FEAR OF FLYING vs Spy Ninjas! I Played Last to Break Egg Wins 24 Hour DIY YouTuber Challenge

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what is up spy ninjas we just rescued Regina here from project circle no man what are you doing over here making breakfast one egg for everybody anyway we got to get to Abu Dhabi because even though a VidCon got cancelled all the youtubers are still going there cacciatore was gonna try to hack all their YouTube channels about that guys we're driving to Abu Dhabi right what we can't drive to Abu Dhabi we're gonna drive across the ocean Oh are we taking a boat Brooke what about choo choo train what no we're taking a plane dude no what no no no no no what we are not going on an airplane those are scary we're like thousands of feet in the sky we're gonna be like over the ocean for like ten hours the chance of us going down very low Daniel you have a better chance of catching Salmonella from these eggs than crashing at a plane you know what Daniel we should do an egg drop challenge yeah just to prove that you can keep anything from breaking Daniel will show you okay guys have you can make these eggs not break from a high distance then I guess I'll be safe in a plane all right everybody oh you're eating eggs so that's great I've organized a list of items from the house here that we can use to engineer the safety of our eggs so each of us will take an egg we will personalize that by drawing a little face line and then you will build a contraption to keep it safe just like we're gonna keep Daniel safe in the airplane Hey better not break guys oh I'm not going to Abu Dhabi I get two seats we gotta make the eggs not break all right okay otherwise you're gonna take the suits you trade all right here's my Jaeger I got to protect with all of my life did you draw yours already Melvin no cuz I don't care it's just an egg you should care who knows whatever egg you dropped maybe I'll become your best friend or something you never stop being so dramatic Chad this is just one of these challenges to make sure baby boy doesn't get so scared what do you think airplane okay guys I'm gonna name my egg Sebastian Sebastian is such a nice name I don't even know why I named my dog Douglas welcome to the world Sebastian I hope you don't crack sebastian or else i'm not going on that plane to Abu Dhabi all right Sebastian we can do this we can win this contest look at me look at me we can do this all right you guys gone the eggs I'm gonna decorate it now on the floor because you know we don't really have a lot for an O close all right guys although other spine and just have took the good spots so I'm here at my own personal throne the bath everybody reveal your special new best friend that you have to protect presenting mr. eggy mr. eggy wow that's a great of them what's his problem I see so sad like jeez no he's scared of flying oh he's a Daniel action end of Daniel yeah yes he was modeled after you you could a little model Regina wow you sure are okay well I based might offer you Regina oh just kidding his name is Sebastian my egg is called spider a spider egg no I totally knew you're gonna do that spider Chad spider egg I get the same my egg is a little more abstract because you guys remember my Billy Bob abstract painting Oh whatever that thing is there and it's called an eggplant because these are pod Oh cute what about you Melvin today I don't know albumen yeah whatever he looks like this guy's brother look at that yeah they're brothers brothers all save the day oh wait you don't need to be safe you don't need ya oh come on but I'm a superhero I'm supposed to save you Oh get up you're out oh come on guys we're grown adults play with eggs we'll see who's the best at protecting our friends we're gonna build a device each to protect our eggs in one two three go take some rubber bands do nothing Chad oh we lose what is this not Sebastian Oh Douglas yes Douglas has a hole in him not where you would think actually here it's a perfect place to store an egg spine and just check it out look what I've got out here Ironman kite with the nice tail now you might be wondering where is spider egg well take a look right here you'll see some duct tape I've got a good old spider egg taped right inside there I feel like I need some more protection though not only for the egg but for Douglas if I put a little CWC hat on him I think it'll give enough cushion for the part where his egg is and there he is Douglas is ready to take a tumble and protect Sebastian the egg I wish I wasn't afraid of flying on planes I'm actually not it's just going over the ocean to a different country that's kind of scary melon what's going on over here I'm creating the ultimate crash landing bot for my egg me what are you doing here my