Father Altman’s Message for Priests and Laity

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hello everyone um i'm james michael francis komaneki president and ceo of restoreamericanliberty.com uh our moniker is liberty depends upon virtue and i have the great privilege and high honor of being with father james altman today father james alma is the very famous and outspoken priest of saint james celeste parish in la crosse wisconsin pleasure to be here with good to be here thank you yeah thank you very much for coming out absolutely absolutely yeah we're going to ask you a few questions okay all right and today's video unlike some of the other ones you have done uh this video is directed to your fellow priests oh that's that's wonderful you know united we stand you're not understand absolutely so uh as is our custom maybe you lead us in prayer sure let us pray in the name of the father and to the son and of the holy spirit amen heavenly father through the intercession of saint tarcissius defender of the holy eucharist unto martyrdom through the intercession of saint joseph guardian of the holy eucharist through the intercession of our lady queen of heaven mother of the holy eucharist may mighty god bless our meeting and let his spirit go through us and be a light of christ to the world in the name of the father and the son of the holy spirit amen thank you so much you're welcome okay good to be here with my father so um i wanted to ask you before we get into any serious questions here um i just wanted to know a little bit about you and how you feel you know what is your calling in this time of apostasy that our country is in yeah i know i use that we're not getting in trouble but uh but the country has gone mad i was just talking yesterday with a dear friend of mine a doctor and used the word fiat into sort of a similar question like what are you supposed to be doing and um yeah whatever has happened in the past seven months with regard to me and being coming there's notoriety i guess before i was basking in anonymity that's my phrase and so whatever he wants me to do or say at this time while glory be to god and like saint bernadette who went back to live in the convent after the apparitions well if that's what happens okay that each day is i just get up and try to do what i'm supposed to do this day i can't worry about yesterday and i certainly that's very biblical isn't it you know don't worry about yesterday and tomorrow has enough problems of its own just worry about today uh so uh each day listen the news certainly gives us plenty to preach about uh as applies to the apostasy that's going on in the country in in the secular world but certainly even in the church because we're surely seeing a lot of that and there is no excuse for that but you know it was the same in jesus day i don't know why anybody expects it to be any different in our own because it isn't any different it's the same two fathers you know in every age uh almighty god always raises up a great men and great saints to fight the demons in our midst occasionally a great sinner me and augustine yeah so all glory be to god yeah excellent excellent father um one of the questions that we wanted to talk about today and then sort of the key point is um would you like to say directly to your fellow priests in advance of the upcoming election you know each um the virtue of ordination by virtue of ordination we are called to be shepherds and uh that everybody can knows the great quote from ezekiel i've appointed you watchtower over my people israel and and you better do a good job and you better tell them because if the wicked man does wicked stuff and you don't tell them i'm going to hold you accountable and uh and because there's wicked people in the church why do my people doubt that it it's so obvious it's so obvious but it's always been the case this is the first time i think in history that before there were some very badly behaved popes and bishops and priests and but they never tried to change the truth as we've seen happen since 1965. that has never been the case there's not really been there's been heretics there's always heretics but this overall changing of the truth this watering down this confusion which is from hell confused jesus as you've heard me say jesus didn't go through all he went through to to leave us confused about what constitutes what eternal salvation what is the narrow road very he's he's not a gotcha kind of a guy he's not going to get to you're not going to get to the gate and says well you didn't do this that or the other thing and or you did do this and that and why don't you tell me he has told us he's made it crystal clear there's no confusion clarity is from heaven that's why i say clarity is charity because charity really means love and what is the greatest love the the speaking the truth love isn't love like that crazy slogan out there is love is self-sacrifice the greatest the greatest love willing the good of the other and the greatest way to do that is to self-sacrifice that's a true definition of love any other definition is not holy or from the church well anyway um there's always been crazy apostasy going on but this is it's really it's the stakes are so high now the stakes are so high it's completely spiraled out of control i mean from from you know the legalization of contraception around 1960. really we were warned birth control yeah to you know to roe v wade yeah all of this gender and binary yes yes um the trend just continues