Fatty Front Tires - Product Review

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hi guys it's Chuck so embracing this video is about fatty tires fatty front tires so Fatty's came out just a few years ago I'm not sure how long ago I'm going to say three or four years ago and I thought it was a fad at the time that would fade and go away but it seems like it's here to stay at least for a while and I got the I had a throw out a little disclaimer here to tell you that I am NOT a total fatty fan and I'll tell you why here a little bit as we get into this review and I've got three different fat is here so I believe the first guys come out with fatty or a Gulf and tire and that's this one right here it's 216 that's also the one that's on my 500 this tire has got about 220 miles on it you can see that the side knobs are still in good shape the edges the center knobs still pretty darn good and those tires got a long ways to go before it comes off and I've got two mounted up there with a tuba system and I ran it between 10 and 12 pounds I changed its brochure back and forth during testing and like I said before this is Bistro at the same time this one here is the Shenko 216 this is the goals entirety of 16 this is the mo tiles but most people call moto Z correct pronunciation as motos this is the Moto's traction aider and Durrell st 90 100 so these are all 90 100 that's what makes them a fatty and I test them all I've tested the shank oh the most that's the most time on net but she co is out of the three you know you can tell here if you look closely that those two tires look very similar they should go and the golden tire and they both have the same name 216 so why is that well it used to be made in the same factory and I'm not gonna say Korea or Thailand I'm not sure but they've since changed these are still made in the original place golden tyres moved its production over to China nothing with that I mean I I definitely have an attitude about a lot of Chinese products but they do make some good products there and golden terror is one of them and this is still bike the golden tire still by far the biggest seller of the three and the most popular of the three although I don't really think it's a standout as far as performance and let's talk about performance that's that's my complaint about fatties they've hit their pluses and minuses like all tires do like most products do so the pluses of fatty tires any of these three or there's other ones out there as well the plus is is that in sand they're they're great they're fantastic in stand because they stay up on top of the sand more than a narrower tire and that gives you more stability because you know as we all know sand is a section where most of us you know most of us don't like saying that much I would say and it's the fat profile is more stable in sand or sand or similar conditions you know any deep gravel like pea gravel that's deep that type of stuff that's where these tires really shine but the other thing that they do well is because of the tall profile and the profile by that I mean the height of the tire right here you know they're taller through this section then say an 80-100 tire is and so what that extra height and the profile does is it gives you a softer ride so comparing these to an 80 100 or 90 90 you're gonna get a little more cushy ride which to me that's a suspension issue that should be addressed with the suspension not with the tire but not everybody has the budget to do suspension or the desire to do it or know a guy that can do it well you know there's a long list of reasons why they run stock suspension and if you're one of those guys well then you're gonna get a little more cushy out of these more comfort and then also that wider footprint makes them track better over rocks and roots with the wider profile does that I don't care for is it doesn't turn as well so especially on harder packed terrain like we have here in Colorado you want to tire that will knife into that dirt and carve through it in a term you don't want a tire that floats on top of it like you would in sand or that pea gravel type situation most of our trails out here are pretty darn hard packed we don't have a lot of loam and so these fatty style tires do not turn as well the other thing that they do that I don't care for is in a rut they want to grab the sides of that rut and try to pull up out of it when you're you trying to ride down the center of that rut and it's constantly trying to pull your bike to the right of the left and climb out of that rut it does the same thing on what I call a trench trail trench trail is a trail you know just a nice narrow single track that's worn down over the years and now it's you know six inches below the surface and it's like a trench they do the same thing there they want to climb up the sides we have a lot of trails like that in Colorado so for me fatty tires are not my choice for other parts of the country they're definitely a great option and there's gonna be lots of guys here in Colorado or similar areas any of the mountain states are gonna argue with me about that but you you run whatever you want just because I don't care for that part of it doesn't mean that doesn't work for you so then but what you really want to know is you know how do these tires perform and so I always break out the durometer thermometer tells you the hardness of the rubber most tires front tires run in the 70 to 75 durometer range 75 being harder than 70 so the golden tire is a 75 the Shankill is about a 72 and the MOE toss is a 70 so it's the softer compound of the three and all these tires were similarly but by far the two on the outside the Moto's and the golden tire are the standouts Tishchenko is a budget tire that does have a long service life if you are a dual sport guy and you're doing a long ride you're gonna crank out several hundred miles thousand miles that tire will do it I suspect that all of these would holds up pretty well for those long distance rides just I have not I've ridden this kink oh I had one with eight ten or nine hundred miles on it and still had a lot of life left these other two I've not ridden them that far I've just got a couple hundred miles on each of them Moto's and the golden tire definitely are better handling tires than the Sheikh oh but the Sheikh allows this place you know it's a budget tyre it's I don't know what the price is I'm gonna say 60 bucks or something but they're on our site if you want the exact price all these are on our website and I'll put links right below the video so you can find them easily but as far as performance goes I'd say the two outside ones here are are about a tie I might even lean slightly towards the Moto's but I have not ridden them either both of those in enough different types of terrain you know wet mud sand gravel hardpack yada yada yada I've not put up to you enough of that for a long enough period of time to really say which is the total stand out here I know somebody's Janna post right away which one's my favorite well I just said before no fatties are my favorite I'll post a video later on some of my favorite tires I'm not against fatties I run fatties when I go to Utah on my 500 that's why I had this one mounted up and then I also have used it here in Colorado some because if I'm going to sandy conditions like over there in Utah well then that's a really good choice so I'm not bashing fatty tires I'm just saying they're not for me for for most of the writing that I do but they are I do use them for certain applications so I hope this doesn't I hope it gives you some clarity instead of confusion I think that's about all for now
Channel: Slavens Racing
Views: 34,001
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, Fatty Front Tires, Slavens Racing, Goldentyre, Shinko, Motoz
Id: IH0qV_2cyy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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