FBCLG Worship Service 9.5.21

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[Music] [Music] you might as well just go ahead and give god [Music] to make your praise [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] yes before david [Music] [Applause] oh yeah [Music] why don't you look at your neighbor and say come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey come on now just put your hands together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] us hallelujah [Applause] will you put that in this atmosphere the lord is my life and my salvation who shall i fear [Music] who shall i be afraid real simple song i want to teach it to you tonight the lord's my life salvation whom shall i feel whom shall i be afraid the lord is my life salvation who shall i feel whom shall i be afraid [Music] i will trust in you yes lord say i will trust in you y'all help me the lord is my life everybody sing the lord [Music] salvation [Music] say it again [Music] [Music] praise the lord first baptist church of lincoln gardens how many come to praise the lord today how many have long done so that they can give the name of the lord some praise my god my god my god david said i will bless the at lord time and his praises shall continually be in my mouth oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together yes yes yes yes i need somebody to say hallelujah i need somebody to say hallelujah somebody say lord you're good somebody bless them in this place today right now yeah yeah yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes the word declares that he delights to inhabit the praises of his people and that's exactly what we're going to do here today i don't know why you came here today i don't know why you logged on here today but i came to give god praise so i'm going to clap my hands i'm going to stop my feet i'm going to say amen i'm going to lift him up because i got a praise in my mouth come on put your hands together like this [Music] put your hands together [Music] i said let me let me hear you say [Music] bread [Music] together everybody [Music] [Music] don't know [Music] i is why did you come to church today why did you log on this is why [Music] oh [Music] said [Applause] that i come to give him [Music] [Music] i he woke you up this morning [Music] goodness gonna show you more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see what the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and it frees you to give him the praise that you owe him you don't have to worry about restrictions in praise i'm gonna lift him up [Music] something about that name something about that name something about that name it soothes my doubts and it calms my fears and when i think about the goodness of the name when i think about the goodness of his name i just want to give him praise when i think of the goodness of jesus my soul cries out when i think of the goodness of jesus my soul cries out i said i wasn't gonna say a word but my soul cries out everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] he deserves [Music] everybody say jesus lift up the name of jesus come on put your hands together [Music] i feel like somebody came to have church this morning [Music] i feel like somebody this came [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] this is the day that the lord has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in it the psalmist also says that let everything that has breath praise the lord and and if you can't think of a reason why you ought to give god praise give god praise because you're standing this morning and you're breathing and you're alive and god is keeping you you ought to lift your voice this morning you ought to turn your your head towards heaven and say thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] amen amen amen let us pray great god we give you thanks for another day old songwriter said just another day that the lord has kept us and god we give you thanks and praise we pray now lord that your spirit will come and fellowship with us in this place god we ask that you come and lift us that you come and heal us that you come and guide us that god you come and you make us whole in the name of jesus and we'll ever give you a name the praise through christ our lord amen [Applause] you may think my praise is strange but you don't know like i know what the lord has done for me he's brought me out of darkness [Music] he made a way out of nowhere he opened doors i could not see him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now's your chance to give him praise now's your chance to give him praise online give him praise in the sanctuary given prayer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah yeah [Music] i feel your spirit all over me i feel your spirit all over me it's in my hands and my soul down in my feet i feel your spirit all over me i feel your spirit [Applause] i feel your presence all over me i feel your presence all over me it's in my hands in my throat [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i feel your glory all over me i feel your [Music] all over me [Music] all over me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on and put your hands together if you feel the spirit of the [Music] i'm feeling lord [Applause] know [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah this morning [Music] you oughta have a praise in you right now [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on hallelujah you're at home just lift your hands and say hallelujah thank you jesus you're in you're in a sanctuary this morning lift your hands and give god a hallelujah thank you jesus didn't have to be here this morning i'm so glad jesus woke me up oh folks they started me on my way hallelujah my bed was not my cooling board hallelujah i'm here this morning i'm walking i'm talking i'm shouting hallelujah i'm gonna give him praise this morning because jesus is worthy hallelujah that's why you came out this morning that's why you're tuned in this morning because jesus is worthy and he deserves a hallelujah come on give it up hallelujah hallelujah when the praises go up god's blessings come down he inhabits the praises of his people come on come on come on come on come on hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah oh yeah i i feel like god is in the house this morning and and the spirit of god is here welcoming us into this place it's a privilege to be here hallelujah if you don't know it by now now you should know hallelujah i want to welcome you all to this worship experience those online those in the house here