Favorite Ships throughout the Years

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hey guys it's Sam and today we're gonna take another trip down memory lane I've been doing a lot of these videos lately of like all-time favorites or like past home topple favorites I did not that long ago and things like that but somebody actually requested that I do a like favorite ships of all time video and this is just books you know what I did is I went back through all of my favorite and least favorite couples of the years so that's from 2015 to 2018 that's how long I've done those videos and figured out which couple showed up multiple times because it would be like you know series or which ones I'm really stuck in my feelings of the top 5 from each year so let's let's get into it and see who like some of the top favorites are so from 2015 we have a Kestrel and Aaron from the winners crime now I specifically wanted to mention them in this book because this was the book from that year but also I didn't like I found myself not caring for them as much in the last book so the first two books in the series I really enjoyed them if you want angst this right here I've talked about this book so many times I'm still not over the pain this book has caused me but in a good way tally tally is obviously not worried either she's actually trying not to bark at a dog that's walking outside that she can peek through the small hole in the blinds is it important that you bark at that dog so even though these two have kind of fallen in my feelings I don't think about them so much anymore this is still peak angst one from 2015 that is reining in like the OTP status is the dragon and Agnieska from a rooted I've talked to them a lot over the years I love these two and as I've mentioned before this book isn't even about them it's like their romance is like 5% of this book but the scenes that you get with them are so good it's sort of like I hate to love not like it's more like a frustration to love and that they have like sort of not competing but very different magical Styles like he's more logical she's nature so it's more like wild and like he's grouchy and she is joy and it's just and they are one of the only couples that have ever considered writing fanfiction for I won't but I've considered it then we have which has been recently reignited by recent show news Kazon and edge from six of crows whole man i also mentioned in my 2015 video loving nina and Mathias but I love them a lot in six of crows but they haven't sat in my feelings continuously the way the Kazon dinesh have and I didn't care for them so much in cuckoo Kingdom and then when some stuff about them was mentioned in like King of scars so Kazon and edge though man like the the angst and the like the mutual healing they both had to do and overcoming their own personal traumas to then move forward and grow together I just love them they are everything and seeing the people that are going to be playing them in the series I can't I can't even fully process it but Katherine and edge just the perfect perfect I I'm trying to like think of more words and I know that you guys know by now that my ship videos are so difficult because I can't properly articulate the way that I feel about most couples that I love a lot I love them 2015 was the first year of Leah and Rafe from the remnant chronicles they actually showed up in 2015 and 2016 they are an OTP I love them so much this was a love triangle that I was very invested in I knew that my couple was gonna be like the good couple I mean you could tell from the beginning because actually like you think they could be argued that it was very clear from the get-go which I believe that it was so I just I love them so much they're such a supportive couple and just they also both have their own lives and the other one respects that they don't get so wrapped up in one another that like nothing else matters there's a lot going on politically with this series but they have each other's backs man and nothing gets me more than a couple that like has each other's backs I then we have a couple who has sadly fallen out of my feelings just based on how the series ended but when they were at their peak man they were like they were OTP level like when they were at like buy a nostalgic feelings are still very happy for them but I don't think about them a lot they're not a couple that still like sits in my current feelings and I'm just like ooh remember them like I just remember them in past tense because I felt the series went downhill if you've been following me a while you probably know I'm talking about that is Cleo and Magnus from falling kingdoms by morning roads but oh my god especially gathering darkness and frozen tides chefs kiss man they were it was it was so good it was enemies two lovers it was like fake married it was I think there was some kind of like there's only one bed at one point there's a lot and it was very slow burn but then I feel that the slow bird stopped too soon and that there's a lot of things that fell apart with the end of the series so I think that this could have still been like peak poetic cinema but it just it it wasn't it wasn't meant to be when it was at its prime and gathering darkness and frozen tides man so good so for 2016 we have kuru and Akiva now these are two that I do think about a lot still but are not considered really OTP I didn't like them so much in the second and third books that's just me but this first book I loved so much and a lot of people don't like this because they feel like it's sort of insta lovey it isn't a way but it's a lot more like star-crossed lovers I am so into it you know two people on opposite sides of a war there's some tropes in here that I also just really enjoy and they were so good so although they didn't stick in my feelings in like an OTP way I still think of them fondly 2016 was also the year of recent Farah Reece and Farah who I do still really enjoy I also really shipped more in Israel that year still bitter about that because suddenly Sarah J Maas decided to make more a lesbian which was used more as a plot twist and I'm still very like angry about not because of the ship way because I feel like it was poor representation as somebody who would like to see more of that rep I feel like she just slotted it in there because she could because it was very blatantly leaning towards them being a thing and then I think she heard everyone being like hey all your like characters are straight and she was like let's just make one character who like kind of doesn't make any sense to be LGBT to be LGBT not like it doesn't make sense because this like certain character shouldn't be just and like the way that she had written her before was like what when you had a character that could have blatantly been ace and or like bi or something that was right there that was right there and Marin was was sitting right there so I'm just like you don't know what you're doing with diversity but anyway recent failure are still a fave mostly just from this book again like I feel that there are some stumbling points in a kawar I do still plan on continuing this series but in this book peek there's angst there's Hades Persephone feelings I like it is there still some like problem some like alpha male like yes cuz it's urgent mass and there's problems and