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thank you for your pledge on patreon Casey's world your flip yeah I don't put you on it's on fire man they got this new big wash company got the lotion and everything they got a recovery room with named my that way approach oh god goes you know get he cool they'll make sure you get your maestro's classic bid camp be honest today at Target CVS maestro's classic calm and use the promo code Queens flip to get 10% off 10% that's all those free we put are you crazy make sure you go there today log on maestro's with Escom I'm from Queens g-money yo what's that man was good was good not always den with you call but you always on time huh part of my talking this man you know baby doesn't uh you know saying he stay up all night tonight I feel good kind of chordates available with the yeah you know before you got here I was I was interrogated I was I was I was pressed a lot of people might see when I get the cameras on I waited I baited them baby okay that's a lot of talk about but the people that I pray clothing line came for this weekend middle me did you get you know us what's wrong with [ __ ] you know what it makes money without you yeah congratulations me know people always ask me you know what's queen-size ma yeah you don't you know you know will they do that time I don't good do you think I'm just you know do know so I'm showing love to the people man shot that homies that don't walk in well you know me I just for the occasion me you should know what that for the key guess we got today should they don't walk in I'm excited about this next interview um you know we've been doing real good g-man you know it's just it's a blessing man it's a blessing where things are going for flip the script and um you know we're just trying to be peaceful and respectful man of course okay a lot of people they get you know get upset they get aggravated but we're not the judge the jury we're just messengers how do you feel about that I got pressed again today about some shows but being in - no I'm saying the press again today yeah people my son you know some of the things that the guests are saying up here but it's not us it's the gas but g-money yeah episode [ __ ] 119 [ __ ] we made it we got a special guest oh yeah token a lot of [ __ ] there we go dawn divas own mm-hmm Rana proposed one more top of a man Kevin child what's up man a lot of [ __ ] earlier the comrade please introduce up no I know you walk you do paperwork on the stage and it hit me in the head so I'm upset about that still relationships to Co homie okay Sammy work together with Dawn diva that's dope yeah how you doing man hey I both don't hate the rate fantastic you doing fantastic absolutely I appreciate you extra early I appreciate always on time you count on me I'm always on time okay okay well welcome to flip the script man thank you know um to talk to a lot of people behind the scenes you know today it's a lot of [ __ ] going on but I just hope you're ready you know because she's helped you already you know because people had a lot of confidence it was going on and you know you made me behind the scenes I'm I'm a party Audino Larry white in the back watch that link is very dangerous welcome man so you know taking us on a Kevin child's journey man take us back you know uh way back back in the days you know they were you from the Bronx yeah part of the Bronx High Bridge probably up into the great the age of about fourteen and then I moved sound view okay years I was average high bridges seem to be bugging them dead right there the same exact same area yet so what kind of kid were you growing up regular kind of kid you know doing the regular kids did playing sports you know it was a household late to parent households you know my mother was the primary source of income you know my father struggled a little bit due to climate back then you know it's like like if anybody's knows good times JJ Evans that that kind of situation is like you know he did construction you know that wasn't frequent so you know for the most part my mother carried the load but uh strong pops is that somebody doing you know I said man you just heard your full stop it man as usual with the camera didn't ever talk to it can we get your phone we just caught her yeah yeah yeah but um like I said typical household I mean we grew up you know struggling you know at the time with you know I didn't realize that we were struggling no that's my old phone that is your phone anyway uh yeah you know so uh you know we grew up a little tough so because because real quick Tommy G because construction was was just one of those things that it's like if you worked on a site it might last for two months and then it might not be no work for another three months you know I mean so the work was inconsistent ain't like it was now like I guess you know people get on jobs they a lot longer back then the building's a little small to tenements you know so it might be smaller jobs they might work on sitting like you know two months and then he may not work well number three months but my mother consistently worked what was the vibe like in High Bridge back back then you know a lot of people know by harbors now you know saying on but come on paint the picture of what like went on outside of high bridge like what kind of things a lot a lot of basketball legends come out of high bridge so that was the primary thing that we did up in the Bronx you know I'm saying you know you have to figure it didn't cost a lot to play basketball you needed was a basketball cool yeah so great players came out of High Bridge you know very competitive Walter berry master Rob Troy Truesdale cornbread but a lot of like I said you know Division one basketball plays and even some of them went on to the league right so that was really what the primary thing was you know every day sunup to sundown you're not played ball we all play ball you know so that was really what it was so in school you were good kid in school yeah school is never an issue for me you weren't part of no gangs anything like that when the partner was another that going on back that okay it wasn't that so you're a child okay when do you do you you move from where did you in the interview I heard that you lived somewhere else before you moved to the Bronx well actually I lived in Asheville up into the age of three and we migrated to Manhattan Harlow Asheville that's really North Carolina say North Carolina please okay you got a spare NC okay okay and you know you moved to Harlem right hunt 12-string a family then you went to the Bronx yeah mr. bras so good kid getting great you know tell us you know what made you be a part of the fast life or when did you get the first glimpse of the fast life I probably was about 10 to 12 you know again like I said I see my mother struggling she was sent me to the store you know and that and get stuff on credit you know so I I seen the stress and agony that was you know in my mother's eyes like I seemed like you know the hardships because you know she would say go to the store back then like the neighborhood's was set up there was neighborhoods back then so the community had credit at the that's not I guess it's what we would consider bodega now but back then it was just a local store you know she would go there and say you know go tell Jose you know that um I'll pay him when I get paid and you know that kind of thing so a lot of that was going on you know what I'm saying so at the age of like 10 12 I just pack bags you know sell newspapers you know all of those kind things to make a little extra money you know to sort of like a system I'm up around the house though you know that was some of my earlier hustles packing bags like I said selling newspapers just a little neighborhood stuff helping people up and down the stairs with their groceries you know a regular [ __ ] your father he just he tries best or he was just like I said I'm did it change your view on your father nah let me tell you something the one thing about my father he was a very dominant figure and and and the takeaway that I got for my father because my father was like a bralette kind of dude you know I mean like you know 62 in great shape another basketball player very disciplined you know like that kind of thing so you know we we knew we couldn't step out of line like so he was there as a disciplinarian and sort of kept us and checked me and my brother cuz we just made my brother my younger brother um but like I said work was a little bit difficult back then it you know from my recollection like I just remember like I said him working some time and not not all the time so it so at that age what did you really want to get you know could you kind of young you know like what do what we trying to buy that ad that made you wanna money I don't I don't I don't think it was so much as me wanting to buy things it was at some point as my hustles evolved and I started making more money then I started closing myself you know and this is probably around the age of 12 you know cuz again you know I remember having holes in my sneakers you know I remember I have a holes in my socks I remember actually putting cardboard in the bottom of my sneakers so I remember that and it's for no reason I remember when my mother was saved when she'd get paid at a certain time that I would get sneakers and you know and and but you could see there was a hardship and I've ever been always been very hyper intuitive so I was feeling her energy early on and it just sort of made me just get out the house and just start doing whatever I could you know to lighten the load did you get bullied for some things in school yeah I was the only one with holes and stuff I mean that was the desk what the neighbourhood felt like it wasn't just so that's why I didn't seem like it didn't stand out to me I didn't I didn't feel like I was the only kid like that it was just what my neighborhood call for you know everybody was living check to check right and just getting by so you know I didn't I didn't realize it was an issue what was your first glimpse of you know I mean you were hustling center bags and doing what you're doing my woman shift first when did you get involved with the streets the streets that was a progression because from I looked like I said hybrid Yankee Stadium was like stone throw from where I lived you know I could almost see any staining from where I live so as I got a little older and started being able to move around a little bit I started going down the Yankee Stadium I started scalping tickets you know a lot of the guys from the Bronston and from that area that was one of the things that we did they sold souvenirs or they scalped tickets and some of my dues you know it was down there picking pockets you know whatever you know like the little rascals and [ __ ] you know I mean whatever way you can come up on a few dollars that's that's what we were doing so I did a combination of a bunch of stuff you know I saw I saw handy in the courthouse you know there's a thing called Bronx turning to market up in the Bronx at one time where you can go and buy a box of candy for maybe $25 and you could double triple your money and I will go to the courthouse skip school go to the courthouse and sell candy to the people who was there for doing jury duty mm-hmm you know so I take $25 and I makes any finite so as I got older my hustles just progressed so I didn't start doing any legal to probably high school when I started selling weed mmm I'm looking at I want to see his old face so dr. Holst and none of ya gotta go yeah he started selling weed high school yeah well you get your first pack from a pack what what is it cool some difference I don't think we was ever pack so now you want to correct me if all I mean I do with facts high school when you let your first ounce well no it wasn't even ounce with back then back then back then it was some Jamaicans in my neighborhood and he just said we do like a spot so what you would do is you would take by maybe a twenty dollar bagging and you would make joints so if you bought $20 then you'll end up rolling them and make 40 so when we told my high school so people were on joints back then so I would take a $20 bag of weed and you make as many joints as you can make and I was like you know a little funny little head flip flirting with thank you thank you so you're doing that but then so when is it when's the transition of you driving your uncle around um a little bit about my uncle my uncle in my heart he was getting money my uncle was why you don't say his name cuz you didn't say his name before can we know his name his name is Glen kid kid is his name Kanto kid is his name his name is kid and he got that nickname because when he was young running around in the streets the older hustlers he was a young guy himself so that was a nickname that was given to him but in any event my uncle kid he was getting money back then and I would visit his house on the weekend so for me that was like a reprieve from getting out the Bronx cuz you know when I want to pulls and he lived on a golf course so he had pools you had video games pool tables he had all this amazing [ __ ] in his house you know I mean so I always wanted to never go home because going to debt was like a vacation or a result then when I went back to to where I lived it was always like whatever so his house his first house was down in Willingboro and that was the one that was on the golf course and some years later he end up having a house up in West Orange New Jersey yeah in Jersey and you didn't want to leave what kid would want to leave who knows so uncle got a nice house pool and everything you want to leave but then did you at that time did you know he was getting money I think I knew yeah I was I mean you know I've always seen him doing well I always seen them doing well so yeah I'm pretty sure I knew what was going on I mean here at the firt early early on I'm a kid as I get to high school I clearly know what he's doing I mean I don't know his operation but I know what he's doing I mean I'm not a part of his operation you know I just know he's getting money it's pretty obvious so you didn't think that he I don't like a nice job you mean you mean thing as a kid I he just had a nice really really really good job I don't know I don't know what allowed me to know that he was hustling like you know I mean maybe the fact that he didn't have nowhere to go doing the day's like I mean by the time he 13 14 years old you from the hood you can sort identify somebody getting money or certainly not away you know I mean like he didn't spell it out to me didn't come downstairs one day I'm a drug dealer no that ain't hot where did you all do you said your uncle and aunt yeah well my aunt was my aunt so that's my mother's sister so that was her husband got it so you know so my relationship is really directly to with her but that just happened to be a husband so then you know he hustlin found out miraculously cuz you were very observant I can see you observant congratulations and you found out he's hustling right what's the conversation with uncle kid I was never down with my uncle I was just a really responsible kid like you heard all those kind of things so I've always been like a really responsible kid so uh when my aunt will come get me do household chores she might need some put together some fix you know that kind of thing so I just started doing these kind of things and at some point people intuitive people take notice to to people who doing certain things so you know he would we would hang out he would go shopping or he would go on runs and I just would be just sort of hanging out with him and this is early on this is like ninth grade by the time that I got to like 12th grade you know it was clear what he was doing cuz I started doing my own thing and my hustle started evolving you know um the thing with my uncle is my uncle never had a conversation with me about drugs like he never said this is what you do this is how you do it and as a matter of fact the first time I asked him for drugs he sort of shot me down he's like you know basically I'm not gonna give you nothing cuz in the day of something happened to you just why it's on me and I don't want them upset with me or my wife but I was persistent and he could see at some point that I was ultimately gonna do whatever it is that I wanted to do but when you see it your hustle started involving she went from weed to what heights of coke yeah so at some point by the time I was in twelfth grade I asked him could I buy some coke from him many sort of like spun me and like you know he wouldn't do it he wouldn't do it but I stayed persistent so at some point he finally gave in because he's seen that you know right I probably would rather give it to him to go out there and get it from somebody else because maybe I can control it a little bit I guess maybe what he thought you know I don't know and where were you selling it at I lived on like I said I lived an avenue and back then cope wasn't sold on the block like people who was sniffing coke back then let me back up a little bit hanging around him everybody sniffing coke and sniff dope you know so I saw these things like this was like openly people openly use drugs back to like when I was hanging out with him and by the time I was like a twelfth grade and I was riding around with him we would stop at the different bars because he was a hustler so he would go meet the different people that he was meeting and when you went into these bars you will walk in and you will see him openly using drugs or not you know it wasn't it wasn't taboo back then you know it was a social truck getting using coke sniffing coke you know all the bars you know the Seville the Oasis you know and and I was just a passenger throughout all of this you know me and my uncle got high as well it was what they did it was a casual drug back there so it makes that conversation with me more a little bit more comfortable because it wasn't like like he was hiding it from me you know I'm saying so when he finally did give me something I sort of went off into my own thing and I had you know my customers back then back then you would uh package it in something called pyramid papers you know I mean and the grand was a hundred dollars and a half a grand was fifty dollars and that kind of thing so you would just package it that way you have customers and most times I sold stuff to people they would pay you on consignment cuz you know they would you would give him something and then when he got paid you know you were gonna collect your money so it but at the time you got to figure I'm in high school and I'm probably making $1,000 or $1,500 a week people paying me every other week or whatever and that was sort of what it was so you drop me at detriment yes right bout time I'm twelfth grade I'm doing yeah you driving him around so he gave you the car you driving around had a BMW correct you had a bunch of cars yeah but you said BMW on interview well okay he had a bunch