this is where you'll find healing this is where you'll find help to overcome this is where you will find clarity for the confusing times that we're in you know look to jesus someone says he will carry you through so i want to welcome you and i hope you feel welcome amen you know um we started uh small groups you may be seated we started small groups here at first baptist approximately four years ago we started out with a handful of folks and we've grown to to more than i would i would say about 150 active uh probably even more uh individuals who are participating in small groups and you know to be christian is to be long to a community of faith we can't be christians by ourselves we're christians because we're part of something larger than ourselves and and one way that we connect and become intimate with one another in this church is through uh small groups and so i want to to uh you to take a just a few moments and uh check out this video on small groups well with this church being as large as it is the small groups help people get to know people that are in church in a smaller group more intimately right so you come here like i'm on the choir and the cry comes back and um i only know people by faces and i know the choir members but people will come up to me and speak to me and say hey venus how are you if they haven't known my name and i don't know who they are because there's so many people and i don't get to meet them but in the small group now i have a group of people that i know very well you know who pray for we pray for each other we pray for each other's family if we have other opportunities to get together we do that so it gives you an opportunity to meet other people especially in a large institution like this and i'd like to figure back on what she said venus said i am new to first baptist and in being new to first baptist i became engaged with first baptist through this trenton small group if it had not been for uh ideas chief trustee wilson and kim and that small group i would have never integrated into first baptists uh like i have been able to at this time and i'm very grateful for that yeah i was on the fence for a long time and i became a member of a small group and shortly after that became a facilitator i love it i've been blessed i've been blessing and there's nothing to lose yeah everything just come on and join just come on out and join you'll be welcomed in and we'll give you a connection that's right that's true you always have a connection it's a connection that's a good word a connection amen and so we we want you all if you're not if you're not part of a small group i encourage you to join a small group and the best way to do that is to go online and click on our small groups uh um the small groups button and and and register for groups and someone will reach out to you and we'll get connected amen amen [Music] good morning first baptist we praise god this morning if the lord is good to you and you survive the storm just say god's good to me i survived the storm now some of you survived other storms anybody survive a financial storm anybody been through a divorce and you survived that storm anybody cry over a child late in the midnight hour you survived that storm anybody survive a storm at work [Music] we praise god my brothers and sisters that god has brought us to survive storms we are survivors but god didn't call us just to be survivors god called us to be thrivers god didn't save me just to hold on god saved me to climb and take higher heights and walk up higher mountain anybody ready to walk up a higher mountain and so i thought i would break into the program just for a moment before we have our prayer this morning i needed to focus us for a second there's a saying that says you ought to live your prayers it's one thing to pray it's another thing to pray and then go on about your life like it was before you prayed and as a church i wanted to articulate our commitment to live our prayers we're going to pray for all the families that lost loved ones in the storm we're going to pray for all the families who lost pictures somebody lost a picture of their grandma they'll never get back because a basement flooded we're going to pray for all those who experience trauma because the wind was beating against their homes we're going to pray for the homeless who had to survive the floods last week we ate at deltas and delta's was underwater just a week later we're going to pray for all the business owners who have to recover who have to struggle with insurance companies but as a church we're going to put feet under our prayers in the next couple of weeks we're going to make a major announcement we're going to give a great gift to the people of haiti and we're going to do that through the lot curry association we're going to honor that lot carry one of the nation's largest african-american denominations has elected its first woman as its leader and we have invited her to be at first baptist and we're going to give a significant gift to ensure that the people of haiti find relief we're not just going to pray for them but we're going to put feet under our prayers we're going to put feet under our prayers in louisiana we are working with the louisiana baptist association and we're going to give a significant gift to the people of louisiana new orleans so that they can find recovery but by the grace of god there go i [Music] we're going to through our deacons seek out all of our haitian brothers and sisters who have family in haiti that we can contact directly and support them directly lastly we are seeking out our members here who had some suffering through the storm and we're going to seek to see how we can support them our church was battered we've got some damage but god is able and god will bring us through [Music] and so as reverend cooper comes back to pray it's important that you and i be in agreement that as we read acts acts tells us that a group of people came in the greek word koinonia they came together in the love of jesus christ they took up a collection to make sure that the widow and the lost and the hungry got fed but before we agree on what we're going to do financially we're going to seek god's spirit to help us discern how we can be a light in darkness amen because we are first baptist and we're just not going to talk about it we're going to be about it amen [Music] this is what the church looks like this is what the church does this is who we are so as we come together in prayer i want you to seek out in your heart and in your mind i want you to pray for somebody else now we can't