Konmari-ing My TBR | Unhauling Books!

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hey guys it's Sam and today I'm going to come marry my TBR pile so for those of you that don't know the con Mari method is the Marie Kondo method in the life-changing magic of tidying up or whatever it's called but it's the whole like spark joy way of decluttering your stuff I'm not talking about this in the best way but there's a million and a half videos about the canary method and blog posts and Google and everything about it so if you're that interested then feel free but this is just basically another unhaul video I'm sizing down my TBR I'm okay with the amout of books on my TBR honestly but with the amount of time that I have to read with grad school and stuff we'll be done next year but we're out of time and everything I know that I'm not getting to books that I want to read in a quick enough time and then they start falling behind then I get new books the new releases come out and whatever so I just feel like this amount of books doesn't actually work for me at this stage of my life and there's books out here that I know for a fact I don't really want to read that much and then there's books that I think I want to read but using the Kumari method I think I will be able to narrow down I don't have the goal of you know 0 by 2019 or anything like that like I'm not gonna try to get my TBR to 0 by any means but I am still kind of piecing through my ideas for what I want my TBR to look like how many books I want to kind of have backlogged for myself and the goal of kind of getting to that so I'm probably gonna do some kind of goal of this number on my TBR by 2019 or whatever but I'll talk about that more in my next year reading goals which will be posted in January sometime but for now I just want to cut this down so that it's ready for Christmas I know I'm gonna get books for Christmas books that I'm really really excited about and I want my team here to be ready for that so I'm going over here because I have a whole likea shelf just the same as these full of books rainbowed for my TBR and I'm going to go through them in a couple of different ways and get rid of the books that I know I'm not going to read and then books that just don't make me happy anymore don't make me excited to read these are all books that I at one point really wanted to read but now it's like I don't want to read them in this format or I'm not gonna get to them anytime soon or whatever the case may be and I just want to have books my TBR that I'm really excited about I want ever rebook ideally on my TBR to be a book that I really want to read so I don't want to have these kind of miscellaneous because I don't really have time for that I think are gonna be like three star reads you know what I mean or that I'm not gonna like I just want the books I'm really pumped about and so I'm going to go through and be kind of harsh and get rid of a lot of them this doesn't mean any of these books or bad this doesn't mean if I take off your favorite book that I like hate it I don't think anyone should read it no they're just books I'm not gonna get to anytime soon or I might read from like the library I'm like Livy your overdrive or something like that or whatever and these are going to go to someone who hopefully will really appreciate that because at this point they're just taking up space so the economy right method involves taking everything off of the shelves or wherever the location is depending on what kind of category of things we're just talking my books right now so involves taking all the books off the shelves that I'm just doing my TBR and going through them and like touching them basically and like deciding what's you like I decided do this because when I rearranged my bookshelves recently I had to take all the books off the shelves and I realized when I was putting books back on that like I didn't want some of these and it was easier when they were off the shelves what I'm gonna do first is just go through and they're on the shelves and do a preliminary like because if I know when they're on the shelves I don't want them that I don't want them and then I gonna take the rest of them off and kind of go from there so let's get into this whole process so here's my TBR shelf right now here's some books I just recently called so I'm basically keeping all of these although a little on the fence about one of these this one I just recently hauled I wanted to get to it before Halloween that I didn't so I kind of feel like do I keep it all the way for next year's Halloween or do I get rid of it I don't know we'll see what happens when I get to the actual like sorry so right off the bat I don't really feel like this book I'm going to get to anytime soon this is a book that I picked up at the EAA two years ago it's a shorter contemporary but I've just never felt compelled to pick it up and the lux books I always plan on continuing to read these but I actually tried to start yeah I try to start on fall which is the first book and this find up over the first two books pretty sure where the yeah over the first two books and I don't care anymore so I think these are going to go and which is a shame to spoil those series where I bought the entire series at my first joined booktube and I'm not gonna get to these because at this point these just annoy me they are paranormal romances that are just very fluffy but at this point I want to read like good fluff you know I've gotten past the point of like I can read trash fluff and I sometimes can but I want to read like good fluff like even like