of cars what's up becaus yeah now now what he had he had a Saab he had a BMW what else did he have back then howdy he had a bunch of cars which one did you frequent which one did you whatever car he was driving is the one that you know I drove so now you're driving him around what is the conversations between you guys like he know what you're doing and you also said that he's using his own product as well right I mean cuz you know current day I don't know how it was back then you know you when you you can't use you not supposed to use your own product because you know [ __ ] yeah but you know what if you ever go back and for your audience if they ever go back and like look at a Super Fly or or any of those gangster movies those black exploitation movies that that's just what it was you know they was they dressed really fly everybody got high like I said so it wasn't like yeah it's taboo today but that's not what it was then everybody got high you know when they was a party and I'm just socially that's just somebody did so you [ __ ] with a package he was getting a lot of money so that little bit of [ __ ] he was doing didn't didn't put a dent in the count of money he was game so uncle driving around what a reason why I ended up actually driving for him just so you know it's because he was getting high and a lot of times he would he would he would right so this is how again me being efficient and competent I made it I made a place in his life you know I made myself a valuable commodity you know I'm saying so I was like a soldier like I seen where there was a void and I filled that void so if he's getting high or he was falling I would I wouldn't make it so at some point he's seen the the conveyance like man you know my nephew drive me he running take his business I sit in the car wait for him to come down or whatever you know sometimes he didn't come down all goddamn night and I'd be sitting in the car all night but but that's what I did and I ain't never complained about it because you know he would throw me five hundred you know and I'm like you know again mind you I'm in high school so between the money I'm making and the money he giving me you know that the money is definitely more I'm taking care my family I'm taking care of you know it makes you a question so at that time it's just caught what's the drugs in play at that time heroin was the drug he sold okay coke was what they just used as almost like a party drug but but this primary source of income was was heroin and crack wasn't in okay so then what's the transition May because I know that about doing it about focused on the interview you met a guy named your nephew that's later yeah I so I'm rushing right sorry now I want to rush I don't want to rush because you know you're driving around chauffeur he's laying down that stairs you know she got the car right and then at some point at some point I started living with my uncle tomorrow and I had a situation in my house cuz I was moving a little bit a little crazy so me and my father you know we bumped heads and I had an issue so I end up moving out my house my uncle had a bunch of real estate all throughout the Bronx Manhattan and he had a delicatessen up in the Bronx that was like not in the delicatessen he owned the building so the Builder had a delicatessen and next door to it it was a real estate office and then it was like several apartments upstairs so I end up moving and staying at the and the delicatessen but I was running the delicatessen for my art because it was like a 24-hour kind of thing so she would come at some point and then I would run into a certain time then when she showed up you know whatever so I end up moving and moving to the delicatessen and I so then I'm around my uncle pretty much every day now but I'm doing my own thing so as I'm doing my own thing and I graduated out of high school and I'm in the Bronx this is when crack starts coming in you know so that was introduction to crack after I graduated out of high school so now I'm up in the Bronx I'm on a hunt 65th Street Nelson Avenue and I'm going hand-to-hand selling crack and still coke but I'm transitioning because the crack is coming faster hmm and we heard that you care to tell us how the lady showed you how to make crack how did you get into that how did you then somebody you had somebody make it for you correct yeah when I first when I first when I first made the transition I spoke to him and asked him did he know anything about if the drug was relatively new at the time and that wasn't his thing like he's never had no and you know like that [ __ ] didn't like he wasn't interested in any of that like that just like he was making so much money selling heroin let me let me back up a little bit just explaining you the difference between crack and heroin Haran back then you can get a Kia Heron in it and if if it was what it was and and and only old old timers can tell you this you know I mean like you can maybe put a 20 on it so that means you could take one Kia hammer on and in a turn of 20 keys you understand it all depends on who you was getting it from so that's how back then old-time used to go buy samples like of the drug like when they want to cop from the Italians like my uncle cop from Italians so he would get a sample and then what he would do it to put that sample he would go and cut it and they tell him they said like it could take a 20 and you'll go cut it on a 20 then you put samples on the street and then you see what it came back they come back and say it's a seven it's a eight it's a nine you know anything aidan above you know you had you had you had a good package hmm so he never had no no interest whatsoever and coke other than for leisure and crack was like this is some time at [ __ ] to him but you can understand the magnitude of the kind of money he was getting not just him you go back to Nicky Barnes got Fisher they was getting a different kind of money you know crack was some other [ __ ] but you know for me it's what was selling and it was what was was was of the time so and heroin was sort of starting to phase out a little bit so when I went to him talking to him something about some crackers like I have no idea you know like you know whatever but I noticed woman so he actually introduced me to a woman because when I first tried it myself and I put shouldn't some water because somebody told me how you did it this [ __ ] just disappear like you know just I just put in the pop and just be just like he just disappeared so I didn't know what I was doing a bunch of well peaked at the time it was early on and I had heard someone who said they knew how to do and told me how to do it and he made it sound easy so I attempted to do it on my own that was a disaster so how much did you lose that for that probably a couple of grams I mean I was just trying to do it and it just didn't work so after that I had consulted with him and he had introduced me to a woman hmm so at some point I started dealing with this woman and paying her to do it for me until I watched enough and then I got it so at what point did he get comfortable with the idea of you you know really being out on the street and really oh at that point I was already gone like when I started doing my own thing because I end up I end up outgrowing him because he was doing it as a favor for me but he just really had no interest in it so if I will call him and I want to copy be like you know see you later but later never came you know I'm saying because he was like his money was just so where was that he had no interest in issues whatsoever so at some point I had to end up getting out getting around him and that's what I did so when I got around him and I actually got another connect and I'm hustling up in the Bronx we're seeing each other in passing because I'm doing my thing but we still I'm still that I'm still living and the restaurant which had an apartment attached to it in the back so it's not the restaurant but there was you know like I said several apartments and in the back of the restaurant was another apartment where I stayed in the back so at some point when I got my own thing and mice things start happening I just started making money he looked up maybe a couple of months later and I went to him and I wanted to buy one of his cars that's when I guess he knew with him just kids don't figure something out because he thought I was bullshitting and I wonder by Audi from him and I'm cuz I had already boy I already had my first car which was a Delta 88 but you know I had that for maybe four or five months but this crack thing started moving a certain kind of way and then I went to him and said I want to buy the car for him so he said yeah you can buy it you know and he told me like maybe nine thousand ten thousand something for the car or whatever and I'm I gave him the money cash he gave me the car it was just probably one of the leases the lesser cars that he had but I took the car this is during the time when people Kitt's and all that [ __ ] on the car so he had the car pretty regular next thing he know he sees a car he like what goddamn you didn't take it his car when it was mine you know yes mines now this is my car taking a certain kind of pride and it's probably a year old so that was like my first luck luxury car but I went put rims and you know all of that kind of [ __ ] that you had back there in the car you know and that's that's when he realized that I was dying to take off but again that still was funny money to him when you were younger who was getting money back in the days who was the names I'm saying when what it what time you young but when was Nicky Barnes and him getting money was doing the time with my uncle during the time your uncle was known yes so Nicky balls getting mine who was the players back then well I wouldn't know to give you it you know because that that wasn't evil you should know cuz you do yeah well you asking me you want me to embellish like just to say something for the sake of saying I'm Don Deva even even when I even with me being Don diva I've done stories wit guy Akbar and some of the older guys so I will be telling you something that they said to me but I couldn't say I knew her firsthand respect mister so I can don't names around but I wouldn't have known that I only know because I have reported on these individuals so you don't know anybody else you didn't see anybody else moving well I knew my uncle's crew and the guys that he dealt with you know okay yeah okay but you didn't know anything about Nicky Barnes then of course I did everybody do if you from Harlem he was on a newspaper well no cuz he was in the street got fish it was in the street Nicky Barnes was in the street so you heard of these individuals but you know and and you you you heard of them but I didn't have any interaction when I might have seen him and I bought it I went in with my uncle so-and-so foot but I didn't have a direct but about Frank Lucas I honestly I heard about Frank Lucas when they did a report on I was actually incarcerated at the time and he did some kind of interview on him and I read it when I was in jail I hadn't heard of Frank Lucas name without the street which want me to tell you man I'm trying to tell you so why you said it like that because I didn't have to do like I didn't research did you not did not come into your mind like god man I made him saw him no I've never heard of Frank Lucas until I was incarcerated and I read a story on him so let me ask you a question in person opinion this is a personal opinion where do you think that he came from then do you think that he's know I know you existed I'm just saying I never heard of I heard of Nicky Barnes heard of got fish I had never heard Frank Lucas until I was arrested sometimes some years in the 90s that they did an article on him and not that was the first time I knew who he was and his story checked out those cuz they obviously did the article um yeah I'm sure it did yeah but I never heard of respect back to your uncle so you bought that you bought the are out he from him fixed it up put a kid on it over then I didn't need fix up as a brand of car you added a kit to it yeah cuz that's what we were doing I appreciate you correcting me I have to to make sure all right thanks I told you at often facts I appreciate but you know coming in a little hostile I appreciate it okay so you added a kit to it it was a brand new car right Brenda granted a kit to it right now where do we go from there I'm selling crack on arctan Avenue my local kid had a lieutenant at Uncle Norman well I can end up calling my uncle could they was so close and uncle Norman actually lived in one of the apartments above the delicatessen so we get really cool you know and at some point I'm doing what I'm doing and in one-on-one our endeavors downtown hanging out even with my uncle my uncle Norman which is not my real uncle but just because of how closely was I just you know I started calling my uncle Norman he introduced me to a guy which was his nephew named what nappy red so after I met nappy red and we got to talk it nappy Rhett was hustling in a crack spot on 136th Street between Linux and 7th and he was like one of the managers did and when I met nappy red you know I you know he was doing his thing you could see he's a young do like myself but he was getting money you know I'm saying but he was working for somebody and he was maybe getting paid $2,000 1500 a week working in the spot you know 12 hours shifts and you end up you and him and the business together right as we got cool as we got cool ice to come downtown on my own at this point because again I'm right across the bridge you know from from from I didn't hunt 35th Street is ten minutes but I seen what they was doing downtown when I came downtown and I met him he took me to the spot I sing like lines up the block I never seen done like that you know what I was doing in the Bronx was like popcorn [ __ ] compared to what was going on here you know I'm going hand-in-hand in the Bronx myself me and two other guys and we just sort out in the block hustling but when I went downtown I seen like lions and the spot that he worked I'm looking at this really I never seen done like this before so when I'm talking to him and we're getting cool we first started like he had a dude named sneaker man who used to just come and stole all the time and and I was just really going downtown cop and clothes and sneakers from I would tell we wore the same size so I said when do come to whatever he got by tall you know whatever you don't take you know I want so I would just come down here all the time just buying all the clothes buying all the clothes and as we got closer you know we started talking and then it won't point out a conversation because he seen me doing my own thing and part of the conversation was like yo I see what y'all doing you know just and a third would you know what do you think about us putting our own work through hit I suggested that I guess when I made it make sense to him and I you know I went back I thought about it and I actually went in package just things that look exactly like because back then you went to a what was called like smoke shops you know I mean he was in bottles and different color captures you seen or whatever anyway I went and and and took some work and I packaged it just like that and I went to him and had a conversation I'm saying listen just making about twenty thirty thousand dollars a shift if we put a few thousand dollars to you know like would anybody even notice you know you know what anybody would care you know whatever and he was already getting paid like $1,000 or whatever fifteen hundred whatever it was a week but I did a 60/40 split with him so you got to figure if he put $1,000 or four crack then I gave him he made six hundred hours at one date you know I mean so we started out doing that kind of thing now if you do that five times what you do to man hmm okay so at some point it got good to him so instead of putting a thousand a day we start putting 2010 we start putting three thousand so that means he'd make a eighteen hundred in one day and next thing you know this is what happens so we started doing this like I can't talk yeah we started doing this like everyday for for I don't know maybe four or five months you know read got a little crazy I think because next thing I know read had like three cars already that's what he called them read to part of it because you know he had that blonde just read kind of hit but every car he bought was read so he bought a red Supra he bought a red Jetta you know all of them were systems just added there so I some points I'm I figured out something you know we kids we little stupid because we should have been like a little bit inconspicuous but you know you kids we nineteen twenty years old we don't know no better well before that no one noticed that it was actually work being being sold in this spot was doing probably sixty fifty sixty thousand dollars a day that load a little bit in really not a little bit but that you never talk about your connect how did you end up getting it who would you connect I never talk about my connect I never heard why you thinking of heard cuz you're not supposed to there you go if I'm a Dominican I don't know way yet now I've been at the businesses a little while but you know so you think he's still around I don't know what he is I don't have ID ever spawns meaning that he may be still around well if he ain't around it's not because of me I left them intact I see you'd have to say his name but where did you meet him well I met a bunch of dudes throughout hustling part of how I met dudes you dressed apart okay I'm driving a brand new car my chain swing in you know I'm in certain places and back then they would literally run up on you Wow be like you know saying whatever they listen you know you know how much you pay you know how much how much you pay let's say you know I say how much you charge me you know whatever so I had met connects just like that just driving around you're driving around I'm driving around in an expensive car again you you know we kids so it was very noticeable what we were doing it was it wasn't it wasn't I wasn't being inconspicuous I was I was being loud intentionally and I make connects like that I've been introduced to connects but you know that that's one of the ways I met some of my connects or one or two of them anyway you didn't deal with like people like Fritz or any of them that's later on they don't okay we slow down again um but you added Dominican Connect I heard you know the minute right now um being to Colombia okay you asked me a question right now but what you doing that's a little cocky facts it works you trust your friend cockys facts he's a facts you speak with double attendre so you try saying that you know that you had the best work basically I take it like that I think you still saying so you gotta be careful what you say to me I'm dig I'm I'm thinking big now like you try see like the best work so no somewhere else