touch and agree but i'd like this section to do for you in favor i'd like all y'all to turn this way and look at this section i i'd like this section to do me a favor and i'd like you all to turn this way and look at this section i'd like y'all turn this way and look at that section and you look at that section and here's what i want you to understand sometimes you got to pray for somebody else before you pray for yourself somebody better pray for somebody else's healing somebody else's blessing i'm praying for somebody else's victory i'm praying for somebody else's healing i'm praying for somebody else's marriage i'm praying for somebody else's children i'm praying for somebody else's finances i'm praying for somebody else's overcoming i'm praying for somebody else's chemo i'm trusting god because if god will do it for you he'll do it for me and if you're at home pray for somebody else the lord is good and worthy of our praise he seeks after the lost he comes for the left behind he picks up the fallen he fights for the oppressed god is good all the time and and through the storm god will bring us out just trust him yeah yeah you know i was uh i was going through uh let's stand if you if you're able for prayer i was going through my drawer and um you know there were some things that i placed in my drawer for for safekeeping and then i realized uh going through that drawer one day that the thing that i placed in there for say keeping you know the wording on the the thing faded away and then i realized i really couldn't keep it safe and then then there were other things in that draw that that i i at one point had great affection for but then as i looked at it i was like why was i keeping this thing old thing anyway i didn't want it anymore and then i realized that there are some things that i don't keep because i don't want them anymore they've lost favor with me but you know i'm so glad that that's not how god functions you know god said you know that the father has given me this sheep and no one and no thing can can snatch them out of his hand and so beloved no matter what you're going through this morning no matter what you're experiencing in life and i know we're going through some things now but be reminded that god is able to keep us god is able to keep us come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want you to i want you to [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus god you're able hallelujah you're able lord to keep us in spite of what we're going through in spite of what we are experiencing lord we've been through flood waters recently but god you you you can still preserve us hallelujah god we're in this coronavirus season but you're still able god to build a hedge about us because you are a god some of us are struggling with illness and and sickness but god you're still able because you're able to preserve and keep us and so we're so thankful this morning that you have power to keep us lord we pray that you will continue to to be gracious unto us and as we travel through this barren land one songwriter says lord you you you provide for us lord when we're going through uh wastelands lord you you are the water that quenches our thirsts [Music] when when we suffer lord through a long night god you are the sunrise that awaits us hallelujah god when we don't know where to go you are the one who goes before us and leads the way so we thank you god that you've never left us that you've never forsaken us that you've always kept us hallelujah gracious god remember those who are mourning lost this morning the loss of property the loss of life god we pray that you will come alongside us and and comfort us praise god that you will come alongside and strengthen us for the journey ahead great god i pray that you will remember this morning our pastor who will come and bring the word praying god that you will give him a word that's just for us god a word that will set the captives free a word that will open blinded eyes a word that will straighten our backs god give the man of god a word that will feed your people and give us what we need to journey on be gracious lord turn your face towards us smile upon us and grant us your peace through christ amen [Music] [Applause] right [Music] is oh [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning family i'm brianna and this is the bulletin your weekly fbclg announcements september is here already and we have a few things coming up let's take a look at this week's announcements as we worship in person we want to ensure we are following the proper guidelines if you wish to join us live you must register to attend registration will be open tomorrow september 6th for service on sunday september 12th fbclg in partnership with the new jersey department of health is offering free covet 19 testing on saturday september 18th from 11am to 2pm right here at fbclg if you're an fbclg member and have family affected by the recent earthquake in haiti we want to offer assistance please visit the church website to submit your information so we can support you and your family join us for our youth and education sunday on september 19th during our regular service time at 10 a.m if you're worshiping with us in person rep your school by wearing your favorite school t-shirt or apparel all levels are included elementary middle school high school college and so on you don't want to miss what we have in store the fbclg scholarship ministry virtual college fair workshop is taking place october 9th from 11am to 1pm via zoom juniors rising seniors and parents are welcome to join some of the topics include admissions financial aid and much more head over to the church website and register today join us for our hearts we win prayer call on wednesdays at 6 30 a.m for just a few minutes to start your day here's a look at the dial-in information happy early birthday to our pastor reverend dante quick who will be celebrating his actual birthday on september 9th your fbclg family wishes you many blessings as you enter into a new year if you wish to show some love take a look at the information provided be sure to follow us on facebook instagram and twitter so you can learn the latest and interact with us and don't forget to sign up for our weekly eblast newsletter have a great week and i'll see you next time on the bulletin first baptist it is time for us to worship through giving we follow the biblical mandate scripture is our guide jacob genesis 28 worships god after seeing a dream in a ladder god promises the land that you see i will give you and here's jacob's response i will take