Favre's FIRST Game Against Packers! (Packers vs. Vikings 2009, Week 4)

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watching Brett Favre walk out in a Vikings jersey was like if my father walk out of the bedroom wearing my mother's dress,, something you could never get used to

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/dash47 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Meant as no disrespect to the Vikings it was just fuckin weird to see him where the Vikings jersey

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/dash47 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not only is Favre in a Vikings jersey still weird to see, but it's made even weirder by looking like a child wearing an XL shirt. Those sleeves are 1/3 the way down his arms.

Nonetheless, great game

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/RoscoeSantangelo 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man loved seeing Rodgers step into throws how I miss that now.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Pantherrugger89 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know if this game is available through NFL gamepass?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Makaveli84 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

That whole season was magical up until BountyGate

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DayandKnight13 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really wanted favre v manning over brees v manning. Seems like we won't get that like we won't get rodgers vs brady.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Yuokes 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

God AP was such a bitch. Ran upright, coughed up the ball constantly.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Roger_Collinsport 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] it is a border battle ins of football craze great Midwest [Applause] [Music] the Packers choose to spread them out here on 2nd 11 Rodgers will check down to grab first person but here comes some Williams it was picked up and Rogers was complete to Greg Jennings in a sieve Putman termite Finley the tight end to the 25 to Michael Finley late opening drive of first down toss nobody else [Applause] Minnesota boy a feed coming off the end Alan got rid of college got to the quarterback they stripped Rodgers Favre on the field when you come back [Applause] Carrie with count 36 Peterson up the middle gains a couple of yards let's go back to something we talked about in Monday night countdown and we have the late flag unsportsmanlike foul taunting defense quick out the Burien on the edge Rachel tackle leans forward depends on the spot Peterson first time first and goal is Peterson press the left side third and five device three-five and Rogers facedown Siddalee takes it to the end zone it in touchdown clean back 62 yards with Arvin in the slot they get into Percy who ran around Schiller and Jenkins slips and falls Rogers from the 41 to Finley about the touchdown [Applause] to the secondary shelter foyer on the sidelines pushed down one by grants rogers is sacked took a direct shot from Ben Libra second and 17 the pack is no empty Noda here comes the pressure and Rogers throws pot by driver takes it up the sideline and might be close to field goal range of that pickup Finley the tight end to the [Applause] Tara's hands and deflection by Jennings well you'll see the quick looking past the Donald Driver that's just playing football in a great concentration second at 11 Rogers intercepted by Minnesota trying to stay there tonight [Applause] third and two for for rocket shot cut by the rice come on Williams fell down urns and Hagler gained at 24 the back door push down I'm playing a game with bar [Applause] in the sheet cut first Anthes bring would sit off the corner [Applause] 13:5 rogers couldn't get away from our ray Edwards and Jared Allen combined to the set Guinness Book of World Records Favre taking over from the 43 as peterson runs left tied up to me took the ball out of his hand the touchdown for Clay Matthews Adrian Peterson who has the strongest hands you'll ever find but his head fungal problems he was held up and they took it out of his hands and out of nowhere play Matthews who's got pretty good football genes laughs I would say so old fan does a great job of ripping it out of his body that is a big-time play [Applause] third and seven here comes the pressure farm zigzoo complete to rice not many people have done what he's trying to do replace a hall-of-famer replace a legend and continue to be a playoff team sitting the task that he has over the next few seasons and the first head-to-head here tonight Chester Tanner gave opening Minnesota full complement of timeouts against the three-man rush right for Harvin be the man miss and Harvin and far gives to Peterson nuclear puffin that chopper third and six buying time got rid of it for a