‘How did Fatima Zahra (as) die?’ | Night 1 | Sayed Ammar Nakshawani | Fatimiyah 2023/1445

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alhamdulillah muham alhamdulillah alham the first of our loud salaat and honor of muham a second even louder salawat and honor of im a third with your loudest voices in honor of the Imam of our time Imam sah respected Scholars brothers and sisters how did F die did she die a natural death did she die because of grief did she die because she was killed and was therefore a mar indeed this particular discussion is one of the most controversial and important discussions in Islamic history and a discussion that requires a thorough Examination for it is a discussion on which there are a variety of opinions in all the schools of Islam the reality is that when you go to any of the schools in the religion of Islam you'll see that they all rever there isn't a single School in the Muslim world but that they respect the daughter ofas but the question arises as to how this daughter died at such a young age cuz naturally when you hear that died at the age of 18 or as some might say at the age of 28 normally when someone dies at that age a question arises straight away if now you heard news for example that a 95 year-old in your family passed away your first reaction is but when someone in your family dies at the age of 18 the first reaction is how did they die what happened someone so young there must be a cause because that's just human beings although we know very well that death can come upon us at any time whether you're 12 or whether you're 80 whether you're rich or whether you're poor whether you're educated or uneducated the angel of death can come to you at any time the reality is that when we hear of someone dying young it's different from when we hear of someone dying old when I hear of someone dying young automatically there is a sense of pain but at the same time there is a question mark That's raised that how did this person die so young what was the issue that led to them dying so young therefore this particular issue is an issue on the first level that one dissects because of the fact that she died at such a young age on the second level is the prin of the religion of Islam if her father is the king of the religion and her mother is the queen of the religion then the person we're analyzing is the princess of the religion of Islam because when a person says someone has died at 18 or they've died at the age of 27 or 28 a death is without a doubt something tragic but not everyone's death is the same in this world you can never compare someone who dies today day to the death of IM Hussein atala both have died both may be tragic but the loss of one is different to the loss of other the loss of a member of the household of Al is in a way the loss of theal of God embodied in a human being therefore on the second level when I examine how died I'm examining not just any Arab personage I'm examining somebody who has one of the highest statuses in the religion of Islam if I now for example go to any school of the religion of Islam they'll always say to you one line in particular that there are four woman of Jenna who are they maram AIA and so therefore when we look at it on the second level we are not dissecting an issue related to anyone today in Bradford someone dies we go and do a janaza for them we go and do the and they move on when the daughter no not just the daughter when a person whose happiness is the happiness ofas whose sadness is the sadness ofas Allah whose anger is the anger of that person automatically is a fundamental part of the religion of Islam that's on the second level on the third level this particular topic highlights that Islamic history can have a number of readings not just one reading what do I mean reality is that in the two billion Muslims who live in this world today there are some who might believe in one historical conclusion and there are others who may reach another historical conclusion Islam as a religion does not force you to have to believe in the same historical conclusion the reality is that when I look in the Muslim world today there may be certain issues historically that you may have two readings on on a very basic level it may be a Sunni reading and a Shia reading but that's very basic why because even within the Sunni reading there could be difference of opinion on a historical issue and even within a Shia reading there could be a difference of opinion on a historical issue on the base level if I look for example in the Sunni world I may come to a historical incident or a historical personality or a historical Source in the Sunni world that the Sunni World differs over when they differ over what does it show you it shows you that even historically in one school of Islam you may have different readings on one topic let alone if you have two different schools of Islam what do I mean in the Sunni world today they may be called for example with the title of the sect but you ask some on the position of a certain companion they will say to you that we do not like him that much then you may ask them about another opinion on that companion they may say no at the end of the day if he's the brother-in-law of the prophet he becomes the uncle of the Believers and therefore we have to respect him an important point for example is looking at mua muawiya in the Sunni world not every Sunni has the same reading and opinion on muawiya