this stone in my hand the stone on which i laid and i will make it a pillar unto god and as the lord comes and i come into god's house i will return a tenth of all that you give to me back to you that is the tithe it's a return god has been good to you and as god has been good to you you are called to return just a tenth if you desire more than that here at first baptist your returning goes to the ministry of jesus christ where we're feeding hungry people providing missions and doing the thing that god has called us to do to take care of a struggling world i want to thank you for your tithes your offerings your return your giving and i want you to know we value you and we put it to work thank you for giving if you're worshiping with us in person please drop your offering in the bins located at the back doors while exiting now here's our offertory prayer and a list of all the ways you can give amen let us pray our offertory prayer holy god we present these gifts in appreciation of your love and faithfulness towards us bless these gifts amen [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they [Music] they all belong to you [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] my hallelujah belongs to you my hallelujah belongs to you [Music] my hallelujah belongs to [Music] you oh [Music] my hallelujah belongs to [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you deserved [Music] me [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] give me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's why my hallelujah belongs to you [Music] my hallelujah belongs to you too for every tear that i cried on the edge of my bed my hallelujah belongs to you for lifting my head for encouraging my heart lord my hallelujah belongs to you you made a way out of nowhere that's why your hallelujah belongs to him [Music] you live and move and have your being so your hallelujah belongs to him and when you have no more words you say [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you didn't have to do it [Music] somebody bless the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] but i will bless your name because you're worthy from the rising of the sun [Music] because nobody else did it but you turned things around for my good [Applause] and we know that all things work together god is turning it around for you and you don't have to wait till the battle is over but you can't thank you [Music] [Applause] somebody bless him somebody bless him right now somebody give him praise somebody open up your mouth and give god a praise because he deserves it when he woke you up he deserved it when he brought you out he deserved it when he provided for you he deserves it when he made a provision for you he deserves it grace is given to you and he deserves to praise him somebody say hallelujah [Music] he deserves it god deserves all your praise from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same kept me in my right mind when everybody wanted to drive me crazy was a hedge of protection around that last nerve that somebody thought they were gonna get on let you sleep all night long and woke you up early this morning kept the devil outside of your household is he good is he worthy is he a keeper lily in the valley bright and morning star burn bearer somebody call them jesus my way out of nowhere wipes all my tears [Music] bless me in the morning bless me noonday [Music] made me to be the head not the tail the lender not the borrower i'm made it is imagine likeness i'm wonderfully and fearfully made eyes have not seen ears have not heard what he shall do not and it shall be opened seek and you shall find the lord is my shepherd i shall not want maketh me to lie down my green pasture restores my show the lord is my battle axe shelter in a time of trouble as a deer pants by the stream so my soul belongs to you [Applause] [Music] can't a flood came no fun stop my praise can't no storm stop my worship it may rain but god is good [Music] [Music] y'all have to forgive me [Music] i started having church in the south and in the south when you got like this they'd say ain't nobody do me like jesus can't nobody do me like the lord see when you go back to your slave ancestors you learn that they learn to shout before their change comes you better give them praise before your healing gets here you better learn to say lord i bless you even when i cry all night long [Music] it's first sunday and how many of you know you didn't have to see the first some day of september that you could be on a ventilator that the storm could have swept you away but you saw the first sunday in september [Music] that's good news y'all no matter how difficult life gets that's good news you may have some problems but it's better to have problems while you're alive [Music] because god has given you one more day and if anybody's happy just because god gave you one more day let's just give the lord one more praise didn't have to do it didn't have to do it didn't have to love me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] that's somebody's breakthrough that's a breakthrough dance over there that's god brought me out of something god fought a battle god lifted me been up [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all don't let this phd fool you [Music] i know how to get my praise on because god's been too good to me before i got to princeton the lord brought me out of something don't be so sophisticated you can't give god glory [Music] you better learn to bless him while you can this is our last sunday celebrating the theme of the procession for the month of october we're going to move to a different theme it's going to be how did i get here we're going to figure out how we got to where we are all next month but but as we close out this month in the procession we close out with the gospel according to luke luke 24 it is first sunday we're going to celebrate communion but i think we need to look at how people processed to communion biblically luke 24 i'm going to begin my reading in verse 13 and i'll read out the new revised standard version of the text i'm going to read from 13 to 21. if you are physically able and so inclined to stand for the reading of the word i know we've had a praise i'm not going to keep you all along but we need to we need to understand why we do what we do [Music] why do we take communion what's the point what does it represent and where do we find its roots in scripture luke 24 13-27 [Music] let's pray before we read lord we thank you and we honor you allow this reading of the word to be used for your glory god i ask