Feast of Tabernacles 2021: Your Ultimate Career of Fulfillment

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[Music] if i were to ask you are are you totally satisfied with your life or fulfilled i might say in your life how would you respond i'm sure there would be many different responses i think when it comes to america that is greater america the vast majority of americans claim they're not satisfied they're not fully satisfied with their life their job their career circumstances in their life some simply don't like what they're doing and we know that can easily be the case others are frustrated and unfulfilled with low income demanding employers high levels of stress in satan's world and many feel even today apprehensive about a an economy that's kind of shaky to some degree kind of shaky and the possibility of maybe even some of losing their jobs their only source of income and i'm again i'm speaking of society in general and yet we know they're among us among us we have so much to be thankful for on the other hand this is still satan's world we're still tested we're tried and i've often thought there are for example many courageous mothers in the church who are totally committed to their children their husband and their god and yet there's still humanly an element of frustration of limited resources we only have so many resources maybe inadequate time and energy to do all the things that they feel like needs to be done and that's kind of like being human isn't it not having the time the energy the resources in this day and age of course there are also many who are retired among us and in many cases most cases they still deal with declining health we understand that's kind of the way at least as far as energy anyway that's the way we're programmed also limited income may be a a constant income but a limited income as well and sometimes a little bit of loneliness with the loss of a mate we know that happens we know there is a coming resurrection but that still leaves a void doesn't it death is an enemy and others among us are disabled and we know that life has its limitations in this day and age in truth i've so often thought this life is only training and when i say 20 training maybe i should qualify that i i don't mean skills i mean character i mean developing self-control all the fruit of god's spirit that is training in a remainder of our life as long as that lasts and of course training every last one of us who catch the vision are being trained for a future career incredible awesome opportunities in the kingdom and family of god fulfillment fulfillment as we've never experienced in our life and our job description in this life is comparatively unimportant whatever we're doing comparatively unimportant compared to our real career that we we will receive at christ's return if we remain faithful if we finish our training this morning i'd like to look at our future career think about the future and what we will be doing in the future every last one of us we're being trained by the great god and the great god knows more than we know what we need to finish our training title of the sermon is your ultimate career of fulfillment from time to time there are national surveys surveys of job satisfaction life satisfaction and i think they can be quite enlightening quite revealing as far as america at large a few years ago there was a general social survey it was conducted by the university of chicago at the time with interviews of more than 27 000 people 27 000 across the land the director of the general social survey reported the following quote the most satisfying jobs are mostly the professions especially those involving caring for teaching protecting others and creative pursuits creative pursuits now does that sound like anything concerning a job description of a firstborn son of god or we could say a daughter of god but we're neither male or female but a firstborn son of god during the millennium does that sound familiar absolutely what god has in store for us in mind for us we'll spend the millennium caring for thousands of individuals of human beings we will teach them the way of god and the way to peace and stability and happiness it will bring everlasting joy in your life it will take a while but that's the direction and we will protect them from disease as we teach and train as we clean up the environment and of course finally ridding the curses of a wrong way of life and we will help create a new civilization free of crime free of pollution an incredible opportunity we think about the new world coming it will take time it will take effort it will take direction from the creator himself well this survey interestingly enough indicated that of the 27 000 people who were surveyed the highest level of job satisfaction was found in the believe it or not was found in the ministry additionally the highest level of overall happiness was also found among the ministry now some of you might think speaking of the ministry in the church that well we have total fulfillment some might think that but in reality the ministry today has its limitations you know as human beings there are limitations we have a shortage of resources at time shortage of hours in the day we all have that don't we we have a shortage oftentimes as the ministry gets older and we all do a shortage of physical health of energy that being said it is a joy to work with god's people we're trying to overcome we're looking forward to their calling in a very difficult world current tense it is a joy to work with others but we know those limitations for god's servants are soon going to disappear completely and forever in the family of god let's turn to revelation chapter one revelation chapter 1 and verse 4 as we read here as far as our future if we remain faithful if we finish your training in verse 4 john through the seven churches which are in asia at that time grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come the ever living one and from the seven spirits who are before his throne verse five and from jesus christ the faithful witness in other words the word the logos the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and verse 6 and has made us kings and priests to his god and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever you and i will have the unspeakable opportunity and the blessing of liberating humanity from a failed way of life a total failed way of life that satan is foisted upon humanity a way of competition of greed of striving of taking we will have the overwhelming blessing of being part of the firstborn family of god you know something we don't deserve but something we must strive