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right in here whoa hi how you doing what time is it dude okay yes it is soccer time and it's actually how soccer isn't it because it is a gloomy day outside and we're doing some father-son time so right now this this box is bigger than you woah so I found this for like 20 bucks I think is that like Toys R Us and this is look at this this is perfect right and that's gonna be you that girl let's meet you here be kicking it into the cool aren't you yeah I know you're not a girl I'm just saying she never mind don't worry about nothing wrong with being a girl though boy well good that's good I enjoy being a boy too and I enjoyed guardians of galaxy okay this is actually a set that you can play like hockey and tennis the tennis looks really weird look at that but I mean I'm not gonna play another kind of fun to play tennis but let's get this open that we're gonna play the soccer part of it that does not open it what's his name his name is hippo huh we've got some things there's some tiny hockey sticks or lightsabers here there's a pump to blow up the ball up with your mouth I'm gonna make this real fast we're gonna get to soccer ring or football if you live anywhere else in the world foosball what are you doing oh wow whoa whoa [Music] it's kind of like mini house knocker but it'll be fun why are you doing that well if it did what would you do let me try though doesn't hurt put that on there alright that good okay it is here it is look isn't your cage to get in there and you're in a zoo now we're gonna put the knits on and then we're gonna do some soccer shots and call it a soccer shot whatever that's the net dude you know Christmastime and you can't afford to get a Santa costume hey man I'm Santa I'm gonna go first shot myself score I scored you didn't try to stop it very excited alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set this around the house and make shots in it yeah but you are not the soccer ball get out of there what do you think you're doing being a soccer ball so we gotta make some shots but there's one catch somebody's gonna try to stop us riding their evil do you know who Darth Vader we've got a score points beyond em okay if we don't do five shots if we don't do five he's gonna take over the galaxy and then we lose yeah and we don't want that do we well yeah yeah that's fine you can go first of all here do the first one right here so this is the basic shot you got to get it in here or here cool do it he stopped it with his cape good one Darth Vader that was a good one try again okay you ready yeah go way off oh wait I know man dude did dark did our theater block that yeah Darth Vader is a really good goalie you just hit with your butt hey no no budding the goalie oh this first chart is way a lot harder than I thought it didn't stay in but that was it wasn't it good job dude two in a row no kissing the goal either well that's just sweet you love Darth Vader for mine I'm gonna kick it over the couch and the thing into the goal over here okay I'm gonna use my foot I'm really good at hitting you aren't I I'm really good at hitting [Music] that was tough that was tough I'm not a skilled foot Asst okay okay okay hey you're done you're done attacking the goal alright he's just doing his job I got idea for your next one okay grab the soccer ball I'm gonna grab our goalie because he can't walk and this thing oh my gosh this arm fell off we're gonna do a classic stair shot go to the top kick it down and it's got to go in here all right hey are you up for that no no up the top starting right here okay do it you don't think so yeah there you go good catch dude oh this is going a little bit faster banking off everything will it go in we go people go there you do not know the power of goaltending nope over the goal all right let's see nope Oh ah how woodlots even guess every time oh my gosh is it is this it take that Raider yes you did it dude okay don't jump on the stairs there you go oh cool is his response I'm gonna leave this right here and I'm gonna do a long shot from the other side of the house and against that wall okay all right oh my gosh I'm not gonna lie the writing that was super easy I just had to kick in history lunch he doesn't say much does he all right dude hey let's do a stair shot we've never done aah get the ball I'm gonna put it at the bottom in the basement you have to kick it from up here it's got to go down both stairs and in to the goal can you do that yeah all right here we are all right do it if you all right kick oh there we go there we go Oh get down here yes you lose Darth Vader Oh see he said prop see that's good say thanks Darth Vader so there you go how soccer was that fun it was like really easy though it's kind of hard to come up with a concept here in the house and then actually we shouldn't win outside because it when we started filming it got really nice outside but then it wouldn't be how soccer right yeah but we did have fun nonetheless right we had a good time and that's what's important I hope you guys got a kick out of watching this goof around here I do videos here all the time my channel a lot of skateboarding and a lot of like goofy stuff that goes along with my life but I've always do at least once a week a video with this guy but we also have a toy channel where we do a bunch of toy videos it's called turbo toy time it's right down there info and at the end of this video if you want to check it out but if you want to see more from me you hit the subscribe button right down there and your sign them to see more of it and more for you Oh more footage videos yeah yeah and if you guys any more for me and of course more of riding they hit the subscribe button I appreciate that but we're gonna go to a family we're here to almost house right yeah we're gonna go see the whole family we're off to family time but thanks for you now with us and we will see you soon she gets home tonight though yeah yeah wait what yeah you're gonna see mom tonight cool take what [Music] thank you in dogwood in Return of the Jedi do you remember that ya tink ya ya and loot at Han that's good that's good memory do not buy through the net [Music]
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 58,649,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soccer, futbol, goal, goalie, Andy, andrew, ryden, schrock, play, father, son, time, family, quality, trick, tricks, laugh, funny, cute, adorable, laughing, amazing, best, funniest, aw, ever, turbo, toy, trainer, how, to, help, assemble, build, hand, pool, stick, cue, ball, balls, game, challenge, mini, tiny, basketball, hockey, futball, version, toilet, house, stairs, base
Id: 7NrNBm0Pe0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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