Favorite & Least Favorite Book Couples of 2019

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hey guys it's Sam and this is one of the videos that I know you guys look forward to every year and I look forward to making and that is my favorite and least favorite couples of 2019 so I will be discussing all the couples that I read about in books this year that includes the couples in the middle initially I wasn't sure if I was going to but I asked on Instagram and a while a lot of you said to just do my favorite and least favorite couples many of you DM to me and requested that I do a quick run through of all the mediocre couples and not really talk about them because I can't remember most things about them if they're that mediocre so that's I'm going to do so you're going to get to hear about in some former fashion all of the couples this is gonna be long video that's why I'm sitting in it let's get into it so as I always mentioned in these videos this video is about couples so there will potentially be spoilers so if you watch this video and then comment about being spoiler for something I will delete your comment and not care because this this video is about couples it's going to spoil who gets together or who has tension or whatever so I'm not going to be spoiling things about the book or plot points about books but romantic stuff about the books it's going to be in this video so don't want to hear any whining if you continue to watch this and get spoiled for something that you don't want to hear about a couple because it's a video about couples let's get into it I am going to start with my least favorite couples and work my way up to favorite so you will have the most emotions at the beginning in the end of this video so my least favorite couple of 2019 is Kazi and Jace from dance of thieves by Mary Pearson when I was going over my list because I always write every single couple and then kind of do like rank them from there and put stars by certain ones or whatever this one although this isn't like the worst book although it's on my disappointed list but like it's still Marian Pearson it's do like good writing I think the reason makes me so angry is because it disappointed me so much like I love the remnant Chronicles and they're some of my continued OTPs in that series they made the top list in this video for like 2016 2015 and then this happened and I was like how dare you I just I'm so angry about it this is a very insta love insta attraction thing that could have been of very slow burn enemies to friends to Lover's these two had no reason to trust each other or really like each other and they started having like intimate physical romantic contact within like the first I think 70 pages of the book which I'm like nah like eivol eivol for like lust and whatever but they were in this situation where like this shouldn't have happened and it could have happened better and I trusted her to make it better the plant also revolved around just doing things that the couple would be pushed together pushed apart miscommunication and I hated that because I loved the plot in the remnant chronicles and I thought that the relationships and the plot really complemented one another with this just felt like it was all just about the couple and I'm like I hate you guys so yeah I know my god I hated it were they like abusive or horrible or like other past couples that I've hated like Travis Maddox and I always keep remember his name because it just sticks in your brain no they just really annoyed me then we have Pablo and Liana from permanent record these two I disliked mostly because I think we didn't really even get to see enough of their relationship and then Pablo just treated her like a Manic Pixie dream girl she does not get her own POV in this story you just follow Pablo I think this would benefit it from us actually knowing about her because I think her story would have been so much more interesting but we just get it boiled down into what like Pablo thinks of her and not like she doesn't feel like a real person and I know that's kind of the point and that's kind of how Pablo you sir but I'm just like wow this is shitty and I just don't I don't get it like I kind of get that maybe she wanted this like escapism with him and because he she's this like super star like pop star and he's this and why you drop out this work in this bodega and they just happened to me I just don't I just don't quite by understand I didn't like their relationship but it just it just it wasn't fun it didn't give me any like warm fuzzy feelings and it just made me feel like about it then we have Mia and jewels from unearthed by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner these two are again supposed to be not quite like enemies but they shouldn't have formed a bond as quickly as they did it was one of those really annoying situations that happened a lot in like 2013 yaa where it's like as soon as this couple gets together and this like sort of dystopian this is like a space story sort of like a space Tomb Raider but not enough because that's what I wanted it for and as soon as they get together you know they're just like that person is so hot I feel like all they can think about and I get it like I get teenagers like are always looking for hot people I understand but like it's just they were in these like life-or-death situations and it was just that very like classic why a trope of like that person so hot oh my god their eyes I there's a lot of focus on like eye color and I'm like am i reading fanfiction like I just hmm and then the story really didn't make up for it either as though then we had Asha and Rhys from obsidian and