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right um all right good morning how are you let's see if you comment send me a heart something let me know you're alive I am here I'm not gonna tell you where but I'm here at Liza's house I'm not going to tell you the location but if you hang on to the end I'm gonna have a Q&A with the prize for you so let's see if we get some people on Jennifer are you here I know it takes a second or two to get in here so I'm gonna give you a little spin around there's cave there's Brandon alright so let's just get this started you guys can watch us later ah there we go we got a heart so this is Liza's home and this is where if you didn't know Liza used to run the business of glorious color which she has since sold but this is the room where the fabric would be shipped from and I'm gonna turn it over to Liza alright Liza here we go good morning thank you for having me a whole year since we've been friends oh not quite yet but we're again next week is that when we first has done huh wait just so you guys know all that noise is this they're still getting over the last thing but alright let's go alright so we're in the studio we can't waste any time cuz there's so much here I feel like when I was at Kate's house and Brandon's and there's just so much stuff and Liza's gonna go through some stuff Cape and Brandon are gonna talk and and then we're gonna go to lunch so alright I'm gonna give it to you Alma shut up so I make most of the quilts that Cape and I have been making since 1993 and they used to be made in a much smaller space so when I sold the business I got this glorious studio so if you look over here you'll see a stack of quilts on this okay and then behind Brandon here are the fabrics that when designing the next book with which are all the classes and the two seasons the one that's being shipped now and the one that's being shipped in August so if you see fabrics there that you have your tongue hanging out and you can't wait to have it may take you longest all right let me give you a little zoom in on some stuff here just so you could see what's going on she's got a stash her stash in the stash but this is a lot of great stuff it's unbelievable so here we go Liza could you come with me a little bit cuz it's when the when I'm facing away with the camera they don't hear as well okay so alright so over here we have another stack of quilts and another dog okay and if you think that's a lot of quilts Kate has twice as many yes alright so do you want to talk about this well this is one of the quilts that will be in the book that comes out in September of 2020 okay so you hear that 2020 new book which one what are we calling this one it'll be it'll be shot and Cicely what they're calling it who knows it's gonna be shot in Sicily true or false I've been to Sicily Laura and I went on our honeymoon to Sicily yes there are a lot of fabrics that you will not see until August in that well okay but you need to have all of them all of all right what do you want to do next so this is more more racks and bolts and the whole thing this is a quilt I'm stitching on can I just say yeah of course and it's one that I've done which is just a once all you know personal statement of just lots of dots lovely long running and stitches that kind of add to the text is there one that we could sell so here yes oh so it's like a big stitch condom yeah yeah great big stitches yeah yeah you can see just big running Tokat very cool what do you put on the back cave on the back it's really Fiore and one of my original colorways of that it's crazy it looks just like the paperweights yeah I know it was okay it's KZ over here we have the first quilt we ever made alright so so one of the things Liza and keep wanting to show everyone is just how far they come and this was one of their first quilts that they made well this is the first quilt that they made and this quilt just reminds me of you know when I used to go into my dad's office when I was a kid all this it was just all about these florals so yes absolutely we've since grown up into our incredible palate yes very but it's crazy it's just so muted and now it's it's so vibrant and bright and there's so many other colors that you guys are using it's why we had to get into the fabric business because this is what was available what you use on the back them that they've cooked backing or they just ho just boring ticking and ticking style oh and here you'll be amused because of the business your family and mine have been in these were buttons for men's underwear from the turn the century ivory buttonless Wow do you want to show this sure all right look at this baby these are hexagons I love hand stitching and making hexagons and this is gonna be the center of a medallion quilt made just for me just because I love it this is a fabric that I did for Liberty's I picked one of their classics and I did the coloring and so that's gonna be the border for this one that'd be a beautiful color copy this for the book or this is just snow do you want to talk about that real quick all right I'm gonna give you a teaser cuz I really can't show you this but I know membership has its privileges don't tell anyone who's not in this group all right you ready watch it nope okay a block of the month eventually so are we excited for a Keith tingle baccala month I think yes and getting a lot of heart so you notice this is a camel colored flannel ah and this is our old original design wall that has been dog eatin and dog chewed and pinned and everything and why we had to invent the gray flannel which we much prefer but this is the original badly Hey Wow taste design more still holding strong