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I had another scarf on for filming the rest of the videos today but I changed this one because this casting news has me deceased hey guys it's Sam and if you don't like my fangirling videos then just click exit because I am NOT gonna be breathing I'm gonna be talking very fast you're gonna see a lot of the whites of my eyes because this is the first official cast announcement that we have gotten for the shadow and bone Netflix series The Grocer verse Netflix series and as I said when they first announced it was gonna happen which wasn't even that long ago see how I'm doing run-on sentences already buckle in anyway since I said before when they first announced a dozen and just do updated announcements and reactions to things and this is the first official cast announcement so let's get started I've already been flailing on Twitter so if you guys are ever wondering Wow what does Sam think of anything you can follow me on Twitter because if there's a reaction to something especially media related it's gonna happen there first also possibly Instagram stories but I didn't do any Instagram stories because this announcement came out when I was at work I still took some time to myself that day at work to freak out and tweet so let's get into it so first off this is being filmed on Saturday October 5th at 1 o'clock p.m. Eastern Standard Time the reason I'm saying that is because of any other news drops before this video gets post I don't want you guys to be like but what do you think about this thing this is what is being filmed this is all the stuff we know up until now so first I'm really gonna be mainly reacting to the tweet that Lee and the show creator sent out with the with the cast like the main cast they called it on the steps I will insert a photo here if you're not familiar with this photo there have also been articles that are really hard to find I've come out with more people supposedly casted but Lee and the show producers haven't announced those people fully on their social media so I'm gonna react to them but also know that like potentially those might change because I don't actually know if that's official because all the official articles and stuff and tweets and whatever are just these people not these other characters but we will talk about those still too because I still have emotions but these this is the main cast y'all the main cast I can't even like fully function because I'm flashing back to when I saw this on whatever data came out like Wednesday and like freaking out I don't even know how I want to do this I guess I'll just go through the order I mean let's just talk about how you care about most right now which I don't necessarily think is who you should care about the most but I know it's what a lot of people are talking about benbarnes is playing the darkling so here's here's my complicated thoughts on the matter I'm okay with it I'm potentially excited what cracks me up so much is I have been a part of tumblr comm for so long at this point I have seen so many wars I've been through so many battles and the tumblr fandom cast Benton by the Barnes for literally every why a fandom character ever that's described as like dark haired I mean like literally he's in everything so he was never my darkling I've talked abouts before I fan cast very rarely but I do have a fan cast for the darkling and that is Sean o cry Sean o Prai is a model he's not an actor he was famously in a Taylor Swift's blank space video but he's not an actor okay so I knew like we weren't actually gonna get Sean o cry but in my head like book darkling to me is Sean o cry having said that I'm also somebody that can separate things and you know like adaptations and stuff so Ben Barnes as the darkling does not make me mad it is very just like because again like I said tumblr has always fan casted than Barnes for everything and in the Harry Potter phantom Ben Barnes has been a part of like the Marauders fan cast it's like a pretty solid fan cast and almost everyone abides by for many years as serious as a young serious so the fact that I'm just like and here he is is just it's it's a little like alarming for me but I'm okay I'm okay with it I'm excited about it but I was never somebody that was like Ben Barnes needs me in the dark like and now he is you know like but I am just laughing a lot about like the fandom thing but I think he'll be great I think he'll do a really good job about the whole like at the beginning you know Alena doesn't know that he's bad the name like the darkling and so that'll be good they also have his name is general kurrgan in the show which makes it a little less obvious that he's the bad guy probably than just being like he's the darkling anyway so I'm definitely excited about that I think I think he's a good look he has a great voice there's a lot of good things about this casting and I also really like too that he's an older actor so it's gonna be very clear like the power differential and stuff that's going on there because although the alina and the darkling are one of my OTPs they're OTPs for me and a non-canon way I wanted Alena kind of to go bad and like you know in an alternate reality and like rule the world with the darkling and just like the baddie you know but a lot people are like oh and you ship them together it's talks like I'm like yeah and the can and it really yeah yeah but it's a compelling dynamic it's interesting how you can like read something in fiction and like not condone the behavior and like realities people are like able to do that so yeah that's that's the darkling part of everything I think I'm gonna save Alina for less because I've need to screech a lot about that so let's just let's just well I'm gonna work my way so the next character over is Jesper he's being played by KITT young what I really like in the steps picture for some reason I looked at him and then I immediately looked at his hands because I'm like Jesper has to be holding guns at all times like I know that he doesn't you know that he's not like just for gun