FBC Tallassee Live Stream - September 12, 2021

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[Music] pour out a bread [Music] i was kind of concerned i said man how's this going to go and what's this going to look like and i thought how about i fit 45 minutes into 30 minutes and 12 minutes later i was done one of the very kind and gentlemen if you're visiting here with us this morning i want you to know that we're honored that you chose to be with us i want you to know that it is a delight for us and uh i will say this i've said this before i'll say it again i mean it from the bottom of my heart i don't think you'll find a better church anywhere in the state anywhere in the country there's no other place right here with all of you and just a small taste of heaven on this side think about that this is what i have will be like for eternity i know you look around my phone with some of these folks but just look at it when they get in heaven okay anyway i need together [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] saves us [Music] um [Music] [Music] cause when we see you we find in strength presence [Music] [Music] saves us [Music] [Music] oh [Music] who saves us [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is you lead us [Music] remember your promises [Music] your grace is enough [Music] for [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] r [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] your grace is enough for [Music] this me [Music] you may [Music] set free jesus [Music] whose love is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] nations is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] set free [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] set [Applause] [Music] for free this is amazing grace that you've given us this is an unfailing love a mercy like no other father thank you for love and mercy and grace thank you god that in spite of who we are you still love us the very god that created this whole earth in just a few short days the very god that knit us together and our mother's womb the very god that knows every number of hair on our heads the god that knows the number of sands on the seashore the god that knows the number of stars in the sky because you spoke and it was good that same god chooses to call us free the same god who did all of that chooses to give us mercy chooses to give us grace when we are so unworthy you die in our place you lay down your life so that we can be set free god we stand before you today we stand before you today unworthy to even be able to come into this place what a privilege it is to have a beautiful facility like this freedom to come and worship you there are so many others around the world right now who are in fear of their lives but yet they choose to meet together and worship you anyway because they know that precious and the sign of the lord is the death of his saints god may we never take for granted may we never take it lightly that is a privilege that we could come here together to worship god there are so many things in this world that we put before you so many little g guys that we try to fill the big g god size hole that is in our hearts god ranking without you and oh we can fill it up with things we can fill it up with so many things that this world has to offer oh and they're fulfilled and when it's gone it's gone but god made me be reminded today that you said drink from this water thirsty may we be reminded you said i am the way i am the truth i am no man comes to the father except through me may we be reminded today you you are god amen [Music] is [Music] that's just [Music] me we can do [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] you're is [Music] and that's just [Music] right now [Music] you're [Music] that's what you are [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are true [Music] you're [Music] [Music] let us see [Music] mountains [Music] is [Applause] [Music] by jesus [Music] i want to praise [Music] stream [Music] is [Music] shout to the lord of the earth [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] so [Music] you are here [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are here working in this place [Music] you are here [Music] you are here working in this [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] here [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] is [Music] [Music] keep [Music] um [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] when i don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] i appreciate that dede the choir saying this morning thank you so much it's good to be back being the pulpit this morning and sharing with you i think trey called me yesterday morning and was telling me that uh his wife had coveted and wanted to know if i could come and preach and i told him i wasn't too sure at the time let me check a couple of things he said if you can't preach michael is going to preach and i said i'll be there early don't worry about it we got it under control and then we've got the talking as preachers talk and i said now you've been there a month or so how are things going are you enjoying yourself things beginning to settle in he said you're an older pastor i can talk to you he said let me just tell you my heart said i've never run across so many people that were as stubborn and opinionated and uncooperative in all of my life and i said trey while i was there i thought those people were lovely and kind and sweet they were great people to me and he said well i'm not talking about the church i'm talking about the staff [Applause] so bless his heart he is getting his dues paid there is no doubt about that but it's good to be back with you i tell you it it was sooner than i thought perhaps that i would be able to come back and i hate under the circumstances that i'm here in this situation like this but i'm glad to be here regardless of what's going on now my life is changing as well i'm soon going to be uh according to my son the teaching pastor at the first baptist church of lexington tennessee i've sold my home on the lake and bought a house in lexington tennessee and i'll be moving