there may be a number of readings on the historical personality of muya some of them may come to a conclusion where they say that he is to be seen as the uncle of the Believers because his sister was married to Al Others May turn around and say so what if the man caused issues in the um then I cannot respect him the way I respect those who were the foremost of the mun and the ANS therefore what I see here is even within one school of Islam there may be different opinions on one historical issue there may be different opinions on one historical Source in one school of Islam in the Sunni world today you look at a text like some may see it with more veracity or may view it with more veracity than others that it's the same school but there could be different readings in that same school one school will have a source but that Source in that school they may say one group of them may say that we take this source as one of the highest after the six works and another of them may say that no for us this has many question marks even a scholar and you'll see why I mention this breakdown even a scholar in that school some may have different opinions even though he is a member of their school Tam for example I T in the Sunni World although they all subscri ascribe to the same mhab but their reading of certain sources they reading of certain historical figures their reading of certain historical personalities May differ some people in May give you different readings about him some say heretic some say Troublemaker some say greatest mind some say great scholar some say great reformer what am I trying to show here that when I as a Shia have a reading of History I have a reading and other schools in Islam have their readings other schools in Islam are not monolithic in the way that they see things likewise when I as a sh have my school my school will have its readings on an issue it's reading on certain personalities it's reading on certain books I'm Shia I openly say that that is my theology within my school within my school there may be certain sources is that my school has different opinions on their veracity some scholars in my school look at some say it's a book that can be used others put a major question mark on it where all sh but you see that even within the school there could be different readings on the literature that we're using within my school there may be Companions of imams some Scholars take their narrations other Scholars do not take their narrations AR ja Companions of the imams there are some Scholars who say Liars there are others who say extremists there are others who say reliable if we within our schools have different readings on issues then how can we amongst each other also not have different readings on key historical issues if my Sunni brother and sister concludes that died in a certain way and I conclude that she died in a different way there's no problem whatsoever no problem someone says what do you mean no problem my way or the highway who said your way or the highway a religion that's 14400 years is a religion that has gone through a number of complicated historical issues some of the historical issues have taken a sectarian tone some of the historians themselves may have had a certain political inclination therefore when I answer the question how did F die I have to appreciate that in my religion there are several readings of the way a historical issue may be concluded if today I see one school give a certain conclusion I may give a different conclusion there is no problem whatsoever I cannot force another school in Islam to agree with what I agree with but nor can I condemn another school who disagree with my point what do I mean if I conclude as a sh on a certain historical issue just because I am giving my reading that may be sensitive in its nature because of certain personalities you cannot turn around to me and say you heretic you cfir you you people are the worst no you have your reading I have my reading you have your sources I have my sources if I want to conclude on a certain issue you cannot tell me Islam has only one reading of history within your own M you have different readings so how can Islam be one how many of you have heard theith the differences of opinion in my um is a blessing have you heard that Hadith or no that Hadith is a Hadith that's normally used when it's normally used when people discussi Malika and you all agree how many times do you hear you ask someone what type of Muslim are you they say I'm Han you ask someone else what are you says Malik you ask someone else what are you says you ask someone else what are you says H when you say but hold on Islam is one they say brother he said difference of opinion in my is so how comes when the sh has a difference of opinion he becomes a heretic if you're saying that difference of opinion in my um is a blessing mashallah look at the many different ways that lead to one way in Pakistan in India Abu hanifah another way in Morocco and Algeria Maalik yes the malis another way in Egypt sha another way for example in Saudi Arabia H you say baba but there's all different schools they say yes but rasol Allah said that difference of opinion in my umah is a blessing then how comes when I have a difference of opinion about F Z's death it's not a blessing how many times when you want to give your reading on the basis of sources here's the sources I have in front of me you have a conclusion as a Muslim and I have a