for after god's direction and guidance and gentle correction we have things to overcome in our own lives we still have things to change in our lives spiritually and before we look at our amazing career future career fulfillment in the millennium let's pick up the story at the very beginning of our future career let's start in isaiah chapter 60 isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 61. i've always enjoyed these scriptures here i think it gives us kind of a thrill to look at the possibilities in verse 1 arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you now we can apply it in different ways but we can certainly apply it to our resurrection our change when we will arise and shine whether we're alive or dead you know as a fully glorified son we could say son or daughter but we're me neither male nor female the son of god incredible verse 2 where behold the darkness shall cover the earth during that time of warfare and destruction and finally when jesus christ puts an end to that rebellion megiddo and beyond in deep darkness the people confusion apprehension fear sadness destruction human beings bringing world war three upon themselves but the lord will arise over you and that's speaking of the potential firstborn family of god the lord will arise over you and his glory will be seen upon you you know at times the scripture implies we will be fully glorified as incredible as that seems and you know we will be able to appear glorified but in general working with human beings we won't want to appear glorified it would be a little too much it's kind of like turn down the rheostat you know functioning so we can manifest ourselves in appearance physically that's something that we will be doing and working one-on-one at times as well and the gentiles shall come to your light of course we can refer that to the physical israelite it refers more even more to spiritual israel for us and to the kings to the brightness of your rising you know an incredible experience not all of humanity will know what's going on there will be a lot of skeptics a lot of fear initially but nevertheless uh that will occur and verse 4 says lift up your eyes all around and see they all gather together they come to you your son shall come from afar and potentially are are are living young children if that be the case or even adult children if they're not converted they'll come from afar and your daughters shall be nursed at your side and it seems logical that we'll be taking care of any remaining family and descendants you know they know us they identify with us and we'll take we'll oversee their opportunity as we see then you shall see and become radiant you know you're radiant and with even with joy and your heart shall swell with joy of course we won't have a physical heart but you know there are godly emotions and we need more of them in our life today and we we encourage and pray for godly emotions you know compassion as an example the times christ was moved with compassion we're not too often this day in age as we could be but we pray for more godly emotion and we attempt to get rid of satanic emotion there's more that more than enough of that to go around in society and we tend to bring a little bit of it with us into the church we need to overcome that because of the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you and the wealth of the gentiles shall come to you of course that will be true for physical israel starting in jerusalem but it will spread and that will apply to us as well in other words we'll have the assets of the earth to work with to work with in helping humanity begin to turn around begin to rebuild and we'll talk about that in a moment the wealth of the earth that says the gentiles but the nations will be at our disposal to help humanity to help humanity in the rebuilding process and coming to the great god and that will take time we understand that in verse 8 who are these i think about this scripture i think it's exciting to envision who are these who fly like a cloud i read that i interpret as our resurrection our change incredible and look and like doves to to their roots for the very first time experiencing the ability to freedom not being chained by gravity not no longer being of a let's say a physical being like doves to the roofs the excitement of the resurrection or the change you know incredibly you know this is it and the freedom that that will bring a few years ago our daughter and son-in-law took us to yosemite glacier point looking down about three thousand feet into the valley it was a perfect day a clear day you could see merced river down below el capitan across the way four thousand feet of vertical granite and i was thinking to myself there was a little rail there to keep you back and i was thinking to myself you know someday i want to come back here and be on the other side of this rail i want to be able to see it you might say from a different vantage point as a spirit being you know seeing the earth you know that's a minor point but can you imagine who are these that fly like a cloud and like devs to their roots seemingly celebrating their resurrection and no longer chained to gravity so the question is where do we begin where do we begin in our new career or assignment as a firstborn son of god well we know most of the world would have been devastated warfare the mankind has brought on a satanic system has brought on warfare earthquakes one scripture implies every island will be moved out of its place maybe not destroyed but move sounds to me like tectonic plate movement ecological disasters of all sorts why does the day of the lord occur is it because god gets so angry he can't take it any longer i don't think so they have a lord occurs that says so many times in scripture so they will know that i am the eternal in other words the ever-living god the creator of the universe slowly it will become clear this powerful being in jerusalem is not some force to be dealt with not some whatever alien but god himself the creator jesus christ incredible when we think about that that future well you know there will be major earthquakes and the whole point is to get the attention of humanity to turn humanities attention around we know when there are earthquakes fires tend to destroy as much as any let's say aspect of the destruction uh oftentimes gas lines break water lines break putting out fires is not possible a few years ago mr and mrs ames and my wife and i visited a display that of old photographs of the 1906 i believe it is san francisco earthquake and that was pretty devastating but guess what was the most devastating it was the fires that followed