Conditions to Enter the Place of Safety

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you your brother is a joy to be here with you and now a question for all of you what does the near future has in store for us probably in the very near future we don't fully know exactly when we're approaching that time one of the keys I used sometimes to know how we close are we so close were to the end is the vision of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar how God showed us a perspective of history for the time of this powerful King and the Empire of Babylon until our days and then the establishment of the kingdom of God we know that Babylon the head of gold is gone we know that the Mellow persian empire the chest and arms of silver is gone we know that the greco-macedonian empire with the belly and the thighs of brass is gone and then comes the long legs of iron of the roman empire the only one has been restored of all those empires and it has been restored six times I hope you have this in mind and have studied the Bible called the amazing understanding of prophecy that God gave to us through mr. Herbert Armstrong things that had never been understood even during the second war he understood that they were still you understood the restorations of the Roman Empire who knew being fully explained he knew there was one yet to come and before the war finish he predicted Germany will come back to the sin here we have Germany handling Europe in a mazing way without shooting one single bullet they obtain what they couldn't obtain in two world wars but we know that Empire has been restored seven times there is only one restoration to go a win almost is I just came back from Europe things are almost ready to go and I remember there are people that say where are the ten nations that mr. rumsen thought about represented by those 10 toes you know they forget one thing that the feet are also a mixture or iron and clay not only the toes the feet and now we have 27 nations in Europe that part of the European Union we know in the end there will be only 10 leaders brethren what are the level of the feet now all the rest of the statue is gone and when you go to Europe and you read the news you know the iron is Germany holding fast this structure but is economic power and you know that Portugal is the clay and Spain is the clay and Italy they claim and even France and then the Eastern powers Hungary and Poland and Czechoslovakia they are all sustained by the iron we are at the level of the feet the only thing that needs to happen is those ten toes to come out so nothing contradicts the understanding we were given on the opposite it confirms your rideth prophecy you see they feed our iron and clay that's what we're right now on the brink of seeing the ten toes come out and they will last and amazingly now how God wisdom is that's the shortest part of the world body compare the the length of a toe with the length of the six restoration of Rome that are they the leg is the shortest part that will last probably well it'll be more than three and a half years and it's right there for us and it can come out at any time there what they call the Berlin Club in Europe they have decreed that if they need to reach an urgent agreement and the 27th are not in agreement 1/3 can decide for everybody and they have to follow it last color called the Berlin Club and guess how many are the members of the Berlin Club 10 members and they can impose their will on the rest whenever they decide the matter is urgent enough or there to report their will president we are on the brink of seeing this thing happen and almost everything is ready for the Beast to come up so I ask you the question again what does the near future has in store for us personally what we have in the near future brethren is two persecutions against the Church of God is going to affect every one of us is predicted by God with tremendous detail how long it will be and what's going to unleash that persecution we have heard summarized about watching and being alert and dr. Murray has often touched on this subject the persecution so God allows us to be aware of our near future so that he in his mercy what we heard in the sermonette is telling us don't let this world swallow you up with this multitude of distractions which had never existed in human history and a lot of them I inspired by the devil we're going to see what are the conditions to escape the great revelation and go through the first persecution there are two of them let's go into chapter 12 of Revelation you are going to see them brethren Chapter 12 they are clearly more worked here for us chapter 12 of the book of Revelation and verse 7 he says and war broke out in heaven this has happened before before Adams creation you can see that war mentioned in Isaiah 14 about how Lucifer was cast down to the earth Christ said in chapter 10 of the Book of Luke in verse 17 he says then the seventy returned with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name and he said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven rather the very day the pope benedict xvi by the name Ratzinger resigned there was an amazing thing alighting were seen fall upon the very top of the cathedral in the st. peter square is not saying son Peter but it's called that way you know I hesitate to sell his st. Peter we could call it probably by other name Jupiter's Jupiter's square or something later anyway my dear brother he was amazing most people in there were many people who were so that lightning coming right on top of the Basilica it was very amazing I said maybe God is telling us this is going to happen soon my friends watch out because he resign it was never very unusual thing to happen for a pope to resign well now let's go back then to chapter 12 of the book of Revelation and see to start with that it is clear in our minds there are two persecutions coming up soon upon the Church of God and they have to do with a very end time maybe they were right before the tenth Oh come up or poorly at the same time we don't know exactly what is very close and we're very close to it like we are at the feet level now we only that toes need to come out at the same time God gives us a warning we know what's coming up for the world we need to know what's coming up for us and is clearly explained so nobody has an excuse not to be ready in Chapter 12 again of the book of Revelation in verse 7 he says and war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought this is going to be an amazing theme brethren we cannot see that yet because we're still the in the flesh this will happen in the dimension of the spirit beings which is outside our reach at least for those that God will not given a special vision but we will know when this battle has happened I tell you why and it's very easy to know and war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer so the Great Dragon was cast out the serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him he probably is going to go at the time of the end approaches I'm really between lines here brethren the speculation but just to have a picture we will know what his mindset is to take the throne of God he prolly at the time Christ is about to return in the last days of human history from Adam until our days are coming to