conclusion as a Muslim I may have concluded that BB FAA died in this way because I keep asking one question how does an 18-year-old die all of a sudden what is it she died of what electric shock she died cuz she was stabbed she died because someone suffocated her I ask you one question how did F the 18-year-old suddenly die if you turn around to me and give you an answer I have no problem if I have an answer different to your answer then you should respect me as well when you for example say that Abu Talib is a CF you know other schools in Islam their reading of the literature is that Abu Talib father of IM Ali am died as a cfer no problem I don't have an issue but if I conclude the kufur of someone then am I allowed or is it just you who's allowed if I'm not allowed who gave you the Monopoly to dictate what should be allowed in Islam and what shouldn't who gave you the Monopoly since when were you given the Monopoly the Monopoly oned in the Quran the Monopoly Ona in the Quran the Monopoly on in the Quran the Monopoly on historical issues comes back down in many cases to you have your I am mine you have your sources I am mine you have your literature I am mine therefore when someone comes and asks you the question or you're in a discussion and someone comes and says to you what is your opinion about how Fatam died you shouldn't shy away your first answer should be brother if you believe that difference of opinion and the umah is a blessing then you have a difference and I have a difference same way you may have difference of opinion when it comes to schools of F I may have a difference of opinion when it comes to the issue of history now I'm not going to deny before I begin this analysis I'm not going to deny that sometimes our theology has an effect on the way that we look at history I won't deny whether you are Sunni or your someone says what do you mean if theologically I already have a particular belief about a group of people then when I look at history my lens is going to be affected by my theological beliefs true even I as a Shia when I look at certain issues in history maybe the way I look at them may be affected by my theological Outlook if I believe all the IMs are martys are sh and all the are sh then if I approach history with this belief sometimes that does not become objective it becomes subjective why because sometimes what happens then is I believe all the are therefore B must be a I don't care what the sources say all of them are sh sometimes you also have to be historically objective as well you cannot allow the theology to dominate the way you conclude about history therefore when I come to examine the issue how did die I want to look at all the opinions of the schools of Islam 18yearold when she dies is not like a 95y old when they die 95y old in 18 what happened bro how when why tell me let us tonight in this first night examine the question how did F die and I'd like to look at all the opinions that exist within the Sunni school and within the Shia school and the objections that are sometimes raised in regarding the conclusions of all of these the first opinion as to how did faat zah die is of course the Sunni opinion what's the Sunni opinion Sunni opinion is that F died of a natural death naturally she died di at the age of 28 or at the age of 18 depending on which sources you go to and that the daughter of rasol Allah just died all of a sudden you say died all of a sudden you say but she's so young when someone so young passes away surely there has to be some sort of other issue involved they say what's the problem at the end of the day many Die Young and it's a good point that whether it's today or whether it's in the past there are are many who have died young how many of you who are watching this lecture have at one stage or another lost a best friend of yours or a close friend or a family member in their teens it happens their argument is that f z died young because in Arabia lots of people were dying young wasn't like the rate of the ages of the people in Arabia was what it wasn't like it was something where people were living until old age she had sisters f z am a sister called Zab and a sister called R and a sister called Kum all of them did not exactly live to an old age so the Sunni opinion is what Sunni opinion if you ask any of the Sunni in the world today how did she die say brother died a natural death just natural no maybe I'll add something said what said died because of grief many of us have grieved but I don't know how much grief results in death there are many of us who have lost our parents because they say that lost and when she lost himself told her Allah said to her that F he said something to her narrates that said something to her began to cry and then said something to her and she began to smile when they asked her fa why are you crying and then you smiling she said I cried because he told me he's going to die and I smile which by the way I don't believe in this Hadith and I have my reasons not to believe because when fa zah knows what's going to happen to Imam Ali she'll never smile but anyway let's go with the Hadith go with the flow why not and she began to smile why because rasol Allah said you will be the first to join me so what do they say they say look her grief that after died you all know how much she cried and you all know how big a loss is how big is the loss of there is no greater loss in Islam than the death of so therefore they say