really all the couples because the couples from the first two books are also in here as well this could have been great but obviously it wasn't so I just didn't really care about this couple although it does have the whole like they have a past kind of dynamic that I tend to like and tends to be easier to do well I just didn't feel it with us I loved the couple in illuminae the original couple didn't like the couple of Johanna didn't like the couple in here just was not connected and then in like retrospect now having read this book like I still love aluminum but like I didn't even like that original couple that was present in this book anymore like everyone was annoying everyone was annoying a lot of the same things kept happening to like this couple that had happened to previous couples and I'm like we've already done this Plateau I'm n shinned that as a plot thing for obsidian my most disappointing reads of the year so I already touched on this but this it affects so much including the relationship because it's just like wow this couples going through some of the same exact plot points as some of the other couples have cool then we have Peter and B from the book of strange new things this sucked because I didn't really like I bought the relationship at the beginning Peter as a missionary that's being sent into space and they are both evangelical Christians and so I got the relation at the beginning but he is such a bad husband like he's sort of like you sort of learned throughout the story that he only really feels close to her when he's like near her like he's somebody that has to be like have you in front of his face to like care and so it just like makes their relation fine amic like really awful unlikable and they both just kind of like you only really to see the relationship through email because they're sending messages back and forth and you get some flashbacks and stuff but other than that like not a lot I'm just kind of like this sucks and she did so much for him like you see all the stuff in the flashback so you're just like wow this woman has done so much for you and it's like you don't even care there's also it's not clear whether he cheats on her or not because he has like this fever dream and I think he cheats on her or somebody on the base and it's just like I I can't because she like did so much and literally molded him into a better man and then he's like by going to space and then like forgets about her and I'm like and she's basically having a mental breakdown like back on earth and he's like mmm don't care gonna go do my missionary stuff with it with his aliens what's the whole point kind of the story is that he's being shitty their narration does display that I'm just like this is so awful and that that's just like the literary fiction thing that I talked about where it's like why is everything awful and he was awful to her and I don't like it then we have Vanessa and Aidan from the wall of Winnipeg and me I talked about this in my review but this book is described as a slow burn but it's not even a slow burn because there's no embers warmth anything until the last like 10 percent of the book like there there's no like banter closeness anything that would make you think that he likes her like he's the stoic football man who just like doesn't doesn't feel things and he says that like he's like I'm just I'm just this way and it's like but no you need to put effort in and you need to try and you don't so although I read this like 600 page romance book and plan on reading more by this author at some point when I want to read like a 600 page just like fluff thing with like sort of Slover I don't know I'm not opposed to reading this author but I'm also still like not over the fact that like this book wasn't that good so I just like didn't like that like I didn't feel the fuzzy feelings about them like there was so little connection between them and the times were so spaced out that I didn't even buy it and I just don't know why she like I don't get why she cared about when he's like not nice to her like he was never there were times that he was like kind of like a curmudgeon he [ __ ] like he was never malicious to her but by omission he was mean to her and I just don't like it then we have Fitz and Molly from royal assassin by Robin hobb this is the second book in the series so now Fitz is a teenager and Molly is slightly older than him which is another thing that I've like forgotten because it's been a while since I read assassin's apprentice but I just don't like their vibe they don't like make me I mean they kind of make me annoyed I get really annoyed with her and then I get annoyed with myself for being annoyed because I'm like am I being internally like misogynistic but I just don't think they're a very good match for another and she gets like really pissy at him and treats him poorly and like for reason that aren't really his fault like I just AM so defensive of Fitz now like I really grew to love him in this book and I'm just like you're being mean to him and she's being like she gets very like passive-aggressive and like doesn't communicate with him and she's supposed to be older and like slightly more mature and slightly more like worldly and things like she's not from like anything royal or whatever and so I'm like I want you to be a little more mature about this and you're not and I get that like not everybody is I just don't know that they're very good match and I just don't get why he loves her so much like I sort of get that she's a part of his childhood because you see that in the first book and how they met and like how he had this crush on her but it's just like this whole kind