I had the best work that's that's you know we cracked to some degree that's true it's more it's more it's more true with hamrod you know I'm saying then crack mmm crack is sort of crack and and don't get me wrong did there's this better work but for the most part if you told how you use a brute a good crack was when you cooked it and it came back a certain kind of way like if you put a hundred grams and it came back a hundred grams or more then you knew it wasn't cut with too much of a substance so that's sort of how you was able to determine crack being good but with hammer on like I told you there's a zero to ten kind of thing you know I'm saying so I'm not gonna sad the best work can you begin you and I know that we did to the kids out there to the people out there we know we promoting this absolutely not we're not you know I'm talking we took first of all my just claim is you ask me questions and I'm telling you what happened as a 19 year old I'm obviously a grown man now and I can look back on that and I could see where you know some of the things most of the things I did probably wasn't was it wasn't righteous understand but I'm a 19 year old kid you know about the Bronx I'm poor you know I need to feed my family or I need to feed myself take care of myself so these are what the options was available to me at the time and this is what was going on in my environment so you know you did whatever you need to do - you know sustain or to manage so yeah we we definitely not promoting that that's a fact and I say that cuz I have a question now go ahead if you would get a Kia Coke right right when you cut it what do they mean by cut it well you can't really cut crack because like I said whatever you put in if you put like if you put cut in it's not gonna come back like if you got good didn't you could you can you can cook it and get extras is what they called mm-hmm so you just had to know she was doing like I could take a key and I could I could I could I could get I could take a thousand grams like I was able to get back 1,300 Oh struggle for you to say that don't worry I got your back he was able to you know cuz it was good work yeah the work was good right yeah you wanna make sure you know we hear we had the conversation right we had a great rapport and I just want to make sure that we're on the same page same page okay so you're able to get more because the world but you still had no she was doing is there's a method to it is there's a system to it as far as like there yeah you had to know when to stir it when to put it on the cold water it was like you know everybody to know how to do that mmm you got to think if a key cost let's use a round i'm easy round them 20 grand mmm that means that's about 2500 eighth so if you get a extra 300 grams you talk about another six grand that's like I guess free money so on every key you get another six grand on top of you know you know me and that's that's just on a key now you start multiplying that by how many keys you're doing and there you have it so that might we might have been talking 20 30 keys just you know so and didn't you do the extras and do the math so I have a question I was watching an interview in an hour you know shot my man call him Barry White on those real name you know let me know his name i watch the interview would flexing do you guys think of what he said do you guys think that Richard Pryor introduced the world to freebase in freebase maybe I think on a commercial level people is doing it long before it's just because he was who he was that you know it's like it's almost like things happen in your community offensive let's use the Rucker a lot of things derived from the Rucker like you know when y'all first heard of the Harlem shake it was because like puffing to do co2 but that was what was going on in the park long before them but because of the platform that he's on you know about it so the same thing is the case with Richard Pryor because he was famous and and he'd and it killed herself smoking it but it had been going on long before Richard Pryor will it be come from no I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I knew I mean as I understand it from doing research and doing stories the west coast so freebase and crack is the same thing no freebase at the time was like coke and uh it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't in a crack form it was smoking like powder cocaine you know and whatever whatever that concoction was but crack was actually something the baking soda the coke and then it turned it into a rock substance mhm but back then they was smoking like coke and they didn't make it freebase so that's why it's freebase and crack it in theory it's one of the same but the crack made it more I guess are convenient why when you touch cracker hold it seeped through your pores well so will coke so will dope so any drugs any drug yeah seep through your pores if you touch any drug and what I do when people test the joy they put it on their gums you know what that's some [ __ ] I saw to what I was doing it but yeah but they sold this thing called Nova King back then and smoke shops and that got you numb too and it wasn't it wasn't coke so you know that's that's some TV [ __ ] they sold novocaine yeah they used to sell a substance that people would use as a cutting agent so it would give off like like if they if somebody was trying to stretch some work they were by this substance and they would maybe take 800 grams a good coke and then mix it with 200 grams of that same so if somebody who's a novice go to buy and he'd do that testing oh yeah it froze my tongues great it was getting high on the low well you still would get Hawkins still 800 grams it's just 200 grams or just some nonsense hmm I don't know I don't do drugs so um so now you would not be red doing that yeah doing it he bought three cars all red he was wiling where do you move on what year is this first of all um 85 late 85 186 okay right brake is fired that we didn't get to that but he gets fired okay so when he gets fired him and I go in the bins together mm-hmm that's what Olson we need to happen because we had a good thing so we end up just open it out first spot in Harlem in Harlem he got fired cause he got caught or a just Tommy I think the whole the whole the whole all the guys that was working because he wasn't able to determine I guess you know who was doing what or how that came about so you know everybody that worked pretty much got got fired so you already got it well yeah the crew wasn't any a crew I had a kool-aid on at this time is I'm just you know did you yeah just me driving around Audi with the kid on it new Audi let me clarify that that's the car you had again was a adult 88 out he with the kick was my first car looking good right now he was looking nice so people recognize you about Audi um out the gate yeah okay all right let me guess you're out he was something special just like the work you had yeah especially that was the whole point of accessorize yeah Oh special just want to make sure we're on the same page we definitely understand cuz they spoke to me earlier and you gave me a you know I appreciate you so I'm trying to okay make sure we're on the same page now you and NAT begin the business together what what he gets fired I getting a business everywhere we go from there we open up a spot on hunt 34:44 mmm-hmm how was that doing at first you might have been doing a couple hundred dollars a day it was a brand-new spot you know you got to get out give out samples so like anything got a market for motive mhm but but but that is height we might have been doing 60 grand a day a day a day to shift 24 hours and so you're doing that and then um you what didn't you know get a little serious no what year does a situation happen with your mom yeah you you skip from 86 to 89 I'm just making eggs I'm not gonna skip I'm fine yeah it happen it that happened three years later ain't no I so I'm just asking because I never heard you talk about it I didn't did you well well yeah well let me give let me give clarity to that statement you never heard me talk about cuz you only heard me talk one time I've only done one interview please that came with it I respected that hit dat me here that's true I one of the facts are hurting me that hit me here okay cuz that was facts that's a fact that was a truth that's a truth and you know so I never really talked about it so I don't want to skip to 89 okay part of me because I can go ever you wanna go no no no but but I did hear because when I watched the Flex joined the interview that you did do I did hear you mentioned that something happened to you like you refer to it like that you're gonna get into any detail so I didn't know if that was something that you didn't like to talk about I don't know what that was but before we get into that we in 86 right reg got the three red cards out in business it's 60 50 60 grand yeah but at this point I'm telling you that I got I got five or six calls by this time that hmm fax again we doing a math I mean you know this is not day one I said at the height so this might be from 86 87 but by that time you know we kids again and be getting this kind of money and we doing we just we wild and we just be a reckless behind cars jewelry you know and that was the only spot no I said we started well that was the only spot with me at red but I started doing other things I started meeting other people selling packs to them you know like thousand dollar packs telling people bring me back 600 you take 400 doing a lot of that just guys guys was hustling all over like everybody was hustling man it was like you know money was falling out the skies so you know I would I had a whole bunch of independent people you know who were coming by thousand dollars at a time and it would bring me back six hundred they take four hundred so I was out of spot and then I had all that going on as well like I guess you could consider wholesaling so at that point there's there's nobody in the neighborhood that feels like they want to take you down or try to come out to my child and kind of you know well well I ended up I ended up getting with some some of the guys that worked at red spot guys like some Rutledge's it was called that was a last name but John breathes Troy you know a bunch of those dudes and then this is when my crew started building up see red had a ship i had a ship red hat mostly his family members working his shift I had the guys that I start developing work working my ship and in the course of that did I start expanding but those were somewhat earlier dudes who got with me and and we just started expanding so everybody that I started hitting start becoming a part of what I was doing so at some point when I came out the house I might have had 10 to 15 guys I was doing this every day you know I'm saying coming to buy a thousand dollar packs working these spots and to do some me to other spots so then I went uptown I had a spot on bradhurst then like 103rd 54 from bradhurst that's not town then I had a spot on 128 and Linux what's called Castle Grayskull then I had another spot a couple of buildings down from this but with all of these spots come come individuals and then these individuals become party organization so you start growing and expanding and you know so if I had two shifts and somebody working day somebody working night somebody bringing it work you know collecting the money just in that so next thing you know you just got a bunch of people working for you so my crew started growing and it's and it's been expanded so by doing that then you kept everyone happy some the 1 was not even so much you make you make everybody happy but people see what's going on and when you target me you know it's don't target me you target every you know I got an army with me now at this point and you know if I'm feeding them they gonna protect the person that's feeding them you know I mean so you you by default in the standing with an army right you know I'm saying because all of these guys is independent like just copping work for me besides the guys who actually work in spots specifically for me they become part of your organization and it wasn't it I didn't set out to do that but ultimately that's ultimately what happened I'm saying so nobody tried you never who else was doing that big at that time though just in town you were a Z was around at the time mm-hmm he was around rich came around like an 87 cuz he had been doing a bit so he came home and like 87 but when I first started like we read I think that's when Rich was in jail and he was doing like a uh I think a year bid for a gun so ad was around pose around a lot of dudes around we taught my Harlem during the crack it really these are just a dude y'all know of so I'm just mentioning both cause but there was a bunch of guys like it was a buncha they all come on the same level of tissue on speeding tickets so how would you know they're not getting as much money as you because I switched my cars every other day and everybody wasn't doing that it was a handful of us doing that so those are the ones that I mentioned that we're doing that everybody wasn't doing that like I would drive in one garage and drive out with another car driving with one driver I wouldn't know this was like at some point this became atmosphere between certain dudes on a certain level we made a game of this and we called it like busting out so if I seen you with something I nod my head you look at me oh okay and then tomorrow I run about another car and and we just so became that became the atmosphere there's my Tuesday called today so four guys on that lovely that that's what the climate became and who was on that level that I just described a handful a was on that level rich was on that level Paul was on that level and it was a handful of dudes that I can throw their names out but you know you wouldn't I'm gonna know them right and the audience probably weren't evil I mean the people was there would but but but for the most part the ones I named was what it was and at this time do you know anyone from queen yeah of course I do I knew Preem I knew just just used a hang-up tackle just used to hang with rich I actually met just too rich so let's go through order I handed this how did you meet rich Porter sort of being competitive we probably pulled up at the at the at the car wash and it was one of these things they had a crew and like I said I was from the Bronx I came down to Manhattan and at some point I was building my crew up so we would see each other at the car wash I mean Harlem is just big you know say so all of the hotspots be at the rooftop be it Willie's beat the whatever the carwashes was we see each other like I said we made we made a Apollo was another place that we always would see one another on they will be on one side throwing money we will be on the other side throwing money we well my crew and then and the name of your crew is you suddenly give it to us um there was no we didn't have a name like you know me was just guys down with me like whoever was down with me hustling me that was my crew okay there was no money at Apollo days to have shows okay and we used to get into pissing contests that's that's what that was for us when we was young you know I'm saying as we all start to get money we would make it our business to be in there Amateur Night on Wednesdays they we and it was understood that you couldn't give those balconies to to nobody but us because we we were more than entertainment and what was on the stage and I remember the days when we knew he's doing it on that Wednesday where we were just like all the things that we got all week we were gonna go on it just to throw him out just because at that time the guys fish to own the Apollo at that time no I think I was locked up button cuz it's like 87 okay yeah okay so that had came in with okay so so you meant bring us by how you met rich you met rich like it passed in passing and you guys build a rapport yeah or everybody like I mean like I might I think I might have a nap I bought the skating rink I might have met Ian again in passing you know like again this is early on this is that that time from me read and you know another thing was to do in Harlem we would just park our cars and just walk while hauling like you know me just all our jewels on just walk uptown beating broads taking numbers dapping dudes up that we knew and that's just part of what we did that's that that was a climbing and atmosphere in Harlem at the time those bunch of young dudes getting a lot of money and everybody was like it wasn't really no no hate you know I'm saying and if it was it wasn't you didn't feel it so it was comfortable we just parked our costume days it was a nice day and we just go uptown just talk go away from 25th all the way to 55th go back around come down 7th you know and just fraternizing getting numbers and talk [ __ ] and you know just just just having a good time that's what it was and you had a lot of girls cuz you know I you know when you look you up there's just one woman and I respect you for that but did you have a lot of girls we all had a lot of girls I didn't say we I said you it's a yeah I definitely had a lot I got in trouble for so Diamond I'm not revealing today okay so so you're walking around but you meet - who were you out of those three who were you more closer with to be honest with you ow because rich was like I said was a way in me I was just each other in a skating room early on and when Rich came around I end up it's funny because you know if I had to say who I was cooler where I had to honestly say I probably more cool without Pole but I end up doing rich business with rich a little later on to it so I was cool with him as well 18 not so much and why you think it was a coup a so much um I've never really seen a moving about a certain kind of way you know I'm saying he didn't really move about like they did like again I told you we got into it we got into pissing contest you know I'm saying like you go see he would come to and to Beto be talking about from 85-87 that incident would have happened in 87 you know I'm saying so when we fall when we got it to full swing his situation was like you know he's on the downside of it what do you mean it does he got shot I know you got shot but what do you mean it was a hustle no more today but I heard that you know the time he was making a lot of money so what that's it again e47 so I hardly saw him I know I seen him too that time you know I would see him come through with his cars you know but he didn't hang out like the person has hung out the most out of all of them it was definitely output you see him all day every day you know rich you would see but eight you will see him occasionally he's more low-key with it um yeah he just wasn't he wasn't like you know I would I would rooftop I'd be at 55th I'd be at 39th I'd be a Kingdome you know whatever someone's going on I was moving around like that hmm and you're cool opposed are you impo cool hanging out yeah doing business