an end he will try once more to be God and to overcome to have a coup d'etat against the throne of God it's probably what he is trying to keep Christ from returning so he can't keep his throne upon the earth because he has it through God says so there is the throne of Satan down here and I think you might suspect where it is then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ has come you see is that the very end right before Christ comes down he launches this attack well he is frustrating his intent that he comes down he's going to try to eliminate us those that are going to replace him on the Thrones that will rule the world that's what his guy trying to do and God is going to allow it and that will be the last filter God used to know who is worthy to escape the Great Tribulation that comes after that first persecution will be tested I've been through several tests my friend and only those auditor until the end will make it when I pray God I'm not too sure of myself but I do pray and I'm sure his mercy by you was explained to us in the sermonette that if we humble ourselves before him he will help us and give you the strength to endure on till the end then I heard a loud voice okay he said the kingdom has come that time has come now let's look at verse twelve twelve twelve a relation therefore rejoice of heavens and you who dwell in them won't to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a short time you know we might know how much time he has I would say to you as a speculation but he says immediately after in verse 13 now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child that's how we will know when the battle has happened because the first thing that will happen down here he comes down with great wrath and the first objective for him is to persecute the woman now I say what woman either to say the woman that disobey the commandment of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God to the whole earth as a commandment we have clearly stated in Matthew 28 clearly stating in mark 16 clearly stated in Luke 24 and in Acts chapter 1 in solo world place and in the living Church of God is called the first Commission so he will come down to those high in the fire line on the world today he happened to be Australian and the statistics prove that is nobody else doing what the living Church of God is doing in the measure were doing it we not deny some others of our brethren might doing some work but that's the first Commission for this church and he will come certainly upon us and we're going to see one of the conditions to escape is to be involved in the work of God we will sit in a moment now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman mr. arson in 1979 when the government of California invaded the campus in Pasadena and he saw the state coming after the church he thought the bar only heaven had already happened he mentioned that possibility but as the turn of events happened and the persecution did not continue and the church thrive and flourish then after that we reach over 8 million copies of the plain truth magazine in seven languages so even it was all the opposite the church continued to thrive after that so mr. Hansen knew that had not happened yet but we will know when the persecution come now you can ask brethren we can ask how in the world is that they were going to persecute us remember he is restrained he is a murderer from the beginning well he needs human instruments to perform his purposes his wicked purposes of killing people and killing especially those are going to replace him first of all he wants to exterminate all humanity because he's jealous of us but first thing he's going to do is to come after those that are going to replace him where he could not take the throne of God so he's coming down here with great wrath and he persecutes the woman so this is the first persecution and let's look how if we jump to verse 10 and we know that the serpent in in verse 15 so the Serpent's pute water out over his mouth like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood but the earth helped the woman and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon has spewed out of his mouth we know this is an army a flood in the Bible we're not going to every explanation here you can look for it in other translation he says a river in God called the armies of Assyria and the armies of Babylon because they had the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers the he said to Jerusalem through the Apostle through Isaiah that those rivers those armies will come upon Jerusalem a day did calm first in the days of Hezekiah and go deliver them but later on in the day so Nebuchadnezzar and they will not deliver from those waters so here we have an error an army will come after us and the dragon was enraged so the the churches protected like Israel coming out of Egypt Pharaoh launched his armies and the sea open up and swallow them and you know even in the song of Moses in chapter 15 of Exodus knowing that it was the sea is interesting that it mentions the earth let's look at chapter 50 for a moment and you see the parallels are amazing we are the Israel of God and the devil will come up to us like Pharaoh came with armies like a river against the children of Israel as they were exiting coming out of Egypt and let me see if I find that scripture here and chapter 15 is very interesting the song of Moses which we are going to sing before the throne of God during the marriage of the Lamb we're going to sing the song of Moses because some of these things will happen again and we will be delivered in the fulfillment of the spiritual aspect of what was physically represented here will come to pass so in Chapter 15 of the book of Exodus it says in verse 10 he says you blew with your wind they seek cover them they sack light LED in the mighty waters who is like you a Lord among the gods who is like you glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders you stretch out your right hand the earth swallowed them map exactly what's going to happen of course it will the sea but the sea is on the earth and God used a seat to swallow the armies of Pharaoh is exactly a miracle God's going to do when the church that God is going to protect but is going to be persecuted before the church reaches the place of safety the church will be persecuted we go to that in a moment so what happens after the church is protected and enters the place of safety which will be times in time a half a time three and a half years will last the protection let's keep all these things in mind because it's written here but what I want first to put in your spirit is that first comes a persecution and then the church flees but is under persecution and supernatural is protected the earth swallows the army that comes after her exactly like coming out of Egypt and then the devil turns around and look for the rest so there are two persecutions coming up and there are not two distant one from the other actually we might have exact number of days which I will mention to you he based on what mr. rains have taught and and mr. Armstrong explained to all about these days that are mentioned in Daniel chapter 12 so you see the earth verse 60 help the woman and the earth opened his mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon had spewed out of his mouth exactly like he did in Egypt and the dragon was enraged with the woman he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so there are two persecutions coming up one first then comes the other one thus in the near future for us brethren we don't know will be escape that first one in going to a place of safety that would be up to God to decide if we fulfill the conditions and that's we're going to study today as we have this panel a panoramic view so let me see if here it is says he says how long will the protection last on that place of safety let me see I think chapter 12 verse 14 but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place okay what does that mean we let the Bible interpret itself so God gives an indication what that means the the two wings of the great eagle again we have Israel coming out of Egypt we have now at the very end the Israel of God coming out of the world and being protected supernaturally by God what did God do with the Israelites in Egypt when they came out of Egypt let's look at Exodus chapter 19 and verse for excellence 19 and verse 4 we have something that will help us understand what though but all those we mean of the ego nineteen verse for God says to Moses you have seen what I did to the Egyptians how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself oh they were not flying they went on foot brethren so that might give us an idea because Christ said pray that your flight will not take place on the Sabbath nor in the winter time that's in Matthew 24 so according to the Bible it means a special protection as we flee not exactly we'll be flying there now I'm not going to be dogmatic that's not going to happen it might happen to some people that cannot walk or I don't know God will know how to kill his own very much so let's continue in Chapter 12 or revelation and see what comes up here verse 14 revelation 12:14 but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness so remember that we're not going to appear suddenly in the place of safety the Bible says when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman that's a persecution and we I'm going to speculate a little bit you will forgive me but we might know exactly how many days that's going to last I tell you that in a moment and so he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child so we will go under persecution even if we are supernaturally protected and guided towards the place of safety but there will be a persecution I think God will use that to test us like has happened with the disruption we have known in the church the apostasy of the 90s and then in global the disruption of the 98 and now is coming another one is probably this one the next one I don't know boy it could be and he says again she was given the a the two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness so people believe and he's been preached in other of our brethren groups that are in other places which are still our brethren that God will protect us wherever we are you know oh no this thing of the place of safety that's a myth God is telling her that is telling us here very clearly the woman was given the two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place Israeli nation Israel came out of Egypt and the wings of the Eagle were there as a protection and she came to Mount Sinai that's what God told Moses I brought you to me so it was a wall trip that they have to make on foot to re arrive into the wilderness to specific place people that fee will be protected wherever we are they are contradicting God's Word and they are running the high risk of staying behind and being the ones that the devil is going to persecute what he cannot go after those that are going to be protected so that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time three and a half years of protection and nourishment not only physical or spiritual as we see in a moment from the presence of the serpent so that's the end of the first persecution here comes the second one so the serpent and then three a half year start of protection or right there so let's keep this clear in our heads now comes the second persecution so the serpent spewed water excuse me I will read that I don't need to read it again verse 17 and the dragon was enraged with the woman he went to make war with the rest of her offspring our brethren you know in other groups of the Church of God who keep the commandments and let's not take for granted that we all who are here are going to be protected only if we fulfill the conditions and we'll study them who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so they will turn around how long will this persecution last we have here a clear indication a clear nod indication a clear statement that the protection lasts times and time we have a time the church is nourished in the desert for three and a half years as she escaped from the Dragons reach so the Dragons turns around and go through the rest how long does that last is not here verses in Daniel chapter 7 let's look at it were this he mentioned the prophecy or what's going to happen in the end time to the Church of God to the Saints were the Saints those that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ when you read and the faith of Jesus that's defined in revelation 14 verse 12 that's the definition of a saint those that keep the commandments of God in half the faith of Jesus Christ so in Daniel 7 we're going to see how long the persecution lasts so we have this things clear in our heads chapter 7 here he is describing in verse 25 the little horn you know that will persecute the church he shall speak pompous words against the Most High shall persecute the Saints of the Most High but he we're in Revelation 12 he goes after the rest of the offspring those that keep the commandments what does the Bible says those that keep the commandments Revelation 14 verse 12 are the Saints so we're going strictly by the word of God and he says he shall speak pompous words against the Most High shall persecute they Saints of the Most High because they keep the commandments of God how they will know where the Saints we are not going to worship the image war spiritual Jews and that's going to be a test if we are left behind and we are going to keep the Sabbath and as the mark of the beast is Sunday people will be forced to work on the Sabbath break the Sabbath and keep Sunday very easy for the devil to find out and for his instruments who are the Saints that he was to eliminate like with Nebuchadnezzar there were three Jews that said we will worship that image because we are spiritual Jews who's the spiritual Jew with one who has the laws of God written in his heart and in his mind they cannot be deceived they will know and then what will happen they will be persecuted because were spiritual Jews like this reference of Daniel were spiritual Jews were the only ones and all the peoples and nations and tongs fell on the ground and worship the image they have their own idols what's the problem to worship one more statue no problem you know the you know the world the Catholic world I won't be no problem to worship one more image they already worship it and that statue is of Jupiter by the way the ones that is there in the Basilica of Saint Peter maybe you