hands but like in my head I'm like his hands have to look good with guns and them so I envisioned it and I'm like yes I see it they see it also he looks like he has a face and I feel like can do the like tough exterior that Jesper tries to have at times with like the sweet bean that he has especially with Wilin like he has a good face for that so I'm very excited about that I have heard a little bit of commentary about people being a little upset because Jasper's described as being very dark-skinned and this is a lighter skinned actor so there is something to be said about that also it does he has always been a bi-racial character so I do wonder if the casting was like we need to make him look biracial but obviously people can be biracial and darker skin tone so I trust that Lee's involved very very highly in this I mean she's not in charge of the cast date I don't want to blame her for anything bad that happens with this show but she's involved enough that I think she's probably most concerned with who can play the character really well and if they they fit that and with some of the themes that they're going with the show so fingers crossed that it is good but that is something I want to note that is potentially a problem but still willing to see how that plays out but he just he looks great he looks like he's just gonna fit he just looks like he's gonna fit so well and Jesper owes never a character that I had like a real fan cast for like I would see different fan casts and like those are all good but seeing like him in the TV flesh I'm like oh okay next is actually the first character that I zoomed in on when this when this was announced my eyes went to him immediately and that is the guy that's playing caz Freddie Carter okay his cheekbones and his bone structure are so defined and I was immediately like he's gonna be one of the that I love he's either the darkling or Cavs like that see and I'm like I'm glad he's cuz he has the like lank eNOS that I always pictured with Kaz and the severity of the face like the darkling I never pictured us having a very severe face handsome yes but not super severe Kaz I always have pictures of being like almost got like severe faith and then someone posted a tweet that i retweeted so if you want to look at it you can check that out but of this actor in a different show where he's playing a villain I think for like an episode and he Smurfs this clip that this person tweeted and I was like oh no because that way it was it was cast it was it with its calves and his shit-eating grin face and just being like pent-up rage and all of these things and I'm just like there is and I've never felt like I've never found a fan cast forecast that I've also like really loved I just tend to like kind of be like whatever with it a lot of like the six of crows fan cast I haven't been like super attached to but and I've never thought I've cared like I has never Casas a character that I've always loved but never quite considered a book boyfriend but him in the show might change that around a bit I mean I've always thought of Kaz is like a younger Cillian Murphy type character and Cillian Murphy's just I can't even so the fact that the show and this guy kind of gives me that same vibe so the show is going that direction I'm like you got me you got me okay okay I'm excited let's just talk about an edge next I mean Elena's technically next in the lineup but let's just talk about an edge first because I just talked about Cass and I love this casting so the fan cast that people had for an edge I also really liked I forget who it was I think it's like a model or something people pretty much used that fan cast for an edge from the beginning and I really liked her but this actress also top-notch Amita Suman she is I mean I'm just looking at her like her her skin her face like everything about how an edge is described and like the Wraiths it just she and she embodies it okay and she's poised and she's like I feel like she's gonna like walk like a dancer which is kind of how I picture an edge and just being like you know she's quiet like you can't hear her coming and I was like immediately when I saw this photo I know I'm just breathe deep breaths are important when I first saw this float I immediately was like pushing them together in my brain because like they look so good together I can't I can't handle it she's stunning and I have so many feelings because I love an issue so much she's of the women obviously like top top - I mean Alena is like my queen forever and then like an edge is like right there I mean I love all the women in that like the crush of world honestly like is there any that I don't like not really and next in a lineup is the guy that plays Maul and I actually feel bad for him because obviously like no one is really talking about him and I'm not gonna either it's our cheerin aw he looks fine so the thing is is like I've won I've never really cared about mile obviously I actually since rereading the series I stole you read reread ruining rising but I have liked him more with some distance because the first time I read the series I was so invested in actually Alena and Nikolai I thought like I loved her in the darklings dynamic but I was like he's a villain she's gonna destroy him I want to see her wreck him all the time like that's part of why I ship it she destroys him over and over again it's beautiful but I really liked her with Nikolai and I thought that was what was gonna happen when rereading I've also realized that like I was very blind and it's very blatant in the books that Maul is who she wants to be with and who she is with and he's a very major character which when I first read it I was like malas barely even the character I was just ignoring him in the books anyway this actor is probably great I'm looking for I can't really like tell anything right now because I have only recently started to actually care at all above all but if he plays this character well and gives him more personality and I feel that he had in the books that I feel here in the books I know some people like him