that look she died at the age of 18 all of a sudden all of a sudden how heart attack no electric shock no she fell awkwardly no how an 18-year-old dies all of a sudden said Baba people die in their sleep it happens okay no problem it happens but what is the say the grief the grief can lead you to suddenly dying I have met many who have lost their parents they've cried even some have become depressed for 2 three years but they didn't die because of the depression the depression may have affected them but they didn't die because of it when you ask them they say but look this is what it is interestingly on this point I have never and I may be standing to be corrected I do not mind if someone brings me a reference that contradicts what I say I have never never ever found a from anyone that said died naturally because of grief never never if there was someone who came forward and said that died naturally because of grief then I would look at it and say well I could see the argument no no the argument is just simply they say well we don't need to say it why because of an 18 18-year-old dies like that you don't need to say she died naturally yes so they say no you don't need to and if they died young she died young like others my point about her dying young is important why they say fa died young CU others around her also died young at that time her mom didn't die young her mom died young F's mother khad Khadijah lived at least at least let's say that baby Khadijah lived till her 50s if not till her 60s would you agree so if baby Khadijah was living in Arabia up until that age why would B FAA die all of a sudden at the age of 18 further than that the question is asked to them if fa Z died a very natural death I'm sad my dad's died I sleep I die then why does f z not want anyone to attend her funeral at the end of the day if if I'm going to die a natural death that's me my dad and my family why I tell the community do not come to my janaza I ask you all a question that if you had your personal issues at home with your health would you make an announcement to the MOs don't come to my janaza now they answered this and we respect their answer even if we don't agree because Islamic history is not anyone's Monopoly what's their answer the answer is that wanted to be buried and no one attend her janaza and wanted to be buried secretly in the middle of the night why because she didn't want anyone to see what to see the shape of her body because if there's men in the janaza then the men would be able to see what would be able to see the shape of her body we reply by saying that at the end of the day even before she died she had made arrangements for her cff and even for the Box in which she would be carried if I made arrangements for my kein and the box where I would want to be carried then I have not got any worries about Mah oraham coming near my body true because whether I'm a male or a female if I'm in a box AKA coffin AKA whatever you're never going to see the shape of my body at the end are you therefore the Sunni opinion was what number one just died naturally at the age of 18 because of grief like others who die naturally as well what is the Shia reading on this issue what do we as Shia conclude when it comes to what when it comes to the death of important point I want everyone to focus here in Sunni literature do they discuss B faa's last days yes they do very clearly yes they do and the literature of our brothers B fa's last moments are all mentioned to the extent that the word m is mentioned within the books ofah she died interesting here is that when the word she died is written there is a particular condition in which she died what do I mean amarani died angry with so and so mosque amarani died angry with so and so family member amarani died peacefully in his sleep is there a difference between these three sentences Amani died and he was angry with so and soani died and did not want so and so family member to come near them amarani died peacefully in his sleep happy with the Muslim Community would you agree there's a difference between the three sentences if you look in so I begin by using the source of others rather than mine narrates condition when dying when he narrates it he mentions something important firstly what does he say fa died angry with abak died angry with the first khif here there is a new slant onto the death issue why there's a difference between saying f z died angry died sad about what does that give the impression of that the poor lady she was sad and depression led her to fall asleep and die versus m died while in a state of anger with the first Khalifa you see the difference all of a sudden natural death has question marked next to it why when I'm angry with someone and I make it blatant when I'm dying then they've done something that's added fuel to the loss of my father would you agree my dad's died I'm grief stricken I'm heartbroken you all agree but somewhere in that being grief stricken and heartbroken a member of my family has made the issue worse normally when your dad dies family members or those close to you will all come home will come and have a cup of tea with you might have a glass of water may take you out even of the house and say listen breath fresh air let's change the environment let's change the atmosphere when you look at if the books only said that b died sad because of dying then I would say to you it Slants towards a very natural scenario when however