inability to put out fires and of course there were so many there were so many that ended up being homeless 25 000 buildings destroyed this was 1906 more than 3 000 people died and one quarter million homeless 225 000 or close to a quarter anyway homeless you know needless to say the population in the future will be very traumatized when our children were younger way back when when we were living for a few years in northern arkansas our family was evacuated one night you could say temporarily we were homeless at least for a night there was a a industrial facility that had a huge propane tank and it was leaking and there was concern that a spark would ignite a giant fireball of destruction and i can remember trying to sleep at least for a little while trying to sleep our whole family all six of us went to a facility and tried sleeping sitting in a chair and that didn't work too too well trying to sleep in a chair so eventually we got back in our car and drove miles trying to find a hotel or whatever temporarily we could say we we were homeless but think about the future the future when humanity is so much of the population remaining is homeless and destitute well our first order of business at that time at the start of the millennium will likely be to organize temporary shelters and of course to see the adequate food and supplies are distributed but the quickest way to get someone to trust you to put their trust in you is to take care of their immediate physical needs we'll get to their spiritual needs later but first of all you've got to take care of their physical needs such as food and shelter you take care of the needs before you can fully begin to work with the mind and their potential so where are we going to get even the basics of food after all this destruction so much of the world has been hit by famine and warfare and fires may remember the third seal revelation 6 and verse 5. revelation 6 and verse 5 and it says speaking of the time preceding christ's return and when he opened the third seal i heard the third living creature say come and see so i looked and behold a black horse and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand and i heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a denarius and three quarts of barley for a denarius in other words there they were scarce and it took money with very little food for example and went on to say and do not harm the oil and wine in other words preserve what is left you think about it it will take an entire growing season some six months to increase the food stocks on the planet after all the devastation that we read about in the book of revelation so how are we going to speed up this process we can't wait six months to feed the hungry and begin with the homeless of course food is first and of course shelter is second how are we going to speed up this process well don't forget this is the kingdom of god that we're talking about yes generally the great god works through natural means working with human beings when there is an immediate need he has the power to do a miraculous work to provide according to his will matthew 14. matthew 14 and verse 14 and we see one little forerunner of an example matthew 14 verse 14 verse 14. and when jesus went out he saw a great multitude chapter 14 verse 14 and he was moved with compassion notice that notice this godly emotion this is just one example christ experienced an exhibited godly emotion like we should ask god to help us develop in our life as well and healed the sick okay christ healed many that day and when it was evening his disciples came to him saying this is a deserted place and the hour is already late in other words it's late afternoon send them old suits away that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food of course that was their their thought there's nothing here so let's send them away first verse 16 and jesus said to them they do not need to go away you give them something to eat can you imagine christ telling us to do that beginning of the millennium you give them something to eat and they said to him we have here only five loaves and a fish and he said verse 18 bring them here to me of course hopefully we'll have a little more understanding at that moment and courage and faith and confidence in the great god and what god intends for us to do and he said bring them here to me and then he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass in a very orderly way not helter skelter and he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven he blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples and the disciples gave to the multitudes and so they all ate and they were filled and they took up the 12 baskets full of the fragments that remained now those who had eaten were about 5 000 men besides women and children so we don't know how many that was but maybe at least maybe 10 000 who knows incredible as far as the multiplication the miracle christ's desire to take care of their need on that level they weren't starving people for their average humans who got hungry by the by the end of the day and think what potentially we can do we could do when we began to take care of the homeless and those who have very little to eat at that time now if you were given this opportunity in this way or maybe a bigger way to provide food for the starving men and women and children don't you think you would totally enjoy the opportunity the experience to perform a miracle or two as you watch their eyes light up of course you would enjoy it we're not talking about ego here you know hey look at me showmanship we're not talking about that but we're talking about the absolute spine tingling excitement and joy of having the ability and the resources to make a difference the very beginning and the start of the millennium incredible and you know as we begin this process of providing the the immediate physical needs we've got to start there the immediate needs of our people of other human beings who also bring a level of reassurance to them you know they begin to see well we're not there to destroy we have something better in mind and of course we'll begin teaching shortly thereafter but we're going to comfort them reassure them comfort them begin to dissolve the fear that will be there after armageddon and so much warfare following in world war iii those traumatized inhabitants of the planet have nothing to fear we're here to help we've got we're here to provide for you to show you a better way you have potential a better future and we're here to help jesus christ's intervention in the valley of megiddo and around jerusalem and the complete dismantling of an army some