Eating Only GAS STATION FOOD vs McDonald's for 24 Hours!!

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today we are eating only gas station food for 24 hours whoever gains the most weight wins a very special prize let's weigh in you first Chad here we go 168 pounds and now for the tiniest person to ever exist it's still very tiny okay factor that in to my body size small shoulders everything the hair is big but everything else is small yeah don't compare yourself to V everybody it's impossible I'm kind of a freak of nature yeah 81.6 yeah remember I'm like four feet 12 inches that's right [Music] foreign [Music] I can't talk today hey guys don't forget to get food for me I'm gonna get Chad the most like smallest stuff so he barely eats and he loses the challenge no get me Big Stuff calorie dance stuff but low in sugar though please Daniel come on that's a fair game okay come on play fair Daniel why Chad just had surgery and he's in bed rest his health is already you know kind of in shambles and you can't don't ruin it even more my health is in shambles it makes me fine no dog food why are we doing the gas station food challenge because we are building a YouTuber theme park and it's gonna have a restaurant with food and snacks in it and we need inspiration for what to serve at our theme park whoever wins this challenge by gaining the most weight is gonna have a soda at the theme park named after them and we're gonna need your guys's help on what to name that soda so keep watching who would have thought gas station food has so much Delicacies I love ramen look at this hot and spicy one pepper this one has four peppers oh my gosh oh six peppers I have to get this this sounds so good she could eat that six pepper Ramen no problem oh I don't know Chad the last time I had gas station food I had the runs for like days man days that's gonna make you lose weight Daniel if you get the run you you really want the gas station food to be the inspiration for your theme park You're Building well all these other YouTubers are doing it they love it so yeah why can't we just do something like McDonald's food there's your inspiration man okay okay I like McDonald's maybe our theme park can serve some McDonald's type foods part of this challenge we can figure out what's better gas station food or McDonald's food okay now we're talking me Daniel you are running out of time hurry up and grab that gas station food less filming more grub are you guys getting any hot dogs oh my gosh I made you so loud everybody's looking at us I think hot dogs would be really good for our theme park that's true I do like hot dogs for a theme park here Chad foreign thanks for picking up breakfast guys not much of a breakfast though there's donuts oh okay that's pretty good it's not about being healthy it's about the opposite but getting fat and we gotta figure out which foods we want to serve at our theme park if you see anything you like guys comment down below and say Chad put that at your theme park I had to eat that there well I'm gonna start with the good old what is this you eat that it comes out looking the same of course speaking of which I went to the bathroom while you guys were gone can I rewave myself real quick let's just see if I lost any weight real quick you dropped the deuce yeah oh Dad hello yeah one 67 oh I lost the Old Town John would have had to eat a whole extra pound of food to make up for my deuce must have been a big deuce yum I feel like I gotta eat this part before I prep my stomach for all this taquitos well this is spicy oh I'm gonna try it but yeah what why is that so spicy we don't need something to drink [Music] we want to try this double stuffed Oreo I mean more stuff Oreo oh disappointing okay another one nothing like the picture this is like regular stuff or double stomach oh well damn you better get over here and start eating Daniel can't even open the package she's gonna lose it oh come on you're not gonna eat anything this whole challenge we got 23 hours left whoa Nelly whoa burial oh my God click click click get it in your mouth yeah there you go [Music] look at this slab of meat wow three miles we have meat wheat crust I mean the meat craft I mean Minecraft okay dogs why so you can pick up flesh rotten flesh no Minecraft no way I'm defeating zombies oh please you guys are such noobs you have to play with me next time you got some new jewelry there yeah what is that little dingle dangle girls love little Dingle dingles they do [Music] on a scale for one to six Peppers it's six you're gonna try it sure mukbang time save us and eat is it spicy nothing is supposed to vegan I dare you don't drink from the broth like a cereal bowl careful Daniel don't mind [Music] it's where my lips ow we're gonna wash that off my skin burns dude it's on your head right here ow get the shower quick all right everybody foreign okay I thought the gas station was gonna make me throw up but you guys been together is