make very many of you have gone by it has ISM Imbros is made of brass and the toes are completely almost disappear because everybody has a tradition is a tradition that you have to touch the toes of that image so anyway we're going to see things happen I cannot tell all the details but speculate a little bit but based on strong ground as we're seeing here so how long that persecution lasts here he says he shall in he shall persecute the Saints of the Most High he shall intend to change times and law that means you have to break the Sabbath because the day of rest is sunday times and festivals and law you will worship an image so there is the changes you go there churches full of images sure enough the Sabbath and the obligation to worship to worship an image and to keep Sunday instead of the Sabbath that's the mark of the beast I cannot go into all those details I suppose brethren you have studied those things we need to know them the church has greatly helped us with the publication's the Bible calls the beasts booklet we have all that information we better be on top of these things then the Saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time I mean the persecution will last exactly the same length of time that the protection and I will God would be preparing his people you wanna count the water to escape he will give us the last chance to go through a Great Tribulation and if he founds people worthy to escape we'll go to place of safety and would be prepared there for the way we'll be preparing day by day for the return of Jesus Christ now let's look at little bit at Daniel chapter 12 and look at this number of days that are presented here to us Daniel chapter 12 and he presents here those three figures three and a half years and in chapter 12 verse seven he says and I heard the man clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven and swore by him who lives forever that this shall be four time times and half a time and when the power of the holy people has being completely shattered I mean when those three and a half years of persecution with your so in Daniel they will be delivered into the hands of the Beast four times in time half the time here we the confirmation and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered all these things shall be finished so that will be the end and the return of Jesus Christ so were started to understand this more and more he says here though I heard I did not understand then I said my lord what shall be the end of these things and he said go your way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end and through mr. Herbert Armstrong and the work of the Church of God Worldwide Church of God in the time of the end we started to understand things that have never been understood many shall be purified made white and we find here is those that will be into those three and a half years non protection with your so but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand and from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away that means it will start sometime maybe soon we don't know what will is going to happen from the time the daily sacrifice is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up there were there shall be 1290 days to what to the return of Christ we will see we'll see confirm here in the text let's continue blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days now here comes on mathematics if we know that the protection is going to have happen during three and a half day three half years that's 1260 days of protection beyond the reach of the serpent if we know that's going to happen at the moment the church enter the place of safety starts counting three and a half years that means that the persecution that comes upon the ones that are going to be perfect protected will come before the beginning of those 1260 days you understand if we are protected for this length of time times time to a happy time and is at the end of a persecution that started before so what does that tell us very possible that the beginning of the persecution and that's what the church has taught is the 1,335 days because he says here a Daniel in Chapter 12 blessed in verse 12 is he who waits and comes to the 1,335 days what does that give us that that persecution the first that is going to come up upon those that are on the front line preaching the replacement of Satan by the throne of Christ and all that will rule with him the kingdom of God from the time that persecution starts the church has taught that the 1,335 days is the beginning of a persecution that means it would be 75 days of persecution from the beginning of that first persecution until the entrance in the place of safety and the devil will turn around then and then begin the last three and a half years of persecution for those that are not with the place of safety I hope I'm making these things clear to you because they are right here for us blessed is he who waits and comes to 1335 days why because he with passed the filter of the last filter that God will used to know who is worthy to escape you were here to save our lives or we are bald and ready to face whatever comes and if God decides to protect us let it be if not we have to be ready for anything he wants to save his life he will lose it he will lose it for the gospel and for Jesus Christ will save it it will be put to the test like never before in the recent history of the Church of God the persecution have no being of this type you will come and probably is the next test coming to us I don't know maybe others will come well as a church it could be then he says but you go your way till the end and this is going to sleep until the end what's the end the end of those three and a half years the last three half years it says for you shall rest I will arise to URI he returns at the end of the days that has probably has too many the ends of the days go to have the has decreed to be the time for his return but he sold through the end of the 1290 days from the time of the stopping of the sacrifices and the abomination of desolation then until the return of Christ is 1290 days and then from the time the devil goes into persecution for those that are not protected is 1260 days so his blessed is the one who Waits and comes to 1335 days I may he is here when the first projection starts he goes through that filter and he enters the place of safety and he will complete that figure at the sound of the seventh trumpet but Christ will return I hope I made this more or less clear for you was important to have this panoramic views are many other details that we have to think about are usually run out of time and I go to go now we could say much many more things about this or the sacrifices you know that boy I won't go into that we're going to see what conditions does god state for us as necessary conditions to pass that final test to be ready for it because we have to pass it nobody is going to be taking like this and put there God is going to test us you remember it says the crucible for the gold in the oven for the silver something like that but God will test the heart he needs to know we need to know what's in our heart and we have seen through different crises we have gone through that it comes up to the top with what people what is in people's hearts my