you right now to move me out of the way hide hide me behind the cross for i have nothing to say reduce my ego so the people see not me but only only a manifestation of your mercy i am not worthy but you called me to stand now may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you o my redeemer [Music] now and forever amen luke 24 13 says now on the that same day two of them were going to a village called emmaus about seven miles from jerusalem and they were talking with each other about all the things that had happened while they were talking and discussing and jesus himself came near and went with them but their eyes were kept from recognizing him he said to them what are you discussing with each other while you walk along they stood still looking sad then one of them named cleopas answered him are you the only stranger in jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place in these days he asked him what things they replied the things about jesus of nazareth who was a prophet mighty indeed in word before god and all the people and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucify but we had hoped but we had hoped but we had hoped that he was the one to redeem israel yes and besides all this it is now the third day since these things took place pray with me on this thought i know something you don't know i know something you don't know please be seated my brothers and sisters everybody's had that annoying friend typically when you were younger sometimes when you're not so young you've got that annoying friend you were confused you were the only one out of the secret and they would come along to let you know they know something they say something like this i know something you don't know it would get on your nerves you weren't really saved then so you wanted to hit them that person who thinks they know everything the smartest one in the room i know something you don't know i learned something over 14 years of education on my way to this phd i learned this everything i learned taught me what i didn't know and now though i'm supposed to be considered an expert in my subject area the thing that it taught me more is there's so much i have yet to learn my grandfather used to tell me when i would be talking to him and he would give me the benefit of his knowledge i'd say granddaddy i didn't know that and my grandfather would say son what you don't know would it make a whole new world now that i've grown older those words from frank quick stick into my mind i have so many books i can't put them on the shelf all my reading all my studying going through the greek and the hebrew has taught me just how ignorant i am and you know something there's a great relief when you relieve your ego of the burden of being smart you know how stress-free life could be when you don't have to know something the greek language calls it sophia she is a woman we translate her into wisdom the bible tells us there's such a thing as an educated fool but the wise know when to hold their tongue how many of us in this last season of our lives have come to experience things that have humbled us and what we don't know how many of us three years ago could have thought that we'd all be wearing masks how many of us four years ago knew what the term physically or socially distant meant how many of us understood that there were already 18 strains of covet before we got to 19. you know why you never took the time to read your bottle of lysol if you're at home go get one when you go home read the fine print on your bottle of light for years they've been telling you that they are effective against 99 of covet viruses it's always been there you just didn't know it we've just gotten to a strain that was deadly so much we don't know but it's not not knowing that i wanted to talk to you about today today i wanted to talk to you about the remnants of not knowing see the number one thing not knowing causes us is disappointment we are disappointed when things happen that do not fit what we thought they should fit we are disappointed when people don't love us the way we wanted them to love us we are disappointed with god when god doesn't do what we'd like god to do life is filled with disappointment and often our disappointment is based in our ignorance not just what we don't know but what we thought we knew how we place false expectations on other people you all do realize if you just see and accept people for who they are you won't feel disappointed by them why are you disappointed by a liar when they've been lying to you the whole time why are you disappointed that somebody gossiped about you when they were gossiping with you when you learn to accept people for who they are they they really don't disappoint you they meet you where they showed you they'd be he told you i ain't trying to get married and you said i'll fix him he ain't taking care of the three babies he had before you why are you disappointed the deepest disappointments come early in life being a basketball dad you get connected to the other basketball parents all of our children go out for the team at the same time then the final cut comes and your son made it or your daughter made it and theirs didn't how do you deal with disappointment how do you deal with the various disappointments that come into your life how do you negotiate when things don't work your way i had a physical the other day as you know i have a birthday coming i'm getting just a tad bit older still feel young can still play ball a little bit i went to the doctor and and they took eight valves of blood i was disappointed in the needle but then there came the moment at the end of the physical where i had to sit down and get all my test results my heart started pounding the doctor had intentionally turned over all the papers she pulled one at a time and would turn it over and she said well this was good she pulled one at a time and turned it over and this is good then she got to one who said this is the disappointing one i thought to myself you disappointed when am i going to be do i have a love for popeye's chicken i've never lived more than three blocks from a pie pie's chicken i planned my residence around where the popeyes is since i was 19 years old i've eaten popeye's chicken at least four times a week at least matter of fact they know me so well at my local popeyes when my car pulls up they don't ask my order and then i hit a certain age and so my doctor said you know your cholesterol is not bad but it ain't good she turned over that little sheet of paper she says now there are certain things i want you to reduce