combined army of some 200 million will go a long way to convince humanity that indeed this powerful being there in jerusalem who has descended to the mount of olives initially but doesn't stay there is the creator of the universe you know something they've been brainwashed to discount initially you know the assumption that we've all evolved the greatest false religion on the planet that we've all evolved from random chance chaos genetic mutation and all the rest the creator actually exists the designer the the prime engineer of all life forms on the planet plant and animal human and all the rest every last life form has taken engineering there's no magic wand they've been engineered only probably let's say at comparatively light speed can i say compared to what we would do as humans so much faster incredibly you know if if god has the capacity to know let's say the heavenly bodies in the universe not one of them is misplaced what is it 100 billion times 100 billion whatever that number is or more and he calls them all by name so it says one scripture he doesn't lose track incredible capacity and that's something that of course we can begin to tap into as w as well as small junior members of the god family isaiah 35 so we're going to begin to try to comfort them to encourage them to reassure them we're here for them isaiah 35 and verse 3 35 3 and we have this instruction here in verse 3 it says strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees we're going to be encouraging that you know the shaking feeble knees and say to those who are fearful hearted be strong do not fear behold your god will come with vengeance yeah initially with the rod of iron to put down rebellion but a loving outgoing concern is the agenda with the recompense of god and he will come and save you and that's going to be our message to humanity at that time we're here here to help we're going to take care of your needs we're going to show you the way a better life you have a real future on earth and of course later the universe and this reassurance will go a very long way in comforting humanity jesus christ and his family we could say his brothers are here to restore the earth for humanity to provide their needs to teach them a better way of life and as people gradually it will take a while realize that indeed the creator of the vast universe is here to bring peace and those with him he's here to bring an abundant future life on the planet and humanity will begin the overwhelming task let's say of overcoming their inherent fear and anxiety and in time that will be gone you know it's kind of like time to breathe a sigh of relief that overwhelming fear that satan has brought on humanity you know competition at the extreme competition among nations among humanity satan's way of life extreme competition it doesn't matter who you step on as long as you ascend as long as you rise above others according to satan's thinking and of course god's philosophy laws cooperation work together we can do so much more working together than competing satan hasn't bought that and of course and those rebellious third of the angels that followed him but we're going to show the way how much we can accomplish they can accomplish with peace and harmony across the planet for a thousand years incredible new world and a new age jeremiah 31 13 a reassurance and we'll be able to bring jeremiah 31 13. god says and he will use us in that process 31 13. then the virgin then shall the the virgin rejoice in the dance in other words young people old people are going to start rejoicing and the young men and the old together for i will turn their mourning into joy and yes as in the sermonette they will begin to slowly develop a level of hope you know hope is personal hope is personal faith is rock solid towards the great god incredible that's a confidence in the great god and his will his purpose but hope can apply to us we can they they'll slowly start developing some hope for their life and their future for i will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoice rather than sorrow you know that will be your job that'll be my job at the very beginning of the millennium and we will comfort humanity and tell them it's okay it's okay everything is going to turn out all right as you follow the great god the creator of the universe isaiah 61 isaiah 61 and verse 1. i think an interesting application here 61 verse 1 and it says the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted oh yes that was jesus christ but that will be us as well in the millennium will be sent to heal the brokenhearted the downcast to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound you know i found that scripture encouraging i've sat down many times with various prisoners in the state prison system in california and one individual i had interacted with many many times didn't seem like he belonged in prison but had been there 25 years i think unfortunately he did not he ended up in prison wrongly but that's another story and and from time to time i've kind of been quiet about this when i was there because you're in a room with all kinds of prisoners and guards and i and i've told him kind of quietly you know the time is coming when these prison systems are gone they're going to be removed there's no room for warehousing human beings to make them bitter criminal criminals in the way of god in in the millennium there's no room for it these prisons are going to be torn down or used for something else you know that's that's something that millennially people will be changed or will work to help them change and and even prisoners will have to be willing to change so look inward over time there will be no warehousing for long periods of time they'll either come on board with a plan the purpose of god slowly but surely or if there's still rebellious over time they will be executed there will be no warehousing of human beings in that fashion as we see in the system today incredible rehabilitation is what it will be all about in the millennium for all humanity well jesus christ fulfilled this at his first coming the scripture in isaiah 61 1. and he and he he came to heal the brokenhearted and will this will be accelerated at his second coming can you conceive of the sense of that we can have as instruments of the creator personally that sense of fulfillment being able to accomplish this you know where we have the the ability and i could say that the resources i mean resources i mean the responsibility from god the energy uh more wisdom more understanding of course will carry into let's say our change our resurrection with the knowledge and understanding that we have now