of like lack of communication and she's like well you should have known that I loved you this whole time and I just I don't like it and I just want him to be with someone else I don't know who that is there's no character that has presented themselves I just don't feel like they're a good match and also like in the world are kind of not a good match because they really make a point to say that like because of who he is as like the assassin and the jobs that he has and how he's always gonna kind of be in danger with where he sits in like the royalty and everything that she's never going to like be okay not in danger all this stuff which is kind of also true for like any woman that he's with but I just feel like he needs someone else like and I don't know who that person is or like what their personality is like that it's just not modeled then we have Lucy and Josh from the Hayden game which I know people are gonna be like what but maybe not because you probably seen my review of it but these two are this like enemies two lovers office romance thing that I also like just didn't buy because again they get too physical like way too quick again I get the lust thing I get that some people overlook personalities and someone being horrible to you if they're hot I guess I guess I get that in some capacity but like I just don't understand that there's parts of this book where she's like you make me feel like [ __ ] and you've ruined me for other men I hope dislike what like I just I don't like it like there's there's some scenes in here that's why they're not left a very bomb the list that like I enjoyed some of the romance and like everything but I just didn't want to really see it with them she's also like super super clingy once they start getting together and it's very kind of like unclear where they're like relationship is and like why they're both acting the way they are when they haven't even become like friends at all like it's it's very odd like the pacing of their relationship is weird and so that's why I didn't really like this one I was expecting to love it like enemies to lovers yes please but like it just didn't feel like enemies to lovers because this is another situation where like they're hooking up within like the first 50 pages like I know they've known each other for a while they've worked together for a while but I'm just like he made you cry and feel like [ __ ] and now we're kissing I don't get it then we have a Spencer and jorgen from skyward by Brandon Sanderson and they are more just because you're like really predictable and just like I don't really care I just didn't really care about any of the characters in this story really I don't think I'm gonna continue with this series I keep kind of like going back and forth like I'm not really sure but I just was like okay she hates that guy they have banter she's gonna start seeing something new in him blah blah blah which are things that like I enjoy when they're well done I just didn't feel like it like I just I didn't get anything new from this I just knew the beats it was gonna follow and those are beats that sometimes I enjoy sometimes that's a path I love walking down and smelling all the roses but with this I just was like I don't care about them and y'all are annoying so I can't even really remember if they like get together or if they're just moving towards that like I put them on here as like a couple that's not even really together but you know they're gonna be I don't remember that's why we're getting close to the section of like the mediocre man I don't remember any of this then we have Nikolai and Zoya from King of scars this was a couple that I know some people have shipped for awhile and that some people really liked and wrote fanfiction for with the Grisha trilogy I just never wanted them to be together I wanted them so desperately just have her friendship I never one of them to be together and now there's just like romantic tension I'm just like I don't I don't want this by extension Nina and hung Huynh a I'm know if we'd actually figured out how to say her love interest name they should really be like further down a list I'm not going to talk about them later in the forgettable section again so I'm just talk about them now those two were just like completely forgettable like I respect that Nina's bisexual and I love seeing bisexual representation and I also just didn't like them or feel that they had any chemistry really what I really actually wanted was Nikolai and Nina to be together because I felt like they actually had chemistry when they showed up in kirkuk Kingdom and there was this like sort of flirty banter so I kind of thought that that was what's going to happen but then Lee's like give me a girlfriend and that's like that's fine but she can also be bi and be with Nikolai like I just there's a lot of by discourse around this if you are part of the bike community at all arsey people talk about things but the whole idea that like bisexual women in particular have to be shown with other women for that bisexuality to be like valid if no so I I mean not that that's what like Lee was doing I think that she loves the couple that she's created but I'm just like she could be bi and also the Nikolai cuz she's bi like I just I would have enjoyed that so much more it's not gonna happen but I would have enjoyed that so much more so just a shame because I didn't want the Nikolaj Zoya they just could have been really great close friends and then like Nina and her girl were just really forgettable and you had these two that could have been a couple and would be really good yeah then we have Zuri and Darius from Pride these are almost there