on the first level it says where in because when a non asks me why are you doing why why do you sh do this commemoration and you know this is the polite one who the one who's not polite will say this ra the scum these dogs these Liars these these and I'm sure you've all come across online when I turn around I say brother firstly you don't have a monopoly on Islamic history I have a reading and you have a reading you have sources and I have sources secondly brother difference in the um masallah is a mercy so let me have my difference as well thirdly my brother when I'm looking at all of this I come to one point and a fundamental Point what is it I am going to use your books when I use your books what do I find in the usage of your books I find that in your books number one there is suddenly a difference in the tale sometimes my dear brothers and sisters some of you have come across the concept of murder mysteries or no how many of you have heard about murder mysteries everyone focused here if you don't mind murder mysteries what are they murder mystery is you're looking for clues in the issue true I'm looking for a clue as to where this particular event could have taken place I am seeing that on the first level a young lady dies someone saying we haven't got a clue who how she died then I see that she is angry with so and so now it's no longer a case of dying peacefully in her in my sh opinion rather now there is an issue that F died angry with the first Khalif why F do you die angry number one number two not just died angry died angry is one thing listen to what bukari continues to say say sadly we as Muslims have neglected the Arabic language and I don't know what Allah will ask us on about this but inshallah we improve an Arab who knows their Arabic when he looks at in I want everyone to focus here please leave anything aside if you don't mind I beg of you in I ask all of you a question which word in is a derivative of this word all of you read half the problem in Salah you know why we don't concentrate in Salah what's half the problem is half of us don't even know what we're saying can you imagine I'm in a class at school the teacher speaking French the whole class and I'm expected to get an A and I can't even speak the language hence the teacher translates true I guarantee you majority of Muslim world if you ask them what is you say bro I've read it my whole life I don't even know the meanings Guide Me Guide us onto the straight [Music] path the path of those you have [Music] blessed not those who are deserving of your anger nor those who what who have gone astray how many of you in your Salah when you've recited fa have ever in your life said it with that being in your mind no wonder we pray quickly and we can't concentrate because sometimes don't even know what we're saying I'm talking to you oh God for the next 15 seconds on my life but I haven't got the foggiest as to what I'm saying in Arabic and I will continue talking to you our fear of hell but I will never once Ponder for 10 seconds about what I'm saying in Arabic that's many any of us true without pondering here we ask Allah yeah Allah guide me on the straight path not the path of those who are deserving of your anger buari says two things about F number one fa is a part of me whoever angers her Ang me number two became [Music] angry that means that that's the anger of on that person as well that means that's the anger of who Allah but not only did F become angry me and you dad's died we have a tiff at home true it can happen we have a tiff my dad's died two brothers have a tiff but you know what you do afterwards you're like bro you know what come back here let's have a hug where blood true the says but it doesn't stop and did not want him to come near her again she left him alone you know how you have the word Hijra what is Hijra I'm moving from one to another migrating Not only was she angry with him and I'm showing you the reading look this is meant to be my Shia reading I'm using a Sunni source to talk about this Not only was she angry but she wanted to have nothing to do with him now because of this automatically what's the first thing that happens to me I begin to ask questions about why is angry with someone not just angry I don't want the man near me again from there in my she reading of how F died number one she's angry with someone number two don't come near me again number three it's a Sunni Source not sh source so half of f is being proved where in a sunny Source number four then of course I have my own sources my own sh sources that discuss what happened to be a common argument that some people put forward is yes but us a sh we only have this old book of Hadith which isn't that reliable and then suddenly everybody begins to give their own Frameworks for reliability the oldest Source or one of the oldest sources of history in shm isab B alab I do not doubt that kab which narrates how died what does theab say died not a natural death died 40 days after died with a broken rib Baby M miscarried squeezed between the wall and the door someone says this is exaggerated my brother my brother if you want to believe it's exaggerated I don't mind but you don't have a monopoly on how we examine history someone says but bro I rever the first khif and I've been raised in a house where I respect thef as I said and I will repeat again if you believe in the theory that I don't subscribe to which is the ultimate decency of the of I