together as well not not then we eventually do okay and then so this was were they close like they predicted and he depicted in the movie definitely well you will see they would go by matching cars and [ __ ] like that regularly they were like that like imagine Porsches matching convertibles matching sevens him and a so they get a date date did all of that mmm and rich reported Iowa again 90 90 90 so you'll be moving up so now you cool with them arm I'm not just cool with them I'm cool with everybody how did you meet premium in them we still play basketball games and what Prem's got locked up at a certain time so he wasn't around Eva and I think that might have been like 87 when preme caught his case you know me and I think Prine came home to I'm not sure don't let me miss speak but preen caught his case so he wasn't sort of round for a lot of to but like I said just was uptown all the time you know I mean so just was were I definitely seen just all the time and it was cool just yeah school just okay so how did you expand in your doing the pissing contest you throwing all the money around you know things are not getting spicy for you in the street because you said that you had no issues nobody challenged you well I kept interested in people with my company as well so I you know and interested in people meaning that nobody would mess with them nor you right interesting facts research any story yeah I didn't hit and that's the funny thing I didn't hear any story because there maybe two reasons one was not really outside wish that we know that we'll meet you that's internet good would you see my pictures on there I simply wish would not be really - let me give you your credit the same time I throw the shot okay so I no point saying that cuz you know that's not that's not a fact okay follow me so one could be you not really outside or you're careful because look easy got a lot of money but he wasn't really seen I don't know what he was doing but Google me you see the picture I saw nice look nice I wasn't in my house when it was over then it wasn't house when he was in a big chair was that the more I had to think about the more well you know what those backgrounds are very noticeable those was all of the Hat on spots yeah you was getting it so I mean where do we go from next on there now you know spot you know you mean everybody you know some Queens dudes where does it go from you from there I and I got ahead of myself but like eighty six eighty eighty six at the same time why this was going on the spot that me rate was in ends up getting shut down it was a it was abandoned building we actually it is crazy because we went in this abandoned building put metal doors on it ran electricity to it you know you know like this new jack [ __ ] that you sing like the Carter that was real like you know not that location per se but we actually had running electricity and we went in and put metal doors you know and and took it over like we own the damn building you know I mean so at some point the city would figure it out and shut you down so they shut that specific building down at me and read at first you know started collectively together but as you see I had branched out around that same time I had to do that I was cool with who I went down to DC and I hit pay day you know and came back and told me and it was like okay just this thing out of town is uh it's like nothing I've ever seen you know he like took eighth and at the time efore might have been like 2500 and he came back with like six grand like literally the next day so when he told me about it you know I went down there with him and uh and uh it was what he said it was you know and that took on a whole nother life you know for me so at this point fast forward story [ __ ] going on in New York wasn't overly appealing to me at this point and I was getting a lot of money in New York but the kind of money I was getting out there was was was had actually end up you not there was like a drop in the bucket to what I was doing but Lester headache because back then we was bottling like you imagine if you if you sell in 40 50 thousand six whatever a day that's that's a lot of [ __ ] at the table it's a lot of work you spend in countless hours when I went out of town they were selling this thing called like working 50s it was just slabs you know I'm saying that's we called him working 50s and you would just make a slab which you would sell it and they would take it and flip it and maybe make 100 200 because the market was so different out of town and it was less work you know I'm saying like you could package a key out of town and like half an hour I could package of hokey you know out of town opposed to sitting at the table in New York making times you know man so that was very appealing to me so at some point my whole operation migrated and we end up in DC I love you in DC for from 86 to 90 so why do you think so DC was less of a headache it wasn't so much it was less of a headache the profit margin was so greater why can you break that down well you got to figure you know in any any major cities is where drug distribution happens so when you go to like what we consider you could let's say you a secondary market for lack of a better term they don't have access to it so what you could sell in New York for $100 you can make a sell out of town for $300 so that's what it's more profitable so basically you were beating people in the head no it's supply and demand if a key if a key in New York City is 20 grand out of town is 27 thousand it ain't me beating in my head that's what that market calls for so if I'm a sell so Mikey in New York for 20 and I can go out of town it makes five six seven more grand on it then that's what you do but you being a figure of figure the person that's getting money and the person that does what you do why do you think it was like that I just said to you that it wasn't accessible to like we told my New York accessible so obviously that because New York was more fast-paced right right we were able to take advantage of people in the other areas yes what you will see it is that I mean it's just how business works right anti-business work I mean please don't ask me those type of questions as I'm interviewing you okay I mean you know I I'm just gonna call it what I call it okay well no well you don't you don't use something a little different because I like to talk on analogies to paint pictures and make it a little bit more simplistic so let me come up with something for you okay well like I said when when when in New York City the [ __ ] being sold everywhere up on Broadway here there so everybody has access so they're competing I got it so because they're competing if you're selling for twenty somebody try sell for nineteen if somebody trying to nineteen you're telling the eighteen if you go out of town and you don't only store then they got to pay whatever whatever you have it for but how are you able to go so how you have to know somebody in these other areas in order to go dude the guy that took me out of town yeah he had family did got it okay but but but but I don't want it I don't want to gloss over that because again I was about 19 20 at the time again I'm a little I'm reckless for sure but I'm just Who I am at this point you know I mean and and I figured his hustle thing out a little bit but um DZ was wild and he got wild and it was crazy you know I mean but again you know once I got out there and I figured some things out did not migrate it my whole team out there hmm when did Alpo go to DC do you remember if I had to tell it maybe 89 so you move your whole team to DC and your whole team is in DC y'all getting money definitely killing it absolutely still got the same connect with the Colombian one of the many like so many connects me throughout my run oh god I see you just put it in the pot so I could just pick one but listen okay I know you don't know so what happens is this when you're getting money you you don't you know you know I'm not I'm not loyal to one person and then on top of that no one has it consistently all the time you know I'm saying so it's almost like if you go to a sneaker store they don't have the sneakers you want you're not gonna not get them you just gonna go to another sneaker store and so the same thing goes with that so at some point when this guy don't have it and I'm dealing with this guy and and and do the cost of getting money you just stopped meeting different guys and sometimes you move it so fast you got to use both of them because they they're not keeping up so that's been times where it was so I didn't have no one particular person and I dealt with like consistently this person knows screaming it's a person I don't work consistently but there's also other people that I went to and in fact they fell short or he wasn't on earth and while you dealt with that person consistently um I liked our relationship he wouldn't know he wasn't even born no I mean he just gave me a look because he thought the question was absurd um yeah well you know I built a rapport and if I'm spending certain money which I might come to your say I got money for 30 and si I'll match that or give you half that so you built that rapport that person so mad at I got it right I got it so we in DC and get money what would happen to what happens next like this is booming no issues in DC at all there's no cause there's always issues oh so there's issues now of course there's always issues there's issues every but it was issues did but I just dealt with him there's it any time you're getting money you please come get me so so earlier react you know what my disclaimer to that again if you're doing anything illegal it's gonna come with with certain [ __ ] like you know you're just gonna come with like nobody never ran in my spot nobody never robbed the spot but somebody might move in a building you got to remove them from the building and you would have to do whatever you need to do like yo y'all care so yeah you know that kind of thing so yeah those that happen but but you know at some point somebody you know they weigh the options like do I really want this problem you know like you know maybe now it's probably not my best interest you know I didn't know y'all was home you got to move man you know me or whatever so these things happen but it never raised to the level where well there was an incident when somebody got shot yeah but again somebody should just like part of course where was there more problems in New York or DC we did get a little lost but you see DC because DC DC just got crazy like you know I mean like did like a lot of people lost their lives in DC you know I know III probably know 40 people like you know and that's that's me being modest I lost a life and DC by the time I was done for your party your team know just in people I knew and okay instances I heard of you know people that I didn't know that was associated with me but maybe not directly because you know at some point DC got so out of control and there's so much money to I knew that you know guys will bring me new friends and [ __ ] like it you know because it was just like money was falling out the sky in DC so a lot of a lot of a lot of a lot of people lost a license you see how long were you in DC for 86 to 90 okay now things getting crazy in DC but you're handling the business but you're good you're not gonna get into any details or anything but um some people got removed from certain locations yes that's a fact okay my shoes am I using the right terminology now 89 um a year something happen to your mom that's a fact can you tell me before we get into that if you mind where were you where were you when you got the call I was in my store no no I wasn't in my store I was in the movie theatre movie theater yeah and there's a funny thing I wasn't movie theater I was with me and two of my guys and two girls was like five of us and funny thing is I seen rich in the movie theater that night - that's funny in Secaucus he lived in Setauket yeah he had a condo sort of caucus and ironically I seen him in a movie theater that day and what was the call you got I got a beep then he was like nine one ones like you know people probably don't know what a beeper is but for I'm not gonna assume that we talk I'm not talking to you we talking to our audience right should I just assume he know what beepers are I'm assuming that they don't know what beepers are but it was a device that you were page and back then we had codes and you never use 9-1-1 unless it was an emergency you know like so if you was from a hon 42nd Street you be at it because again we had phone booths so you put in the number and then you will put behind it the code and I would know is you if he's 142nd behind 27 so you know I gave people coast you know so I would know who-who was a call all the pinhole it was you know that's it would determine how fast I called you back but anybody called you with 9-1-1 it was understood that you don't play with that so I got I got a nine one one call you know a bunch of not one ones behind the number and when I called the number back somebody told me something that happened and they sort of described it but it was crying and he sort of described it but I didn't know if the person I was you know somebody setting me up or whatever could I didn't know the person who had called me and I'm not gonna hopefully going to that so much that because it's in the book you know and I got a I got a I got a I got a sell a book you know I mean but there are things that we can touch on but I'm not gonna go into splaining the whole story in this in that book get all the detail you not gonna go in explaining what happened well a girl was abducted she was a teenager she's 19 maybe 23 grown-ass men tough guys gangsters I guess for me leader looks and bumps but three grown-ass men abducted a 19 year old girl she was riding around on a Mercedes she's up in the Bronx you know she went to visit a friend they came out the house they drew down on her do you know they abducted a day accosted her they threatened her you know you know telling a girl killer unless you know she get him some money you know one thing led to another they end up back at my mother's house they go in they searched the house they go to all of that they don't find nothing because I didn't keep drugs or money at my mama's house and they end up shooting all three other women one of the women survives which was the 19 year old right did you so it's in the book so I don't wanna you know cuz you gotta get the book out um did she explain why she brought them to your mom's house um well let me let me let me let me I'm glad you actually my question let me let me let me help let me ask you a question cuz I need I need your opinion sure you can ask me anything you want how many 19 year old women you know are gonna stand up to three men with the guns to them and they accidently do whatever how many grown-ass men how many police officers how many gangsters you know that's gonna like you know I'm saying like at the time I was age I was in this situation what it was and even looking back at it now I over the years it's enabled me to evaluate it and try to process at the time obviously I wasn't trying to process it but think about it you know me think about any 18 year old 19 year old and you draw a gun to them and you tell them taking me somewhere do whatever you're gonna do she probably panicked she was hoping it in the course of going from point A to point B that she gonna bump into somebody the police are gonna pull the car but you know I don't know I don't know how many people you could ask that question so cuz ain't too many people could say what they would do somebody put a gun to the head and told him to do something did were they looking for you well if they was looking for me I was a hard to in fit street I'll be able to say danger you can keep Tom cross Felipe Concepcion and it is a kid named Keith who was no longer on the planet yeah Tom cross do did you know him in passing what was your imagine you'll never seem to do it a day in my life you never seen Tom cross Daniel I never seen him a day in my life so I'm today you don't think that they were app do you think it was random acts of violence um again we talking about you know she just happened from what I understand she just happened to be in the neighborhood they lived in so it might have been it might have been an OP you know they'd just be an opportunity you know me like I'd never heard him do this dudes I knew who ran around the streets on that kind of [ __ ] he wasn't one of them I never heard her to do there was a thing that all due respect that outpost said that he offered to take 10,000 from you and in that situation do you recall that already said then yeah of course I heard that that wasn't true so he didn't we had a conversation him and we had again these friends so my conversation was more about once I got a line on who the guy was as to I knew somebody that ran with the dude that he knew so my conversation with him was like yo man I heard that this do runs with this character that you know in East Side you know could you tell me something about to do this is this is before the do got caught to do and these dudes end up in another state first of all they wasn't in New York City so whatever you heard or whatever that misconception is and again I just told you what my team was I didn't need no outside assistance to handle any offense that I might have had so our conversation was more because we was cool about tracking to do down you know that was our conversation and on top of that at that particular time when this happened me and him was doing business real business you know three four hundred thousand dollars we exchanged between any of between one another and do you think he would just wouldn't say keV on my hand to that cuz I know if the shoes on the other foot he wouldn't had to say kid give me turned out out of took Kevin say y'all got to care that so that's just that was a false narrative that he painted yeah and it was after the fact like this is so many of you two years later with him and I probably went on about it but we weren't on a better term so that's how he delivered that so you know there's no amount of money that I could have made or the US government could have printed that I wouldn't spend to [ __ ] had that situation took him kid like again I'm 22 I'm reckless I don't care about nothing to nobody Wow why would I not but when that happened you mean what did it do to you she was the most precious thing that ever existed on his planet to me my mother was everything to me I started hustling and getting out the house because of my mother because again I see the pain that she was enduring and the things that she was going through so that was the reason why I got the house to start taking care of myself and trying to help her so that was the most precious thing in the world of me like there was nothing more vital more valuable than than her so there's no amount of money that I would spent to have taken