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[Applause] and just quickly connecting underneath and then turning the corner at that speed is evan ingram and there is a black cat now on the field halloween this past week and a black cat is running across metlife stadium is this going gonna be bad for the cowboys if you're superstitious a few weeks ago we were here for a monday night football game we had another halloween theme now comes this maybe we need to bring the ghost back to get rid of the cat [Applause] that's impossible did this hit the upright and the crossbar oh my goodness the bears season's going to end on a double doink mariota to the line of scrimmage maybe across the line if the flex back to him for a touchdown for the moment revis bets the ball right back to mariota it's a live ball quarterback is behind the line since what you want the first man down to block and the second man down to try and recover it sanders high up in the air and micah has it and there he goes micah to the house he has been quiet and they need to force the football tool okay we need the jaws of life down the field brandon graham laughing about the fact we got six teams still alive now after tonight and we got two harbaughs still in the mix and look at this punting it is brady he's gonna love this now there was a little sportsmanship at the other end i do like this punt don't put your quarterback in jeopardy third down don't let him get hit on the blitz category coming in mcknight and he hops ahead for only one year just his seventh carry of this taco or the hit on the outside [Applause] that's patrick chung's helmet [Applause] his cleat is stuck inside of the face guard [Applause] get him pumped up and that's juggled and picked off or is it is the question that is one unbelievable interception right there how can you make contact and find the ball all at the same time i mean that is almost impossible what eps just pulled off right there handoff ivory ivory taken down by his hair [Applause] and another man with long hair clowney was the one who ripped him down long hair on long-haired crime how many times has this ever happened in any level of football two guys getting their cleats stuck together i know it's velcro or tape but i've never seen that before 17-7 [Applause] bouncing ball fielded at the 25. oh you got to be kidding me oh look at this this is dan connolly the right guard the right guard still going for the four yard line hands on this football from the first moment saying all right as soon as somebody hits me not nobody nobody hit me there no it didn't happen but remember what mike mccarthy told us he said all the injuries we've had on defense the biggest issue we've had has been on another problem carson ball for this year the whole offensive line five-yard penalty second down the end zone the official stop play because of it [Applause] well let's analyze it that's good form springing yeah i like that [Applause] just as well brighton field struggled earlier got the wet ball away alan rossum going to let go and it looks like it's on a tee boy if you tee the ball up you couldn't put it any better go straight for the pin drop it down and pluck it unbelievable third and short and theoretic is stopped at the line of scrimmage by edmonds then of the bills will use the timeout with a minute six that was all tremaine edmonds the way he ended up playing you know this point right away his second of the game got a helmet stuck to the back don't clean up some of those things here's like an onside punt ball was hit straight up into the air and it turns into a rugby scrum for the football or will it be a drop kick perhaps drop kick for the extra point it is up and in can you believe that for the outside kick popped up in the air by sanchez grabbed and running down the field is brown part of the hands team and he takes it all the way here's the offensive coordinator you got a busted play here and then sanchez gets hit the ball is loose and it's alive and then going into the end zone is steve gregory who says offensive lineman aren't athletes watch this radical change the direction by frank wragg now he blows the bottom of his shoe off he got joey's number how about garth d felice the umpire like a beer commercial get out of the way that was a nice flipper he threw garth deep elise come on knock him out wow oh he's forearm shivered [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's what the battle looked like in the crowd the security finally said enough of this debate one guy's smiling this guy said forget that give me the helmet but as a fan you throw your helmet up in the stands whether it's an accident or not pump fakes now throwing deeper jones along the sideline comes back to make the catch paul comes out jones picks it up at the 20. he loses it again ball is loose great catch on a back shoulder throw that was great by carr he recovers intelligently and picks the ball up hanson attempting the extra point and he bangs it off the upright they bring here's endama consu now the kick is actually pretty good except you see just smooth motion by mcdougall and now with carson oh my goodness he landed on his feet he's still up that was insane carson offended came down and kept running this game oh the ball kicked right back to card the football