and it gets worse and it gets worse did you hear me describe how that all came about that give my theory tell us about it well you know there was uh it starts with the great depression and a very orchestrated thing very orchestrated and i could give you i could give you all well we would be here all morning and into the afternoon just for the short synopsis anyway uh there was deprivation amongst the people of the world not just in the u.s and then so 11 years later what do you have in 1939 you have the inva start world war ii what was deprived before is now greater deprivation because everything had to be concentrated on the war effort and so now so now you've had about 16 years of absolute deprivation all the soldiers come home and what do they say i'm going to give my kids everything i didn't have well you give people stuff you spoil them rotten it's never spoiled good yeah it's rotten so think of the baby boomer generation comes of age about 68 69 70 and where did we see the crazy start to take place in this country all when the church also was thrown into disarray by the miss crayons who misstated what vatican 2 really did say and destroyed our churches they recommended our churches so um that is such a brilliant observation well okay so then so then when you spoil brats here they are and they be and and they suddenly have uh attained over time as you do the generations flow forward to these positions of power and they're the most selfish selfish all about me people and what did they inculcate into their own children but their selfishness like somebody's got to take care of me or something like that it's like a disease it's practical it is cancer it's a deadly cancer eternally deadly cancer and uh so that's where the whole social discussion that's where you know the russian era is destruction of faith and family or family and faith and so when you start starting early in like in 1917 1920 where the russians tried to devalue women get make them the only value you have as a woman is if you're working and so you're not there's no value as a wife and mother they took god's creation and they devalued it and so and then and then of course that's where abortion comes from they've they uh well if you're going to put the woman in the workforce you have to you know she can't be you know taking maternity leave so let's let's have let's let's have contraception and abortion and then if you do happen to have a kid let's put them in government-run day care isn't that a swell way to inculcate yeah so so that's what that's not so we're facing 30 years worth of zero to 30 of socialist people and um that think oh the government is taking care of me since i you know take not mommycare daycare government school government high school government college which oh the government's supposed to pay for who do they think is but who do you think's where's that government getting that money yeah it's a dangerous series oh and now what you have is yeah and now all you have is a bunch of people that think oh yeah the government should take care of me the government should provide it's my right to have health insurance and expectation wow is it all from people who haven't who haven't worked a day in their life or paid any taxes listen you know when i learned the true value is uh when i started i was u.s steel workers also still worker and and i saw how much they were taking out of my check it wasn't for my benefit who is it that said the quickest way to destroy democracy is to take i think it was jefferson maybe take from people who work for it and give it to people who don't yeah and i explained that to kids in high school because it was very it was very easy i said listen all you a students they worked hard studied for the test got your array you get these other ones over here that maybe you know flunked i'm going to take 30 points from your 100 and i'm going to give that 30 points to this you know 40 over here so everybody gets a 70 and and then we all just get we all pass we all get a trophy yeah how do you feel about it oh father you can't do that that's not fair i said well what do you think the government is doing exactly that's the same thing same stuff yeah anyway okay sorry that was a long answer to i think what question that's okay it was a good question and it was better because uh you actually added some historical context that all of our uh listeners and watchers will uh will want to learn about it uh when you've spoken out boldly and correctly as you have could you tell us a little bit about some of the challenges you faced either within the diocese or from i know you've had some let us say uh not so friendly phone calls and letters yes that is actually true what i'd say is that they as always is the case um they represent a very vocal vile minority the vast majority of people have it's it's overwhelming it's in the ninety percent all positives to negatives you know i mean i'd say 95 when you look at even the thumbs up and the thumbs down even on the most challenging of any video it's always in the 90 of thumbs up versus thumbs down so um the the overwhelming support from the from all over the world now even as i make a joke even in borneo i have now friends in borneo so uh god bless them because that isn't exactly a catholic hotbed down there so god bless him the uh the response has been fantastic and bishop callahan i've praised him 27 times in homilies in most interviews i tried to bring it up that unlike so many others he allowed us to continue doing