don't subscribe to it I also believe the Quran doesn't subscribe to it that the Quran itself exposes the behaviors of certain people around but if you believe that because he is the first and because he's the father-in-law of it's up to you I cannot force my opinion on you all I will say to you is F's anger is the anger of Allah if f z dies angry with somebody then automatically what does the conclusion become there has to be a question markab someone says but you can't rely on iTab for me I may even go as far as saying every Shia book is open to anal is and open to criticism every single book is open to analysis whether the author existed or didn't exist is it audo name or not a sudo name can I take him I cannot take him I don't mind no issue but what does it reflect that in the early Shia Community there was a clear belief about B fa's rib being broken and that she died as a mat because of this number one number two if you look in the time of Imam sad you look in their time did the sh of their time and the Shia of their time are living 150 years after Al died do you agree 150 years after Allah died not 300 years not 400 years not 600 years because someone will turn around and say that you'll bringing me things from hundreds of years later I want something early the great poet himself in his poetry talks about the beating of and the killing of fa was alive in the time of IM and IM number three one of the great Companions of the imams non in their description of him would say is and he believes that F was squeezed between the wall and the door and miscarried her baby Hisham was living in whose time imad's time that means that those who say you made up this story a few hundred years afterwards I say Baba Hasam is living in the time of Imad if now you ask me I'm showing you someone living in the time of the imams who non say he is who believes that fa died as a Shah that's number three number four there are other not just 12 would you agree there are is there are Bora there are Z if you look at the great Scholars of the zi school people like Ahmed Hussein ABI hasim or even Ahmed Hussein they discuss the opinion that F did not die a natural death at 18 died with an attack that happened on her that led her to be angry with the first Khalifa and led her to tell him I don't want you to come near me again that's which school not TW Z further than that some say but our great do they believe that fat Z truly was beaten and squeezed between the wall of the door yes they say which I'll list you some of them who is known as the of our school you know the of nef House of NF is near its 1,000th birthday it was established in the time of within his work you find that in his discussion he mentions that our Scholars all believe that and you could see this within the that our Scholars all believe that was squeezed between the wall and the door and that her Rib was broken and that she miscarried her baby by the name of M or says and that is the unanimous opinion of the that we say that died in this way in his discussion of the work of mentions how believed and the incident of the door and the attack on the womb of how many of I mentioned some say yes but we want a stringent criteria or framework by which you can find us something which is that is clear and authentic that died in this way and this answer I could give so many answers for when people make such statements number one looking for something in history is different from looking for something in in when I'm looking for this rigorous criteria for something to be reliable it's because of what it's because I want to make sure that am I meant to do this thing or is it haram for me because I'm going to be subject to Allah subhana wa tala asking me so I want to make sure that this Hadith is reliable or not history I don't work in that way therefore there is a difference between historical reliability and jurisprudential reliability historical authenticity and Juris Prudential authenticity that is number one number two in other schools in Islam they have certain incidents where you cannot show me aah authentic chain but they all believe in it I ask them show me a authentic chain for how he became Muslim show me because you all tell the story that he slapped his sister he had a sister called FAA he slapped her when he he found out that she was reading Quran and she had converted he then went to the house of s Al to go and kill the prophet and mashallah by the time he came out he had converted to the religion of Islam show me authentically where is this the authenticity no will not show me a sah authenticity but we all have to believe in it therefore there are incidents that you believe in which may not have that as well number three according to whose framework ofah and why should I be subject to that framework everyone has different maani on what they view as authentic and what's not even in shm the akari school for a period believed that the four canonical Works were all authentic in contrast to thei school so I may have found someone like having a completely different criteria than for example so even within schools there are differences of criteria further than that but I will still show you I will still still show you that in our works yes the incident may be narrated in a reliable authentic manner even though those who say there they don't even know in some cases the difference between and and even sometimes that something can still reach a level of authenticity