big first down pick up for Deshawn Wynn who got out of bound something quick to grit Jennings up the middle it was the right call there was a second left well done by stairs for the referee Raja's look up to space to grow Alan Rogers heaving downfield gets knocked down by MIDI you Williams and brings us to half I look at these guys the yelling at Alan's were taking that shot there at the end of it fresh is Harvard in the slot to the full-back to Tahu [Applause] a far shot cut by the tight-end shaker [Applause] they're not getting the farm at all all kinds of time for breath pitch Jim Dugan the tight end the time that Brett Favre has in this huddle no one's near him look at his pocket the cradles perfect the throw from he finds Dugan down the field and now takes a quick shot [Applause] three bands the mistake there with the loss of two two and a half tonight third this cloud is Rogers uses his feet to buy time to hit Nelson to the first down [Applause] - a quick shot for driver into the secondary Donald Driver for the first [Music] [Applause] [Music] screams required has space we're inside the 10 first in gold for Green Bay and they give this full-back boon is stopped short of the goal quick here third thank you to grant cashews [Applause] defense here [Applause] Tynan Shaco could be the final play of the quarter they've emptied the backfield [Music] [Applause] last six third down again time they pick up their last seven third down the race for that touchdown last week Greg Lewis only a few plays here tonight face of chester jelly that's only the second Drive of the half to the Packers taking over their own Raja's set for the 6th time tonight just run it down [Applause] [Music] 37 snap goes to Deshawn Wynn ago [Applause] arvin back to the punch from compa notes mega party mr johnson back took it at the 27 [Applause] turned it near midfield for touchdown in ten consecutive games so he's got to figure it out here now Woodson with the tackle [Applause] against the flea man Crunch Bars throws it complete gesture tailors a yard shy of the first down [Applause] where's Chloe tries to kick it to the sideline [Applause] Vikings special the Bears too ahead of the Packers unless Green Bay with the comeback to go for the Packers [Applause] the guys show it comes out picked up by branch there's the safety oh my ball comes out Karen [Applause] UPMC you see on this challenge you may have Rogers need down Green Bay Islands and yeah it's gonna be a safety you have to be a safety so you challenge to change the ruling and it's gonna give the other guys two points in the ball after he was tackled and down in the end zone spent a lot of time with Scots to come over here Buie kicks yolks and lets it go [Applause] do for chris cooley tonight in the for Ryan grant with some space as a first down sacked seven-ton jesse has turned it over twice one was on one of those sacks one pick was this mistake good pass for Jim second and ten getting rid of it quick with Michaels fiddly a touchdown earlier look at Jared Allen who's been rushing the passer all night [Applause] buys time ticks off and get out of bounds and pick up a first [Applause] Rogers - Jody now him it cleared station notes him up the field for the touchdown they'll go for two down ten the Henderson [Applause] and when chasing shovels it forward [Music] some crosby gets the bounce coming forward by Sydney right firing them in the free CIA just doesn't work this is third down Fars back to growers going to take a deep shot down the field from Berrien who's out about in complete Longfield and 69 coming off the edge Jared Allen sometime here throws the driver [Music] on 3rd down the shot that james jones wide open in the second area to the 40 Raja's has a career-high passing yard night 358 to grant out of the backfield right into the sideline gets as much as he can and gets that about Rogers for the half-sack veteran Alan ready to stand since 1982 when the sack became an official stat no one's had that many on Monday night's football [Applause] with Causton win six looking towards Jordy Nelson at the top that was fun [Applause] [Music] in complete he does just that facing crowds to the onside kick got the good bounce last time got another good bounce Sydney right makes the play for the buddy close enough but in the end barb eats the Packers 32:23 will hit [Applause] former teammates one over to greet far
Channel: NFL Throwback
Views: 274,323
Rating: 4.8830409 out of 5
Keywords: nfl, american football, nfl history, nfl highlights, nfl vault, nfl throwback, classic game highlight, classic game highlights, game highlights, game highlight, minnesota vikings, green bay packers, packers vs vikings, vikings vs packers, 2009 season, week 16 2019, monday night, week 4 2009, nfc north, jared allen, brett favre, aaron rodgers, brett favre plays packers
Id: mhfGvU4Q56w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2019
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