after 20 we're getting a lot of hearts I think they look like the block of the month idea all right what I'll see you guys want to see so think we got book Oh what do you want to tell you about this utilize let me come close to you so they can hear what you're saying shots and stripes how about this one up here this is called gridlock now when when kaif and I get our first book we had a lot of tension case tension between you two oh yeah okay like the one you just saw that was looked like an English country garden and I wanted to do his knitwear in in quilts so he was wearing a sweater called gridlock yeah I house and I took a picture of his back and I made that into a quilt and it became one of our best quote an intention was gone tension was gone I got my way he got his way we're still here okay all right Brendan you want to talk a little yeah I mean you're a mister talkative and you're so quiet you must be dying over here I'm exhausted my job my job is to tell them both what to do but under the list no um I'm what am I doing here what are you working on lately you let me suck you send me some designs that you're working on the what you seen a multiple on board here are my legs will be shown to you by your reps very very soon and we've got a make-work market maybe probably yes okay and they pay they're really strong really graphic and we've had the most enormous fun come up because when you break down the designs they they just give you such a fresh kind of cattle it's very different from the collective that we've gone a lot more contemporary contrast without colors no more fiery and it's got a real kind of snap so we're really thrilled with that I just arrived here last evening and we've got a business engagement in New York City tomorrow I think it is tomorrow and then we fly back to England on the 13th so we're just catching up having a red time with Liza and seeing what projects won't fingers she's got going on and she's woken up to a tour that she's gonna be doing here so I have a question so so we're getting beyond Greg told me that we're getting ready to ship out then the well the February line but what is it KFC 2018 yeah I don't know whatever the next line of which I've been teasing with lots of pictures is shipping do you guys get excited when it comes out do you people contact you and say oh my god I love that or no it's been a like a labored birth we've been I am put this collection together as I'm sure you yes because but you know what it wasn't late because the new system kicking into place and I think once this collection gets to your shop floors you will start seeing the movement flow and it will get back up to as as things work so that we're very excited about but then now Kaif and I when we go home we you see my bar then we go to the island to photograph oh no we do series of workshops then we go to Sicily to Ricky doing our photo shoot were possibly planning during the next book which won't come out in 2012 your busy guy yeah so it's you ever get home I'm kind of looking forward to getting home I've been away two and a half weeks on this trip and I'm ready to get my feet back into their creative table but no you know I've been alright let's see what you're making okay this is a kit that a friend of mine has been working on for 20,000 years a UFO oh yeah and I got so annoyed I just took it off her and I'm finished it boy and I'll send it back this is one that keeps it cold and how does that help her alright so I'm gonna go back to you guys oh so we got some big news well this fabric is going to be in the February launch so you'll see this soon there's actually two fabrics here tiddlywinks oh wait let's don't not tease them cuz I see you have the embroidery on it right right now and this is the other fabric which is straight real flowers will come out in next week right and it's been stitched with heavyweight threads a hands to cheat Ridge hopefully you guys saw the video that was going around on the cave collective page and on the free spirit page that the crew is doing a line of thread with with or Phil let's see the cover again so check these out these are doing yep there's the cover yep and there's the fabric perfect and the other line the thread that we just came out with this for machine stitching and they're neutral Grey's for doing seems these in shops yet or this they're in chops fantastic and then really exciting are two cruises coming up okay cruise are they sold out yet are they three of us on a cruise holland america three of us does not include B by the way and I'm going to be doing can't the stitching this on the cruise is my class capers gonna do painting and Brandon's gonna do nitty can I ask the super question what is cancer I don't know I'm assuming maybe other people don't know oh okay fine Indian tradition I gotcha it's not even it's very free-flowing it's just lots of fun big long running speeches so the three of us are going to do this cruise through world of quilts travel you'll find them online and it's an eight day cruise and all three of us are teaching and that's not me I'm not teaching and then the other cruise whatever here is this coming June it starts in Rome and it goes out to Gibraltar and back and I'm going to be doing these little hexagons ditty bags cool and there are two other three other teachers on the cruise as well and again anyone we know well sue Fargo okay and two wonderful British ladies whose names are escaping me right now cuz I'm being put okay sorry sorry I forgot it and so that still has room on it and that's a trip that's I think gonna be twelve days okay what else more quilts maybe you have any you want to talk about this fabric artisan why don't we talk