friends and this is coming and God predicts his coming is giving us Pacific figures so we know it is coming and we be ready so the first one I want to mention they might not be in perfect order but when he finished describing the end time event which covered this last 1335 days we can make those parallels he look to anyone at the very end of that sermon of the Mount of Olives Christ gives us this warning so this you can put that the first condition to escape the Great Tribulation and be counted worthy to enter the place of safety that's what the main thing we should keep in mind today and you know the scripture very well in chapter 21 of Luke after describing all these terrible events of the end Christ says in verse 34 look 21:34 you you can put their first condition to be counted worthy to escape so we should keep this in mind it says but take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing drunkenness and the cares of these life those are the distractions of this life and brother we are flooded with that thing we are flooded with distractions I'm amazed when I fly may those flight people sit in front of those screens which is one individual one for every passenger and they have from A to Z to choose Entertainment and the main things they use to entertain themselves as I walk through the aisles I don't stop to watch those movies brethren I want to fulfill the condition to go to a place of safety we will see now he has to do a lot with entertainment and with the music we listen listen to me young man young people I got the message oh boy I left at home I got a message from a girl in the in the church who'd said to me what type of music many of the youth in the church are listening and I tell you from now we will want to see in a moment that might be disqualifying you to be counted water to escape because you are filling your bed with words of violence with this rock band likes a baton I remember that name I have never seen it but their subjects are based on war and war and bloodshed they have tremendous gifts they are I don't I don't say they don't have a talent but one of the conditions xx a place of safety is mentioned here and would be more in detail in Isaiah or filling ourselves with this world with bloodshed with violence with great art presented to our ears and people put their earphones to that music and then their eyes are intoxicated with this kind of the three things people use to entertain themselves today demon yzma bloodshed and pornography those are the three main elements of entertainment brethren in crisis and worse us here and we'll see more details in a moment he says but take heed to yourselves that your hearts be weighed down way down intoxicated filled with the filth of this world carousing drunkenness and cares of this life and is the type of drunkenness to swallow that type of stuff that they've all kind of but people like in a state of drunken spiritual drunkenness they lose spiritual discernment and cares of this life and that they in that in that they come on you unexpectedly for it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth now comes the condition here it is he scribes what might keep us from going there he's describing it here and while he says here verse 36 watch therefore I'm pray always and say be always watching stuff and watching stuff and listening listen watching stuff who is rotten with sauce celery and demonism a pornography watch those are all offenses and transgressions of god's law so celerity is a translation of the first commandment you have no other gods before me don't pollute yourself don't prostitute yourself with spirits our body is a temple that was made for the habitation of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God the Father in Jesus Christ in us through the spirit and the demons covered that thing they want to dwell in there because it's a place world where they can act they are restricted that's one of the things I wanted to mention to you how would the devil going to persecute us I mention it because I don't have time to go to all of that because the devil needs a human being that will lend itself to be his instrument the devil needed adult Hitler to kill six million Jews and to start the second war he couldn't come on himself he's restricted but when people opened the door they many are doing now with entertainment we have and the youth are easily victims of this they are may believe that like Harry Potter that there are some demos that are your friends some spirits and that happened to a church a girl in England one of these core tools that these comics that she read materialized in front of her and assure you want us to be friends you know that the great exception of the devil that some spirits are nice to the kids and they they can help them and they will protect it from the other spirits remember the kingdom of the devil is not divided that's a great a great you know he's shrewd remember when we used to see their work they film us of what Walt Disney years ago we know that the sorcerer was Evo it was obvious in the movie we saw that the dragon was evil today the vampire is from man tick is a great friend he's very remotely to have it a boyfriend who is a vampire when he used to be in trakula's movies he was horrific you will flee from it now we embrace it there are our friends and the Dragons are the friends of the kids I've seen that that's the great how you say deception of the devil he makes the youth believe and even the Church of God there are certain spirit are friendly to us my friends be aware that's one of the greatest deceptions that you can think about so watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape how watching rain that takes fasting they takes prayer that takes Bible study that takes meditation it takes time and put them to work you know our daily lives and allow the Prince of the power of the earth to flood our lives like a flood with his stuff and many of our youth are involved with that and I know for a fact my friend lot of that music a lot of those movies a lot of that entertainment now is more and more demonic more and more if they entertained with that even the Church of God he has already happened that comic that materialized before this girl and ask her you want us to be friends eventually go into her and possess her and the other boy was watching The Exorcist and other movies like that and eventually he was possessed too he might still be I tell you this here we don't need to hide the see because they happen in the Church of God and the man who killed our brethren in Wisconsin you can be sure he was possessed by the devil by who knows how many demons and push them so the devil needs an instrument when the Pope probably will bring or whoever brings fire down from heaven that's what is going to convince the world that that's the work of God that's probably at the moment that the 1,335 days start because because of the miracle he received the people they have to worship an image and order the worship that image will be persecuted and put to death would be a time between the decree to worship the image and the enforcement it will be a little time probably 75 days I'm speculating a little bit but it has to be first decreed and then enforced and we will barely escape were come to the water to escape watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape watch and pray that takes work hard work and going against the stream today were to be fighters and overcomers watch therefore and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things and we'll come to paths that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man that means you will be worth it too when those 1335 days start and that first projection start then you will be counted worthy because you are walking with God you won't become a coward you will be bold and I wouldn't want to save your own life will be faithful to God and in spite of the persecution be faithful and enter a place of safety and stand before the Son of Man I mean would be alive probably after 1335 days this can match it could match Daniel 12 verse 12 now as the first condition as low let's look into other conditions to enter a place of safety that's a lot of work to start with the other one is Revelation chapter 3 Revelation chapter 3 and it says here in verse 10 because you have kept my command to persevere revelation speaking of Philadelphia what does God say first you know we have to endure until the end we know that keeping the Ten Commandments that's what God said to the young man if you want to enter life keep the commandments you will enter life if you endure until the end we can't complete with other statements of Jesus Christ so we have to keep those commanders at the very end but we have to endure in other commandments and I will go too into that for a moment right now because you have kept my command to persevere I will also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth before I come quickly hold fast what you have that no one may take your crown were not faithful until the end God needs a certain number of crowds he near 12 crowns to rule Israel when Judah fell God took someone else Matthias he to the crown in the throne of Judah and so on we'll take our crown our throne if we don't endure until the end we know that go says if you are overcoming I will not erase your name from the book of life that's another story we might do some of these days I will come quickly hold fast when you have that no one tell your crown but before that God says in verse eight I know your works see I have set before you an open door and no one can share it for you have a little strength or have kept my word and have not denied my name I thank I don't want to compliment anyone but I thank God for dr. Meredith you see wonderful example for all someone who has never deviated from the truth who has held fast what was given to us it has continued to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God in perseverance I thank God for that I know it's all the glory goes to God but he has an instrument were here because of that and he's a wonderful privilege to be part of this work so why is so important I don't want to explain you go to Colossians 4 and first Corinthians 16 an open door means an opportunity God gives us to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God so God said in Acts chapter 1 he said in Acts chapter 1 God said to his disciples he said acceptor 1 he says verse eight acts 1:8 but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth that's a command to preach a witness of the gospel of the kingdom of God and this church thank God is fulfilling that prophecy and he has persevere in preaching that gospel when the global Church of God started in 1993 the right 7 years the gospel of the kingdom of God was not being preached anymore and he started again with the global Church of God he became the first Commission when the disruption in global took place in 1998 one of the main points of the rebels were that they did not want so much money to be allocated to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God as a witness to the world they wanted a lot of that money to be destined to other ends but dr. Murray insisted that the first Commission and we will continue to do so so we are seeing now what perseverance in fulfillment at a command on who Jesus Christ go and make disciples to all the nations or doing it go preach the gospel and make disciples and to all nations and I be with you until the end of the era he's with us who are doing that work with great zeal and no one can show figures that they are doing more than we are doing not because we're talking of competition is just a reality and is a word that had to be fulfilled because it's written here cried God inspire these words you were fulfilling them because of his mercy not because we're better than anyone else but someone had to do it and we're given the privilege of being part of that work so that is one condition it says because you have kept my command to persevere and we have this church has persevere in preaching I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth you know the word witness that Christ said you will be my witness in Greek the word is mortar you know what is a mortar ease and Martin zuma who dies for a cause but god is given us an amazing opportunities there are two ways to be a martyr either you use these open doors and we are smarter as witnesses give a witness to the world and we take advantage of the fact that he is opening these doors to us then we are martyrs but we know what to we don't need to share our blood because God says if your martyrs in this way I will keep you from the hour of temptation but guess what there are other people they are going to win the kingdom of God they are going to be beheaded because of these they are martyrs literally they will shed their blood they have to fulfill the commission of being witnesses one way or the other let's look at Revelation chapter 20 and we see and actually that's predicted in Revelation chapter 6 at the beginning of the fifth seal but after the fourth horse but I don't go into all of these details because we don't have much time here in chapter 20 verse 4 let's look at something very interesting he's describing people that have shed their blood because of the witness because they did not worship the image because they thought they did not break the Sabbath that means there were people that were not counted worthy to escape probably because they were not involved all gods wanted us to be involved in preaching this gospel of the kingdom of go through the open door and be martyrs in that way so if you don't do it that way we'll have to do it the other way and here seems to be a proof of that chapter 20 verse 4 and I saw through and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them remember were being judged now by the ten commandments like James explains were judged by the law of Liberty and I saw the souls you see he sees Thrones and among those he says and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness there you go why would they behead it probably because they were not involved in the other way because being witness which were doing today as our first Commission he says those that had been beheaded for the witness to Jesus and to the Word of God who had not worshiped the beast so these are the ones that they will turn around after what part is protected because they were involved in this work of witnessing to the world then turn around after those that are not busy obeying the command to persevere preaching the gospel