you find on this something very clear what is it you find for example K one of the works of our scholar has a word called K in there you look at the chain authentic as it comes on the incident of how was killed therefore when someone asks me show me an early Source I'm going to show you karaji in some cases people say bro I haven't even heard of karaji that's not my problem my brother just because you've not heard of a great does not mean something doesn't exist within his work you will find therefore what have I shown historians of the Shia narrate it theologians of the Shia narrate it Companions of the imams of the Shia narrated it I don't mind as well if we reach also another point which is what do we know exactly minute by minute second by second what happened to behind the door no and I think would be pry naive to claim that we know exactly what happened between the wall and the door why for what reason reality is it's not something where it was like listen I'm going to uh come to your house for a coffee so if you don't mind just answer the door for us we're going to sit in the living room for about six minutes and then afterwards we'll have a 15minute meeting the whole incident was open the door I'm going to get in Ali must give us pledge in in out move shouting I cannot come in 2023 and say I know exactly what happened in that moment some Shia go as far as saying there was a slap some Shia go as far as saying there were kicks I personally I personally my research I believe that there were 23 this is my reading again I will repeat this a million times no one has a monopoly on Islamic history my Sunni brother reaches a conclusion I respect Shia reaches a conclusion I respect my reading 23 companions entered that house of fa with fire ready to literally burn that house and take it down that's my reading and of them some of the most famous companions ofas when when I say this someone might say but brother you cannot say that about the sah brother I have a reading of history and you have a reading you canot put a gun on my head and say there's only one reading of 1400 years it's absurd even non-muslims when they hear someone saying even today in postmodernism society a postmodern Society you tell someone this is exactly what happened 2,000 years ago he'll laugh in your face why because in postmodernity not only do they doubt truth they doubt absolute certainties but on top of that his historically you cannot say I know exactly what happened but you can find some conclusions which conclusions that and this will be my final point that in Sunni books they also mention the burning of the House of FAA I said there were two readings of Islam Sunni and Shia but even within Sunni there is the reading of the attack on the house of fat zah but but because sometimes your theological lens overtakes your historical objectivity you will not allow the history to come in your way someone says what do you mean narrates narrates narrates all of these are famous Sunni historians all of them mention the second Calif threatening to burn the house of f all of them some they went into one Camp listen to what they said they said that he didn't say I'll burn you you I'll burn the house on top of those with you if you threaten to burn my house I'm living in Bradford and tomorrow you're like listen we're all going to come and burn your house burn the house on those living with you I'll be like I think I'm pretty much going to call the police straight away it's not the most Pleasant thing to do one group said he didn't threaten to burn her he threatened to burn who burn the house another group said what they said the government had every right to go into the house of F and Ali because they may have had certain things that needed to be confiscated by the government of the time no problem but what am I saying here when you ask me how did f z die and you say you that's just in your books n bro number one in your books she died angry number two she don't want him near number three threat to burn the house number four if Ali doesn't pledge allegiance we're coming in don't need to be a rocket scientist and I don't think it's too absurd for me to conclude fat zah did not die in her sleep because her dad died if you remove the name fa you remove the names of the people involved and you put it in a case with English names it's not a mystery and it doesn't need a genius to realize something's gone horribly wrong the daughter of s Al in my reading definitely did not just die in her sleep that daughter is above above being silent on Injustice and when you are silent when you are open against Injustice you have to be ready to face face Vengeance face an attack why is it that we ask how did FAA die someone might say who cares we should just learn from her life not really someone dying anyone dying it's a tragedy but when the person purified by Allah on Earth as the greatest lady dies I have to reassess my path to rasool Sunnah because if there are people involved in killing her then do I take my son from the killer or the killed and that's why you found that for many of our her death was the biggest tragedy that when they talk about F what do they say they say is imagine that that's F's greatest tragedy for the scholars whenever they would come you hear all of them when it came to F our would change in a way that's different how many of our do you see when it's F time they go in a jalus with the rest of the people how many do you