adult romance or something this new adult alpha male douche boy thing not my cup of tea this is very post Twilight okay I didn't plan on doing like full talking about every single book I'm giving away so let's try to like go through this quicker I've also try not to read too many synopsis for these because I don't remember the synopsis when they're like on my shelf but I'm trying to pick things to read so even though I'm like oh yeah that sounds cool like I forget so if I'm not thinking about it then I shouldn't read the snaps just to try to read it I'm pretty sure this one has a bi protagonist but I have literally not thought about this book since I got I got into books for trade just kind of like a one-off type thing I'm probably read it I'm keeping this for now but I want to get this in a different edition this is supposed to be similar to the Grisha trilogy in a lot of ways this is written before there's trilogy but it's an adult series that I've heard really good things about but I want a different Edition if I can find one that's not mass-market I'm gonna keep this as like a placeholder and again this is just my preliminary and so I'll take these off my shelves with for these two books I've read the first book in the series and it's kind of a Regency period Jane Austen with magic I'm kind of content to leave the first book as the only one that I read and not continue with a series I've heard that this is a lot like daughter smoke and bone but not as good I'm gonna keep this until I take everything off and then go for it maybe dad so on the fence with business is another pretty sure my protagonist but I've heard a lot of mixed things about Robin Talley lately some kind of like ah [Music] so we'll see I've completely forgotten about the first book in this series it was pretty interesting at the time it's a solo science fiction II historical fiction alternate history thing where I'm pretty sure the Germans won the war and there's a lot going on with this but I've forgotten most of it and again this is an arc that I gotta be EA 2016 I haven't read yet this is a tough one because I really wanted to read this series but I don't think I'm gonna get to it anytime soon it's I am pretty sure historical fantasy type thing it's more history than fantasy but I'm gonna keep it on for now I don't have high hopes this is a series I keep thinking about that I'm going to get rid of because I just haven't had any interest in picking these up and I keep seeing them on my shelf and being like you should read them cuz it looks like they're pirates but I've no interest in reading them like I'm never gonna pick them up so this one and this one I'm going to get rid of which against where makes me sad but don't read the synopsis I just I know I keep seeing though I'm not gonna do it this is the second book in this series I might eventually get rid of these Marie Lu books I'm gonna read these on audio so I'm keeping them as like read these on audio reminders but I haven't read them yet I want to get the new editions of these books but again placeholder this is another one another damn Robin Talley I've been wanting to read this I think I got this yeah last year right before Halloween I meant to Rita it's a I'm pretty sure oh gosh him Macbeth I'm pretty sure this is a big Beth retelling with legatees I just keep forgetting and I don't read like horror books oh uh but I kind of can only keep it I'm not gonna wanna read it until I next fall we'll see when I take it off and actually officially kumari we'll see I'm not going to do this I have to host out because I'm this far into the audiobook and then I had to return the audio books I'm gonna actually finish this so that's good you're reading that's an iBook right now this is still interesting I'm gonna do this on audio this book I've had for ever and I don't think I'm gonna get to it because I didn't like I know it's like sacrilegious but I didn't like shape between shades of gray or at this on audiobook between shades of gray and didn't like it I might listen this one audiobook if I want to I don't know ever since I had a bad experience with that one I really haven't had a desire to pick this up and I've heard it's amazing historical fiction but I have such a bad taste I'm off from the first book this isn't a series or anything but from the first book of hers that I read that I don't think I'm realistically gonna get to this which is a shame because I want to read more historical fiction but I don't think I'll read any more of hers because I got that bad experience a million of you're gonna told me to keep reading and just read her but I don't I just don't think I will and it's a shame this is another one that's a fantasy that seems pretty good but I never think about it another sparkly lux book that I'm not gonna read it oh gosh I'm really on the fence about this one but I think I'll keep it until I take everything off for this is a really good people have been getting us a lot of rewards and stuff I don't know if I'm personally ever gonna get to it you know what I don't think this is my jam this is more like a thriller a sci-fi and I just don't read thrillers man this is my little trash corner because it's recycling day tomorrow so I have to get rid of those boxes the last full shelf in there some lingering down here but this is a supposedly pretty good new adult book but I don't care I don't think we're gonna pick it up because I just don't reach for new at all like I just don't I just don't I barely reach confer contemporary and I especially don't reach sure no adult this one I think I wanna read oh man I'm so