close to my son uh in october and looking there to help him and be with him some and particularly after he had his heart attack but he's doing great they put a pacemaker defibrillator in him he's doing wonderful but daddy just has to be there so he said he'd love to have me and so that's where i'll be going so i'll be praying for you and keeping up with you and you pray for me and keep up with me as well now we've come to preach the word this morning i want you to take your bibles or see on the board here this morning out of the book of ju 21st chapter in the 21st chapter the 25th verse at the very conclusion of all this period of the judges you read this one little verse that sums up everything that's been going on in israel and when you look at this verse you could say this is not israel i read this in the paper this morning i saw this on the news last night this is where we live right here and this is what it simply says in those days there was no king in israel every man did that which was right in his own eyes the subjective opinion and the subjectivity of what everybody thinks everybody else ought to do the way they saw it but there's an interesting verse as the book of judges began and it was found over in the first chapter or the second chapter and in the 10th verse and it says this and also all the generations were gathered of their fathers and there rose another generation after them which knew not the lord nor yet the works which he had done for israel and the children of israel did evil in the sight of the lord and served the baleem now you get two different sites here everybody's doing what they think is right in their own sight god's looking at it and saying that's not what i'm seeing this is not what this was about this is not what i brought you here for this is not what i gave you all the blessings i've given you and he begins to emphasize that to the people and then all through the prophets they're saying the same thing you've got to turn back to god we need revival when jesus came he said did you not know that there's going to come a day when they're going to treat you just like they treat me and we see that happening in the churches today in community the apostle paul wrote to the church and said listen there's going to come a day when everybody's going to turn away from everything that really counts and they're going to go their own way we've seen that in our own day haven't we so when we look at this this morning i think there's three distinct things i want to talk about the first is simply this where there is no authority then there's anarchy where there's no authority then there's anarchy this is across the board whether it's in a church whether it's in a job whether it's in a nation whether it's in a school whether it's in a home it makes no difference there has to be an authority there has to be a role model someone who is in charge someone who is the head someone that you can look at and point to and say this person here is the one that we will follow and he said in those days in the land of israel they looked around and said there was nobody the judges were all gone the generation had grown up and in their own joshua had known moses had seen caleb and later caleb's younger brother lead israel they were all gone the generations had passed away and now then they were looking about and casting themselves about what has happened to our nation and when you look at the book of judges what had happened the baileen were on the rise the false gods civil war had taken place adultery had taken place murder had taken place genocide had taken place all of these things were going on and yet these folks look around and say we'll do what's right the way we see it and what we want to do and how we want to do it and nobody can tell me what i ought to do now we live in a democracy wonderful democracy but the democracy is in the church you live in a republic out there in the world and people forget that being in a republic and being in a democratic republic we have responsibilities to our government we have responsibilities to pray for those that are over us we have responsibilities to know that there is an authoritative word out there now we don't always agree with it we don't always believe it's right but we base it upon our comparison to god's word and god's word is never wrong and so we look at that and we look at what these people are seeing and we realize that if there's no authority there is total anarchy and our anarchy is simply the destruction of society all the way around and the tragedy of the 21st century particularly in america is we're seeing so many wonderful things that our forefathers put together for us being destroyed and thrown away as though it's trash it's refuge there's nothing to it the very first compact that was ever made about america was called the mayflower compact and when the pilgrims came to america they made this compact saying we're all equal in this we're going to do it right and it's going to be based upon the lord jesus christ everything was that authority when the first congress got together it began to look at everything and said these things will be based upon god's law and god's word and so we swore in the courts for many generations with hands upon bibles and hands risen then i swear this to be true why because i have my hand on the bible on the word of god and everything that was done was on that authority that god was still in charge how important that was the people still believe that oh you and the church we look about and we say yes we believe that god is in charge that god is still in heaven he is the ultimate authority and and we believe that we still believe in god but when you look at the statistics of people like barnard who do all of these wonderful surveys of the churches you see that there is a slow decline in the last 40 or 50 years of the people who say i believe that god is sovereign real and there is only one god and it is slowly sliding down until it's creeping into the churches where the authority is no longer the one sovereign god but that there are others that we might think of that maybe allah is okay maybe buddhism is okay