it Daniel if we can make her throw up she'll lose the challenge lunch time and what kind of breakfast was that cookies and freaking spicy as AF Ramen spicy ramen's always good but I really don't think I ate enough I mean you guys pretty much distracted me with your whole shower scene it's true we did distract you quite a bit and you are the tiniest one so you didn't eat that much I'm gonna give you a chance to get some extra points or should I say some extra weight added to your total all you gotta do is do something embarrassing there at the gas station embarrassing are you kidding me why don't you guys take the Tesla which is electric and you cannot put gas in it that would be a big No-No why don't you pretend to be putting gas in the Tesla and you got to ask somebody like hey I can't figure out where to put the gas in this no Chad this is not gonna be a thing okay for my birthday I already embarrassed myself fine V don't do it and you'll just maybe lose the challenge if you take my Tesla and try to get gas over there make a fool in front of all these people I'm willing to let you pick a little lead over me wait how many pounds do I get to add though is it even worth it I mean if it's a pound ain't worth it bro how many pounds yeah well I think a pound is a lot you know how much food you gotta eat to gain a pound it's a good deal I would take it so like how long do I gotta stay there well you gotta ask somebody for help are you kidding I have to talk to them okay fine for one whole pound let's get in position she has to earn this extra pound oh poor V she's pulling up to a a gas pump in a Tesla look at this goofball there's people in the cars looking at her oh my God somebody's literally filming her somebody's phone he's filming her they're filming you me oh what does he doing now oh my gosh she's literally the guy's getting good can you help me put some gas in my not for money but do you know how to get the gas in that car the Tesla yeah oh this is electric it's electric yeah it's no useless it's electric car you have to charge it you have to go to the charger the charger yeah is that from because it's my friend's car yeah it's electric you know it's not used is there like a gas station it's one place oh gosh everyone's looking now she's causing a scene Google okay Google Google all right thank you thank you I saw him what an idiot huh me you deserve a pound for that he was Donald's versus gas station food I bet McDonald's is so much better It's gotta be well we will see and maybe we'll pick up a little inspiration for our theme park as well there's a play area The Play Place yeah it's cool dude you know I've always loved ball pits I remember being like 12 years old and thinking man I want to go plan that ball pit but I'm too old I can't let anybody see me do that at our our theme park we should have like a huge ball pit that anybody can play in at any age and not be embarrassed to play in it because it's made for adults yeah I mean I have to say when I go to McDonald's and I see a a fun play place I know it's for kids but it's still fun yeah for me but I feel a little embarrassed that gives me an idea that maybe you could have a little bonus weight added to your total by uh embarrassing yourself in the play place one Daniel what else there's people everywhere man I children under three years old can play under three you're telling me if you're four years old you can't go in there I'm confused three how they don't hurt my ears they don't want me to go in there Chad you're gonna test it out Daniel yeah Daniel we need someone to test it out so we can make improvements to it and put it in our own theme park we will need some sound absorption panels for all the kids who are screaming we learned that already go in there all right well after we see how much Daniel embarrasses himself we'll decide how much weight to give him how about that I can embarrass myself oh no just one pound Chad make it fair okay one pound's good wow it is pretty cool in here what's this yeah are you gonna do a dance oh my gosh I shouldn't have done that after eating a bunch of gas station food is this embarrassing oh my gosh why oh yeah that's very embarrassing oh gosh I gotta go to the top there's a slide oh my gosh ow there's a bunch of french fries on the ground ew this is pretty cool I can't come out of here like this oh give me my shirt give them the shirt back me I'll be able to get arrested yeah he's gonna get arrested if he's seen playing in a kids area with his shirt off do not come out the shirtless ow I hit my head on the way down [Music] [Applause] I got you okay that was super embarrassing and it actually really hurt we have to get out of here we got the food chat let's just go we'll give you a full pound for that one that was pretty embarrassing yes yes thank you what is better gas station food or McDonald's I've heard news that McDonald's Fountain sodas are the best particularly the diet coke what do we got in