on the fence with these this one I want to read I think stuff because there's a strap and it's pretty short but this guy hey no I almost want to make myself a rule that if you have an arc that's over a year old you're not gonna read it oh man this heartless I'm not interested in but if you have it where's our good audio right now so I might just do it that way very bottom yeah I've had this books basically since I started my channel and it's a book that I think I probably would enjoy but I literally never think about it I've had it for like three years it's time I'm on the fence with you but again March of 2016 people that's just shameful okay now we get to the part where I take everything off the shelves and then like go through it didn't see it off of its place and see what I can get rough so far I've gotten rid of 16 things just in the preliminary sweep [Music] oh so I almost didn't take off the books that I knew I was gonna keep but then that wouldn't be true to the math you gotta take everything off I did so yeah having them off my shelves it's gonna sit like this for seconds and uh absorb this if Kings I'm keeping I looked through this one I made an exception for myself because this is one that I keep thinking about but just don't keep picking up and it is supposed to be really good through like the Night Circus so I had this one of my mind still this is my first giving away pile of the taking everything off the shelves Joe Walton my real children I've just lost interest and that was a book outlet book so be warned actually rekindled my curiosity for this series recently so I'll be keeping Empire of dust this is what I got I got an audio but again I'll keep as a placeholder second one to bite the dust the girl at midnight because I've heard this is just trying to be daughter smoke and bone and I've read daughter smoking bone I'm in the middle of this audiobook not really liking it but I'm keeping it again placeholder I have gone back and forth about this series about a million times I want to relive a Bray this desk jacket is on backwards but only because I literally haven't thought about it in forever a thousand little break fans are screaming at me I'm sorry I would have already read a little bright if the diviners wasn't scary but I'm not gonna read something that scary so here we are I think these shards of having books are gonna go put your Sabbath is a whole lot it was like I'm gonna read them I'll read them but I also want to read a lot of things Robin Talley man I just can't decide I think I've started trying to read this one couldn't really get into it I'm gonna keep this in a maybe pile on the back door at the end decided that this one is one of the books in the Cinda Williams Chima eye shadow realms blah blah blah I've only read the first book in the original series I don't need to have this argh this is another books for crazy situation between books for trading book all that I've got myself plenty of times I like elemental magic I don't know maybe puff luckily most of these are really easy oh yeah I'm definitely keeping this even though it technically falls outside of my arc rule but I love Garth Nix so these are all keeps the only one in this stack that I'm even slightly has to devote is ever fair by me see Shaw I don't you know if you guys can see any of these and as I'm pulling up I'm also probably shouting because my camera is far away but I've heard mixed things about these no I'm true move it on through of these I know right now the only one that I'm getting rid of this guy which is the second book in my shards of heaven thing okay I listen to Simon vs. the Homo sapiens agenda' on audio I feel like I'll do the same thing for this keep it for now sometimes I really just want a contemporary book and I know for a fact that they'll fly through that I think getting rid of this guy I'm really torn because it's Celtic gods and I never see that I think it's also like urban fantasy maybe putting this Robin Talley on the maybe pile I don't know man I won't know where I'll tell anymore I just oh I don't know I'm good you're all doing maybe this Peter Pan retelling but it's a Captain Hook I'm keeping them okay I'm CUBAN it and keeping it I've made my decision lately on the feds with this guy it was over retellings at this plane muster hey Stephanie yeah I'm trash but I haven't really read me Phantom of the Opera I still like meeting some of this isn't read this is already oh it's gonna hurt my eyes the whole thing isn't read didn't know this oh gosh having flashbacks to growing up in Christian schools and all the Bible text that Jesus that isn't read that's not good on the eyes but I think I'm like okay I wanna be but what I think when I get rid of this one clicked I've been wanting to read this and it's I would get through it really quickly but it's a middle grade I really like Tamra Island stone too but it's a little grade and I just don't think I'm gonna be that interested I have very very few little grades on myself just like cuz it's just not my cup of tea I'm putting this guy the just got this too but I just didn't get to it before Halloween and I'm like not that interested it's a shot of Maguire but but very Halloweeny and I'm just but I'm next Halloween rolls are all me having to read some other spoopy book alright these three don'ts warm dark atmospheric murder mystery Michelle forever a does from book outlet exiled to teach sorcery to assassins I think that's why I've kept it maybe I'm good about making decisions of some books in that with others this one that sounds fun female airship pilot steampunk and that's amazing