egg is in here I'm gonna have a bunch of bubble wrap all around him and then I'm gonna with the grass hisses it's not important that it looked good it's just important that it protects the egg right what's going on here Wow I started his new occupation ah Mecca pilot whoa Wow cool if one mech isn't enough he will jump into oh no and I think you need a little extra protection in your Mac oh good think these not using all of this yeah protect the mech a MEK egg meg Daniel whoa hey what do you got there I got my egg safe and sound and Douglass's body do you think it's gonna be safe and sound in there I think so I really think it's gonna work it's right there look at all that cushion to test how good your contraption is we are gonna climb up onto the roof don't try this at home it's very dangerous to go on your roof but we are experts at safety so Daniel you and I are gonna climb up there the three of you are gonna be down here to investigate and make sure his egg is safe after the crash landing we are on top of the roof hi we are whoa Daniel careful now that I'm up here I don't know if this is gonna work whoa look at our yard from up here oh wow I can see all Las Vegas Hey ladies I am are you ready Douglas it's not the real Douglas all right Daniel this should prove to you that your egg will be safe and you'll be safe flying to Abu Dhabi in a plane sure hope so flat zone is right down there looks very hard I guarantee it's gonna work I mean look at all that's padding yeah okay are you guys ready three oh wait I didn't hear any crack I didn't either I think that works I might have heard something sure hope it worked or else it's gonna be messy inside Douglas ah oh goodness how do you happen I didn't hear any cracks I don't know what the rest of him is Oh Sebastian's in a million pieces Oh No that's it I'm not going to Abu Dhabi I'm going in the safehouse and locking myself in the road hold on Dan you'll hold out where everyone yet I built something that's gonna fly and protect the egg I promise you'll see just wait one second check it out Daniel I've got my Avengers fire here whoa you know who flies with the Avengers sometime whoo spider egg he's right in there check him out oh wow he's very well-protected Oh yep gums duct-taped to the flyer this is gonna simulate the plane that you'll be flying in to Abu Dhabi Daniel okay and the egg is me Maya Abu Dhabi aka the grassy lands of the spine ninjas backyard oh man how do you think the eggs gonna do did ya uh I thought a kite before but a heavy egg attached it might just go we will find out [Music] [Music] oh pretty soft landing actually yeah I think I work I think I work oh no I don't think this world yeah I know oh my gosh orgy no way take it out oh my gosh what but ain't whatever it is made [Music] I told you dad to all one's great news Oh crazy yeah he waited on the rocks we're gonna need more tests though one test is not gonna convince me okay could've got lucky I think the girls and Melvin have something really fantastic their sleeve let's try their stuff Gina what is this this is is this a bakery or is this uh what is this where's your egg loaf my egg is hidden right in here mr. eggy oh okay you can't take a bite out of an airplane Daniel it's your fault it's gonna be fine the eggs here the deliciousness is over here he's gonna live mr. eggy eggy don't hear him thank you suffocating already he's gonna be mr. cracked in a second you'll see about that you guys ready here we go [Music] oh I didn't sound you good okay you know oh my gosh Melvin what do you think I think we just made french toast take him out take him out you can still be alive oh ho oh did you guys see that there's our crack here just a minor crap we could bandage him up yeah oh but he's still kind of hold Daniels egg was like crap sure I did better than Daniel yeah my egg kind of survived in that kind of I don't think so I don't want to be cracked all about the first is Douglas and now this red pillow this is gonna be so much extra laundry two eggs cracked one was safe that's right Melvin's mega egg thing uh Baba welcome to the roof Melvin thanks I love the view from up here time to commence mission drop are you drop house pretty lame isn't he he's got a weird baby boys give me a break yeah how buing I have no idea what that means yeah he's pretty cool isn't he why does he sound like stitch oh it fits what are you talking about my egg isn't gonna break and it won't need none of those haha my plan is to destroy Daniels fear of fly by showing him that's okay you hear that Daniel I'm going to shatter your dreams of being scared commence Oh [Music] got destroyed but that's not the contest as long as Al's all right one egg broke that's for sure yeah Big Al broke let's see how the little al was doing