right before they like mediocre a forgettable thing the only reason these two worth like completely forgettable and why I have them more on the like mmm side is because this is a prime prejudice retelling this is supposed to be Lizzie and Darcy and I just found them so like mediocre and bland and blab which made me more angry because I'm like you have one of these like ultimate couples that have created so many archetypes and you're forgettable like like how dare you so while it's not a couple that I'm like angry about for them it's just like this was so boring this was so bland this could have been better and you're Lizzy and Darcy how did it not work now we're entering the rapid fire of just couples and books that I found forgettable since you guys wanted to just know what things you might want to avoid if you are looking for something with a good romance we have Nina and Leo from Slayer I don't know why they were into each other we have nedra and gray from give the dark my love I've forgotten about them we have Nick and Julia from the river of no return I remember them being fine but again mostly forgot I have no opinion we have Cecile and Tristan from stolen songbird another forgettable like I don't remember most of their dynamic I feel like there's moments that I kind of liked it but as I mentioned my disappointing books video I feel there's a potential for a love triangle and I liked her sort of tension with this other dude more than Tristan and that's and I remember and I don't remember any of her dynamic with Tristan at all and the other guy like isn't fully a possibility in this if he's gonna be at all so I didn't want to include him as like I liked this one because I don't know if it's even a thing then we have sorsa and read from daughter of the forest but Juliet Marilia I just read about it so I haven't forgotten about them but I know over time I will forget about them because they gave me no feelings whatsoever and I was actually surprised when they like we're like we love each other and I'm like do you then we have Anna and do 9 from heart of iron by Ashley Posten I remember these slightly more it's kind of ok but this is supposed to be a anastasia retelling and this is anastasia anna and then Dmitry and but he's a robot but like kind of not like I just wasn't really quite into it then we have denna and mayor from of fire and stars but Coulter's these two were just fine the whole plot revolved around their romance and the plot was for moving along the romance I just didn't really care about either of them or them together then we have Georgiana and whoever her love interest was from somersault this was a cute book I remember like being like camp romance but like didn't have any feelings don't remember the love interests name and this is a female female romance and I just I don't remember anything and I couldn't even find her name like mentioned in reviews and stuff so it's not really about the romance it's a very minor point anyway so just forgotten about it then we have Charlie and Bill from Save the Date typically speaking Morgan Matson's books have more of a focus on the romance but in this book there was barely any focus on the romance there was actually a lot more of Charlie and her former crush Jesse who she's figuring out throughout the story is actually a douchebag so there's more like stuff about them and Bill is just this guy that like you sort of know like she has potential within the future kind of thing so the reason this is down farther is not because they weren't like cute and fine but just that like it's such a minor part of the story and I went into this expecting more of a romance because Morgan Matson and it wasn't so just heads up to you then we have Josh and hazel from Josh & Hazel's guide to not dating by Christina Lauren this was a friends to Lover's romance and it was cute and fine and I like remember it but I just I didn't really care about their dynamic and this actually has a trope that I hate for romance books at the very very end which also kind of ruined the romance for me if you don't want to be spoiled for it I'm gonna whisper it in a second so just skip like two seconds it's the accidental pregnancy at the end then we're getting into some couples that I remember and like but still don't care a ton amount we have Cersei and whoever she eventually ends up with in the story from Cersei by Madeline Miller Cersei has a number of romances within the story and I remember the feelings of the romances and what they gave me and how like heartbroken I was over some things and whatever but not the actual men usually all some member of Greek mythology that she's involved with so I liked seeing the different types of romances in this that I wasn't connected to a certain couple here I was connected to Cersei being happy it's not really about the romance but there's talk of how different kinds of love sort of are throughout the story if you want to read a story kind of like that then we have January's parents from the 10,000 doors January about Alex Harrow Jenny right I think also has her owner I met but I've forgotten that one so that's why again it's like towards the forgettable side and I'm forgetting her parents names actually but I remember really liking them I'm thinking it's that was a very cute romance also kind of angsty at times and things so that was one but again one that's not like stuck in my feelings or anything then we have wax and Mears I from the Ella of La Femme Brandon Sanderson these two I'm not even sure they're not like together but there's there's there's feelings there and I I'm enjoying the spark that's there if they do eventually get together which I think