maybe we ought to bring in a little bit of this and coexist with other people and we water down and dilute and pollute the word of god and the idea of the ultimate authority of god because we want to get along with people and the church has gotten itself into that position to just recently harvard university that was founded on christian principles in the 1600s has hired a new chaplain now there's nothing unusual about that except one thing here the chaplain of harvard university is an avowed atheist how can you be a chaplain and give the absolutes to young men and women if you don't have an absolute and you don't have a god in your own life and yet this is the way we look at things and this is the way that people are viewing life and when you watch it on television read it in books or you hear speeches from those that are in authority it makes you wonder what has happened here where is it gone and then we must come back to the idea we are responsible as well that it's easy to point out there and say that it's the white house's problem it's the hate house's problem it's the courthouse's problem when in truth it's the church house's problem that if we are not who we're supposed to be how do we expect the world out there to be who they're supposed to be if we don't set the standard if we don't hold up what's really worthy to be viewed then there is nothing out there it's anarchy and this is what's happening each generation getting further and further away from the lord when i was a little boy and back many years ago it was just considered sunday you went to church there was no doubt about it my mom my dad said it's sunday you're going to church get it out of your mind you think you're going somewhere else you're going to church we're going to church and he was a deacon my mom was in the wmu it was church we were in church and then the next generation comes along and i see a lot of my cousins and a lot of others that are nominal in their going to church and when i see them at reunions i ask them where are you going to church now well i'm just and i always fuss at them a little bit in a gentle way and remind them that they've got to get their families back because they've got children because you see what happens is what you accept in this generation you pass on to the next generation as being the truth and that generation passes it on as being the ultimate in truth and what got watered down from way up here by the time he gets to the third and fourth generation then church is no longer important truth is no longer important values are no longer important because they not been taught and this is what happens to us and so in the church we have to be the ultimate authority under god's law and we've got to hold the bible up and not be ashamed of it and we've got to say thus sayeth the lord so the first thing i think is simply that no authority then anarchy here's the second thing no absolutes than anything there has to be absolutes in life now there arose back i guess about the 70s an idea called situational ethics and situational ethics begin to be taught in many of the schools and situational ethics simply states in a very short manner that the situation you find yourself in determines the actions that you take about that situation so it might not be right to murder somebody in this situation but in this situation murder might be justified so you wouldn't go out and just take a gun and shoot somebody but you could have an abortion clinic over here that kills babies so the situation determines what is ethical the way that you do things the ethos of of of society itself because there's no absolute out there because what gets taught is that you are not created by the sovereign god instead you're nothing more than the product of some fortuious evolution coming out of some swamp that makes you who you are and because of that being nothing more than an assembly of atoms and stardust you have no absolutes you are nothing more than the product of your environment and as a result of that your instinct takes over your value system now the bible says when you're created you're created in the image of god and what the image of god is not anthropomorphic that you've got arms and legs and feet and teeth and eyes it is the fact that you have free will you get to choose and that god chose you to know that and god gave that to you in the very beginning that you know right from wrong you have a conscience you don't work on instinct but in the society we live in today this is what's being taught and we are listening to it in the church to the point that we almost believe it we want to be accepted so much by the world that we want to believe it that there can't be absolutes on everything but there is there is one absolute in all the universe and that is god's love that's it you can take all the mathematical formulas you want you can take all the physics that you want and you will find them coming back time after time and telling you well we found something new or this no longer applies or looking at it again we see it in a new light but the absolute of god's love has never changed it was god's love that created you and created me and and made mankind it was because god is love that he needed a recipient for that love and he created us with free will that we could accept his love and live in his love and be in his love and that's what's important about this but in a secular society everything is relative everything is okay today maybe not tomorrow there's no absolutes there's no god in heaven and you who believe in god are foolish and ignorant and you're old-fashioned and you're out of touch with what's going on out there you've got to get with the program on all of this and the new value system is human secularism that it's logic it's science it's reason it's all of these things that we can put together and that there is nothing else except that and so it becomes an empirical society empirical simply what you can taste touch smell and so forth so if it doesn't fit those five senses then it's not out there and the philosophical idea that god exists is completely foreign to the world and you and i find ourselves then