care that situation and like I said if you did you if you did your homework then you know that the guy got caught in Detroit and the other one got caught in Connecticut they couldn't have been anywhere in New York City let alone like we walking past each other every day and we good so that's all [ __ ] do you think that he when he found out after what he did and and who because he didn't know when he went there it was anything else you don't think that he knew you anything that pull to do yeah Tom cross do your problem let me let me I shouldn't have a question I'll be talking about this is really silly people may just do that to be a gangster right yes they did right so if yours gangster why do you turn a home invasion into three homicides because if you're not worried about me you go to rob him say you know [ __ ] him tell care when I see him you know he know where here's my calling card I see him when I see him you did what you did because she was worried about what the repercussions was gonna be for violating cuz there's no other reason why I turn a home invasion something that is of a drug dealer which is no amount to what a few years if in fact you even got prosecuted so you go from that to a triple homicide cuz you're a tough guy I don't know they don't make sense to me but I hate these narratives I'm like that don't make sense to me if I'm a tough guy me right you know [ __ ] flip shell flipped I said just adding a third seeming when he see me but then on top of that why do you women and children are soft target targets mmm ain't not tough about robbing a woman ain't none tough about a duckling woman and especially at gunpoint so uh so you have to see it for what it is and this is common sense to me but common sense ain't common so when I hit people say certain things I'm like I'm on a hunt 25th Street I'm in a heart of Harlem I got a store called Boss Emporium I got a BMW sitting in the showroom I advertised I'm running around chain swinging pockets just answer and you want to rob me I wasn't hard to find I'm there every day that I wasn't out of time so if you wanted me and it was specifically toward me then it should have been brought to me that was some Cowboys [ __ ] ain't no other way to look at that and I no any man on this planet that could evaluate that and come to any other conclusion I don't know you know I'm saying but beyond all of that this character suing me okay and I supposedly by all by our definitions of the term I'm the victim for my family's the victor but this dude is suing me before we get to the soon part go ahead um who was the other lady that that who the other person that passed away no it was a well I didn't even know that woman to be God blessed I didn't even know she was Friends of the young lady where was your father at the time down south out of town everybody the passion you talking about how pressure your mother was it it got me a little bit there's a lot of passion that um so Tom cross is trying to sue you you're gonna say name he's trying to sue you he's not trying to sue me he's suing me what is he suing you for well he's been suing me laughs I got documents but he's been suing me if I do I need to speak but you could read them for yourself just to show you man just to show you the you know again I can't make this kind of [ __ ] up but I highlighted it and this is you the first person I've even discussed this okay so you just get to the second page self-explanatory I highlighted it for you and you can read whatever else you want in between but you can see what my lawyer had to put in lots of yeah this however is not plaintiffs first time attempting to sue myself Kevin Charles or Don Deva magazine in fact plaintiff plaintiff Thomas cross has previously attempted to commence litigation of some sort against myself kevin child's and dawned even magazine on three separate occasions always were denied by the judge or abandoned without us having to respond or beer the expense of hiring a lawyer the three previous actions are listed below are those official documents do you see all of that you see whose return address on all of this stuff that I'm showing you who was it sent from the Thomas cross but hold on hmm okay what I see here let me see what I see here tell me what you see there you got a slow down I don't trust you talk take your time okay so who is so Thomas cross plaintiff against Kevin child's Tiffany child because he saw her he saw every damn body I'm associated with okay now question three subpoenas from Tiffany child's gonna Charles and did Anthony denied okay so denied that was it was denied what's what's the date so let me see the dates for how long it's been gone look at the letters they all right there ain't even open that's how much mail like it for his character Wow what did he send in you oh I don't even know anyone open it so you can see you just look at the dates in 2017 okay look at that one it's all blows here we go this happened in 89 there's 2017 you know like we're not as articulate and and advances you right now so let's slow down what is Tom cross suing you for okay let me back I do see it okay slander action right do you want to know what I came from yes please he he did an interview and it's just just just love a corny-ass publication no names necessary I'm when given I'm not gonna give him no no whatever but in any event he did an interview in another magazine and what he did was he's talking a little slick so what he did they had this whole layout and then he he he made allegations of some sort that toward me as the sinuate that I told on him right now again I'm apply common sense again this was a homicide that happen in an apartment the only surviving witness is the only person I wasn't dead what could I possibly tell on you I don't even know you I never met you what could I tell right so but then he would that's neither that's just that's just propaganda because he's in a state and he needs to say some [ __ ] I guess have people not on him a certain kind of way but what I anyway he he went through this whole thing in his magazine basically what his chest stuck out with all his exploits so when I seen it I in my magazine I did a retort and I said homie listen I don't even know why he wasted a time talking to you because whatever your street [ __ ] is it what it amounts to is that you turned the robbery of three women a home invasion into a triple homicide and then there's another accusation of you robbing a woman at gunpoint with her child in her hand so that ain't gangsta [ __ ] my dude like I'm not I'm not I'm not jacking that that that's not tough they say from 183rd in the Bronx he absolutely is from honey third the brothers okay and um you're not jacking that um out of respect for you I wouldn't say you see you don't get the mic shot so I'm gonna say their name cuz I just found the article but you know what me say their name correctly I'm not giving them a shot because cuz I know to do and him him him and him putting him in the magazine for me cuz me and him me and him know each other so that she was kind of corny even for him and I'm saying cuz we know each other and not only know each other he knows the truth he knows individuals involved so him printing that to me was like there's some that's some [ __ ] personal between him and I and and we had that conversation when we see one another but nevertheless he knew the story wasn't true that he printed so you putting something in your magazine that you know any true with some [ __ ] cuz I don't care I gotta tell nobody with the printing magazines you can print whatever you want you could say whatever you want the truth is a truth and I stand by the truth be it from me or against me the truth is what the truth is but where did that stem from the day magazine come up before yours so they might have felt that he might have felt yeah but yeah I mean we was friends once upon time as a matter of fact I used to hit him I had to look out for right but again what's what see with let's see let's see because it actually was coming from I was he was coming from that that's all that's all well and good whatever his issues may be that's for him but the fact of the matter is that I didn't start out to try to have a magazine what ultimately happened is when he when he did what he did he was putting people on his magazines that that Arats hmm okay so he was doing a bunch of that kind of nonsense so when we finally came out for the magazine we was the anti that I've never put her out on the cover of my magazine I never would but you're being close to him wouldn't you think that will offend him because you're doing the opposite of his magazine of course people don't go with your magazine over this that's the [ __ ] mentality and I'm gonna tell you why I say that please teach me when you go to a magazine saying there's a thousand mag I'm being facetious did thirty magazines understand people go by what they want to buy that's true it's no different in music it ain't one rapper you know I'm saying like people go to story by what they like so if they don't like what you putting out then there's no reason to be mad at me because if it's not my magazine about another magazine so there's no reason to make that personal because it's not personal to me whoever puts out the best product that's what people don't buy was it any slight shot stone saying that we don't put was that you know how people put because you know you're a good talker I just want to say that I acknowledge you're talking ways I'm sold but were there any slight things that matter ended him honestly were like you're flipping a minute okay he made a conscious choice to put whoever he wanted on his magazine I just don't I don't stand for that that's just me I've been told doing so I'm never gonna find justification than somebody who told on somebody I don't care who you are I don't make no exemptions to that if you told on somebody I don't [ __ ] with you I don't care me and you was childhood friends and you told on somebody that's why friendship in that's just me because again my life was on the line at one point and I could have lost my life and never been came home like I didn't have like little little toy ass charges I had charges that that if I got convicted I was looking at natural life so I don't take lightly to to that you know I'm saying ha muji so but I'm trying to end up and I'm I'm looking at it and I do see a lot of people in here some people I told not all total with your memo absolutely and if they were I sure you happy the first one to let you know that this but I'm saying that like so let's go to the report cuz I'm just trying to you know me I know you don't like trying of lying people gonna put it about I'm gonna try to get down to the bottom what is your name are we good on that's when we shoot and I want this here real quick ok I like I like feeling you know ok you know I like to see this ok this feels good right here ok I was like it back right now ok yes Tom cross Thomas cross is suing don't even magazine for slander so yeah why is he not suing the other magazine because uh that the other magazines were reported what he said not you so now let's go real quick so you and the guy that runs the magazine we're cool yeah we definitely cool we're close yes we were did you ever come to him and say yeah and I said you have seen him I've seen I've seen him a bunch of times before that that article came out and and when I when I and I don't want to get off into this isn't even really you know that yeah but but but I saw him and we had a conversation and he act like it was all good gosh so I didn't sumit was anything to actually this article came up and I was offended by because again not so much that he reported I don't you can report you can you can interview whoever you want but if you know cuz likes like you and G and you know what something happened and then you turn around and report something that you know any true like I do at least out of respect for me and whatever our relationship may have been or not it's like report truth of [ __ ] and if I took if I took the short end of a stick on a situation I'm aware that you know it happens I'm the [ __ ] y'all we you know you take out but if you know something ain't accurate and then you put it out there that's some corny [ __ ] to me but do you think G like do you think that the reason why did that is because he came up with a magazine you came up with a magazine that's fine that's cool Oh hold on G hold the [ __ ] up oh no just respect this man I like him a lot I said oh yes I respect yeah but you know what to be honest man I think what happened ultimately as time went on and people viewed my magazine in a certain light and his was viewed in a certain light then he made it personal homey I didn't tell you who to interview or what the backlash is you got for the people you interview I'm just not interviewing those kind of people but it's entertaining those people i watch i watch faith and faith slogan was we had Dawn diva do not interview rats yes I saw you say something like that but we don't that's understand but then if a magazine is interviewing rats that is a slight shot to them so he'll get a shot because that's a conscious choice you make to do that there you go Lucy did you go so ain't no point okay looking at me iris paint no point oh absolutely is it absolutely isn't and that and I can't debate that okay we're tired of still have you wanted food and I respect that yeah I respect that so so Thomas cross is trying to sue you he's trying to sue um everybody works for me okay it was Tiffany child it's my wife it was me Kevin that's me oh sorry Tatyana daughter Oh everybody that works for you yeah but yeah what is the court saying pertaining to this you've seen it they threw him out they keep throwing them out but just do I mean let me tell you somebody when you when you when you are and when you aren't in me when you're an inmate you can do this [ __ ] all day long because doing that [ __ ] to do and it's at no cost every time he does this [ __ ] to me I got to go hire a lawyer to defend my position so it's almost like listen it's so it's so warped like the truth is stranger than fiction because if you look at it I'm supposed to be the victim to fact yeah what the [ __ ] is you showing me about you a gangster I didn't you know gangsters did this kind of [ __ ] and you see it said I don't respond to this [ __ ] because I don't want my name on none of that kind of [ __ ] that could be misinterpreted so I sort of like ignore it to the point where as in that last one I had a default judgment and I had to go deal with it because you're like you know if I didn't answer it I lose by default you understand but I don't want my name on none of this kind of [ __ ] like you know me and I could did some corny [ __ ] like you know contacted the prison and say you know even the course and say look this arresting me some [ __ ] might listen man you know eat a dick and I mean like you know you know like how many years does he have natural life pretty much but again what did I had to do with that use a derelict use a bum you did something to women and children like again like I don't have no kind of if we had a problem in the street then we deal with in the street if you wanted something from me didn't get at me you get me I get you you get the best of me however that play out that's how I go so you can't in one instance talk to skank stir [ __ ] and and and then don't don't don't get down like that and in and did you ever have a conversation with the girl that was dead did you ever forgive her did you ever talk the young lady that was dead that brought in your house well that was my guys woman I'm saying so he was down with me was my partner's woman I heard his name I heard his name today uh sorry Indian type of name chief or well anyway it's my guy so me and it's just got me and this guy we know well we you know this is my guy like it and it's a serious cat I heard about him right so that was another reason why they didn't want to leave no witnesses because that situation would have been doe you you couldn't have took nothing from me from him for many of us and thought it wasn't gonna be so what I believe this is this is this is just apply common sense because if you're not afraid then I'm gonna stick you up and I let you go about your business I'm gonna take whatever you got in your pockets around your neck and kicking ass and send your own and I deal with you but if I'm afraid of you I got eliminate you because I'm worried about you coming back last question on this real quick and I know I don't want to give up you know what did he say in a magazine that that triggered you to be offended that you had to do because he he put up this blank piece of white paper but then he he blacked it all out and insinuated something so my whole thing with that was he you're gonna do the [ __ ] interview why spare me if you say I did something to you then say it what the [ __ ] you're gonna lose to something or trying to insinuate something and then do this whole production to turn around and then don't say nothing so like listen man my reputation I I protected all cause I never ain't never made a statement in any regards even to this one I never spoke to the police about nothing and I've been interrogated throughout my whole run from the FBI to State Police local police I ain't never made a statement my name ain't never been on nothing pertaining to telling or anybody about nothing and I pride myself on that when I played this game I played the game of Rage supposed to be played ain't never told nobody my father was in jail 405 years I lost my my mother I was looking at natural life they locked everybody in my house up my kids mother my aunts my cousin's everybody I had to have a babysitter come to get my kids and the day before they did that they had me and they told me they was gonna do that hoping that I would flip ain't never flipped ain't never told nobody ain't never even thought about telling nobody and it ain't and for no other reason is because I couldn't look myself in the mirror and feel good about hurting somebody else or not taking acceptance responsibility for the [ __ ] I did so I ain't never even thought about it and you ain't gonna never see no documents with my name on it saying nothing not one word so I don't I don't I don't I don't take kindly to nobody alluding to anything pertaining to assassinate my character you know I mean I've been doing Don Dean for 20 years and this was the premise of it cuz somebody told on me and I couldn't believe the person who told on me I sat there watching who I took care of who I protected and who liked my seat and then you got understanding I only pointed at me my wife is my co-defendant my aunts my cousin and telling on women like yo homie man you gettin money we out here off into some [ __ ] these people had nothing to do with none of this Dan even my co-defendants the government did that because they wanted to hold my family hostage figure in we don't really have enough run on this do you