they will they're just things keeping them apart right now then we have Stella and Michael from the kiss quotient by Helen Huang I really liked him at the beginning of the book the first half of the book the second half of the book I didn't like them as much because there's a lot of miscommunication and then Michael gets very possessive at the end and actually like hits another guy for like getting close to her or whatever and like sort of justified because that guy's has skis but it also has that like really dumb romance trope where it's like any competition it's like obviously a skeezy dude and it was just lame so I feel like they went downhill in my opinion because they were so good at the beginning and then he like just personality traits that didn't need to happen happened then we have Beru and tain hugh from the trader brew coma Rob biceps Dickinson I remember very little about the story but the only thing I remember is the spark between these two this is a female chemo romance as well and these two have like a really interesting kind of like push and pull dynamic nothing interesting enough for me to like continue the series or anything but I do remember of what I remember the story it's only the scenes with them then we have Elma and her husband as all I wrote down because I forgot his name and really it's he's only important because he's her husband did my vision from the calculating stars by Mary Robinette Kowal these two are both scientists and like mathematicians and they're all involved with a space program back in the I think it's supposed to be said fifties I want to say maybe 60s and I just really like they're like very cute dynamic there were some cheesy stuff in here because like every time they had sex they were always doing like Space and Rocket puns and it was cute the first time and then I was like stop but otherwise that they have a really supportive relationship and like they will have little fights and stuff but then like talk about and be like okay we're being ridiculous let's like talk about this and it was just a very mature married couple that I really liked seeing stop it then we have Lazlo and Sarai from use of nightmares now these two showed up on my like really dislike list last year I'm pretty sure maybe not like super at the bottom but I just didn't really I didn't like their romance I don't like the insta-love all of that I liked them more in this story not enough to like necessarily ship them but I liked their dynamic way more in the second book I think because it was less about them like following an insta dream love and just a more like realistic cute supportive relationship during times of hardship so I enjoyed them far more than I did in the past now we're getting into the top 16 these are all couples that I would say I ship we have Nadya and Malachy ash from the wicked Saints by Emily a Duncan this is an enemies two lovers villain romance that I talked about being disappointing and it continues to be disappointing but I do appreciate the aesthetic of these two I do like even though I think this was written in a way that kind of felt fanfiction II in some ways with some of the romance stuff some of the things that happened in there were things that I liked seeing as far as like they have like couple moments that I enjoy like tropes within that so that's why they're at the bottom of the ship list for this year but they're still things that I liked like at one point I'm pretty sure she holds him dangling over like a balcony edge and he's like probably six - and she's like five five and I like that there's a lot of like chin stuff happening which again was kind of annoying when I was reading it but like the art and stuff that comes out for these two and look just like the the aesthetic which is what this book is so about is the aesthetic I like so again they're not like an OTP we haven't gotten to the otps yet but I have this I have a soft spot I'm willing to let that soft spot develop if future books give me what I want you know then we have Milo and Lucy also known as death from reincarnation blues by Michael poore I was pulling for these two there were times that it was just kind of like awkward because Milo is someone who's being reincarnated over and over and there are some of his lives where he leads bad lives and like horrible things happen or he's being a horrible person or whatever it was basically a death and the main story where the maiden is really this dude and that death is the maiden and there's just like a gender flipped death in the main story so I enjoy that just on principle and I did kind of like pull for them are they don't see Pete no but I did really enjoy them then we have my only love square on the list and that is Henriette Blackwood Magnus and Rukh from a poisoned darkened drowning bedroom psychic Lewis this is a story that talked about before where like it's very dark and twisty and it takes place in a Victorian London where there's like sorcerers magicians and witches and that there's these alternate like eldritch beings that have come from a different dimension that they're fighting but anyway Henriette is the first female sorcerer so she's like unique and whatever there's a lot of like y8 ropes that I sometimes hate but I just eat up in this particular story so she's all like you know new and interesting so every boy loves her and I'm totally fine with it and she has a crush on all them and I'm totally fine with it and what I like about it is that none of the men are like completely the right choice like this series is like dark but like I've kind of like fun like eccentric dark like more of like a Holly black kind of vibe I would say then like