not on the leadership end of the society but on the defensive side saying wait a minute god is in heaven there is an absolute and god is that absolute and the world looks and says no and then we try to explain to them but absolutely value and worth and equality value is what or what this whole thing is about the absolute of god is to give value and make somebody and something worth something and investing your life in otherwise you have the anarchy of riots burning buildings tearing up cities you have people who want to do away with police you want people who want what they want when they want it how they want it where they want it and if they don't get it then they have a fit on youtube every day you see what they call karen's have you seen some of that that's some of the funniest stuff i've ever seen in my life of these people that just have a fit because they didn't get what they want and they scream and yell these are not children these are adults why because they have never surrendered themselves to an absolute to know that they live in a society and they have responsibility to live in that society and be an adult in it it can be so in the church you will find people that will scream and holler and complain always got a little aside to say always thinking that maybe they've got more than anybody else has got when in reality we're all in this together and the only thing that we have that we hold up is the word of god and that's it puts us together no matter who we are whether we're the richest person or the poorest person in here whether we have the most education or the least education makes no difference well we've got the biggest how they're small no difference we're in this together because the only absolute is the lord and he is the king and what did it say of this group in there in those days there was no king there was no authority no leadership and everybody did what they thought was right they thought was right they looked at it and they said absolutes are in our way let's just move them away so we can get away with what we want to get away with and do what we want to do because they're in hindrance instead of a guide stone how tragic how tragic leads to a third thing on this where there is no accounting then there's avarice where there is no accounting when you are not held responsible there's average now what is avarice what kind of big old word is that preacher it means to want some gain it is to use things for your ultimate gain and it's simply that you want something and you're gonna do anything you can do to gain for yourself and whirl the world becomes egotistical becomes self-centered and in the block that you're in and there's no accountability to it nobody holds you responsible and if they try to hold you responsible then you become angry you become mad you become to the point where you say you don't have that right to say that to me you ain't my boss you leave me alone and so we have children that would throw a fit laying in the middle of the floor and we would say that child needs to have accountability but we'll have an adult that would come and do the same thing in a meeting or act ugly in society and we accept it and somehow that's the normal behavior why because there's never been accountability we have accountability to god that we're responsible for being in church we're responsible for the tithes and offerings that we give we are responsible to god that we are in discipleship out there teaching others about the word of god we have responsibilities and if we don't take those responsibilities we will find out what accountability is one day when we stand before god because right now the world judges god but in the end god will be the ultimate judge of the world and we have to look at ourselves and ask ourselves where are we in all this where do we stand in all of this this was israel this was god's chosen people and what they were doing was what they thought was right and if you had to ask them do you not believe this oh yeah yeah i'm good because they thought it was right because they were looking at it through their own eyes subjectively they were not looking at it through god's eyes their view of the world was not a god-centered view of the world it was a view of the world that gave them authority they gave them pleasure they gave them instant gratification they gave them what they wanted instead of what god expected and so we come to the church today and we see in our churches so much discord and we see in our churches a slow decline in our baptisms we see in our churches harder and harder to get people to be committed to the things of god why because we don't want to be accounted for we want to hide and so we go to church and we try to hide in the anonymity of just being in a group and we don't want to be called on we don't be used and so we never volunteer for anything we never get ourselves committed to anything we just go through the motions having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof and that's tragic peter wrote about that over in ii peter he was speaking to the church about what was going on there in his day here's what he said about that for when they speak great swelling words of vanity they allure those the lusts of the flesh through much wantness those were clean escape from them who live in era while they promise you liberty they themselves are the servants of their own corruption for of whom of a man is overcome of the same is he brought into bondage so the world out there is telling you one thing you believe it and you don't get liberty you don't get freedom you don't get values you don't get something better you get nothing but the bondage of sin that pulls you down and makes you on the level of the very worst that's sad isn't it that's tragic isn't it but it's going on and we see it every day and you and i look at it and we we want to just throw our hands up but we forget one important fact when we look at that we don't fight against flesh and blood we fight against the prince of the power of the air that when you see all this nonsense that goes on in our society and around the world and all that's happening today understand