know what so let's lock his whole family up and see if he flip he never been a real hard time enough and he probably ain't built for this [ __ ] but they miscalculated when he did that it was a real quick for the audience you know can you explain your definition of you know well not the definition but explain the whole concept of snitching you know as far as I in the streets and who who's kind of able to snitch and I finish I heard an interview but for audiosurf system here can you explain like you know basically the simplest explanation for it is if we all down doing something and we sign off or whatever it is we do we come in crimes whatever they are and something happened to me something happened to you then you have to stand on your ten toes and do what you need to do like you can't you can't you know you your co-defendants you don't tell on you know I'm saying that it's like we signed on to do crimes to break laws so whenever you breach that that's a flat-out obvious explanation of a snitch you got people who like you said you selling drugs down in front of the building and the ladies in the window of a man and his kids living in a quality of life is being affected by and they call the police on you did not snitch it you know I'm saying so it's a clear concise line when it comes to that people have found ways you know he was [ __ ] his baby mother and you know and it was robbing him and uh you know what was he supposed to do you signed on for this [ __ ] use around here acting like you had no goddamn sense just two days before this happened then you turn around and find justification for why you do it know that I had I go if you had a problem with them y'all supposed to work that [ __ ] out you went your way they went they way and if you was able to handle it any kind of way that's what you supposed to do but you can't not turn around and justify I get one twenty nineteen people do that because everything's watered down now every there is no morals there's no integrity there's no Lord see there's no honor I get where everything is just so superficial now when I ran around in these streets my life depended on the dude that was holding me down so and and and I'm not just saying that casually like you know no because there were many instances where my life was at stake and somebody can't do for me or their life was a stake and I can't do for them so that ain't something you take lightly you got one life right you know I'm saying and why is yours more precious than mines so when you love your brother because I I you know I you know when I was in that game I loved it you know I'm saying I loved everything about it you know what all of the [ __ ] that came with it it's just what it was that's how I was built I was indoctrinated you my brother's keeper that [ __ ] meant something to me and when I got arrested I got arrested with 22 people only one person told me one person told him you understand so that going to show you how I treated people I never left one of my guys twisted if you was locked up you knew I was coming I'm bailing you out you know I'm saying if you needed me for anything you never had to know I wasn't coming I took care everybody that was ever around me I overpaid and not in that game and and and I was rewarded for that because again like I said you know my best friend who was my co-defendants in childhood you know when we all got arrested he had a prior felony and anybody who knows anything about the feds when you got a prior felony they can they can they can double your sentence so they targeted just dude because they couldn't get me doing nothing right and he had a prior felony so when they caught him they caught him earlier that day and basically tried to pull him in and say yo listen we got you dead to right you made some sales throughout this investigation we got some things on you we caught you with a gun you looking at 25 years that's flat-out you make drug sales you got called a gun which is the second five years the conspiracy covered ten years so they automatically doubled that to 20 and a consecutive five for the gun so they went and got him as part of what they were doing because they didn't have me young saying so he stood strong in that moment and when I got I went looking for him and then they end up picking me up off the street so when I walk in there you know they do that that [ __ ] that they do they dig I'm handcuffed they walked me past the room the doors open he's in there so I was supposed to see that you know me and that was then what came after that was listen tomorrow we're going to get your whole entire family just don't have to happen you know you can you can you could prevent this from happening I said hang tight out totall my ain't got none to say to y'all you know y'all got to do talk I do I got to do what I got to do needless to say that threat they held true on and they locked everybody up years two years later we going to trial I see my co-defendants is my childhood friend we going to try we hire lawyers we don't all that we in the open together I see him because we go on to be going over to the to the federal building to to review you know with evidence in the case they take him out the bullpen he go one way they take me out I go another way I come back from court and I don't see him when I get to the court you know and to review the evidence I don't see him so I'm like yeah you know I'm thinking this is where we going turns out he was going to court and he took a plea he didn't even tell me he was taking a plea because he didn't want me to talk him out of it so he took a plea of 18 years and he never even told me because he know how to told him you old man you know because he know I wouldn't been able to live with that so he took a plea of 18 years I didn't even find out he did that to to after the fact but this is the kind of friends that I had you know I'm saying and so they ain't doing that today Danny doing that for one second but it wasn't just him like I said 22 people got arrested and only one person told on me and that's the kind of loyalty that I had so you know so you haven't said all that and expressing myself a certain kind of way you could see why I'm principal to not matter and I can't tolerate the other side that's the same there's the same situation when you took the ten years or is it something different yeah well what happened as it played out in federal court I went and had to miss trials so I want to try like I told you I had all these businesses I was making legitimate income so I was able to at least show where the money that I had obtained could have come from legitimate means so the government case just wasn't a flat-out homerun for them you know and I had the first mistrial then I went back to try the second mistrial going into my third mistrial the judge had this whole kind of conversation and he was like you know I would like the government and the defense to come to some kind of terms because he's seen that the case is flawed so he pretty much told the government y'all need to figure out something and you know whatever you know and we went back and forth negotiating some things and at some point acts for five years it was like now we're not going below the mandatory minimum but what the conspiracy carries and that's ten years so at some point you know my lawyer listen Kevin ten years ain't that long you're young man you got through eight and a half trust me if you go to trial if you happen to get convicted you automatically looking at natural life you know at some point me fighting them and seeing all what they was doing and and and all would it endured it just was wearing me out you know I'm saying and and and I realized that although I thought I could have got acquitted did I really want to throw the dice yet again you know I mean so at some point and I had been in jail at this point for almost two plus years so I had sort of said you know what really I'm looking at another six years at this point you know and I'm not going like I was innocent so I had that conversation myself too you know you and at this time people's can life sentences left and right you know that [ __ ] was like in the building every time you look around somebody got a life sentence got convicted just dad so I said you know what I know how I was moving I know the kind of money I was making I know the level that I was on you know what man this is just is this is just part of course for the game you know and and and and I went to my lawyer and I said I'll take the ten years but the only way I'm gonna take the ten years is if my co-defendant get at least what I got or less because I'm the principal and I and I couldn't live with him doing 18 years cuz he got in front of that for me cuz he could have told and it would have I would have been finished you know so that's that's my brother and I love him and like and I'm saying like we best friends but that's like my brother so much so that even when I came home and I had a son I named him because again my son wouldn't have been born had he not did what he did so that's my god that's my brother is Chris how long was your wife in jail as well when they all picked them all up they was in jail for a couple of weeks until he got a reign because they got arrested in Jersey my case is out of New York so they had to get expedited and do all of that kind of stuff but once they got to the city and they and we got them lawyers and they got him all out on bail so they did a couple of weeks you know time you had managers and stuff well I was living in that that's why I got that's where they was arrested in that he's living in a mansion 1.2 million and me I don't know if that's considered a mansion but it's pretty big house zombie down man you know there's it's hard to family a song so before [ __ ] into that well on axe tell us about the guy that told on you to got it so he Chuck Chuck tell us about it they didn't catch him he was on the one for about five months six months right when they finally caught him cuz they would land people go right a twenty right people right it was all getting out on bail right did your homework and then Chuck folded like a beach chair worse than that he told in the police the back of the North Carolina Police Department not the feds the feds didn't even get to him yet he told to the local law enforcement in North Carolina how do you know that it's my transcripts I went to trial Wow and it says it he told immediately they didn't even fly down to talk to him yet he told a local law enforcement so hey you know he's talking about I tell [ __ ] a no he's talking about he just had a woman to tell us about the report you had with him cuz you you're very passionate when you talk like I took care this dude I'm saying like he came home he used to be down with rich Alpo AZ all of it like I told you remember earlier about the cruise he was a part of that crew but he had did some time but by the time he came home the situation that happened with a the situation that happened with rich and I pulls out of town so I'm again I'm a good dude you know he comes through I knew him I didn't know him but again like I said it passed and we seen each other in passing the car wash to hold the whole nonsense so when he come home a dude that was down with me did time up north with him and he was like yo the kid chuck is home man you know he know I'm running with you you know he said he want to holla at you maybe we could look out for Moodle and he had a good name at the time you know I mean before he went in and and that's what you did when he was getting money back then if a dude came home you put him on comes in so when he came through he had a good name I put him on you know me I gave him a car you know you're older than all of the starter kit for a dude of his stature at the time like yo I'm looking out for him you know me what do you mean by a good name like he had a good name in street before when he went to wait like he was a solid do like the oats right yeah the old-timers like generation when guys went away and you got out you came home and it's like you never left they made sure they gave you money they gave you a package they put you back on you know I'm saying so that's that's that's that's how that was and that's that's the school um from so when he came home I made him didn't have a personal relationship but he had a good name at the time you know I mean he did his time he come home he hustled me trying to get back on his feet not only that I got all these businesses so I give him a job for his probation officer you know I'm saying so I just set him up and make sure he was good you know I had a hat cause everywhere I gave him a brand new Pathfinder you know I'm saying basically looked out for him put him on you know I mean he had a situation earlier on with something happened with his woman and she needs to get bailed out again this ain't my personal friend but it's the street dude you know me and and this is a street code I look out I build out there's situations where just a whole lot of [ __ ] you got to read the book man so so you help him you help this guy out at this time what business is that you had that you able to hire him I had a clothing store what's the name of it boss support okay I had two laundromats what's the name of him I don't remember what the name today but they was up born I just want to make sure that you know that we're on the same page because acts very open in the laundromat to own verifiable facts are they as a laundromat profitable at the time it was but it was it was it was it was it was a way for me to legitimize myself okay right so I had two laundromats I had a restaurant I was the name of it there's a hunt 28 from Lenox Avenue downtown side I had investment holdings in a real estate company I had a record company I had a management company big boss records absolutely do do do do you see the theme boss Emporium boss sneakers boss records what do you think that the word boss come from from you because you're a boss doing the crack ever at the height of all this [ __ ] when you ask me to somebody do something no did I have any problems but you said it but also you said that you were running with some guys your name absolutely ain't them merely the last name the rut yeah yeah the rutledge there was just again I was at the the AUSA to me and they put in work these guys table good guys okay respect you were trying to respect their names so now you took care this guy you held him down absolutely you guys get really close you get close but didn't you get caught up yeah we get arrested he gets away how did he get away he just happened to he happened to be out of town when all the stuff happened and did you know they just didn't have a he wasn't he wasn't he wasn't so much of a primary target so he felt through the net and he and when twenty to twenty one of us got arrested he was a twenty second so when you eat that day that November first day he just he just fell you know he slipped through the cracks did you cry at all when you saw him you shed any tears when I saw him no one pointing at you like when did you feel any did you get your any emotion absolutely you do and even not so much that he told on me he was telling on women again I told you women and children are soft targets man like you know hey it's no way I don't even know what man can get on the stand and point at a woman and say she did anything you know like sorry [ __ ] just doesn't register for me so I think I was more bothered by that that you okay you gonna tell on me [ __ ] it i but you want to see my wife in jail you want to see my kids mothers you want to see girls who work behind the counter in the store go to jail cuz you telling the government that when i drop money off i gave it to her so she had knowledge of the conspiracy you wanted you want to put on Jess she wasn't getting no money they wasn't hustling with us so yeah yeah you know Minh me a certain kind of way that's a fact what year did you go to jail November 94 1986 94 million that was my run um did you know the lynch mob absolutely you know his father absolutely you knew Luke I know Morley on all the Charlie Ted's father know what type of guys were they serious guys I mean I fooled with all of them before the fact mm-hmm when he went bad I [ __ ] with him we mean when they went bad the it was it wasn't just those three it was a whole whole crew of guys a lot of went bad but I wasn't cool with them anyway I was cool with the principal's well you mean bad lemme tell ya that oh I miss you a question it's a favorite what are you good you you know you you had a what what how old were you when your father got incarcerated I was 5 years old 1993 oh you can concentrate 93 um what do you remember what do you remember hearing about your pops at what point I mean when I was early I didn't really know what was going on mm-hmm yeah when I was young I really have no recollection what's going on like my family kind of hid it from me so it's like some that I grew up in sue and um when did you find what age did you find out who your father was um I always knew who my father was by just then really know you know the circumstances surrounding their situation okay you know what age did you find that out um I can't really say cuz I was going to visit him in jail since that age so I don't it was just like a thing like a growing up and I always knew my father was in jail and then so what is the would be from your recollection from your father's recollection what is the story about when they get caught up from you from I'm pretty sure that he told you what happened um I actually did a story with me about like how did he got caught up they how did it what was what made the feds or yeah what made the feds break down on a lynch mob first of all I don't know how did he even get the name lynch mob movie I asked kind of said about his team they've never really caught they self the lynch mob that was the name that the government gave them so the government gave their name so when you day what was the what was the final straw that made the government come down on him um I believe there was always being watched but they said that uh the feds was following Lou and another one of the guys why they were talking to somebody and they shot and why the feds was following them men wanted to do was decided to flip and they had a lot of heat on oh yeah did you hear about the story that misty told about the guy named 50 about that oh okay we all need to get into that then so now your father them get locked up so what what happens what made sir who told on who who started telling I mean that's not captain um no I'm not a part of that organization so I don't know who went first who don't but at the end of the day all I know is who stood up I don't know who did what who went first who stood up Lou Lou Faris Darren that's my dude - Darren was BT and John John John John there you go those father's guy that took he took the time and went about okay but the thing is that you know there was so how about got familiar with she was dead loaded