a grim dark kind of thing but every guy is like not the best choice I believe I ship her the most with black wood because they almost have like a Lizzie Darcy dynamic but I just I'm kind of into all of it I'm kind of into all of it then we have the couples from red wedding in December by Sarah Morgan but this is Maggie and Nick who are the parents of the two perspectives of the girls in the story and Maggie and Nick have been separated for some time but they haven't told their daughters that they're getting divorced and then one of the daughters is going to be married so they're like we can't go to this wedding and tell everyone that we're getting divorced so they have to pretend to like be happily married but in the pretending they like you know like fall in love again obviously like you know that's gonna happen in the synopsis again with romances that's not a spoiler or anything so they have a lot of instances of like they get set up on like these like cute dates they have to be like fake dating but they're like already married and like they have a lot of those kinds of things there's only one bad blah blah blah so that kind of like trope dynamic then we have Katie and Jordan and Katie is the daughter of and Nick the other one that's not getting married and she is somebody who has always been like really independent and doesn't believe in love or those and she meets Jordan they have this like instant bantery bickering kind of connection and they see the other one for who they are and they're able to kind of like get to the truth of each other and it is this like sort of like enemies to lovers dynamic so two of my like favorite kinds of dynamics and tropes in the same book with two different couples it was great then we have Mia and trick from never night by jay kristoff these the two that I like I didn't think I was initially gonna be into and then when they started like hooking up I was like this is kind of hot again they're not OTP level I'm not devastated by anything that happens with them but I definitely was like I like this way more than I thought I was going to and like the scenes with them are very well written then we have a kettle and apple from holy sister by Marc Lowrance these are two side characters I've talked about before in the past that I love their relationship I also really love ara and Nona who Nona is the main character in the story and they have a relationship that's budding that really is never quite solidified but kettle and Apple are a canon together through the whole series couple and they have like a shadow bond to each other which is a part of that like the magic and stuff so they can call to each other from great distances and I just really really love them these are two magical warrior nuns in love and I adore them then we have Zachary and Dorian from the starless sea by Erin Morgenstern these are two that are interesting because there is a age gap so Dorian's a little bit older than Zachary but they're both adults and Zachary's like very firmly in I would say is mid-20s I think I forget but these are two that I wasn't even sure I was gonna like either and then I just they really grew on me erin morgenstern does such a great job and I've always mentioned this in the videos talking about her of really depicting relationships in just a small amount of time like you just buy it and believe it even when you're not getting them together a ton there's a number of other couples in here as well I don't really want to get into four sort of like spoilers but all of the couples and myths and things in here please know that I ship all of it okay can't get into it but please know that I should all of it but that grand durian are definitely part of that mix that I ship a lot okay this is the top nine I actually have nine favorite couples this year like favorite favorites cream of the crop couples that gave me feelings that are actually very hard to rank like I have them ranked and these are roughly my feelings but like these are couples that are kind of constantly in movement and like if I read another book in this series like they'll be moving around a bit and I just have feelings about all of them I've cried about multiple couples they all gave me like feelings in my chest and butterflies and chills at some point and I just adore all them I would say like the top five I mean really all know all of these I have given me emotions I was gonna say like the top five are like solidly like for sure my favorites but they're just I have a top 9 which is crazy because before I made this list I wouldn't have thought that I had like this great shipping here but I discovered that I think it's because I haven't been on tumblr so in my past when I've been like really into ships I've been on tumblr a lot and I really haven't this year because I've stayed off it for like spoilers of different things that I didn't see right when they came out and things like that so I just got out of the habit of being on tumblr but I realized that I engage with fandom mostly through shipping and through like seeing gift sets and photo sets and things of my favorite couples and books and things so the fact that I haven't had that made me feel like I didn't love anything as much as I have in the past but it's just because I couldn't pursue like tags on tumblr for fear of being spoiled for other things so that's why but like I have 9 favorite couples on this list so let's get into it first we have Laurie and Jack from one day in December by Josie silver I recently did a full video on this I will link that on the screen I encourage you to check it out because there's a number of things about this couple that people aren't gonna