out of your diet and i got disappointed she says what do you eat often and i thought should i lie i said i had broccoli every now and then and a nice salad and she said you eating more than that finally i got to my beloved popeyes she said dr quick you you can't eat that as much as you used to or you're going to see me in a year and i'm going to be provide scribing you medicine oh i walked out the office i was so happy i was covet negative i was hiv negative i didn't have a stroke i'm not diabetic i was so happy and then i thought about popeyes i wanted to go celebrate then i got disappointed those days are over maybe every now and then maybe after church today one last time i'll play that song let's just kiss and say you're not saved stop finishing my [Applause] but many of you have greater disappointments there's disappointment and divorce children can break your heart and make you cry we spent four years disappointed in our government and sometimes you can get disappointed at church people who's supposed to love you but all they do is judge you what happens when you get disappointment when disappointment comes to dash your dreams and take your hopes what happens when you get disappointed when disappointment brings up disillusionment what happens well here two men are walking down a road they have been followers of jesus and now they're on a procession of disappointment and as they walk they find themselves commiserating in their disappointment y'all be careful there are some people who only want to be your friend as long as you got bad stuff to talk about they wallow in your pain and they need your suffering in order to feel good be careful who you walk with when you feel disappointed you need people to walk with in your disappointment who will love you and then hold you accountable girl we don't have enough of this let's go get our nails done and get back up on it don't let people keep you stuck in your disappointment you wanted to make the cheerleaded team and you didn't find something else you thought you were going to make varsity and you jv work harder disappointment is a part of life and the problem is not disappointment it's how long you decide to stay there keep on living and something's going to disappoint you but how do you bounce back that's what i want to talk to you about for just a few more minutes as they walk down the road to emmaus the bible says seven miles they have walked away from jerusalem problem with disappointment is it can change your direction sometimes in your disappointment you start going away from where god wants you to walk to be careful about your directions in your disappointments y'all stop making decisions when you're disappointed stop posting your disappointment all over social media i learned something early for all of you young people i learned not to tell my mother when a girl broke my heart i would tell my mother everything she did and how upset i was and my mother wouldn't like her because that's what mama's supposed to do if i hate her my mama hated her problem was two days later when i liked her again my mama still hated her [Applause] y'all stop talking about people when you're disappointed because once you get past the initial wave of emotion the very person you were mad at you trying to snuggle up with again and eat some popeyes we do things in disappointment that create deeper senses of regret and here they are walking down the road to emmaus disappointed you do know you can be disappointed with god don't believe me ask joe if i could put you on trial and prosecute you you've taken my family you've destroyed my animals you've taken my will god what are you doing ask jonah god i'm disappointed ask moses why did you put these people around my neck are you so holy that you act like you're not disappointed have you bought into a false sense of religiosity where you don't live the full panopy of your emotions have you psychologically emasculated yourself so that you don't live out the reality of what it means to be human are you living in mental illness because you cannot identify all of the particularities of the human psyche i am a pastor and sometimes i get disappointed sometimes i say god you and i ain't on the same page let me go i'm tired if i'm honest i was a pastor of a successful church and divorce came knocking on my door and i said god i've been everything you asked me to be i did everything you asked me to do i've been faithful i'm a father i stand before your people this shouldn't happen to me i cried and i wrestled and i said i don't want to do this anymore and god told me i'm not interested in what you want that sometimes disappointment is divine and today i've got three things i want you to hold on to when god brings divine disappointment into your life you see the first thing god does when god brings divine disappointment into your life is god develops through the disappointment and you've got to understand that you can't have divine revelation until you have divine deprivation that sometimes god will divide to deprive you in order to enlighten you that sometimes god will put you in dark spaces so you can stop focusing on other things and you can focus on the things of god sometimes you can't see god because you're so busy looking at other things how do you handle disappointment the scripture says that as they walked along jesus himself showed up and yet they could not see him there are times in life where jesus is standing right next to you and you don't know he's there you reaching for all kinds of stuff and and jesus is right there you're reaching for another man or another woman you're reaching for a car to give you validation you're reaching for johnny walker some weed and jesus is right there right there waiting but you can't see him because your priorities are on the things that money can't buy god deprives you to reorient you the theologian mystic philosopher howard thurman tells this story it is in sam king's amazing book on being a man keen retells meeting thurman and thurman tells the story about a man who loves a woman so deeply he loves her so deeply he loves her with that rick james tina marie love y'all not saved i'm convinced he loves her with that fire and desire love that that love them and leave them type love that dysfunctional love that that love that has you trying to figure out who you really are because your world and got turned upside down he says baby what you want to do she says i want to i want to sail and he gets her a boat and they come to this beautiful private island and the boat breaks down and they climb out the boat and he