see walk barefooted in that jalus how many do you see stop the classes of why because when fa dies everything stops and only Allah subhah wa ta'ala knows how difficult it must have been for a IMB IM on the one hand had just lost his beloved and now you saw him losing who now you saw him losing his beloved wife how much strength IM must have had in those moments where the IM had to remain strong in that period and the difficulty that he faced with an umah that had neglected him and an umah that had let him down and an um that had shortly after rasol Allah died had forgotten all the blessings of Ras imagine the sight of when it came to the burial of but imagine the sight of IM when it came to the washing of the body of all of us at one stage or another have had to wash the body of those we love it's one thing washing the body of someone who's died naturally even that is something full of pain that is something where there is so much grief but imagine washing the body of someone who has injuries all over their body allahar there were injuries on that body only Allah knows from which angle she was struck only Allah knows how it felt for her when she lay on the earth yes only Allah knows the scream from F that moment when the Imam was washing the body one of the ladies who was there she said I saw IM wash the body of his wife fa he then left the washing and he came to the corner of the room I want you to picture this site all of you he put his head between his knees and he began to cry in a way I've never seen him cry before you know what that person says she says this was Ali the victor of and here he was with his head between his knees crying and crying and crying she said to him you are the one who achieved victory at but now I see you crying this way he looked at her and he said to oh lady don't blame me as I was washing my wife's body I came across her broken rib Allah the broken rib of f imagine M washing that area of his body yes that area was a difficult area for it to be washed the Imam finished the washing she had made it clear I don't want anyone to come to my funeral except certain personalities the Imam went Sal went AB went went to the funeral abari narrates an incident I narrate it every year and it breaks the heart Abu alari narrates he says that when we were carry when we had the janaza with us at that moment Hassan and Hussein came on the body of their mother fa they both came on the body of their mom yes those of you who've lost your mom in this Hall may Allah give you sa at this time yes how difficult was it seeing your mom in her final moments where you just want your mom to reply once to you just for her to say one word to you imagine they were both there at that moment IM took IM Hussein away from his mother's body abari wondered he wondered why did you take Hussein away from his mom's body for what reason and the moment the Imam said jbra came to me he said remove Hussein from the body of his mother why because the angels of the heavens could not bear to see in that pain on top of his mother I ask you all one thing one thing that takes my heart to Carabella tonight if the Angels could not Majesty on the chest of his mom then how did they bear to see sheer on his [Music] chest my dear brothers let's raise our hands in Dua we have many who have asked us for Dua there there are many of us who have haat in all honesty there's not one of us but we are in need of Allah subhana wa tala's help in one thing or another in our life Ya Allah we ask you in the name of to answer all of our Allah Ya Allah our brothers around the world our brothers in Palestine our brothers in Afghanistan our brothers in Pakistan our brothers also in the Sudan our brothers all around the world who are facing difficulty who are facing oppression those families who have no one to protect them those families who have no medicine those families who have no shelter Ya Allah help them in the name and the of we pray to Allah subhana wa taala for one of our brothers whose mother has cancer he asked us please with a tear from your eye recite the Dua for my mother she has cancer she was told today our brother was told told he called me he said to me my mom has cancer today she was told please recite a Dua at the end of the mes I want all of you with the loudest of your voices let's recite the ey of the [Music] Quran Al together please [Music] louder [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray to Allah subhana wa tala for The Originators of this majus Ark of Salvation that Allah continues to bless them and to allow them to receive the sh of we pray to Allah subhana in honor of your and my and the of our listeners wherever they may be but before it the loudest of your Sal
Channel: Sayed Ammar Nakshawani Official
Views: 45,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shia, Islam, Muslim, Ashura, Muharram, Nakshawani, Nakshwani, Syed ammar, Sayed ammar, Iraq, Najaf, Karbala, Iran, Imam Ali, Imam Hussain, Imam Hussein, Fatima zahra, Ahlulbayt, bibi fatima lecture, fatima zahra martyrdom, how did fatima die, how fatima zahra died, fatima zahra majlis, fatima english majlis, bibi fatima english majlis, fatima zahra ammar nakshawani, fatimiyyah ammar nakshawani, ayam e fatima ammar nakshawani, sayed ammar fatima zahra
Id: 1hlG5DOSTos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 16sec (3856 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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