like I don't necessarily like love Jack as like a book boyfriend or anything but I loved this couple and was so emotional cried over them like felt feelings and like the pit of my stomach if something happened to them and they had something like happen in miscommunication or whatever like I just felt so many feelings over the two days that I read this book so they are on the list and will be on the list I desperately hope that they make a movie out of this because I think it a really good movie and I would like to see them on screen then we have theta and Emre from 12 Kings and share time apparently ballet oh these are two characters who have been friends their entire lives and I don't typically love the friends to Lover's but I think because this is angsty I like it so they've been friends their whole lives they're adults now this is Anna groom dark desert fantasy world they have you you learn are the very beginning there's hints that they hooked up some time ago and they both like each other because you get both of their perspectives but no one's talking about it and they hooked up and both of them think like the other one didn't care about it and it's been like years and they have this like deep bond where you can tell they both like deeply love each other and they just like art being together and it hurts me so I highly enjoy but like nothing I mean they're both each other's like weakness like I just I just love that so I'm nervous for all of them because I feel like they're going on separate paths throughout this story but I think they will be kind of each other's constant hopefully and I'm nervous for them but I hope it all works out then we have Jude and carton from the wicked King by Holly black I have not yet read its Queen of nothing so I didn't really like them in the first book I was not a huge fan of cruel prince but man did I like a lot of things in this book I've mentioned before and in my review and stuff that I like how toxic everyone is in this book and that there is no alternative for Jude it's not like anyone can read this and be like oh my gosh I wish for the nice bakery boy it's like no there's nobody else everyone's awful and they just have this like hate to love dynamic she is sort of stupid sometimes and doesn't see that he like obviously cares about her but he's also a jerk so like in this dynamic if you guys have read it what most of you probably have you understand that it's like it's very toxic it's very problematic and I'm okay with it in this context there in faerie everyone is bad there's a lot of just like angsty enemies two lovers scenes of like kiss me until I'm sick of it tell me you hate me again and then like it's just again I don't want this I don't I hate that I have to disclaim this because I feel like people assume that if you ship something like but you want that for yourself I don't want I don't want someone to be mean to me I don't want to hate the person I'm making out with but it's it's it's hot I'm okay with it and just like the toxic twisted nosov this particular world it just works really well there's so few scenes between them but the ones that you get are just like so good they're really good then at number six I know I really haven't like been ranking these but I don't you know we're on the list number six we have Cyril and arid steed from amber Lowe by Laura Elena Donnelly these two snuck up on me I was not expected to love them so much this is a male-male romance these two are on separate sides kind of of this criminal underbelly but throughout the times of like sort of spying on each other they're now in love and they have a romantic very like tumultuous romantic and sexual relationship I think at the start both of them think as your sexual but it's not they both love each other and they do do some shitty things to one other sometimes because they're in this myth the middle of this like very dramatic political coup that's happening in a setting that is sort of like 1920's 1930's ish art deco punk world and there's just a lot of like noir type stuff going on so there there's a lot there's a lot for them and like err estate in particular will like get back at Cyril by like sleeping with other people but that's kind of what happens in this world like a lot of people are like not monogamous so they're just and they're not necessarily like together because they can't really be together it's just very angsty there's a lot of feelings and I love them and pull for them and I I don't know I've heard the second book in the series why I'm making that face then and number five we have Basia and Marasco from the girl in the tower by Katherine Arden that this is the second book in the winter night trilogy and I read this book at the beginning of the year but I saw him over there being feelings I just love these two so this is sort of like a Hades Persephone defin the maiden type thing Marasco is like a magical Frost entity and he's becoming more human by being in love with her and she's this like magical woman and has grown up with like one foot in the human world and one foot in a like Slavic Fae world and it's so good and some of the lines about them because they're not really fully together in this and I think they will be in the very last book but I don't know and I hope they will and I just want it to be so good there's just like very few moments them together but the moments that we have are just like very like tender and wonderful and they remind me kind of of the dragon and AD Nazca from a brooded but like slightly more and I just I don't know will be then at number four we have olive and Ethan from the unfunny mooners by Christina Lauren this was the romance book