of the kingdom until the end and it says here the souls and I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark that means they had not break broken this the Sabbath which is the sign of God in his people on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years those in crisis of loud Isaiah if you overcome you will sit in my throne like I ever overcame and sat in the throne with my father so it seems that some of our brethren are not busy and have zeal doing this work of witness we have to do it some other way that's what it says there they were beheaded because they did not worship the image of the Beast that means they were exposed to the three-and-a-half years of Great Tribulation that's the second condition then the go to a place of safety to be involved in the work of God or preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God let's look Isaiah 33 and there are other conditions there I will see that concern a lot all of us and our youth because I see them plugged to this music and plug to this entertainment and they are disqualifying themselves that we're going to see here brethren chapter 33 of the Book of Isaiah this is an amazing warning for us and here the conditions are clearly explained chapter 33 verse 14 of the Book of Isaiah this is dawn then a series of conditions so the first one you know pray always be alert and watch Luke 21 verse 33 and 34 second condition be involved in the witnessing of the gospel of the kingdom of God to all nations here we have a series of conditions expelled clearly for us chapter 33 verse 14 of the Book of Isaiah the sinners in Zion are afraid remember by the time of the end during 42 months the Gentiles will be thread in Jerusalem the Beast is going to make its throne in Jerusalem I go I go boy to all those scriptures well you can find that in a revelation 11 he says they will be thread in the holy city for 42 months that's where the beast is going to be because this is the Antichrist and they want to prove that Christ has come and are going to be a high of 1000 years like Hitler claimed so the sinners in Zion are afraid so people in Jerusalem those are the government of the beast are afraid they see something coming fearfulness has seized the hypocrites who among all shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings we he walks righteously he who righteously what does that mean all your Commandments are righteous Ness I advise you Breville and it was announced today that the one of the telecast is going to announce the booklet the Ten Commandments dr. Murray wrote the books a book of 40 years ago I don't know how many may what a few decades ago is a wonderful inspire work that we should be reviewing because as the condition to enter the kingdom of God and we're going to see that the conditions to enter the place of safety are similar or the same conditions to enter the kingdom of God what I want to make no comparison here it's pretty amazing so he who walks righteously I mean someone who works according to the ten commandments of God and all his statutes and his decrees that means a person of integrity and speaks up rightly you know if we are walking with God you will come out win our words sooner or later that's clearly explained in Matthew chapter 12 well let's look first James chapter 3 these are conditions to God place of safety as we're going to see in a moment first 1 walk righteously and speak righteously that means of the abundance of the heart if those laws are written in the heart and while living by them he will come out in our speech and he will be obvious if someone is working with God or not in James chapter 3 it says my brethren let not many of you become teachers and that abounds on the internet many teachers and many sheep that let people because they are able to write just let it lead them astray knowing that we all receive a stricter judgment he will be assume the role of teacher and we started getting people there are many of them that always wanted to be teachers and they were never a day and they're deceiving hundreds if not thousands of brethren with their writings that's what we have to go to the book to the law and the testimony and know it and studied it diligently for we all stumble in many things that means we offend in many ways that can be translated away if anyone does not stumble in word he is a perfect man so to go the place of safety we should not be stumbling in word we should not be offended who offending with our words he says in any if anyone does not stumble in word he is a perfect man able also to bridle the wall body he has self-control which is the crowning fruit of the Spirit there are nine of them the last one self-control and is reflected the control of the tongue if we don't have that one we cannot have any of the others that's the crowning point if you can call it away of the fruits of the spirit is self-control to speak righteously to walk righteously we have to deny ourselves and obey God and may die our primary instincts day by day that means taking the cross every day and walking with Christ that's the condition to enter the place of safety brethren to walk righteously here is verse 15 of chapter 33 of Isaiah speak up rightly and listen what Jesus Christ says in Chapter 12 of the book of Matthew here it is chapter 12 a book of Matthew through God is demanding high standards of spiritual maturity to be counted worthy to escape walk righteously speak righteously in Matthew 12 look what God Christ Jesus Jesus Christ says you verse 33 either make the tree good and it's fruit good or else make the tree bad and it's fruit bad for a tree is known by its fruit so were trees who will know we're righteous or not how let's continue brood of vipers how can you been evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks that's why I say it says he who walks righteously and speak what is upright out of his mouth come what see his heart the laws of God and the obedience and the submission to those laws he says hey brother vipers how can you been evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things will be known brethren people know us but what we say and God certainly will know it more than anyone else because he knows our words before they come to our lips that Psalm 139 says and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things so only people that have a very truly converted heart will go to a place of safety well I say to you that for every idle word men may speak they will give account of it in the day of judgment for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned there you go let's go back to Isaiah 33 15 he who works righteously and speaks up rightly those two scriptures James and the words of Jesus Christ clearly explain what that means for us in a succinct way let's continue he who despises they gain of oppressions you know one see brethren that gain our presence is translated somewhere else beginning of violence you know how Hollywood makes his money movies become more and more violent this day the Terminator and there is I mean movie after movie more and more bloodshed these heroes that kill and kill and kill people and you go into people how are they entertained themselves so that's a way to apply this because we are partaking of those things were container ourselves with a lot of