I'm not saying he's a bad character like it's I just didn't like what's with other characters in the books then I'll start I'll warm up to mom like I know I will so I hope that this guy does a good job I hope that the writing four-mile is good in the show so that people start to like him more I really honestly do because I do feel bad that like everybody like this casting was announced and everyone was like and numb for miles actor really and I also just don't have an opinion so I do like that him and Elina look similar like from similar backgrounds are obviously supposed to be for the backstory you know like they grew up together they're from the same area they're orphans bla bla bla so that's good but otherwise I'm like until I see your mannerisms and see if you can breathe some life into a character that I feel like has very little I don't have much to stay ok let's talk about Elena's actress because I can't I can't Jessie Meili is the actress that's playing her and I soon like you know what I'm trying to process this photo when I first thought I just saw her I looked at her face and I tweeted this because I am very clever so I'm just repeating my tweets because if you guys didn't see them you need to hear them but basically like when looking at her I was like her face just I'm the Sun summoner it gets dark when I say it does like oh my god she just she has she has like a power pose she has the face like she has everything I'm not really like is that they are adding more diversity to the show then the original series original trilogy did have they are making her shoe I believe have a shoe background which will bring the shoe culture more into it than what we got in the original series so that is all very exciting she looks great I can't wait to see her with like the white hair and stuff like oh my gosh and just I just I just love this like I can't believe I'm gonna get to see Elena wreck the darkling on screen like so many times like I am an apt pupil the like palace scene from the second book like so many so many things I get to see happen I can't wait to see the whole scene where she learns like embrace her powers like I just I am so excited I love lalena it's like like one of my favorite literary characters of all time and I get to see her like as a real person and like all these characters I get to see other life do you understand how I feel I don't know if you do like I never thought this day would happen and like here it is and like thank you for this glimmer of happiness at a time of strife so after this picture also one of the actors I forget who did this posted a photo of all of the cast like the main cast out and that also gave me so many feelings I posted it on Twitter you got again I mean just follow me on Twitter but what kills me I'm looking at it right now what kills me is that the two couples that I loved so much from this casting are like together and are posed it like almost couple poses and I'm like listen the show just started they haven't even gotten to the part where any of these characters get together but the chemistry is already there okay it's already there and I drew hearts around it which hearts around them because they look soaked also the after set plays and Lena is like hanging on to Ben Barnes and I'm like same girl I don't blame you but they look it's like I just I mean eat like the Kazon Dinesh also there's I have there's height differences going on if there's just there's a lot to work with here this is a great photo and I highly appreciate it so after that photo came out variety posted an article and also said like casting with the main people that we've already seen in this photo and then also recurring characters are this which is really annoying because now I have to look up these people to actually fully react to them but I'm also like is this is this a fish show this is real like I don't know I mean I feel like it's real because no one's come on been like well I'm a blonde this is not actually real but I'm very hesitant to react to it because I'm like we haven't gotten like a photo on a full announcement but maybe I'll just be ahead of the game because I've already talked about these people or whatever but I mean if we get another nose but I'll probably get so this is actually my first time seeing a lot of these characters may I see no in passing that I haven't gotten to like study them so these are gonna be like my initial reactions to allowing these people so the first character they talk about is Zoya who like Bay and that actress is soo Jaya desk Gupta I believe so I'm just gonna search her right now okay she definitely has the hair I like when I think of Zoya I just think of her having like lush beautiful dark hair that's all I picture and it's actually very hard to like see Zoya in her right now because there's like her in medical dramas and like smiling and I don't pictures oh he's smiling much but she definitely like I said she has the love shiny hair and I think that's important ooh there's a side angle picture and I feel like she has sort of like the bone structure as well so yeah and again like the thing is is when people see castings and they like freak out one way or the other it's really about how characters like are embodied by those actors so until I see them acting and having the mannerisms because as I've said before I don't really fan cast people with like their faces and stuff I just know how a character moves I know how they talk and if it feels right and you have to see the interactions with other characters I just like the way they move on-screen to really be like a decent judge so that's I think an important piece of it as well this is one character that I have seen people talking about Danielle Galligan as mean so this actress is considered plus-size but is not as plus-size as people were expecting or as Nina is described now again I said that Lee is very highly involved she obviously doesn't choose the casting but she's highly involved in choosing the characters of stuff this girl has a shoot this girl's gorgeous she has a rounder face but again