front of me here we have one McDonald's Diet Coke and a gas station diet coke boy we'll see which one's better and you're gonna have to rate each one I'll give that a three out of five all right the second one more carbonation a slightly better flavor five out of five really yeah not what's my daughter remove your fold what about Burgers ready option A number two oh wow what [Music] wow that's good if I want to add some cheese in it Burger number alive give it a 4 out of 5 Stars okay Burger number two five out of five stars here we go one and two yeah this one was better oh my God you like that thing better than McDonald's I can't believe it I thought there was no way but I don't know I thought you said like real cheese man look how burnt this is that's it oh no wonder I don't like that one erupson gay oh my God there's a little bit of like honey on here or something option two that's not good at all option one because it was called the link is four stars four out of five option two one star out of five really was that bad it was just so cold and there was a hard piece of your black gold but yeah this was way better I do like chicken McNuggets though we're at McDonald's about something right you're gonna be taste testing some apple pie I don't know I feel like people from Alabama like apple pie okay is that true comment below oh if you're from Alabama ready it's a Big Slice Phillip Brown Sugar oh yeah I think that's McDonald's we naming her another one yet I'll give it a 5 out of 5 right now I'm just nailing this okay all right oh yeah okay okay oh okay I tasting artificial flavorings not quite as authentically apple as the other all right I'll give that one a four out of five this is pretty good remove your blindfold McDonald's sure yes you ready I will I'm not gonna tell you what it is okay it's a mystery meat mystery meat I have identified such as a donut reminds me of a gas station donut box I've actually never had McDonald's Donuts so I have no idea let's try the next one what is [Music] the easy winner number one for Donuts I'll give that one a three stars out of five the next one one star out of five well I don't know what a McDonald's one is I can't imagine McDonald's would put out a donut that bad so McDonald's has gone to the first one whoa that's McDonald's yeah it's an Apple Fritter yeah it's a little different that's quite different me that's not a donut they used to make donuts I don't think they do anymore except no wonder it's an Apple Fritter not a fair comparison I apologize McDonald's so they just be so hard so overall who is better McDonald's or gas station food I think the gas station won more frequently than McDonald's am I surprise were you kidding me really you vote down below do you prefer to eat at McDonald's or do you try to white gas station Foods the better there's one way to figure it out at the gas station they sell something that McDonald's would never even dream of selling gas nope it's a delicious food but it's so weird that it's found in gas stations gas stations sushi I'm very uncomfortable with eating raw sushi because there are parasites in them it's true or parasites yeah like you can get them in your stomach like it's a real thing girls Chad you shouldn't eat this you're you need to stay healthy don't film you guys you gotta eat it then v no I don't know maybe not gas station Sushi you should you love sushi you said so you should eat it maybe we don't have to eat it okay you know what we want you just come with me we gotta throw this away what we're thinking yeah maybe he's afraid of eating this yeah because why Paris yes you know maybe I can convince her to eat it and then another reason to be afraid of uh I thought it was in parasite symbol that's true that's probably safe I like the the Oreo all right I think it's okay we were gonna throw it away but we had to give it a closer look it looks okay so I'll eat it if you eat it what we ran some experiments to see if it was up to Sushi standards and I think it is I don't want to eat this I mean we have to eat as much food in 24 hours as possible we can't wait I'm gonna eat everything on this table so if you want to catch up to me you got to eat some sushi I want like three pieces three bits really yeah feed it to Daniel yeah one at a time no no no like that's being a big chunk big chunk why [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] listen there was no way we were gonna eat gas station Sushi okay but I figured thought I would do something with it and prank here but you pranked me yeah just shove into your mouth I think I'm done with sushi and sashimi you had no idea I did that I thought it was Oreos no like the blacks like from The Stuffed Oreos that's why I put it I put it in her mouth you're like oh it's fine it's Oreos shove it in Daniel's face that's why I did that it is now dinner time go to the gas station and pick up dinner but you have to limit it to one color per person V your pink Daniel