that that this is not about an individual in the white house or an individual in congress that you don't like or somebody that's on the world stage as a leader this is about fighting the prince of the power of the air it is a spiritual warfare that we're in and that we cannot look at it through the eyes of the world and when we look at it through the eyes of god's word and we understand we've already won we have won yea ye are more than conquerors through christ jesus our lord and when we look at it that way it changes the whole dynamic of what's going on out there and the paradigms that we find ourselves caught up in in our own society they don't hold us in we can burst through those things and say look to the glory of god he owns this world he owns this universe he owns it all and you may have it in your own little pocket but that's not going to be good enough because the lord is going to return again one day and when he returns there will be accountability but where there's no accounting today there's everest people want what they want when they want it where they want it how they want it so the preacher stands and preaches and tells you the love of god christ jesus that he came and he died for you and he wants to redeem you and give you eternal life and with tears in his eyes he died at calvary and said father forgive them they know not what they do sunday after sunday after sunday and many times you have sat there thinking i need to settle this issue with god i need to get my heart right with god i need to do what's important and get the value system straightened out here i need to know where the authority is i need to know where the absolutes are i know that i'm accountable and that you ought to come confessing jesus christ as your lord and savior and surrendering your heart to him in salvation to come moving church membership to be a part of a local church to come and and complete surrender of your own life to the lordship of jesus christ through the baptism of waters but to say this is what i need i need accountability i need to be involved and invest my life in something bigger than i am it's not about me it's about what god wants out of me that i've been created in his image with a free will to choose him and love him and care for him and move into a higher plane than the way the world lives and so the bible says be separate and it's not the separation of the fact that we just leave society alone and go out living a commune is that we don't live like the world or think like the world and we don't give the world the values that the world wants to give us so we give jesus and we give the bible we give the church we give everything that god has given to us and we give it freely and openly and unashamedly and tell people you can have it you can have it you know what jesus said i've come that you might have life a way of life a way of living a way of doing things a value system and that you might have it more abundantly that your life can have worth and meaning and purpose and not just go through motions and lay in the bed at night when no one's around thinking there ought to be more to it than this there ought to be more to it than this there is and it's right here in god's word this morning don't be as israel israel looked about in those days of 2021 there was no king in israel no idea of god in america and then every man did what was right in their own sight does it start in your household in you if it does then you settle it you get it right it's not the other fella that's responsible to god the accountability is yours to god for each of us will give an account of himself to god that's what the bible tells us so this morning in this invitation joyfully and lovingly and openly we open the doors of the church and we say you come you come let jesus have it all and everybody welcomes you with open arms and love because god has loved you and care for you do you understand there's there's not one human being on this whole planet that god doesn't love it doesn't make any difference who they are what they've done or what they're doing right now god loves them that's the absolute of all things and god loves you it doesn't make any difference how far you've gone away from god it's only one step back to god when you come to him so this morning would you surrender and give it all to the lord let's pray father god thank you lord that we had the privilege the opportunity to be in your house the lord you have loved us enough to give us a place like this you have loved us enough lord that you have taken care of us through all the dangers that have come to this society and that father you're still on the throne and that lord we need not fear we are more than conquerors and that lord we need to take the strength that we have together and share it with a lost and dying world and so those that need to come this morning lord give them that courage put your holy spirit's persuasive power upon them that they might surrender totally into your care in jesus name we pray amen would you stand with us as we sing this morning as michael leads us would you respond in love would you come [Music] without him i'd surely feel without him i would be drifting like a ship without us jesus [Music] oh jesus do you know him today you can turn him away oh jesus [Music] oh jesus [Music] without him how lost i would be american amen be sure and pray for trey and his sweet little wife now as she's undergoing this be in prayer for others of the church that are sick and let's remember our brothers and sisters around the world that are under persecution today and standing up for the gospel in countries that have no value system and absolutes of god and let's be what we're supposed to be that others can see jesus in us as we leave this place today let's pray father now dismiss us in your love god us in your peace let us be found faithful in all that we do to your glory first in the precious name of jesus we pray believing amen
Channel: FBC Tallassee
Views: 161
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mp001doLWt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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