Melvin your big egg the mech unit broken shattered it's not looking good buddy well that's the whole point he's also in another mech inside of it okay let's see how that smaller mech unit did oh my gosh you guys not looking good look at all the cracks yeah Al's bum well the real al he's in there somewhere oh wait a minute she's in another shell and it's already open oh gosh that's not looking good for a house I also threw some rubber bands in there let's see Oh slalom at unit it's cracked but albumen is a-okay Oh it's only me and chance that are successful so far okay so these turn do you think is gonna work yes you heard it here first folks it's gonna work welcome to the roof the thanks Chad look how much protection it mine has it's totally gonna survive you guys there's this very Easter centric Easter Egg on Easter Island Easter Island okay that's where all those big step rock statues make those weird faces like this when B makes a joke like huh wait a minute is these contraption just a bunch of garbage taped together like I say this is the worst-looking contraption so far I am NOT gonna dress up like a peacock like that thing it's not a peacock it's an easter egg covered in Easter Egg grass look how festive Easter it is [Music] whoa that's not like a nice soft landing be surprised all right let's see if this thing works totally gonna win this this is so hard to open up all right I think the egg is in here okay it's in here open up gentle Jesus thing's not opening let's get out here Oh No oh good grief oh gee gosh oh no Daniel did you break it what do you mean I break it it wasn't me it was this contraption it wasn't good enough oh no Daniel like stabbed the egg so I think he broke it yeah might have been my wrongdoing I'm sorry sorry Melvin and I were the only one to build a device that protected our eggs therefore we did have a lightning round to see who is the true winner Oh al vs. spider-man I feel like I should be part of the lightning round too cuz mine technically survived we don't know if that's true it might have been Daniel it might have been your device's I don't know okay B you're right it was probably Daniels Paul he's a butterfingers I'm no Butterfinger let go okay I'm just gonna reuse my contraption and to prove to you guys it actually works yeah bu Sean yeah okay chatter you ready I'm ready this is my inner Parker the spider egg protector he's a balloon see nice soft balloon he's gonna float down watch him flow at me he's floating tape the egg to his back like this I've got spider-man here let's see where's the tape Oh Melvin can you get the tape [Music] my spider egg broke thanks for bringing the tape Melvin but you bumped me and uh I slipped into I know it was accident it's okay did you see that I saw it what do you think calls me clumsy and yet happens don't disrespect my boy Chad like that not disrespecting him Ben facts talk to the hand you got your egg in there V yeah I got my mini-version I'm so confident that I even made it smaller hey there it is Melvin I wanna jump into this though oh into a big piece of yarn goodbye al goodbye al enjoy your time okay spy ninjas who do you think is gonna win V or Melvin comment below v8 Melvin egg okay ready three whoa okay guys let's grab your devices and let's go inside and see whose egg survived ready okay open up your device Oh guys package delivery Oh nobody will bring it in what'd you order I can't wait to show you guys I'll be right back okay let's see your eggs let's go to because I didn't want it up open my egg again yeah whoa how is did albumin turn out can't find them I can't find him he pulled a disappearing hey now yeah so proud of you al he's good Wow I'm which result invincible Daniel come check this out I don't know where you went but this will prove to Daniel that it is safe to go to Abu Dhabi because our eggs are safe right guys yeah just in a grass skirt or in a yarn yarn bodysuit let's tell Daniel go to Abu Dhabi where are you you went to the front door to check a package [Music]
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 29,379,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninja, chad wild clay, vy qwaint, daniel, regina, melvin, pz9, project zorgo, hacker, eggs, safe, house, lazarbeam, spent, robux, flamingo, roblox, vr, giant, tiny, food, candy, dude perfect, dp, classic, spikeball, pencilmation, plays, live, building, competition, how to, 123 go, box, battle royale, unspeakable, faze rug, youtubers, smart, hacks, home, tips, magnet satisfying, car, satisfying, preston, jelly, minecraft, sharer, secret, mystery, ssundee, fortnite, golf, fgteev, funny, comedy, brianna, mccreamy, guava juice, draw
Id: s3GsEeueN0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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