Lux was rapping that's that's tough he's the he's the principal Leon yeah Leon was the tough guy I'll let you do the interview for me I'm trying to help you because you know I was there when with the people know how I met you that basically Rex did a battle with Charlie clips Charlie clip said a lot I got 16 racks if anybody could produce paperwork I give them half where does it go from there with you how do you get over a lot of looks walk us through because I did here and I don't like it construct is my man so I heard that you know you guys were you know accident for money I didn't think that was appropriate if he said that he got a certain amount of money for the paperwork and I got the paperwork and was the issue but did you have the paperwork prior them saying that all you looked and took it into paper I always had the paperwork so tell us what goes through what happened welcome stood at the steps of jury that the core team Rex said is if she wasn't in the build I would have seen you because you recognize but what was do it um after that battle a t-rex quote me with all my dudes hog guns and they were saying that you know they heard Charlie Clips had on eight thousand for the paperwork so they want to know what's up with this situation so me eclipse probably high like we had a like a little rapport prior to that so I was like you know let me reach out to him to see how we could move the situation without any violence and I'm there so I hollered at him and I told him I said yo you said you got a racks for the paperwork whatever and I was like yo if you give me four didn't you know I could call the wharves off and you know we just move it out and he said here think about it whatever whatever this is all hearsay right this is facts this guy's this old is really a whole decision I respect that but what I'm saying is the ISO you called clips was Clips aware of the position that his father was in at this time yeah we had a spoke prior to that so yeah we had that conversation that's why when I saw it it was like you know you already know what's up so why would you even say that okay and then what made you go with loaded looks I made little bucks holla at you just I'm hauling being a small world and he was aware of the story I was doing a documentary at the time the article was out in the dawn diva I had a diss record out so you know call them smaller so he reached out and you know that's how I came about you went on stage and you decided to hand out the paperwork yeah and the paperwork states that what Charlie kids pops told on everyone your father other people and that's a fact is factual information the paperwork that was thrown in the crowd was actual paperwork whether they state though a state that you know his file and I mean and it stated as father told pretty much his father was a leader of the lynch mob yes the large Boston election well alleged boys now you want to say much to him being don't dump down play don't downplay his father I wasn't there so that's that's what it was alleged I guess sure I wasn't his mom is I gotta hold it now you want say allegedly but you ain't say electric come on all right so he was alleged boss mmm so you spoke to your father did you father was away everything that was going on and everything like that was going on and stuff like that Jesse okay okay okay and I'm did you in Charlie Clips ever rectify the situation did you ever guys see each other after the battle yeah yeah we did because um breast apiece fat Mac you know he from the block and you know he know both of our fathers and you know he said were young so you know it wasn't really not when how much more time your father's looking at right now a couple more years couple more years yeah he'll beat so he'll be on maybe something soon you would be cool you happy yeah all right man see pops salute to you so you are you are loyal to the principal yes so you could be cooler than my but once you find out they tell you're not cool with them anymore I'm not hmm it doesn't matter how close you are to this person here to be my brother you're not gonna be cool with him if you see him at family events we don't speak we need another to be rolling around and knock the tables over but I just won't [ __ ] with him hmm so you went on Funk Flex 97 did they interview a man you know calling Barry White you know me but you know some things were said can you walk us through what happened what made you guys going Funk Flex can you walk us through that and then I honestly I didn't have nothing to do with that like I might do del Sol on that you seen him you sat beside me on interview it's my man right him and Flex was talking I think at some point my song got involved in a kid out of Chicago got involved vic mensa there you go big men sir so there was just a whole bunch of debates going back and forth and sort of my son had picked the flag up and was just basically stating his position about how he felt about the whole totality of takes a certain kind of way and I and and Shawn had some kind of relationship with either my son or maybe even flexed you know I know flex but not overly personal hmm and they they had some kind of conversation where Shawn was saying well you probably you need somebody who was there who couldn't state a position not just from from you know his merit or how he feels personally in regards to what's being talked about so at some point my phone ringing Delsin and flex was on the phone and we started talking in Flex was like you know cab you know nice to meet you you know this editor listen you know del song was telling me you know you had some information on this and you know we have a it's a topic that's that's been been on the radio of late and it's been you know a lot of it's been getting a lot of traction and what's your take on it and I saw the total my take was and you know and I feel the man a little bit about what my position was and he was like well listen man how would you like to come up to the station I said I don't have a problem with it I mean I mean if it's gonna shed some light on it because again when history's told I just wanted to be totally you know I'm saying not from from somebody who was a spectator for someone who had an opinion out so I said I didn't have a problem with coming up there so then he said to me well he asked me a couple of questions and I told him the premise of some stuff so then he says you know I think it was concerned about the integrity of the station and not not me to speculate so I said listen I do you want better listen I'll send you the paperwork you know so you can review it for yourself no I got more paperwork are you gonna give me if you ain't time to read it no no I mean you know let's slow down here real quick and I mean because the people will be mad at me for doing that you see you giving the paperwork could continue right so I was I was concerned because again as you see I've been getting sue forever than a day for slander and this and that so and so forth so I told him listen man so the station doesn't have any libel I want to provide for you if we're gonna discuss this subject matter I'm gonna give you the information so the radio station can stand behind and won't have any liability because the truth is not slandered are you doing the same thing for us understand we got a great report man we moving this thing alone let me ask you a question so you said on that show mm-hmm that our poll mm-hmm and AZ or in your paperwork that's a fact right um we don't have to regurgitate it I can just give you a paper you can read from it and we don't have to we can't you try to get funked flexing them use more views you got a million you got a one point something we need to hear yeah right thank you come on man Paula jeez so you try to say you know can you in because I don't understand you said that the way you found out is by looking at the paperwork and seeing that you remember the situation that you might have transpired with this person that was part of it well this is called discovery and you only get discovery when you go to trial most people plea out so when you play out you never get discovery I have to be provided this discovery because I have to create a defense I need to know what the government know to create a defense for whatever it is they is so they give you all of this discovery it's gone Brady Brady material and so you you know again I'm fighting for my life so this ain't no popcorn case where I'm looking at a couple years I mean literally I will never see the street again if I get convicted so I'm going through everything with a fine-tooth comb and some of my early discovery I kept saying this dude's name holds Daisy's name he said if you provide the paperwork that he'll give his children stones and see that's between a family slow down need a man family out of it I said that's between them right I didn't I didn't say anything about anybody I said he said that he's gonna give his family stones I said that's between them how could I heard of it's not get them up here you an accent did you get stone do you think that maybe the government might have did a ploy because the government does have a way of turning people against each other causing friction these are your government see how we see how we debating unnecessarily sure you can read it did I can make your determination is we don't have to coming up with scenarios unnecessarily tell you about that when people question that these dockets is a docket number on everything I gave you every single thing I gave you and with that docket number you can go down to the court yourself and you can get the same exact paperwork for a few dollars okay hold on yeah you see the dates and times on it I highlighted what is that our 92 what year did I get arrested um you said in 94 there you go doesn't matter oh come in a street well net when that document was was being uh was being provided to the court so it says they have general evidence xed what does that mean whatever whatever whatever says to file number two for five f as in Frank - and why - one nine five one two for horse-collar AZ Faison jr AKA ET or al but it doesn't say anything that he did okay when i said again i was factual and my explanation reflects I said as I'm going through my paperwork I see this guy's name on my is that not what I said that's one of the earlier documents that I seen but I don't see your name on here keep looking at make sure we don't want to we don't want you to do here we don't want to do that man and I have no reason to make none of this up like what I look but it doesn't say anything they told you anything so a whole lot whoa hold on it's 200 for dates you see the dates is that two different dates that you read this man only pursuant to rule federal rules of procedure this is the same date right here look at the other ones the other one the same date but they said that right here they have a original consent recording of you right called to kill a child that telephone number that was my record company then at this point but just this isn't Saints over you listen keep going so now you telling me did you see that new single transcripts - that's right keep going and the red paper which let me look at just tell me the gun I'm giving it to you in order I want you I want you and your listeners to see that happens in 92 this happens in 92 two different incidents and again his name on it my name oh I do see it I have nothing to do with this man there's no reason why my name and his name should be on anything okay the first thing could the government have played a trick on you keep reading you tell me what trick they play okay you don't have to read the whole thing but I just wanted you to see it and it's actual I'm this is Oh hold on this is a lot so go no no I got it you see this is my long six you see you see you see what yeah there you go go right to that and it's highlighted okay you see where it's highlighted see when you start seeing people's names you recognize when you read from wherever you want well I see mister Temkin that's the prosecutor okay okay I see it you see all right so the question is now you did though end up getting the paper didn't you answer yes and I think you told us on that wreck that you've got them from your old a person named AZ right yes question and that's a Z Faison right correct a Z ferrozzo front of yours right yes question Oh drug buddy right yes question a Z phaser introduced to you by a fellow named Alpo answer yes question also known as Alberto Martinez among other things right answer yes I know him by that name question that AZ and phase aren't AZ told you that the court papers came from alcohol is that right came from Alpo he answered Apple for me question and you acknowledge that Apple was cooperating government witness isn't that right right somebody said objection but how do you know the man wasn't lying though the man that how do you know that the man he breathing mr. I'm too much of man I said she was here eating because the next document is the case agent speaking keep reading this right here there you go that's what makes me a shoe there you go big a fool you know about the guy I know but key reader hmm you have one lady in the picture I don't know how you did it Ben drowned them loose and I heard about you so you are the master of deception okay not telling [ __ ] though okay so now question and all and all this took place during the investigation when Cameron childs was the principal of their investigation right that's the agents but yes talking to the agent okay all right mr. Temkin actually a question about the other targets right answer yes question one of those targets was a guy by the name of AZ phase all right answer a Z is part of this case yes question a Z phase on answer a Z Faison yes question what does Q me question right I will leave it at that in addition to the period of time whenever a key so now I gotta go beyond that okay again I'm gonna rewind this whole thing okay why is a Z a part of my case right how did Alpo get papers to give it to AZ to in turn give them to chuck again like the man said me and them had no business dealings together there is no reason whatsoever for this individual so let's go a little deeper did you have any sexual encounters with AZ's women maybe I don't matter of fact listen that's ridiculous like that's that's not even a question well maybe smaller to a whole lot most ridiculous nickiemoore but I didn't have a personal relationship with and it's not not nothing I knew of put it that way you know I'm saying not nothing that I flat out to say anyway came making a movie bug um so nothing that you knew of nothing I know of okay I respect that but so you don't know where this stem from and for all it used office in the rules you don't know that the government set things up to put each other against each other you don't think I'm asking put us against each other listen I got a witness list ahead over 200 people this is actual paperwork yes I see nine United States of America this is actual paperwork trial now I see the paperwork see the city I see I'm not I'm not in okay I'm just asking you how do you know Chuck wasn't lying so I'm asked that was a case agent just speaking there was Chuck accident where he got this paperwork from that he received from our PO who in turn gave at the eggsy who in turn gave the chuck I told you earlier that Chuck in the name was all down together prior to my situation with Chuck so so why you never spoke to AZ about it why you never found out if this was true as I'm saying well that is the federal government the FBI and the case agent the Lee case agent on the same agency that you got to hung jury from okay but my point is why make him inclusive in anything with me like what was the point of that you give me a rational explanation because I'm not I'm not searching for when I it won't like a duck it quack like a duck it's a [ __ ] duck but you can make it out to be whatever you want to make it out to be I'm not gonna debate that with you that was a good one the good reverse are very smart it's not gonna work here because you know an explanation I'm not doesn't water stays on a duck back no because I'm a duck right now okay let's get a little deeper I'm saying that you cannot figure out yourself you look at me like you're Queens [ __ ] I cannot figure out why this man unless you're telling me that he was so close to Chuck that's why I wanted to take you down to help because it doesn't make sense it doesn't coincide use it even you don't feel when you said yeah I can't figure out why wouldn't his name leave my paperwork I can't and I can speculate all day long okay I can speculate the man never did a danjel all right we do know we do know that he testified against the individuals that he had that issue with did he I know he told on the guy that shot him listen no no no that's finally my saying is right I'm a maydel tomorrow that's not did he go on let's what I'm saying this what I'm saying first cuz you guys just hold no telling thing and stuff like that you don't want to engage good I'm just asking did he go understand absolutely so the guy that shot him why did he go understand a point about it from what I understand and I wasn't in the courtroom but as I understand it and this is really off this is like because let me say this so people clear I have no reason whatsoever to put anything on him it doesn't it doesn't further my position in life I don't gain anything from it it's just what it was so I was just as bewildered and puzzled as anybody would have been because we didn't have any business dealings I did business with rich I did business with Poe I didn't do any business with this dude so there's no reason why I mean his name should it be even mentioned in the same sentence unless you're talking about some [ __ ] we did his kids other than that there's no reason whatsoever I can only speculate day after as to why it would be but that's a question at some point if you get on your platform or anybody else's platform that he can answer our poor name is in it as well our poor tried to reach out to you in our poets walking around New York City that's a fact yeah so you said on Funk Flex that you're nuts you don't want to is nothingness talk about it isn't but wouldn't you have a conversation just to get clarity of what cuz he's going walking around taking pictures with people I heard he's taking pictures of individuals that spoke about him I know you know you don't look nervous we know a lot of things going on I'm not questioning I'm just saying why won't you get my opportunity maybe that's your question right somebody put a gun in your head they think they pull the trigger the gun jams a police car pulls up you run off the only thing that's bad you was that police car pulled up at a time it allowed you to get away from that answer and a gun jam you want to have a conversation later on with the person say hey you tried to kill me why did you do that the way you put it no okay what sometimes you may want to find out the reason I don't want to know I don't