentioned in this video were massive in size and yet pretty obscure so while yes the Mongols were responsible for cruel tragedies that spread of the Black Death the reduction of human population by 5 percent the wounds of the past have healed no man is personally saddened by the hurt of a distant relative they never knew and still don't the pride of Mongolia the culture it has to celebrate and the fact that everyone around the world even knows the name of this remote Asian country that's all important today and I think that's why the Mongol empires trade culture and social significance is just as important to highlight as it's very well known root Ally however it's still good fun to highlight the Mongols wars and battles and if you're looking for more in-depth on that you should jump over to curiosity stream where you can catch the doc Oh China's last stand for alongside stunning visuals the show isn't a stunning detail on the conflict between the Mongols and their adversary the song and it should go without mentioning curiosity stream you can watch thousands of titles covering history science nature technology society and more all of those documentaries can be streamed on demand right now from the comfort of your computer phone or even smart TV you can watch all of that right now for free when you visit curiosity stream comm slash future history and get a 31 day trial so jump to the description click that link and something will pique your curiosity welcome to the end of the video where I thank the patrons and all that and also just want to celebrate that we're finally done the Mongols after oh so many months and to touch on that I'd also like to mention that with the smaller videos I released the other week I'm also looking to move production into two videos a month ish so keep checking in and hopefully there will be some more content not too far away
Channel: Feature History
Views: 315,130
Rating: 4.9411926 out of 5
Keywords: Feature History, History, Education, Entertainment, Academic, Presentation, War, Mongolia, Mongol Empire, Largest Empire, Genghis Khan, Temujin, Song Dynasty, Ogedei Khan, Chagatai, Jochi, Xia Dynasty, Conquer, 13th century, 1200s, Mongol Hordes, Horsemen, Medieval, Middle Ages, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Khanate, Khan, Cumans, Turkic, Secret History of Mongols, Sack of Baghdad, Kublai Khan, Marco Polo, Yuan Dynasty, Modern Mongolia, Mongke Khan, Batu Khan, Guyuk Khan, Hulagu Khan, Toluid
Id: 32FUwdsXyWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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