Cambridge English Business BEC Higher Speaking

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good afternoon good afternoon I'm Jill budgie and this is my colleague Jenny Kirk she's just going to listen to us and your names are my name is Celia Bowen and crucifer traiga and where are you from Syria I'm from Belgium - are you from Africa shun Lee can I have your mark sheets please okay now first of all I'd like to know something about each of you cereal can you tell me a little about your work of studies and about your ambitions for the future well I recently graduated from my studies from economy and now I want to apply for a job with the European Union to just implement my studies in my future work okay and now Christopher I'd like to know something about your work or studies and why you chose these studies I recently finished a school in Germany and I'm going to study economics at Heidelberg Business School and so I'm here in England to improve my English to have better job chances at the market thank you and now Christopher could you tell me how important you think imports or exports are to Germany I think it's very important and because the majority of the money made in Germany is based on exports Germany exports a lot of technology and - so in other countries and mostly the imports are just daily goods because they are cheaper to put to produce in China where the wages are lower thank you now Syria could you tell me what effect you think advertising has on people in Belgium well I think it has a huge effect in Belgium because all people wherever you go you seed advertisement see it in newspapers see it in television not for example a recent activity in Belgium is to put advertisement on all the buses and on the trains so I think it has a very huge impact on people in Belgium I think yeah I think it's if you see it it's everywhere and I think people in Belgium really they they follow the advertisement and they just if they see it and it appeals to them they really get into it and I probably buy the product thank you now in this part of the test I'm going to give each of you a choice of three different topics I'd like you to select one of the topics and give a short presentation on it for about a minute you'll have a minute to prepare this and you can make notes if you want after you finished your talk your partner will ask you a question all right here are your topics please don't write anything on the booklet you you now Christopher which topic have you chosen actually we'll see topic a mm-hm and so I'm going to talk about the importance of being willing to make long business trips okay serial please listen carefully to christopher's talk and then ask him a question about it okay I think we're living in a global village and international companies or trust of not only one department in one country but several departments and several countries the development may be may take place in Germany or another European country but the production will be a line will be situated in another country maybe Eastern Europe Eastern Europe China because the wages are lower and the product is cheaper and because of that more competitive in the market but it happened there has to be a link between the departments for instance maybe you have to make sure Department and your product has good quality and that has to be proved by yourself or executives or maybe just another department and people have to travel through the production line in in the other country thank you now serial please ask Christopher a question about his talk well I was just wondering what your opinion was on a subject so if your boss would ask you to travel abroad would you do it and if not can you give some other solutions for this problem or for this topic personally I would struggle that's another solution would be just to have a telephone conference but I think that important decision have to make have to be made face to face thank you Thank You Christopher now cereal which topic of you chosen a B or C I also chose topic a mhm and it's about the importance of reassuring customers about security of Internet's transactions and Christopher please listen carefully to cereals talk and then ask her a question about church well personally I think that internet transactions are the future everybody is going to use them but we need it's very easy to use and not everybody has to go to a bank to just purch to just make a transaction but we have to consider that we're living in dangerous times and the internet is not very safe so we need some reassurance for the clients or customers that they know that everything is going to happen save and that some other people don't get knowledge of their personal information or their bank accounts because that would be a disaster so that's that is why I think that is very important to reassuring the customers for Internet transactions thank you now Christopher please ask Siri a question about her talk do you think that there is a future for traditional bank branches as we know them there is a future yeah but I think for to make transactions I think it would be easier to do just through the internet because people don't have don't have the time to just always go to a bank when the bank is open because some banks closed at 5:00 and if you have to work until 5:00 it's very difficult to get there in time but I do think they have a future but not for doing transactions or I think it's better to give if you have information about low you still go to a bank you can't do that over the internet so they still have a future thank you can I have the booklets place now in this part of the test you're going to discuss something together you'll have 30 seconds to read this task carefully and then about three minutes to discuss and decide about it together you should give reasons for your decisions and opinions you don't need to write anything it's that clear you I'm just going to listen and then ask you to stop after about three minutes please speak so that we can hear you okay well I think it's necessary to take a leisure activity outside the office and not in the office so everybody is very relaxed and they want to know the other person's or the other team members and I don't know what your opinion is on the subject but I agree it is important to produce yourself as you are yeah and not in a stiff atmosphere of office the leisure activity is with a great solution for that and I think there are enough activities you have to rely to another person so it would be a good thing to to go climbing for instance well yeah what a team of two persons went from one company in one from the another one what do you think so yeah well I think it's very it's very useful to put a lot of people from different companies together so you don't have the one company and the other company so mix them up and then I think it would be very useful for them to get to know each other and for example sailing or some other activity would also be very useful for a work project I would put people from the same level with each other and just let them maybe think about a new logo or a new slogan but I don't know what do you think do you have other ideas I think a good work project would be a new philosophy for the company that's everybody of the new company can identify with I think it is vital so to put people together but it has to be the main body of the of the company not just the top executives working together but the department managers the people actually doing the work yeah everybody together I think but also the top managers because they have to know each other too because you have top managers from the one company and top managers from the other company and they have to get along also because otherwise you're going to have problems in your top management and I agree then you have a lot of problems and yeah of course the benefits are that if you do the team-building activity that everybody's noses face the same direction so everybody has the same opinion everybody gets along with everybody yeah it's just the effectiveness of the company would be a much better yeah without these activities and the company would be ineffective if there's not proper teamwork yeah and I think it's also necessary to include everybody in the in the to take over so that everybody knows what's going on and there are no secrets for the employees I definitely agree say oh yeah thank you what benefits do you think individual employees get from working in a strong team could you maybe it's repeat officials I what benefits do you think individual employees get from working in a strong team well they would definitely improve their own their own qualities because working with a strong team you automatically automatically pick up other things from your teammates so I think they would improve their self or their own capabilities a lot just by being in a strong team so I think so on most people have a lack of one quality maybe several qualities which would be added by other to colleagues of the team so that one team is a big group with all the qualities needed to to fulfill to fulfill the job what do you think is the ideal number of people to work in a team that's difficult isn't it yeah because it depends on on the project that they're working on but I think maybe five or six yes that's a good number because then you don't have a lot of people and you can speak your own mind and they're not always shouting at each other maybe so yes effective yeah because everybody would start shouting do you think a company needs individualist as well as team workers yeah of course because everybody contributes to the company so but I think that people are the invert individualist need to make an effort to work in a team sometimes but if they want to do their own thing or they need to do their own thing they should do that so I think individualist have the ambition to which go and stay can take a team with them to to just reach the goal and but I do think I definitely agree with Steve cereal that's also in individualist have to work on a team also from time to time because it's essential that you have to share information yeah thank you that's the end of the test
Channel: ExamsCatalunyaTV
Views: 124,733
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Keywords: Cambridge English, Exams Catalunya, Business English Certificates, BEC Higher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2015
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