bloodshed I see it on the movies that people watch in those airplanes we have to be careful brethren because I think that has to be an application because there was no movies in the times of will of Isaiah but these words that we're going to see are written for our time for the protection in the last three and a half years of human history as we have known it from the beginning says he who walks righteously and speaks of rightly he who despises the gain of oppressions Manorville to watch violent movies or play almost you have to play pay in those places or in your computer you have to pay to play violent games and every one of those kids that have taken arms and going kill their friends in their schools they entertain themselves playing violent games and all of them practically are under prozac or some some of that anti-depressive system we have a real mess in this world rather than let the kingdom come what I hope we have no that is coming soon with this completely mixed up so if you entertain yourself with violence killing people those games are so lively now what to tell yourself watching movies and television series of continual bloodshed brethren we are not despising the gain of oppressions you're part of it were paying for those that produce it because they know it produces money who gesture his hands refusing bribes is the condition to be in a place of safety many ministers in the Worldwide Church of God they were afraid they didn't have enough faith and I say this plainly brother and I lived through it and I don't count it myself yet to have attained it I know I have to keep that faith and increase it to all the way to the end and stand before the Son of Man but when they saw their money was under the control of those that got the control of the church they were afraid and that money of the salary became a bribe because they were afraid to speak against what was going on and the bride's perverse the words of the wise and blinds the eyes of the wise they became blind they became their words were perverted because they gave this neutral sermons not to offend those that had the money I'm sorry to be so plain brother but that's what we went through and we'll be Sola who refused refusing bright gesture with his hands refusing bribes I know some of them have repented I don't name anyone I don't I don't want to condemn anyone in particular why I was there when this was happening brethren so they become blind and some of them don't we don't realize there is a place of safety Broly because of these who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed what's the entertainment of our youth with these earphones I see that in the in this airplanes of course I know flying with church people but many of them do because did the kids in the church in Argentina in other places tells me we are on Facebook and we know what the kids are watching what they are listening to for example this series of The Walking Dead they are very bloody see very i have never i just saw a little bit of it because someone one of these kids show me look what many other kids are watching The Walking Dead that's demonic and his blood shed there are horrible monsters the Oliver is ugly as if he were very attractive complete twist if we take part in what this world is vomiting brethren we are not going to win the place of safety he who despises the gain of a pressure he who gestures his hands refusing bribes he who stops his ear from hearing of blood shed the kids are intoxicated many of them in the world of course in some of them in the Church of God I know it because I have several witnesses I have let me know but some of our kids are listening to that band Sabaton for example they have a lot of talent but their main theme is war as the main theme is war and they are illustrated by tanks and machine guns and all of that thus bloodshed if you listen to that you are not stopping your ears from hearing of bloodshed were polluted by this world and shot his eyes from scene evil I dread when in the human history had this apply more than today shot his eye from sin evil eyes mentioned to you this before but the internet is plagued with pornography or 85% of the activities pornography if we watch pornography the person is married is an adulterer if you are not married you are a fornicator and both will be the lake of fire because they are not faithful to Jesus Christ we have to prove so if someone is able to overcome in the environment we live today that's what Christ is going to protect people because if you were come in this environment when you are flooded by the years and by the eyes with all types of sinful things wickedness has is abounding if someone is an overcomer that's what Christ is going to protect before my great tribulations is he there able to overcome in the environment we have to live today and shut their eyes from seen evil from sin pornography and shut their ears from hidden bloodshed and being entertained by this world there are other commerce they fear me there will be the place of safe well wise brethren we let this world will be will perish with it or we will have to repent and share our blood as a witness that's the clear picture that's coming for us I repeat he who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from sin evil he will dwell oh hi his place of defense refuge will be the fortress of rocks Sela Rolly Petra I repeat those are the conditions one by one he will dwell on high that's why I tell some of the youth if you listen to the music you're disqualifying yourself to be in the place of safety if you listen to the music if you watch this type of of movies or series on television the Walking Dead and is the vampires I don't know how many even wolf I mean wolf blood or something like that is plagued with the thing we have we know how to in nourish Universal with that stuff will be intoxicating polluting our spirit and even prostitue in ourselves prostituting ourselves with the thing he will do a low high his place of defense will be the fortress of rocks bread will be given him that's what we read in Revelation she will be nourished and the water will be sure his water will be sure there you have a list of conditions to escape the Great Tribulation now I give you a homework compare that I say a 33 14 through 16 compare it with some 15 who will dwell in your holy mountain who will enter the kingdom of God you are going to see the parallel so the type of character Gaudi must've in the place of safety is very high then there is one more condition that you can see also in Zephaniah by the way Zephaniah means him whom God hides in chapter 2 of Zephaniah you see gather yourselves before the decree takes place the decree to worship the Beast I will start three and a half year before the return of Christ gather yourselves together or nation not desired will be hated by your nations seek humility seek meekness maybe the Lord will hide you in the day of wrath Zephaniah the one who God hides so there's are a list of conditions and I pray brethren that we all will fulfil them and enjoy wonderful fellowship in the place of safety
Channel: Living Church of God
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Length: 79min 57sec (4797 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2015
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