about this I'll try to give it a little love if you do this one all right well I love twelve the old French twelve and so I was doing my version of a twelve which is lovely drawing and cross-hatching and so forth and I love the ones that are surrounded by a color cape so let's just give background so this is the new 108 fabric that's right um there's about a hundred and eight inch backing right and the quality it's the sateen right yeah okay this is sateen and it's produced in China we did it in three colors yes three four different different patterns and colors too but this particular stone in the three girls yes in the wide it's only three colors right so you guys got to get this in your you know go to the shops and check this one out kate is all about cutting this one up right here yeah yeah damn I mean people are actually cutting this and putting it in Japan works too and it looks wonderful it's in a smaller scale for patchwork as well yeah but but if you wanted to use the back and if you are looking for a new idea to play with the Indian stripe coffins yeah check this out for an idea this is playing with the hex guns you know hand-woven Indian fabrics and for all you consumers if you go to the quilt shops if they have the catalog for 2018 the stripes are in there and you should have them buy it if you want to make some money show them the back cuz we we know people like to see the back there's nothing like a good back side yeah and I've been like a good back side see there's the papers taken out yeah papers left in we got the papers out which is the first time I've done okay so she they're using the 68 by 68 construction fabric as opposed to the 60 by 60 and 68 is what Kate prefers okay maybe you should say why Kate prefers it cuz that's always a and people are always asking a couple reason this one is before people started doing machine quilting 68 was actually considered kind of lower grade and 78 was the preferred we did ours on 68 and we liked the way there was saturation the way the lines looked on the weave the 68s have a much tighter weave ben de count 60 you know when you buy quilts for instance the higher the count the tighter the weave same thing with quilting fabric so the tighter weave to us gives us the color saturation we like and the hand we like we love it to be flexible and soft and silky you know not everybody's going to agree with us but it's our line well they completely complain we get as it feels thin but I always tell people this is what Kate wants and keeps capes the boss and cape also likes to do that let me then either the needlework right stay hand stitches right right and also if you want to flip the fabric and sometimes use it on the front but sometimes you sit on the back if you want a softer version also skirts the other side of the thing is sometimes when you sew on the machine the fabric split and you get a white it pops it comes through yeah through and that is not nice right we've held strong we've held to the sixty-eight for a number of reasons but most of all we like it best and come color with you but ironically now everyone is doing 60s so 68 I mean and it is what it is we're fine art we have a producer of it but it's harder to come by and it's actually became more expensive because every most people in the industry when six sixty all of our other companies except all of our other lines outside of Cape is sixties and I'm not saying anything other than that but just a point that they're now more expensive and they're more less it's less common but Cape is sticking with that and we're sticking with Cape so and let me point out why that's important this may be 68 this is batik this is a coarser fabric from India and they're all served together and we don't care that they're not matching in weight or in color or in texture if we love it it's going to go in the quilt and I get all these people asking me oh but can I put the 60s with the 68 well yeah yeah password comes from a make new tradition people make quilts out of their old clothing they didn't try to match up whether the denim went with the Liberty shirt that justbe quilts and so there's our philosophy in a nutshell okay now you guys got it I'm so glad to point that out lies because when you look at where the Patrick industry came from where they it was making utilitarian quilts taking there anything they could get their hands on putting together don't be so such a purist and enjoy yourself life's too short I mean you know if you like but you know what I think it's important which I love I know you guys always say and a lot of people are always talking about being perfect and I know you guys have a theory it's never perfect and and none of even for you Kevin and all you guys it's just never perfect you want to be kept pretty oh it's not me yes but a lot of people are perfectionist and they you know they're pulling out stitches and pulling out their hair and you know instead of finishing the quilt that's going on for another month or two or ten or twice a never have that all right fill up I think he said he had an appointment he was trying to see if we could wait a little Philippa you want our big scale prints were wonderful for this layout thank you love that one yeah we do workshops you guys like this one I don't think so you guys like this one give me a little hard come on Wow amazing pattern technically you aren't supposed to take one of these divide it in half and put it on the edge because you lose your points I didn't care I wanted my quilt finished can anybody see that I've lost a point really no you guys hear that we're not perfect these guys aren't perfect do I need to be perfect there's a point missing oh my god missing