but in the early millennium we're going to be taught ourselves we got a lot to learn and can you imagine our growth will be accelerated as spirit beings and we carry back kind of like baggage now from the past but coming into the family of god we'll have a lot to learn a lot to learn and will be taught by the creator incredible of course when you think about it quickly following the need to take care of the need for food and water and reassurance will be adequate shelter and god intends for people to be sheltered not be vagabonds so to speak that's his intention more stable and of course that's necessary you can't get very far in rebuilding a life when one is homeless and destitute you know human humanly we take care of the things that we need the physical things and then when we have those physical needs taken care of we begin to think on higher plane at least we're capable of it and a significant initial priority of your responsibility initially will be to look after the thousands who are destitute and homeless isaiah 58 back a few chapters isaiah 58 and verse 12 and it says in verse 12 and those from among you shall build the old waste places destruction chaos the end of the age world war three of course we're going to rebuild the old waste places not not exactly by any means like they were before but in a different model i'm sure smaller cities not crammed together in pollution and crime megalopolis i guess we could call it los angeles new york city not going to happen you shall you shall raise up the foundations of many generations beginning millennium and you shall be called the repairer of the breach the restorer of streets to all in and repairing the breach between humanity and god that's going to be our agenda kind of like a bridge from their past to what god has in mind for them 61 48 a couple of chapters isaiah 61 and verse 4 and they shall rebuild the old ruins and they shall raise up the former desolations and they shall repair the ruined cities the desolations of many generations that'll take time won't it it's not going to be it's not going to be presto chango human beings are going to have to do the work have to do the rebuilding we will give them direction and we will get direction from jesus christ himself what an exciting opportunity under the leadership of jesus christ to redesign and rebuild god's way in a healthy way no longer blighted overcrowded run down congested polluted centers of misery in heartache and crime gonna be constructed with a different plan i'm sure buildings and even random shacks destroyed or damaged in warfare and fire and earthquakes will be leveled there's an element of being able to start over in many ways and it'll be a a great time to totally redesign the cities of the world on a much smaller scale probably the biggest city on earth will be jerusalem that will take time the headquarters of the planet king of kings and lord of lords but even there there will be rebuilding and planning and they'll take time and of course jesus christ will give us direction and the outline of the cities of tomorrow's world but we'll use a tremendous amount of creative effort you know christ is not looking for robots or just following a cookbook we'll use our imagination creatively as a junior member of the god family god wants sons who can follow principles and his outline but we won't be non-thinking robots in that sense cook-a-booking it in totality god wants us to be able to think to plan and design to be highly creative as god is creative incredible creator god is so many plant in animal life designs on this planet almost like overkill when you look at it but it proves god enjoys creation and variety incredible variety and of course we do and will as well as well so it will be highly creative fulfilling effort on our part and among the firstborn sons of god we'll share ideas with each other in a multitude of counsel of course there's still that's still a principle of the great god it is now it will be then we'll share ideas that are working well we'll ask for input from of course for what's working in others areas the large cities of the earth will be dramatically reduced in size this will be a good time this will be a good time to set aside in maybe smaller cities or larger cities open space you know so people aren't crown crowded together crammed together house to house or skyscraper to skyscraper whatever maybe even setting aside small grain belts or whatever the case may be park part park-like areas running through the city often thought of and i'm sure it would be beneficial then too hiking and biking trails you know humans are humans they need exercise they need to see the creation of the god family years ago my wife and i lived i was i was in college and she was working we lived right across the street from golden gate park in san francisco and it wasn't perfect obviously this was quite a few years ago now it's another story but back then it wasn't perfect but we enjoyed miles of can i say trails sometimes back backwoods trails and lakes and gardens free concerts you know why charge an arm and a lake these were free concerts scenic settings occasionally we'd have a picnic lunch if i could pick her up from her work and we'd meet together near the conservatory on the lawns looking at the beautiful flowers you know that was just a small taste of maybe at that time what a city setting should be like but in the millennium the average city i'm sure will put golden gate park to shame and san francisco to shame today it will be clean it will be safe and people will be moving the right direction totally safe environments lawns gardens streams whatever creatively you know with with not just plant life but maybe animal life and of course of course the birds god has created the human visitors you and i will have the resources of the god family on the planet at our disposal the resources and we will use those resources for the good of humanity you know who are actually future members of the god family themselves in time and of course we'll want to see them succeed above all else won't we not you know there will be some correction obviously in some direction but our primary motive will be to see them succeed and we'll work to that in with a high level of satisfaction and job fulfillment let's turn to ezekiel chapter 36 ezekiel 36 and verse 33 verse 33 ezekiel 36 33 thus says the lord god on the day that i cleanse you from all your iniquities i will also enable you to dwell in the cities and their ruins shall be rebuilt the desolate land shall be tilled you know that agriculturally instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass by verse 35 so they