and then this one the great hunt I think it supposed to be so it's based on a certain fairy tale again that you got yeah based on the singing bone forbidden romance I'm gonna keep this might be a mistake but it might not be if I need to reevaluate beginning of the year and so be it I'm pretty sure this whole pile I'm keeping yeah yeah yeah yeah where it all goes and this I'm keeping this is my last stack I'm gonna read this on audio this reminds me almost too much of everyday by David Levithan it's not it's different but this kind of like no I don't know it has a paranormal element to it that I'm just kind of think I'm not in the mood for but I might do a giveaway for this one because I wanted to get in the hand of somebody who really needs it so this is good this means that I haven't not doing too bad do I need a really I'm ready to go through this little more than I did okay I've already seen some more America straight I've heard it's amazing but I never reach for it because it's sort of like contemporary ya contemporary magical realism Oh like that makes me kind of oh oh no man I've seen it a few times I just don't reach for out of my shelves all right I wasn't gonna read them enough so I decided that if I'm listening to audio and I'm not sure if I'm gonna like it then I'm not keeping the physical copies so this one's going the real oohs called young elites books trying three of them so many times I'm listening to them on audio now and I'm still having a hard time with them so I don't need to keep pissing with copies they can go where's the other one you need to leave you're going this one the thief books the Queen of Italia I think it's the Queen's teeth series they're coming out new editions instead of keeping these as placeholders which I'm not gonna read them like this I need to just put the new editions on my wish list and get those and get rid of these be decisive okay and then this one the light between oceans I got this from a library sale probably get back the library like listen to this live audio I have it reserved my library right now like bye-bye this one holding on to but cuz let's go into audio because I think I might really like this and it's pirates and I like the cover so it's like the only reason but otherwise ooh that would be on the go list I'm also keeping American Gods which I'm listening to an audio as well but like it's American Gods so I'm just being that I'm also keeping a tour chance tonight because listen to that audio but I might really enjoy that one is that all the audio no there's more in here there has to be it's just not looking close enough okay afterwards you're in audio because I got this for literally $0.99 on book outlet you gotta go you're gonna listen to audio hating this okay well I might keep this for now because if I get got the audiobook back soon I'm just Mel doesn't like read the rest of this I think not really liking it you know I'm not really liking this book so I'm getting rid of the physical copy of it this is what happens when you cut Mari stuff you're just like you know what I'm done and you just get rid of it like you don't make excuses you stop making excuses because even like all this is still a low-salt it's still a lot it's still a lot you know I still have a lot I haven't even shown you all I stole a lot of contemporary on my shelves from stuff that I've been waiting to read for a long time so it's not likely to keep this just because like what if I went to contemporary like I have like ten contemporary so I don't read like ten contemporaries back-to-back anymore I think I might keep my babies like in this corner by themselves and think about them for like a week or two and then if I don't look at the back of that as well you know I get rid of them that way so okay so that means this guy is also another placeholder and I just need to find another edition because I'm not gonna read a mass-market unless it's only available mass-market in which case they'll go back on the Shelf see it's good it's good to take your books off the shelves and like touch them gives you a better feeling for everything I'm also thinking like there's certain books that I'm really really excited about and seeing them next to the books I'm not that excited about it's coming makes me really eight the not so excited about you know my camera died and I totally forgot what I was saying cuz I had to take a little break I decided during that break though that I definitely have enough Contemporary books so I think I would take the Contemporary books and like sort them and only keep a certain amount because oh I knew what I was saying I think I'm gonna keep they're all batali as I descend it and get rid of our own home universe good just don't they read it so contemporary books like straight-up contemporary I'm gonna grab them there's not a ton and depending on how many there are I might call them from there okay I might keep them then who's really cute romantic book so no I just got these all out of order I'm stupid I'm gonna have some more than maybe pile I have to I have to okay we're gonna do this cuz maybe these guys putting in the corner through some good read reviews and I'm gonna let them sit and simmer for a while back here and then I'll decide if I want them to go back to their homes mystery writer by Lindsay Smith another book portrayed when I first did my original on haul this year I did a lot of books retreats with a lot of those but that just defeated the purpose of doing it at all because I was trying to get rid of books and then I got more books for the books that I was getting rid of see how that