says wait here let me go up to a mountain and see what i can see he goes to the mountain he says god god i pray that this woman is happy i pray god that you rescue this woman i pray for her health and our safety lord i love this woman so much i pray that you look out for her and as he's standing on the mountain he sees a rescue boat come the boat picks up the woman and takes her off the island keane helps us to understand something thurman says that's quite important and vital that i want to remember he says there are two things that a man must always ask himself first where am i going second who am i going with and what thurman says is if you ever get those questions out of order if you ever put to who am i going with in front of where am i going you're going to be doomed some of us are so busy looking for love in all the wrong places looking for love in too many faces some of us are so busy looking for love and other broken people that the love we need is standing right beside us saying come unto me oh who are heavy burdened and i will give you rest if you're loving somebody else and you're first not falling in love with jesus you're out of priority see divine deprivation is god saying i want you to reorient your life that i sent a storm and it blew down that house because you worship that house more than you worship the one who gave it to you that sometimes we lose in order to gain significance in things that are not material we are the most materialistic society in the world black people spend more money than most developing economies in the world but we don't own anything and we're still not happy we drive cars and we hate who we are inside the car the mercedes doesn't make you valuable god made you valuable well the bible says he's standing right there he's he's right next to them they do not see him they are deprived of a view of god and he asked a question remember what we said about questions questions are meant to reveal something about the thing that is questioned you do realize jesus never ans ask a question because he needs an answer he already knows the answer they are righteous rhetorical questions when jesus is asking you a question he ain't asking just because he trying to figure it out do you know yourself do you know your proclivities do you know that you're the common denominator in everything in your life do you know that you're the one problem in all your problems do you know you're the one solution for all your-ish situations do you know you keep attracting the same man because they look just like you and when you change something about you you'll change who you attract i know that don't feel good because we look on the outside but god looks on the inside sometimes god must take you to darkness in order to open your eyes to true light well the second thing that happens is uh disappointment declares uh this is what i call divine interrogation and it exposes your real expectations see we are disappointed because what we believe we should have who we believe we should be where we believe we belong does not match the reality you know some of us think we should be in other places because we believe we're more talented when we are oh you're wonderfully and fearfully made but my mama spent the first 15 years of my life lying to me she's watching she gonna text me i wanted to be a neurosurgeon and my mama used to be just like that cartoon hercules dante you can be a neural sir i'm failing math i don't like science they took my frog and threw it away but you could be a neurosis i couldn't be no neurosurgeon that wasn't what god had for me but sometimes we live out of false expectations and we use the bible to justify our nonsense y'all see somebody drop a wallet you know it's their wallet but you broke and you say well the lord must be trying to give me something you laughing cause you did it we used the scripture to justify things that god has absolutely nothing to do with expectations are deadly and listen to what they say they said our lord and savior is dead and we thought he was going to redeem israel now what they were talking about is a political redemption they were talking about the overthrowing of the government jesus says i'm bigger than caesar i ain't about turning over the government why are y'all praying about trump y'all need to be praying about the salvation of humanity on earth y'all need to be praying about the recovery of the lost y'all need to be praying about the renewing of the social service network you all need to be praying about seeking those children at the border stop praying that biden will save you obama will save you no man no matter what office they're in can save us i love kamala harris but she ain't going to be the savior god is our savior and when we walk with god god can make what is wrong right lift what is broken up but we put so much of our time and attention into things that don't matter the church is gonna save us pastor quick is gonna save us i got bad news i'm flawed i'm broken i'm trying to get to heaven just like you are so if you're dependent on me we all lost well the last thing i want you to understand is disappointment delivers jesus claps back my children taught me that they they say he was supposed to save us and jesus says who told you that who told you i came to create a new government who told my white evangelical brothers and sisters that i am the new moral majority who told them that they were to ban abortions isn't it funny how they want to ban abortions but they won't take care of babies when they get here isn't it funny that they want every life to be born and then they'll starve it when it gets here to private of health care lock it up at the border it's holy hell you better stop allowing your religion to send you down false paths and start to read the scripture and know that god loves straight gay young old rich poor that god is not interested in whether you're a democrat or a republican whether you're conservative or liberal did you feed me when i was hungry did you visit me when i was locked up did you fight for me when i was being abused tell the followers of billy graham i don't know where he is if he didn't feed the hungry people who told you i came to build a government i came to build souls and then he says i've told you the scriptures and after he told them the scriptures he disappeared but before he disappeared he did something amazing they said don't leave lord it's almost evening and before you go come with us where we're going so that we can show you off to everybody else see that's me right there when i meet jesus i want to show them off