will say this land that was desolate has become like the garden of eden and the waste desolate and ruined cities are now fortified and inhabited i think that's a you know something that would be so heartwarming to see the planet recycled can i say or cleansed and redesigned among the cities as well i think one other very significant way right from the start that we can gain humanity's trust and that must be accomplished and build their confidence in us is through healing incredible we'll have that opportunity through healing isaiah 35 isaiah 35 and verse 5. verse 5. it says then the eyes of the blind shall be opened now you think about think about how that would be or an individual that was blind since birth we have such an individual in one of the congregation the eyes of the blind shall be opened can you imagine the effect of healing a blind human being that's been in darkness since their birth do you think you would earn their respect you would gain their respect absolutely incredible godly emotion would come to that person but also you as well verse 6 then the lame shall leap like a deer you know there have been so many individuals who have been injured over the years have been paraplegics maybe from the neck down quadriplegics i should say as well paralyzed from the neck down do you think they would leap like a deer if you released them from their wheelchair you bet they would you know and that would excite you as well not just them but that would excite you as well it goes on to say in the tongue of the dumb will sing meaning one who has lost all fluency but if one was restored miraculously talk about verbal fluency a torrent of words of appreciation would come you know and we're talking about the sense of fulfillment as a member of the god family your future career the fulfillment that you've never had fully in this life even of the best of positions or jobs or whatever jeremiah 30 jeremiah 30 and verse 17 30 17. and it says here god says for i will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds says the eternal the ever-living one you know what a blessing to quickly heal those who are sick or diseased as well as the many many injured from warfare earthquakes disasters of all sorts in the past several years the living church of god has been blessed with many many miraculous dramatic healings you know and it's not often known and i think god has a reason that it's not often known healings of cancer extensive cancer the floor of the mouth it happens to be quite deadly because of the innervation the blood supply cervical cancer breast cancer serious life-threatening infections and on and on birth defects of course have unborn and yet god seems to be keeping his healing low-key so often it seems word doesn't get around and i've wondered about that at times but apparently for the moment he doesn't want people primarily attracted to the living church of god for the sake of healings and miracles he's got another purpose he wants people attracted to biblical principles and i'm speaking with people attracted i mean of the church of god in general of other entities and organizations he wants people attracted to godly priorities not just the signs and miracles and healings we all love miracles don't we but god wants people attracted to his work to his truth the priorities of the great god developing godly character and god has allowed us to sift and sort ourselves based on our priorities sometimes there there are some priorities of higher value to god than other priorities aren't there even among priorities that are godly priorities god has allowed us to sort ourselves we're being tested god has to know when he tested ancient israel he said so i will know what's in their heart and what's in their mind and we continue to be tested well at the beginning of the millennium we will openly heal and it will then be time to get the attention of humanity now it's time and as we heal we'll also use the opportunity to point them to jesus christ himself he's not only the creator of the entire universe but he is the savior of humanity and by his stripes we are healed by his stripes they will be healed first peter 2 24. and as we gain the confidence of humanity we'll begin our greatest challenge the re-education of humanity changing minds steeped in satan's way of life out of the society and gradually but surely over time convincing them of the value of god's way of life we don't want to just order them and drive them we want to convince them to be logical in teaching and training so they will buy so to speak in other words and understand what god is offering and they'll want what we want them to want not be forced that that's not a good motivator in the long term and yes there will be a rod of iron initially to keep people from violence that has to be stopped of course and from the violation of the letter of the law and it will be a needed tool initially to get their attention but the real fulfillment and the real joy on our part will be in helping them to understand the spiritual law of god know the blessings for obedience cause and effect what comes when you truly follow the great god the let the spirit of the law not just knowing the truth but living the truth at a much higher plane there are laws of cause and effect the path to a better life the blueprint of human happiness and none of us have totally experienced that but to a degree to the degree we obey god we overcome ourself we're willing to change no matter what our age we have things to change we become more christ-like can you imagine the satisfaction of having human beings who are attentive and really want to listen you know i mean sometimes we in the ministry have the privilege of working with people who are like sponges they're not argumentative they're open they want to learn incredible fulfilling and of course eventually in the millennium it'll take a little bit of time we'll get there you know there'll be sponges why because they want to succeed they they've they've bought the concept makes sense they want a better life they want a better future and they're on board micah chapter 4 micah chapter 4 and verse 2. so so the time will occur it's not going to happen overnight but we'll begin teaching god's way it'll be it'll start making sense and never has through them in the past but will convince them of the blessings to themselves personally and their family and all of humanity in due time micah 4 verse 2 and it says many nations shall come and say in time come and let us go up to the mountain of the lord meaning you know the nation of israel kingdom of god jerusalem etc to the house of the god of jacob and he will teach us his ways