is not somebody that Nina's written as a fat woman okay this is not someone I would describe as fat and I also know that with media even this is sort of progress it's not progress enough people should obviously be talking about it but it was probably potentially a compromise thing or Lee was just like this is this is Nina you know like and I know it's so important to lead especially with the body positivity and plus-sized Ness so the fact that this is the person that we potentially have gotten again I'm giving I'm really being like Lee I trust you you know because these are her characters and like a lot of these things were really important to her when she made these characters so although she doesn't have all the power here I think she does have a lot and I think that I want to I want to trust her choices until I see how the characters look trailers things like that but I do I think this this girl could do a really good job I mean she's so swimmingly pretty and I can picture her with like the hair and everything and yeah so I again we'll see I don't know I think I think she might be good she might also be potentially a younger Nina as well maybe in Rothko when things aren't as good and maybe she's a little bit smaller in size I don't know because this is happening before all the events of six of crows you know what they're tying stuff in because they have said like Nikolai's not going to be in season 1 so obviously that means that all of the shadow and bone trilogy is not going to happen in season 1 like he you know maybe it might just be like the first book with some six of crows stuff prequel almost stuff mixed into it so yeah so I don't we don't know exactly like Nina's gonna be in Rafah at that point so yeah like I don't know but I think she could do a good job again with Lee being so involved I'm just like I'm placing all of my hope in your hands as I do so frequently actress Daisy head is playing again yeah oh ok ok so I haven't seen her in anything else she was apparently in some of the like newer underworld movies she has huge eyes so I do love that about her because I do picture ganya is having like this kind of face I can see I can see it I can see it and I think she'd also yeah she has like one of those faces that she has the eyes that are like big but also slightly downturn so she has like a sadder effect to her which i think is sort of perfect for kenya so i think she can be able to do a good job of being like pretending that she's just frivolous and into beauty and then also being like i am not ruined i'm ruination so that's gonna be good the other actor they announced is Ivan I'm not even gonna look into it in comment because I don't care about Ivan Ivan is such a small part if he's a bigger part in the show fine but I don't I don't have any opinions about Ivan so I'm not even gonna go into that maybe I'll talk about Ivan if they like post a cast photo later on with like the second part of the cast whatever so yeah those are my thoughts about what we currently know about the main cast and what we potentially know about some of those side recurring characters so I'm very hopeful obviously I'm very excited my important question is who was playing Bhadra that is one of the things that I need to know desperately desperately so hopefully when they announce she has to be in season 1 hopefully when they announce more of the cast ba grow be in it because defining important important side character very important side character so I need to know what they're doing and who who's who's playing her that that is very important she's very important I am sadness that Nikolaj is not in season 1 but I'm also happy because I do want it to be an extended you know they have but they have to have some time to do all the stuff that happens in the trilogy so I didn't want them to be like let's skip to the trilogy and get to like six of crows stuff like they need to give all of these things time so and like the passage of time and stuff like that so I'm very happy with that I'm sad we're not going to Nikolaj but we have a lot to work with right now we don't need Nikolaj right now he'll be in plenty of it I'm not worried so and let them like get their tried with the first season four seasons of shows are always like a little rocky let them get their stride and then get a perfect Nick line there and it'll be perfect perfect I'm so excited obviously for this show so I don't want to keep talking about hawks item because you guys know I'm excited but I will continue to do these reaction videos while we get more casting news when we get a trailer all of that so don't you worry if you see casting news believe me I probably have seen it you don't I don't worry about me honeys babies pumpkins and I will definitely react to it so don't worry you don't need to ask me I will I will I will definitely I will give you this I will always give you this because I've been waiting and hoping for this in a way that I I never dreamed I could hope and here we are and it's so close so very very excited definitely comment down below let me know your thoughts reactions things like that and again if something else has come out in between when I film them posted it's fine and I will give you more content later on this but yes look forward to me screeching about this until it finally comes out and then screeching more and watching all the fan videos and making all the playlists and being so excited so thank you all for watching and I'll see you guys soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Thoughts on Tomes
Views: 46,041
Rating: 4.9486203 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, readables, bookables, book, review, goodreads, book haul, thoughts on tomes, thoughtsontomes, shadow and bone netflix, shadow and bone trailer, shadow and bone cast, shadow and bone cast reaction, grisha cast, grisha cast reaction, leigh bardugo, shadow and bone trilogy, shadow and bone reaction, grisha show reaction, cast discussion
Id: sePTpKu28cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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