because had the government had they wait had I got convicted we wouldn't be having this discussion right now and whatever narrative you will be hearing will be the one that you've already heard you're just hearing my side of it now so Alpo tried to reach out to you yes plenty of time I told you we were friends we were good friends even to the process of all as he reached out care don't go to trial don't this and this when I was in the street so we've always been that way but again it's not about Alpo Dave ralph jump I don't care like I don't care who you are once you do what you did I don't really want to hear what you have to so because our PO told on guys in DC it didn't against the friendship and everything you don't want to talk to period I have a lot of reasons man I used to see output you read it he was in federal custody he had my people work you just read it he sent to a Z a Z in turn gave to Chuck I don't understand why anybody had my paperwork you see where reads he didn't get it from a courthouse he didn't get it this way like so I don't know what anything what people I don't know anything what's the paper was on the paperwork I never saw the paperwork but this started as early as 92 when the government was investigating I was being investigated mm-hmm so why all this investigation is going on he's locked up you understand so I don't know if he was sitting down with the agents and he was saying hey tell us something about keV you know what did he do what do y'all do I've seen things in my paperwork why I read what there's incidents with meet him so I knew it was him because I know man you did what we did so when I read it I know who it is I'll call you tonight yeah because we did business so if you say well on such a such occasion I bought 15 keys just an attorney whatever the case may be I know it was you from the description of what what would it detailed excuse me for my ignorance because I do tend to be slow no you're not I am you said on flex in here that they had your paperwork floating around I'm confused about what was born I'm confused about the paperwork part what is the paperwork okay because that would tell me if a snitch or not that would tell me what was told paperwork let me address we're talking about Biggie's game that's not gonna happen today we're talking about federal documents okay we talk about someone who was incarcerated that's the first thing so in mind you're true Pete oh I had hired a private investigator that that that that was able to find out these things is why when you fight in a case you hire investigators and all this all kind of stuff happen but when regardless of what was in the paperwork I don't know because I never saw I'm locked up when all this is going on you understand I'm locked up I just get this in my discovery and thank God that my investigator and my lawyer was able to use that because what ultimately happened was my lawyer was able to say that what chuck was testifying to wasn't so much because he was actually there but he was reading from a script' see the the argument my lawyer was able to create that he doesn't have first-hand knowledge of any of what he's talking about because he receives these documents from someone who was working with the government so everything he's testifying to today on the stand is not first-hand knowledge but he's reading from a script to save his ass so that worked for me and that was fake working for me I got it so basically you're saying that our poll must have told on you and then and his transcript of what was said what went on got to chuck so he could read reiterate what was there right I didn't say to begin I don't understand what you're talking about what I thought when I said the man was in federal custody no I'm slow okay love slow I didn't graduate high school Oh forgive me pardon me pardon me um but it doesn't stay that easy told on you because you got the paperwork from our poll but AZ's guilty by association from giving a pitch on that did you not do you not read the part was saying he's a part of this case why are we a part of any case um these papers are I got things yeah I need your opinion gee do you understand what I'm saying gee I got I got it you didn't get understand so for clarity okay he didn't get on a stand but the pic i put the paperwork together so basically in my opinion upon me my you know me and I need your help on this i po but he's saying that our pope said some things that they did together right so they gave it they pass it on to chuck in order to validate our post story hmm in order to put him in this is what i got for me yeah because AZ just man that's what that's what I'm thinking but he said that what do you think it just said AZ hands in the paper that's what I read but he's one of the cake he's saying why why are they even a part of that showed you several different document my name intertwine I saw that and we don't have anything to do with each other respect so you can disperse whereas in with the government uh you know what's the same by ignorance is bliss yeah right now well that's fine I mean that that's okay for you to feel that way I don't I don't my point is I just look like a state to you and anybody speak to I always speak in fact and I support everything I say you know I'm not gonna sit here and say what something was or wasn't but what we can all agree on if me and you never did know business then me and your name don't need to be intertwined any kind of how got it can we know any of you soon with Barry I wanna know a story air you got a good story would you set that up down the line for me I think he likes you I'm sure you know some wounds um yeah I see the paperwork for my own self the docket number uh was the docket number I just want to make sure is it the number that I read earlier the file number is two four five F Dash and y dash one nine five one two four it's the oldest till all the sales orders filed your sale today I see it I see it Wow well my opinion but he's show me pig work he showed me you know I'm saying this is this is man program it's not my opinion it has nothing to do with coin flip or flip the script which is a man brought the paperwork he brought her here it's just he I see this nicely in the red I think this is leather trial volume number three may 996 yeah um Wow you said let me ask you one last question where do we go from here I got a book that details everything we discuss I mean this is just just just scratch the surface but the book gets into all the nitty-gritty and relationships and conversations and the backstory and all of that comes was named in the book it's called a crack era the rise and fall and the redemption mmm very important that people understand the redemption of Kevin child's you know once they come on it's released November 1st but we've been doing pre-sales man I've been getting a lot of support and while I got the opportunity like I said a lot of rappers but show me a lot of love from Cameron to push a T Fat Joe Jim Uncle Murda bad am i leaving out anybody maybe French just--just--just the community's been showing me a lot of love and respect and I appreciate them do it well you know like you know like doing what they don't cuz they they help me bring in attention to the book it's a dope book man we saw selling dummy right chocolate a book but we was actually in a meeting earlier date talking about dead I don't want to get ahead of ourselves because ain't Kane dry on that situation yeah but like I saying we getting a lot of positive feedback you know me so what about um are you gonna do audible yeah we do yeah it's on the digital platform as an audible book as well obviously the hardcover softcover so every every every means that you guys can receive information we don't make sure y'all guys get it no but you know audible is right yeah when someone speaks yes I do played in your car or yeah don't even do is it still dog divas magazine its global media that's just a component of what we're doing now can we venture an offer to television and we you know you will come back and talk about that too because I got a situation with television and hopefully the segue into some movie [ __ ] how can flip the script get on the cover of dawn diva you're already supporting us man accent don't spin me that's not true it's definitely possibility we may look up this time next year you're the number one and everything and I'd be like then we had this conversation I remember when I met flip and Gian now look I wasn't done diva's years ago I mean meeting me and stuff love our DJ do I remember that yeah I remember because it's my job to remember first of all hmm okay talk about funny 20 beyond that me and Steph is cool like you know I mean so especially during that time that was a Tom laugh at me with the comedy comedy Jen thank you make sure you're following Donald evil magazine you know for updates when a crack ever and you know everything else we got going on okay we got a bunch of stuff on the site you know you're just just like you said go to Don demon magazine calm and you could click on it's a bunch of stuff that we got but I just would appreciate everybody like you know to check the book out and I'm sure it'll be a great read or listen mmm you know oh right your question so I know plenty of blog sites and radio shows and podcast out to you why is that I joined did the Flex show and now that show well let me let me again the Flex show happened by like honestly just this ain't this ain't really this ain't really what I do you know that's why there was no information out there spoken at first person like you never you never you know if it wasn't for the Flex show you guys won't have anything to draw for them because prior to that I never spoken about anything and only reason why I'm really talking about it now to be quite honest is because I got a project but then on top of that because of the Flex show people started with the speculation and the rumors and she started running rampant and something that got under my skin a certain kind of way cuz I'm like oh that's just the furthest thing from the truth so I had to address some of that you know me and then the reason why you guys specifically is because we put out an opinion poll and people people wasn't really satisfied about the job that flex to but in defense of flex he didn't he didn't he didn't have anything to go on and he didn't know me you know me well enough to ask me anything so I can't totally hold him like and I'm saying and he didn't get me and there was nothing out there you know I've been in a few pictures floating around and some nonsense so you guys had an advantage doing your interview but at the same time people said you know if you go on any shows and y'all need to go on Queens flip show because you know they ask the right questions and and and and again you want out man you know I mean so I mean you spoke I said I'm gonna give the people what they want alright questions not absolutely you do besides that being honest because you know at some point people telling me that you know I didn't had his paperwork I seen a lot of a lot of [ __ ] floating around about you know and I want it on your show more specifically for you to see it for you to read it to audience so all this is exclusive I've never done it again you do have paperwork this is paperwork I see I am yeah appreciate it this is paperwork is just hard paperwork they got a docket number I got everything got the this is it you got a number here got telephone numbers 92 you got the Maxwell tape the max were taking port where they got it look ordered not Maxwell Paul me max was a singer Maxell yeah see 30 yeah I seen it now I'm gonna see if you know in retrospect now if you can go back to that 13 year old 12 year old kid you know like would you change anything as far as what you did couldn't get into the game and that that whole oh I'm gonna be honest with you you know and again this just coming out cuz you asked me this question I did what I had to do and if I had to do it all over I would as well obviously certain things that happen I you know I wouldn't want them to turn out the way they did course but but but what me taking a lead and taking taking some of the pressure off my family allowed my brother to have a clear path my little brother not only graduated valedictorian from a Catholic school he went on to graduated from Columbia University Wow you know I mean on a basketball scholarship so you know my brother they had these posture 50p so if i was a sacrificial a and that's what the outcome works me knowing that i would go over and do it all over again in exactly the same way because i wasn't afforded some of the luxuries he was and I had to help I had to figure something out you know but he didn't respect anything you want to say I'm closing now I appreciate you guys having us man you know what I mean and I hope your audience receives a certain kind of way I just wanted to matter-of-factly provide facts I didn't want to talk about speculations because like I said when people call me like I'm a lot of things ain't allowed oh and I'm saying and my honor and my integrity and all that's attack you know that a Rolex but let me let me Shawn out a little bit oh let's go see Shawn I got locked up in the 90s right mm-hmm and I told you I was getting a lot of money didn't I hmm let me just show you the money I'm still spend don't give us some money [Music] [Laughter] I'm G Money Magazine I hit on my money man you're gonna fill it so much they smell a little bit so the crack ever November first I just want to say um you know I got some will you say that from what I read and from what I see and from what it said because this is from what I read this is not how well kind from what I read from what I got from is that both Poe and AZ try to bury you by giving Chuck the paperwork they wanted to I don't I don't there's no reason for me to defend either one of their positions I'm gonna there's no reason for me to defend anyone in position and like I said pull throughout all it is he did reach out to me like I told you and told me don't go to trial don't do this don't do that but nevertheless that may have been because maybe he felt as though he may have had to get on the stand and didn't want to have to do it but he was contractually obligated to do he didn't get on the stand he didn't show up in my tribe neither did AZ but again you know to reiterate it came from him it went to him and Chuck happened to be on the run at the time and you know want to know what was going on with the case and he ended up with the documents and that's what that how many that's how people feel not necessarily me the Hannibal [ __ ] well I don't like this boy it's a piece how people feel and people on the streets feel this way as well right but you look at it as you know I look at things a little bit where people don't get at me for that they're gonna coach me out I feel it but what she said you know cuz I'm being a subjective instead of objective you know basing this off of a personal belief instead of basing no for the well you consider be providing me hard facts and all I could do a lot of people like that a lot of people move like me in society that's true you know we based our opinions off of subjective and I don't do that's not going to work well so being subjective right you understand so I look at thing I'm just I'm just I'm just not I'm not afforded the luxury you know I mean it is what it is for me and again whatever some miles feel you know listen we put we put a glass of water on on a table I'm gonna see it as half-full you might see it as half empty and we could debate it to the Sun burn out and that's just a fact miss Fang but anybody got money from 88 man no question I just want to say some anybody it's been like 88 mani he cool social medias please don't diva magazine Don diva magazine feedback feedback like the Maybach Don diva magazine oh man you saw the comrades in the building please of course well anyway my do audience here actually a lifelong comrade yeah end it our degree my cousin Ozzy co-defendant as well first cousin my mother's sister's right exactly and I was the my partner tells on me of course feedback back there oh yeah of course that's my cousin - man on my homicide ain't you've seen pretty Heine he's really the smooth one there oh he's so self man you know disappeared on me I forgot he was even in it but yeah that's my first cousin as well man you know so every as you see everything's family these all my and and and friends and family but bigger than that of fate and you know the page posted that opinion thing but um responding my DM I sent them February we sort of proofer there you go see that's what to be mad at me you know man like you don't mean like um I want to salute you though you know I'm saying is yeah I watch your story and the fact that you still stuck with this and do that man you got my respect you earn my respect because I know how the streets could be and stuff like that and you're in my way I'm gonna tell you that personally appreciate that I like don't like super chocolate kisses mommy I like it you know how we cool we cool now we put that behind us appreciate those yo on the sound of another classic episode man at DJ g money one five six on the instagram @ flip the script part at queens flip with a Z you know what it is man are you know shot the Queens we appreciate you all wrote TV that TV check this out man a classic interview I loved it hopefully I speak to the guys behind the scenes and see if they like it as well you know we had a discussion I think that we covered everything you know I think that was different my thing with doing interviews and watching people that try to be different um shout out the informants you know I mean they had a part in playing with this and I'm putting this together shop soon and I want to salute that that was dope um but you know my try to make the interviews as different as I can I'm gonna ask the same questions I don't wanna go down that road because that doesn't make us and people have you know people saying that coin flip they don't like the fact that I go back and forth of people but I think that makes the interview I think our style of interviewing is what makes us stand out the way we do what I have done is allow people to finish their sentences you know before we used to interrupt that's not no more I've done that and I sit there and I say to myself in my ADHD self I can finish my to finish that infinite my definite yes that let him finish and finish so I try to do things different hopefully beyond don't even cover the magazine I'm saying but before that lock your doors close your windows close your blinds open your blinds if you see a [ __ ] like every child's afraid on your lawn let Kevin in and don't we freeze a fire on my face
Channel: QuietRoom
Views: 604,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h0rYkrZdnd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 11sec (9551 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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