a boy I'm gonna kill my son yeah you're taking account you see these arrangements from a distance I mean let's face it we all are better from this yes exactly good from far and far from good yep let's see what's on the back of that one daisies very nice I wish Philip gets back from his appointment so he could be a mother is he riding the horse again I'm not sure all right what else you guys got more clips I think they like the quilts the best let's say I want to show you well while they're getting ready I'm just gonna show you some more stash current fill up they got this off mark really neat this is a treat guys treat from me treat for you treat for all of us and don't tell any of the other executives that the other companies that I'm doing this stuff cuz we don't this is our special thing the familia you're part of the familia let's see what else we got here buttons bulbs stripes nice do you know anything about this one Liza he's holdin E's coins in log cabin very cool let me let me get in close to you guys and let me show you how fabulous the backing fabric but so using the Indian stripe nice it's so homely a warm hockey homespun feeling this is a rare glimpse into and stripes yes we're gonna push the Indian stripes - this is yeah Wow quilt that really got people going oh my god this is a list about this yeah exactly this is a lot more looks a lot more complicated than one of their saw handkerchiefs corners Liza can you talk them through how this came about in class was the stripes on stripes and it's what started our company cuz Branson and I went out to India to this little village that we're doing hand weaving and we started them doing a beautiful set yes I remember reading about that in the book he's trying to put them on the map that absolutely that little village write yourself cool place let's see what's on the back okay can we just talk you through a house yes yes I brought the swatches from this trip to India to my house and even I didn't know what the time I said I think you can make quilts with this fabric and so he left me with the yardage which started the company and I made these bigger blocks which look a lot harder right so two together and mitered and it looks simple and there was a lot of garbage left over from doing these blocks and this is the garbage basically each block is just made by two to two different fabrics and then a shot cotton in the middle to make up a block I had chopped off this garbage garbage and then on the as the binding it's the stripe yes the stripes are great for the binding yeah John was too a boxer shorts [Music] all right let's keep going we love quilts right guys a little bit was shot at a place called fonthill which is an arts and crafts right in the mix here and by the way every fabric in there is great because of what's next to it that they could turn brown so how old is this cave to you any idea 25 it's funny when you look from further away and get close up it looks so different cuz you see all these little bitsy prints but if anybody's been to Sumatra Theed rule in Venice then they would see the resemblance in Waco the inspiration marble floors because all the floors are in geometric patterns was this in a book or any camera this yeah yeah yeah this is great and it was photographed in this concrete castle so the colors were just right okay this is this is my current mania it's really a shame we bought free spirit I'm not having any fun good lies it doesn't have anything else yeah I just I just messed up their whole day they were gonna create a million things today nothing done today except this video with you guys Abby's loving it alright let's see what's on the back packing it's merely fury in a softer colorway I love this yeah that's fun do you guys have questions amps ask and well uh we'll answer and then by the way at the end I'm gonna give some fabric away I'm gonna ask some questions and we'll do whoever answers that first will get the prize you know if you got a new baby coming into the equation using the indian stripe fabrics so it's neat it looks like washed out isn't it gentlemen it cool fat so it doesn't always have to be high happy colors it can be something a lot more subdued and calm Wow I love it all right what else you guys got how about a blasted yellow I was given quick Kate do you have a favorite color no no do I have a favorite breath how do you handle disagreements in design and color ways they do all the colorways I'll get married yeah that's a very good question you know one of the muscles about why we work so well is that we collaborate and we bounce off one another cable come up with an idea he'll ask me I'll come up with an idea I'll ask him will ask Elijah we go back and forth and then it starts building they're asking she's asking what was the last quilt pattern I don't remember which one I'm sorry and then this one is saying can you please make more border striped fabric yes we can't wait I have to come with me Brandon the yellow is gorgeous art so what do you got on the back of this one more stripes yeah just ticking just the ticking yeah so somebody asking about books were working on okay we're working on a book for 20 21 now 20 21 yep very nice and you guys are gonna do a tour again in the US will we um I guess at some point soon we'll be coming out with the dates I did reveal that we will be at Colchester Mills um and I actually will be there I'm hoping maybe to catch up with them somewhere else but I did enjoy going on the tour it was really quite Isle
Channel: Scott Fortunoff
Views: 2,519
Rating: 4.6842103 out of 5
Id: 7S2hkfWw6Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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