it's problematic but like also do I just kind of like skim over that part and and enjoy the rest of it I do because I'm an adult I can make decisions like that and in 2016 we have a colleague and Shazi from the wrath and the dawn angst factory man like it's so so good I didn't love the second book as much and they are a couple that I think about as much I think cuz I binge read this series I think if I were to go back and reread it they would stick more of my feelings because I was so invested in them when I read this and then I've just kind of like forgotten over time again can I think the second book wasn't a strong for me but really loved these two again a supportive dynamic and enemies two lovers dynamic so much good here then in 2016 look at how good 2016 and 2015 were man like so so good but in 2016 we have up an appearance of another OTP who then shows up through multiple years and is one of the like saving graces of a lot of my shipping years but that is a doin and result from truth which oh man oh man this was the second book which I think is the one that I read that year I think I'm gonna read truth switch and when witch in the same year I don't remember but mmm so good slow burn enemies two lovers does a lot happened throughout just the first three books in the series so far but they were a couple that instantly as soon as they interacted I was like I love you you are my OTP nothing bad can happen to you you are bonded I I can't get over it so they are one of my dominating couples that I just like live for and when I reread the books I just like keen over them high-pitched keening whenever they're on the page together I can't even talk about blood which I came to upload much so good then after the Golden Age of like 2015-2016 shipping and I didn't even mention all the ships that were my favorites in those years but those really jewels of all of them 2017 and 2018 were more rough there were a few more characters that would show up because they've been in you know series before and so that they continue to ship them whatever I've already mentioned some of those but overall with new ships like not as solid of a year you can go back and watch some of those videos it just was like I don't feel as passionately as I as I did I haven't had a good shipping year in awhile 2019 as Lily it's gonna be like an overwhelmingly wonderful shipping year will I ever get back the Wonder and joy that I felt shipping during 2015 2016 I don't know but recent Farrah and ADA went and his old show back up in 2017 and I think that I said in my video a hot damn I'm so glad that these couples were here because I can actually fly all over them where I feel like I wasn't flailing as much over some of the other ships of that year some of the other ships I did like that year were Tessa will and Jem as a whole unit as a whole like poly couple which again they aren't poly in Canon but I'm like they basically are because they all love each other so I ship them as a complete thing not as parts of the triangle so I really enjoyed them do I think about Tessa will and Jim a lot no do am I gonna continue on with the last hours probably do I read any other Shadowhunter books no I don't they're not like high in my feelings but when I think of like poly couples which they aren't what they should have been in Canon I think of them this was also apparently just the year of the poly couples because we had tonight enon and alabaster from the fifth season which was such a small part of this book but they were this poly couple and they were like some of the only times these main characters were happy ever was in this relationship and they could make me so emotional and this series is hard and is very just there's a there's a lot of sadness and it's post-apocalyptic fantasy and it's just dark but there's this like moment of like pure joy with all of these characters and it made me happy and there's not enough I mentioned this in the video for 2017 there's like no fan out of them and I am angry that the fandom has not made fan out of them like how dare you I need that to fuel my love of them because they deserve it and for 2018 there's honestly only one couple that really is worth mentioning there are some other couples that like I liked but again they're not high in my feelings they were only high on the list because there were any other couples these couples like more deserve to be in the top 10 but weren't like top 5 level couples but they were in the top five because 2018 was a year for couples for me I just like I I wasn't finding a lot that I liked there's only one that saved me as the book that actually came out in 2019 but I read in 2018 and that's the old and I wrote it like goes the very last book I think I read of 2018 and that's the only couple that like I really felt like flailing over like clutching chest feelings instead of some of the other couples I like I really I enjoy but it was like top 10 level not top 5 so 1 1 4 2018 and that is Severin and Layla from the guilded wolves never ah she choked she thanked God for Rosh Hashanah she because this was everything that I wanted so angsty so like their characters that have a past so instead of watching them like sorting in together like they have this past and they both don't know that the other one has feelings still and there's all of these just like really angsty moments and there's a lot set up for the next book with a lot of eggs I can't even fully talk about it and I already have the next book I have an argument so I can't wait to read that but I really want to reread this and they're just there's so many scenes that I still think about that I'm just and it was like a year ago that I read it almost almost year ago and I'm just like hot damn they were they were so good and one of the like one of the only couples of 2018 that I really enjoyed I think I talked a lot more last year about some of the other media that I liked the in 2018 which I might do that for 2019 I don't know but yeah for 2018 this was the only thing that really saved my angsty romance fuelled heart so those are some of my top ships throughout the year I will be doing a favorite and least favorite couples for 2019 obviously in the new year that's what I always do all of my end of your videos come out in January I'm just gonna say that now because I know some of you start asking like December and I'm like it's not over yet 2019 is not over yet because if I would have done a ship's video before the end of 2019 that Lela and suffering would have ended up in there so that's why I wait but yeah I'll be doing that so comment below let me know some of your ships throughout the years which ships have stayed in your heart as OTP status which ships might have faded over time let me know you know I love talking about the romances and books it's a fave so thank you all for watching and I'll see you guys soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Thoughts on Tomes
Views: 20,774
Rating: 4.9652843 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, readables, bookables, book, review, goodreads, book haul, thoughts on tomes, thoughtsontomes, favorite ships, favorite couples, favorite book couples
Id: 4HW5pzd5Snc
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Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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