happened and that that doesn't work that's not what you should do so don't be like me although I've gotten a few books in here that I also really want to read so it's fine let's do this let's do this rose blood thing which I think might come back on the shelf but this red text got me like no really torn about that a torch against the night work listening to an audio and I'm I'm sure about the series overall the baby but that's good let's get a lot of these things I'm looking I'm like ooh I'm excited about that which is good um yeah this sherrilyn kenyon look I do love this cover oh we're not but this is an audiobook guy and I listened to it library and if I love it I want to get a physical copy anyway so it's going it's going I'm having fun native pilots going what um heartless sir you're gonna go here I hope you can hear me again my camera is really far away well maybe pile okay so right now from this I'm getting rid of for sure 19 for sure gone top of the 13 from before so that's 30 32 32 32 and I have 14 in the maybe pile so I'm gonna give myself the rule that I can only keep 7 of those 14 so that means that for my TBR I'm keeping 73 books 73 books alright nope garlic cut more I really like John Scalzi this is a book redshirts about that's by John Scalzi but it's Star Trek related I've never seen Star Trek any of it any of it it has to go I like John Scalzi but he's like tunnel arteries I agree I want all these books to give me a semi feeling of like yay far so good although I've heard mixed things about that daughter the pirate king book but it's a pirate book so I read it just inspired me to read faster this way because these I really wanna read this but I think one with this I'm up to a pile before the minute ha ha ha still only allowed to keep seven so I just cut off two other books but I think that's it that's it okay seeing the books back on my TBR shelf this is it and the host is down here with like doesn't count some like halfway yeah anyway I'm just not counting it for some reason in my head because like currently reading this is it for my TBR right now and that's a half of what it used to be because there's three shelves down there that used to be full well two and a half because the last shelf wasn't really full but three shells that were still taking up my books this makes me not want to put any of those maybe books back on the shelf I'm still going to consider it think about it whatever but I'm so happy with this because this is like 10,000 times were manageable in my head like complete everything I'm looking at I'm like oh like I'm excited so this is exactly exactly what I wanted there are 70 books on this TBR seventy which feels manageable oh how they were huge by the way you can tell Melissa bloggers have really gotten into adult science fiction and fantasy fantasy especially but yeah all these I'm excited about always I'm happy with all these are good so this just goes to show that as time goes on your thoughts about your TBR change I always thought I was never gonna be a person that cold my TBR down I was one of the largest TV are possible this guys limit but again your reading habits change your reading taste change and my life in the last like couple months has changed to where I'm like I want to get rid of like clutter and stuff and like minimalize so yeah now that Libby is a pretty good app that I'm able to use for a lot of like audiobooks and stuff although my library still isn't that good it's just I've talked about before which is why I do still purchase a lot of books but I'm happy with this I'm happy I still want a TBR I still want a large TBR large fish I mean this is so many books is actually pretty good honestly so I'm going to be reevaluated over the next like a month and a half or so and seeing what I want to do as far as my TV our goals for 2018 so I'll be talking about that in January first year with my reading goals but doing this even helped me to reevaluate like do I want to call this town even more what is manageable I finish school in September of 2018 so after that I can start to read a lot more again I want to keep some of these around but right now as of this moment I'm excited to read everything on here am I not always in the mood for some of these contemporaries yeah I know I'll be happy they're here what I want to read them I only have like 5 on here that are contemporary so I am hype so that is it for my Khan marring TBR process but comment below let me know if you do anything similar do you do a regular decluttering of your TBR do you just have a limited team yaar because I used to believe me I agree somebody who was like I am never calling my TBR I have plenty of time that's back when I used to read like 17 books a month and your girl doesn't do that anymore not right now maybe when I get back to that I'll have a similar feeling on my TBR but right now in my life I need this should just be all books that I'm really really excited about so let me know your methods for giving your TBR in order let me know if there's things that you're doing before the beginning of the year to kind of have a fresh start with it so thank you all for watching I'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Thoughts on Tomes
Views: 46,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: booktube, readables, bookables, book, review, goodreads, book haul, thoughts on tomes, thoughtsontomes, konmari method, konmari books, book unhaul, unhaul, tbr unhaul, konmari tbr, books, tbr, reading
Id: 9F6pHBCNFk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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