that started at all for me and the first one that I read and loved and I felt so giddy with this couple I was so like head-over-heels for them I like squealed and kicked my feet and just shipped everything with them this is a enemies two lovers bantery romance these two are each other's nemesis and then they have to go on this honeymoon and they have to be fake married and they are in all these situations like romantic honeymoon situations there's only one bad there's cute drunken confessions of love the situation that made them enemies is really just a miscommunication that's done really well so no one's actually an [ __ ] it's so good and will be a book that I will reread over and over and they're just they're just so adorable another book that I really want it to be a movie because it's like I want to see you guys be cute on screen then we have the top three who are really probably the most interchangeable and number three we have a two in and is volt from truth which hot Sam there are actually so many couples that I do ship in here but I just like a lot of them aren't having scenes together really in this book so I will link my review so you guys can like reference all the things because it has been some time either one is it will have been on this list for the every year that they've had a book out and I just loved them this is also an enemies two lovers thing but by this book they've become more like reluctant friends kind of allies still don't quite trust each other but maybe kind of do and their dynamic is so good oh my god again I talked about it more in the like review and the gush that I will post up above but they give me so many feelings and I can't wait to read this book because there's so many like wonderful gems in here but I have shipped this since the moment these characters came into contact so the fact that I continue to get more and more goodness with them makes me so happy but it's still so angsty and I love it then at number 2 we have Evelyn and Celia from these seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo Evelyn is a bisexual woman and Celia is the woman that she's in love with for most of her life they have a very tumultuous relationship it is sad and real and they struggle and there's like all these ups and downs and both of their personalities at points make it really difficult and they understand that and this couple made me cry again I felt like feelings deep in my own like chest and stomach from like what they were going through like I felt like when they were going through hard times like I was going through a hard time with someone I was in love with and it just was like it I felt it like I'm not experiencing it but I'm experiencing it through them and I just adored it like I again cried multiple times there's multiple quotes from this book that I just love and these two just rip at my heartstrings and I really again want this to be a movie I just want to see a lot of these couples like in the flesh loving each other then at number one we have my hair and a moon from Empire of sand by Tasha Surrey these do again didn't expect to love them so much but also when I heard about this book like people were talking about how great the romance was and this is not a romance book but the romance is a essential part of the plot but it's woven into the plot so like even if you don't love romance you probably still will like this it's so frickin good like these two are again enemies two reluctant friends to Lover's these two are forced together in a marriage bond and then have to like work through that and the way that the marriage bond works in this world is like really a like deep magical bond there's so much about it there's so many lines in here there's so many lines of like what if we met under different circumstances and just the trust that two people form through being together and trusting one other in a really deadly horrible traumatic situation I love these two so much I cried I think at least three times reading this because of these two like I am just so deeply connected to them and to their relationship and they're just like couple goals like I know some of the couples on here I was like I don't I would never want to be like them and I don't want to go through what they go through but the type of like writer died there for each other romantic bonding wonderfulness that these two have I cannot get over it so I am very much looking forward to reading the second book which is a companion series in this world because there's probably a couple in there too that's going to be so good I just adored them so if you love desert fantasy fantasy with a like a heavy romance plot romance that doesn't take away from the story and it's like a central part of the story things about like bonds and like all of that read this because it's so good so that is it for all of my favorite and least favorite couples of 2019 comment below let me know your thoughts on couples if there's any books that you'd recommend based on couples that I liked or books you think I should avoid based on couples I didn't like let me know your thoughts so thank you all for watching and I'll see all of you guys soon bye [Music] you
Channel: Thoughts on Tomes
Views: 20,093
Rating: 4.9342914 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, readables, bookables, book, review, goodreads, book haul, thoughts on tomes, thoughtsontomes, favorite book couples, least favorite book couples, favorite and least favorite couples, best and worst couples, 2019, favorite ships, least favorite ships, 2019 otps
Id: 15OluE00sXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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