follies to open up the third quarter quentin koppels gets in the backfield before he can be blocked by the pulling offensive lineman howard and how here's an oddity jon scoby of the jags and josh scovie of the seahawks wait a minute this is scoby overload scovie's kick returned by scoby and oh it's a fumble and the jaguars rasheed mathis falls on it middle of the field in and out of the hands of brown intercepted that's james butler he's in the end zone wait a minute that's a safety because he intercepted it outside of the end zone took it into the end zone with his own momentum and it's a safety call cam newton he's stewart banging off bodies again inside the 10-yard line first and goal panthers to spread the field if the box is loaded he'll throw it blitzcoming ryan on low drops and it's still alive that may be picked off they say incomplete it looks like it's sat there no interception [Applause] now throws [Applause] i don't think he did i think that's a live football that's a baltimore touchdown was moving forward nor is there a whistle here [Applause] and for some reason without a whistle blowing only corey reading decides to make a play on the football the ruling on the field is confirmed it is a fumble quarterback's arm was going back when it was hitting the ball knocked loose it is a touchdown as a result of the play [Applause] he lost the bottom of his shoe his shoe came off the sole of the shoe came off big gust snap a tough one the kick is away look at the wind take that one bill [Applause] wow [Applause] he steps up into the pocket starts to run with it avoids one man dives for a first down guess who he avoided headbutts geronimo allison there and i think their face masks got locked and so literally had to be separated down rogers is hit from behind ball is out they're saying this play is live they're waiting for somebody to do something that's boykin he's going to go in for a touchdown how about that here's orton he is going to launch it deep and he's got it all the way to the goal line in fact it is steps up goes to the end zone the referee drifter and it is incomplete here's the back goodness we have an incomplete pass and it's matthews and he gets stopped fumbles ball picked up by rashad johnson fumbled back down and this will be a san diego touchdown as wilson scrambles to keep it alive the game's final play is a wilson lock to the end zone which is fought for by tate with jennings simultaneous who has it who they give it to touchdown one guy goes up touchdown the other said no time you can't go to replay to determine who caught the ball so that call has to be made on the field ryan spent the last two seasons bay and this one is blocked ryan has a second punk block but it's picked up by jordan valverde and he has a first down and more and running out under the field [Applause] oh man you come out on the field you're lucky that this is as bad as it gets past interference offense number 71. now they had an extra offensive lineman in the rare pass interference called against the offensive hunt to graham and jimmy graham takes a hard collision by thomas davis who had a hit on him earlier in this quarter [Applause] gerard over the middle had it batted back in completely hit the umpire oh oh my lord he hit garth d felicia umpire right in the side of the head he's going to take this he turns a little bit at the last minute but it looks like it hits him right in the ear for a little nfl history lechler on the whole hits it as hard as he can it's not even going to make it to the goal this could be returned but if what he did like he's just kind of half loafing trying to this was the play before we got some helmets interlocked here so they both take them off so they can get it done is that that's facebook that's how that is right there it's on the move third and goal johnson pulls it down johnson trying to get in there johnson for the end zone touchdown and then batted down i thought i saw him bat that thing but i thought it was a pump fake he caught the ball and then he's looking for somebody downfield again and he takes it into his own hands and finds the end zone from soldier field in chicago cordero patterson slips and falls down whole mike right don and let's get to some real excitement a little episode in green bay a fan looking to show his displeasure with the packers brought a turkey to lambeau field the gobbler gets loose and now he's gobbling up yardage across midfield makes a move to the sideline he's too quick for ron halstrom of the packers and he darts out of bounds to stop the clock an amazing moment in green bay don back with time deep middle winton there you go now he needs three lost his helmet keeps running without a hat 15 to the 10 to the six whoa whoa we're watching a replay and we see him head to head and they pull the hat off and winton keeps running holding decline and jason hanson watch this doink joint a double dark no good and so the colts 23-nothing shutout remains intact you
Channel: Ding Productions
Views: 1,889,330
Rating: 4.9506388 out of 5
Keywords: nfl, ding productions, nfl 2021, nfl video, nfl compilation, nfl edit, nfl compilations, nfl channel, nfl rare moments, nfl rare
Id: SkIYnlyUWjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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