and we will walk in his paths for out of zion the law shall go forth and the word of the lord from jerusalem headquarters of the planet the king of kings is ruling in jerusalem you know time will occur it won't happen right away we know other scriptures say that if initially if certain peoples won't representatively come to jerusalem to keep what we're doing now the feast of tabernacles no rain now see how that works and they will slowly begin to think well maybe maybe this religion that we've followed all these years is not the way you know the great controller of the weather can control that totally in time they'll begin to see and of course jesus christ himself then is teaching in jerusalem and we also will be constantly teaching at a much higher level than we're capable of now you know you will be speaking often sabbath services holy days feasts feasts of tabernacles maybe re-education seminars you know you'll be personally involved seminars such as perhaps how to dramatically improve your life beginning today or the 10 commandments ten steps to blessings for obedience or the creator's financial security plan or possibly why were you born your future in the universe there's so much to learn so much to teach i imagine some of you are thinking well public speaking has never really been my thing well join the crowd you know that's generally nobody's thing initially a lot of our men can remember spokesman club did you really want to be a part of spokesman club i'd have to admit i didn't so why did i join spokesman because the pastor told me it would be good for me you know you know the public speaking part it's universal i think you know it's not comfortable not something you've done before you knows public speaking nervous before a group i can remember my first experience in spokesman club i could feel the pulse in my neck my carotid artery okay and i was a little bit breathless you could feel your heart beating a little bit hard to breathe but after a while if you do it anything long enough often enough you get used to it kind of like learning to bowl you don't know how to bowl to start with but you start doing it that's the way you learn of course you know it'll be different in the family of god as a powerful spirit being you know we have things held over from our past i think of it as baggage but don't forget in the millennium powerful sons of god our basic character our knowledge will follow us into the kingdom knowledge that we're learning now and there will be more that will come and from that point forward our potential will be as far as learning and abilities will be light years ahead of our potential today you know being a full-born spirit being will accelerate dramatically our potential to function and to perform in so many ways perform in a right way would you be a more effective speaker if you had a powerful mind you know we've got unique minds and brains but we're talking about now as a son of god a powerful mind with total recall total recall you don't have to stop and think and wonder now what's that person's name or trying to remember an example or a bit of history or a bible verse or whatever total recall there's evidence plenty of evidence that will be the case in the family of god and i get i could elaborate but i won't take the time but you know we will be so much more effective tools in the family of god than we could ever be today and add to that total recall will be a dramatic increase in knowledge knowledge flows from the creator and wisdom what's wisdom the ability to apply the laws of god that the bible hasn't spoken of we're applying principles broad principles to very specific things we don't have encyclopedias of do's and don'ts that's wisdom how to apply the spiritual laws of god to every situation in life and along comes understanding you can have knowledge without understanding maybe teaching a child might be an example but understanding or it makes sense it's kind of like i get it i understand why that's important i didn't used to but i do now i see cause and effect and of course that brings motivation when you have understanding it makes sense you become more motivated because you want what is good for you in the end you generally human beings just don't know what is good for them well you'll look forward to i'm sure update seminars from the king of kings himself you know we've got a lot more to acquire knowledge wise etc and i assume in jerusalem would be the place you know jerusalem becoming the headquarters of the government of god at least on earth and to get to jerusalem you know you won't be searching on the internet cheapflights.com how do i get to jerusalem you'll be at a different plane you'll be at a different let's say opportunity i checked while back cheap the cheapest flights i could find from sacramento to jerusalem sixteen hundred twenty two dollars how long does it take 22 hours 24 hours and seven minutes to get there how long does it take to return home 33 hours and 58 minutes to return home now travel to jerusalem and the kingdom of god will be absolutely first class i would say it's spirit velocity travel wherever that is i'm sure you remember the example the resurrected jesus christ appearing i believe at the tomb and he said don't touch me touch me not i haven't ascended to the father yet and in less than 24 hours he was back and he allowed disciples to touch him like thomas for example and that was all the way to the throne of god you know uh to heaven itself to headquarters of the universe and back faster than the speed of light um you know you know the speed of light wouldn't wouldn't even come close to getting the job done 100 excuse me 186 000 miles per second 12 000 miles to jerusalem how long would that take from relatively from here about 1 15 of a second at the speed of light well that may be slow moving when it comes to spirit travel so going to jerusalem for for example a morning meeting with the king of kings and back home for a luncheon with some of the local human leadership let's say it'd be entirely comfortable and entirely doable no problem you can begin to see how much more effective that will be able to be not wasting so much time so much time traveling or i'll say this sleeping you know i tend to like to sleep when i'm tired but when you're not tired why would you want to sleep when you're not tired sleep is escapism you got so much to do in the family of god sleep is the thing of the past no need for rejuvenation you are continually rejuvenated energy excitement projects to accomplish you know we could go on and on about describing what it what it will be like but suffice it to say that it will become an extremely