and you may be asking how you show jesus off i got pants on i got socks on ain't no holes in my shoes that's jesus when i leave the house i show jesus off i'm in my right mind got enough gas in my car to get home i show jesus off wherever i go i say jesus is with me he is my rod and my staff he comforts me i show jesus off whenever i get up and whenever i lay down i try to tell everybody about my jesus let me show him off when i got in trouble he fought my battles when i was lost he came to find me when i was hungry he fed me i show off my jesus i don't hide my jesus i let everybody know i'm a jesus junkie when you come to my house i'ma pray before we eat i show off jesus he loved me when nobody else loved me he kept me when nobody else thought about me i'm a jesus junkie [Music] now he came to the crib and he said let me feed you and then the bible says he gave them some bread he gave them they had a procession in disappointment and ended up in a divine dinner and i came by to tell somebody you may have started your procession disappointed but don't worry my jesus will show up and he'll feed you every time so as we open the doors of the church i want you to understand disappointment don't last always adjust your expectations walk with jesus and be fed by the savior the doors of the church are open we offer you this opportunity to discipleship and as we offer you this opportunity to discipleship i'll invite our deacons to come forward our ministers we open the doors of the church for you and we open the doors of the church for you to come walk with god [Music] we're not opening the doors of the church for you to join the church that's a part of it but how do you deal with your disappointment learn to deal with your disappointment with a loving god a gracious god learn to deal with your disappointment by giving it to the divine [Music] first baptist one of the ways we're growing is we're growing in how we understand what happens at this table we're growing and understanding how we understand what this table represents today i want to explain something about this table to you i want to explain who these men and women are and while they're standing here i'm going to explain to you why we go through this process [Music] as we prepare to come into holy communion we will learn the differences between three terms transubstantiation consubstantiation and memorialism we at first baptist celebrate an open communion table that's because baptists believe in what is called memorialism if you were catholic you would believe in transubstantiation if you were other high protestants you would believe in con substantiation but we believe in memorialism i'm going to explain what all that means in just a moment because we is a smart church we're first baptist we can explain what we do why we do and why we believe it we are theologically informed we do not blindly participate in ritual without understanding the ritual that's what they did with jim jones you should never blindly follow a pastor if he or she can't explain to you why they do what they do i'm always going to tell you why we do what we do so you can participate with a clean heart and conscience is there anyone in the room that did not receive the elements [Music] my brothers and sisters you may prepare the table [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] the blood that jesus [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Music] the blood that gives me strength from day to day [Music] it's thank god [Music] lord [Applause] [Music] from day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my brothers and my sisters for those of you who are at home we are inviting you to take communion with us transubstantiation is when the priest lifts up the elements the priest literally believes in the catholic tradition that when he lifts up the elements they are transformed into the body and blood of our lord and savior we don't believe that consubstantiation is a belief that the elements become co-joined that the bread is somehow transformed in joining the literal body of christ we don't believe that as baptist we believe in what is called memorialism we believe this is a sign and a symbol it is in no way the original body of our lord and savior if you are at home and you don't have grape juice go get an egg mcmuffin go get orange juice use water it doesn't matter what you eat or drink because this is a symbol we don't believe anything outside of our commitment in our hearts to our lord and savior jesus christ saves us we do this as a ritual to remind us of what christ did for us it is holy because we approach it holy not because it's holy in and of itself amen so if you're at home and you have confessed jesus christ as your lord and savior and you have received the baptism of the holy spirit grab whatever you can to eat and drink with us so that we collectively as a commitment to our lord and savior reaffirm that we will live this not just act it out can you hold this up for me hold it up hold this up for me on that night lord and savior said this is my body broken and bruised for your recovery when you find yourself disappointed i have been broken to feed you at your hungriest moments when nothing else can feed you i will satisfy you he said this is my blood given for you that whatever you thirst for i will provide whatever you long for i will give you that when you cry i will replenish you and i am good to the last drop and as they did so long ago let us eat and drink together thank you let us say the prayer that our lord taught us our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory beloved we have taken our lord's supper together let us leave this place renewed and with a greater sense of hope that when disappointment comes we are fed by our lord and savior please stand for our benediction [Applause] [Music] now unto the one who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or expect the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god who transforms our disappointment now and forevermore amen amen and amen [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] every prayer [Applause] [Music] thank you for worshiping with us at first baptist church of lincoln gardens for more information on our services and ministries please visit us at fbcsomerset.com [Music]
Channel: fbcsomerset
Views: 2,078
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Id: 80aQFdRzVAo
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Length: 118min 19sec (7099 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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