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as most of you know I am a first grade teacher and I actually enjoy my job quite a bit however sometimes you just need a little something fun or bright or just something that you like to use in the classroom just to make things a little bit more homey or more comfortable for you now so in today's video I wanted to show you some things that I like in my classroom that make me feel better about being here some of the things include my book bins some include these plastic containers an absolute favorite item of mine in my classroom is a my rainbow rolling cart wow it is so amazingly cute and colorful and you see it has wheels on the bottom so you can actually move it around if you want to do but I actually leave mine right here in this corner and there are 10 drawers so originally I was going to use this as like my daily work my native Friday and maybe a couple days in next week like Monday Tuesday and then have things to copy things to create extra work that sort of thing and then I kind of changed my mind as I started using this more I realized I have this right behind my kidney table the table where I work with my students when they need additional help and so now what I do is I use this to hold that work in there I actually put their books in there as well and so I can pull things out really easily pillow here that says mistakes are proof you're trying and it's super cute and colorful and it just makes this whole corner area look a little bit brighter so yep here's my absolute must-have one of my favorites and it's a rainbow color and super cute an item that I find extremely useful in my classroom is my exacto school Pro electric pencil sharpener and this thing is amazing actually got this about two years ago as a gift and I've been using it ever since and it's been working perfectly fine it sharpens super quickly and I've never had problems with it so far so I'm glad that I got it here's a better look at the name it's exacto school pro and seriously I think a lot of teachers actually have this I see a lot of my co-workers with this so I think that's awesome another item that I love for the classroom that I buy every single year no matter what are these little containers that you can get from the Dollar Tree they're actually called snack containers and they normally come in packs of two so about 50 cents each if you're lucky you can find the three packs and then you get three for a dollar which is awesome and I use these a lot i buy them every year because every year I give my students their crayons in a box like this every student has one set and let me tell you it's already mid-january and I have not replaced a single set of crayons the students can open these easily they can close them and because they know the crayons belong in this box nicely it's easy for them to put away so I highly recommend this if your students are breaking crayons or losing them I mean if you have a student that's going to break crayons you know that's something else but I'm talking about just regular crayon use then yeah these are amazing and they've worked well with my students you have tables as opposed to death so every table will have a caddy and a paper bin and here's how I use them I have pencils and dry erase markers and a cup right there I do put post-its in styles to have their glue sticks in here their erasers in here and then inside of the longer section I do have their crayons inside of the those plastic containers that I showed you that I got from the Dollar Tree so yes every table has a matching paper bin and a caddy as you can see right there and it's easy that way for me because then I can call them by table color I got the matching table caddy and paper bin from target's dollar spot or bull's eyes playground for three dollars another item that is a must-have for me in my classroom are these Sterilite bins with the latches as you can see they come in different colors for the latch the bin itself is clear so you can see exactly what's inside which is important for me and they come in so many different sizes as you can see I wasn't kidding when I said that I used these for everything they store so much for instance in here I have my dry erase Expo markers I have my pencils in here some cards and posters and my post-its ooh I need to buy more for that parts empty so yes these are amazing or item I like having in my classroom are plastic bins now they call these ones magazine files cuz they're thinner and they're meant to hold dinner books and taller books the next one I believe they do call them book bins and these can hold my chapter books really nicely so I like those and then they come in so many different colors that it's awesome if you're wondering about these bigger boxes I believe they're called magazine file bins and I got them from Big Lots for I think $5 it's been a while now but they have this every year like around the summer or beginning of the school year and that's where I get them as for the other bins they were all $3 and I got them all from targets dollar spot or bullseye playground if you can't find them there you can also get them at Michael's and they're a bit more pricey at Michaels honestly I think if you have a classroom library you definitely should get bins something else that I really love having in my classroom and I will always have are my mr. Sketch scented markers I like these thicker ones because I use them to write on my anchor charts they're pretty the colors are bright and fun and the kids love to smell this I also occasionally mark the students agendas with these because as soon as I mark them they hope to smell them and then put it away one of the items that made it on my definite must-have list as a teacher and for the classroom are post-it notes as a teacher I put notes on them I mark things you know when people tell me stuff I put them on post-it notes and then I stick them on my cabinets you know by my computer and so on they're just so easy to see and remember and because they're sticky they don't fly all over the place another item that is a must-have for me in the classroom are these Expo dry erase pens and as you can see I have a ton of these because we don't have chalkboards in our classroom we actually have dry erase boards and therefore I have a need for dry erase pens and I write on the boards every single day several times a day I'm changing things up and so it's necessary for me to have these pens they last pretty long but I'll admit sometimes they lose ink within a month and sometimes is more than one pen like a few of them because I do switch colors around and so it's important to have a lot of these now this might not be for everyone but I do love having alternative seating in my classroom and these wobble stools have been a these are the Hokie stools I got from Amazon they're actually 18 inches high and I know some people might be thinking that's kind of a bit high but not only do they work for me they have been working for my first graders as we'll have a total of six three blue three green I've had them for three years and they work really well so this is an item I love having just because I do have first graders some of them love to move a lot and I feel that this helps them to stay in place a bit more and it helps them just to sit and concentrate so yes hokey stools wobble stools these are amazing other item that I love in my classroom are goop rockers they look like this and they come in different colors I bought mine online from Wayfarer and I boss I also bought a couple from Big Lots for $6 when they had them they usually have them I think in the summer right before school starts and there are only $6 so I thought that was a good deal I think they're about that same price on Wayfarer as well so depends on you if you want to order online if you can't find it or else if you can find it at Big Lots then go there for sure because then you can choose your colors here's a look at the scoop rockers and you can see they are named because they look like a scoop here is a look from the side and you can see that it does kind of look almost like a corner so it doesn't fully flip all the way back and here's the back view and I purposely erupt it so you can kind of see it doesn't like fully go all the way back as a teacher I have to do a lot of writing I do take notes I have to grade just so much writing and you know if I have to do all of that stuff I'm gonna do it with something that makes me happy and so these pens make me happy colorful fun bright pens make me happy they don't make my grading and writing that much better but at least I'm using something I like to do that you know unsane and I like all kinds of pens and when I find a pen I like I just stick to it and so you can see I have a big variety I have these paper mate gel pens I have some big ballpoint pens I've got my flare pins and I've got sharpies so I have a wide variety and I find them really useful and I use different pens or different styles of pens for different things but the most important thing is I have a lot of colorful pens oh my gosh guys I forgot to film an ending to my video so I guess this will be it look at my pens well I hope you enjoyed my video I hope that you liked it I hope you share it with your friends and if you haven't done so already I hope you subscribe to my channel thank you guys so much for watching and have a great day [Music]
Channel: Lemon Sprinkles
Views: 7,115
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: target, dollar, dollar spot, dollar tree, classroom, bullseye playgorund, bullseyes playground, michaels, bins, rainbow, cart, bin, containers, mr sketch, pens, stationery, sterilite, papermate, gel pens, caddy, book, library, books, storage, teacher, student, class, vlog, life
Id: 6wFXK2TPZko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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