rewarding and absorbing job there'll be fulfillment incredible you'll oversee the development of your area you'll become emotionally godly emotion emotionally attached spiritually attached to people that you're working with and a sense of right kind of pride in what is being accomplished you'll get that sense of satisfaction and you will oversee your own descendants that is if you have descendants that are already a part of the god family perhaps surviving children grandchildren maybe your extended unconverted family and even if you've never had children of your own you likely will still have the opportunity to work with extended family that are still surviving and to oversee their development and additionally since your work will closely follow thousands of people and their descendants they will become like your own children you know not technically spiritually but like your own children because you've been working with them and teaching them even at times one on one and you and they will look to you as the local leader member of the god family that they identify with and they will look to jesus christ as their savior and creator and king of kings but they will also closely identify with you personally they know you they interact with you after all you are that personal representative christ gave examples over a city or cities or a region or a nation and they will closely identify with you for all people micah chapter 4 verse 5 for all people will walk each in the name of his god that is junior member of the god family of the elohim family that's us firstborn but we that is the firstborn children of god will walk in the name of the eternal our god elohim forever and ever we will of course walk and follow god the father and jesus christ forever and ever as the leadership of the god family the firstborn in all of this as we can imagine you will gain a sense of satisfaction fulfillment and joy and you will have seen some of the happiest most stable families that have ever existed will come to the forefront in the millennium i think more stable and more fulfilled than any families we've had and marriage is even stronger in a few generations than marriages we've had we've been contaminated by society and our background and we're going to change that pattern we're going to break that chain and these beings these humans will develop under your guidance and you will be their loving teacher and godly ruler and also your own development your own growth will continue we've got a lot to know a lot to understand there will be so much to learn constant communication with headquarters in jerusalem will be necessary we know and you will occasionally i'm sure personally speak with the king of kings himself jesus christ you know what an experience to actually interface as moses did in this case face to face with the creator and jerusalem the headquarters of the government of god on earth will dazzle you in time and everyone else for that matter but you also have to the opportunity of course to see to visit the rest of the earth it has made a pristine environment restored fully totally cleaned up this plant is going to be the crown jewel at that time of god's physical creation at that time and the bottom line is that you're going to enjoy a thousand years of the most thrilling rewarding career that you could ever imagine and as the years go by you'll have the excitement the satisfaction of seeing thousands or collectively millions or and billions of other human beings including your own descendants or extended families descendants entering the god family in due time and being placed under your loving leadership firstborn family of god are offered a tremendous blessing the few of being part of the leadership of the family of god we know we are the only ones in the first resurrection of christ's return the only potential ones in the family of god who have been fully trained and tested and tried in satan's world all the rest of the family of god in the millennium and the second resurrection by and large except a little bit at the end of the millennium of course satan's god society's changed most everyone is going in the way supportive of god's way of life you will be of the top echelons of the government of god and we know the millennium is only the beginning of the great plan of god as he spreads his family in due time through the galaxies that's romans 8 verses 14 through 22. i won't take the time to read that that's another story maybe for another day so it's fair that so many even in the church have had less than ideal lives and jobs and experiences we may endure 60 or 70 or 80 in our lifespan years of life struggling often stressed limitations mediocre income poor health declining health little recognition at least seemingly unfulfilling jobs in many trials and tribulation many tests well we know that is all preparation for the family of god so we know that in the remaining then few years before christ's return we need to focus on the kingdom of job and not be weary and well doing woe is me because my current set of circumstances just a few years into the millennium as firstborn members of the family of god there will be no doubt in your mind you have one exciting fulfilling career that will never end and at that point in time you will be extremely glad that for a few years of training in this age you experience being tested as god says so i will know what's in his heart or her heart and mine and your brief life in hindsight looking back then will seem like a passing vapor as we look forward to a thousand years and beyond and eternity you know that passing vapor in hindsight it will seem so brief i think most of us will think why didn't i take advantage of the knowledge of training why didn't i put more effort into it well we know your reward as we succeed your future career is on the horizon that's what we're thinking about here at the feast of tabernacles let's not get distracted let's not get disappointed with this life we understand the big picture this life is only training for real life yet to come we know that we understand that it's career preparation we haven't graduated yet we haven't moved on to our real career yet and of course brethren that's only the beginning that's not the end that's only the beginning of the plan of god let's be faithful let's follow through let's finish our training [Music] you
Channel: Living Church of God
Views: 1,724
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Id: W8ZrnDgkN9Y
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Length: 76min 2sec (4562 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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