blue Chad meat red that's the only thing we can eat for dinner are those colors yes pink no no way wow they make Takis that are blue no way oh yes look at this pink snowball oh come on come on everything blue is horrible for you but I want to have something at the restaurant named after me that'd be so cool Gizmo guacamole I gotta get some stuff for Chad he's definitely red we're all gonna be getting sick when does this day end oh my gosh should we look a blue tickle a blue tickle yeah tickle tickle tickle over here bubble gum hey we could be long boys together we could be tickle Brothers tickle tickle tickle yeah I think we're good yeah we're definitely we're running out of time oh you got us one and call it in our challenge my stomach's already hurting yeah I am not feeling good this is the worst I'm ever eating in a day I can eat forever wow man that's hard I'm gonna break a tooth are these spicy that's the last thing I need hot Hot Chili Peppers oh gosh it sounds so good is so big that is very pink very artificial but uh I bet it tastes good though if you're having a hard time biting into that oh it's spongy oh look at that it's like a there's a trampoline for food oh a trampoline you say that we need is at the theme park because we're gonna have a trampoline park hmm what a great idea V and as you guys know we're building the spin Park natural for ourselves not just for fun but we're doing it while I'm recovering from back surgery they're blue oh it looks more creamy yeah quick let's change the coloring that's not blue that's green kind of blue I guess all right but anyway as I was saying guys sure I'm going through back surgery and gonna be starting chemotherapy and radiation soon but you know what that's nothing compared to what a lot of kids are going through and that's why this whole series where we're building this theme park is a series dedicated to fundraising for these kids we're raising money from Make-A-Wish Foundation which grants wishes of kids with critical illnesses so somewhere on this screen just donate but anything you can do to donate to make a wish would be super appreciated because it's really important to let kids see that there is a future and there's fun things to do and they should believe in themselves and I don't know you know just to have that positive energy and when I want to do when our theme park is done is invite a bunch of you guys there we'll have a great time together better than gas station food better than McDonald's it's gonna be like a real restaurant okay we're gonna have pizzas we're gonna have burners we're gonna have steaks Steak Shop oh we fancy oh what tastes like antifreeze these are tickles pickle brothers and one of your juice is all over me sorry oh wow oh Daniel oh my God what is going on with you that's good oh really scary mine tastes like really bad Chad I don't I really don't know if I can keep eating I have like a sugar overload can we just decide what kind of food we're gonna have at the theme park yeah yeah we gotta decide who the winner is so we can have a soda named after one of us and you guys gotta help us name the soda let's do the weigh-in now [Music] [Applause] I don't think so okay I do have to go to the bathroom I've been kind of holding it for our way in on it before we weigh in I'm gonna try him down then wow I'm adding some weight smart very smart you want to win this thing mindset of a champion right there whoa 183.3 [Applause] gets a drink named after her at the theme park and we want you guys to participate so comment down below a drink name or even a flavor that could be named after B I really do I know it's a successful dancing you're like try not to go pee exactly okay and I'm so happy that you guys found my Minecraft channel it's been so fun to play with you guys and you've been leaving lots of great comments and teaching me how to play I'm getting better I'm going from Noob To Pro with your help but I still need a lot of help so make sure to click right here to go check that out it's somewhere on the screen here and we will see you guys over on the Minecraft Channel right now and subscribe to this one too though before you leave subscribe person and then go check out Minecraft and then we can now go to this okay yeah I don't know he's kind of cute I eat him right now
Channel: Chad Wild Clay
Views: 5,318,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spy ninjas, spy ninja, chad wild clay, cwc, vy qwaint, chad and vy, chad and v, vy, chad, hacker, daniel, faze rug, stokes twins, last to leave, snow, wins, royalty family, giving birth, hospital, rating, youtuber products, youtuber, products, dude perfect, ultimate, mini games, battle, jordan matter, daughter, life, alphabetical order, eating only, gas station food, mcdonalds, fast food, one color, eat, ate, fun, funny, comedy, weight, weigh, pounds, scale, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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