what we have been ordained to do which is bring sacramental grace and reconciliation to the people that and and he has withstood i know calls from other less catholic shepherds that you know criticize me right here's the thing so you kind of asked it in the question there oh i've been like courageous and i'm kind of what was word you used to use that bully bullying since when does what i say have to be suddenly so bold and courageous when it's supposed to be what every priest is supposed to be saying every time yeah that's the truth yeah i've heard that some others are getting this might really irritate a few bishops some some are getting priests are getting more bold now bold courageous so since when is preaching the truth courageous it's what we're ordained to do and like i think i started talking about ezekiel he's going to hold us accountable if we do not correct that goes for the hierarchy too it's not just what you do but it's what you fail to do yeah yes the sins of a mission and if we fail to i don't know how many people i will say this prob probably 90 of of the letters and stuff i receive are from all over including borneo are that we've been starving what we can't get the truth we we're not hearing it locally we're not we're just not being fed thinking well what in the world are they doing out there but but i understand uh maybe it's my background that makes me less afraid but when you have certain people in authority that crush you like a bug when you simply speak the truth there's a fear because here's what here's what the thinking goes like this well here's my people here in my parish at least i can try to guide them and without if i if i get in trouble with the hierarchy well then then i don't get to do this right i'm thinking well but then the response i'd give is well then are you really guiding them if you're not speaking the truth correct just like why i could tell you we could spend all morning again talk horror stories of what i've heard um oh sorry that's our photocopiers come to life oh the electricity is back on the electricity is back up yeah so folks we had a power fair and now the power's back on here the power is back on wow well that's our sure sign right so uh anyway uh what's the perfect lead into it to our next okay for fellow priests who are afraid to speak out yeah i mean could you offer them some advice yeah um there are now more many more first of all i tell you the people want to hear you speak the truth they will follow the they will follow a leader who has courage you know we're not following a bunch of whims here's the thing the toxic femininity has destroyed even the priesthood and and and you can't to say paul's reading today wipes be submissive to your husbands but then husbands they always leave out the second part when they get annoyed with the first husband's life love your wives like christ loved his church and there's our symbol the cross die for your wife and i don't know a single woman who wouldn't follow a man who would die for her and i don't know any man that would not love the woman who was his help made and equal and before god you summed it up so well you did so well so but the thing is that's why men aren't coming to church well so many men are just or they're so toast about like so non-committal because they they're they're not getting a manly courageous bold statement of the truth so how can you follow you can't follow a leader that doesn't speak the truth so so you get you know i mean you get a lot of that's why there's so many old people in church and not younger people because young people doesn't affect you right yes yes right yeah yeah the other thing father i want to ask you is what do you think what's at stake if voters do not vote for the most virtuous candidates in the upcoming election i know here's here's what i hear and uh i don't like trump because i just don't like him as a person right yeah well and then the flip side is you'll hear well yeah but obama was so presidential yeah he's very presidential when he stands in front of planned parenthood signs and says god bless planned parenthood exactly because he said it in such a nice way that was so presidential he's so presidential when he said you know you people cling to your guns and your bibles but but he was so presidential about it that that's okay joe biden the only reason he has any voters at all voting for him is because he just he seems like an innocuous elderly grandpa that'll do no harm except he will oh absolutely i mean he's promised that unequivocally he is so godless so diabolically godless that you can't get like and you know the thing is i've never said you can't be a democrat i said you can't be a catholic and be a democrat because catholic means something it means standing up for the you know and against the uh non-negotiables the the five intrinsic evils you cannot support them in any way shape or form and biden does but and trump does not he's the one that's the most pro-life president we've ever had that's right and stunningly so and so uh glaringly obvious glaringly obvious it is so black and white night and day it's not even it's not even like there's no gray area here so um even the usccb voting guide points out that biden's wrong on the three intrinsic evils okay yeah done you can't you can't vote for him and be catholic you can vote for him but you can't be catholic and that's all i'm saying you can't be catholic and be a democrat because their party platform is diametrically opposed to the very foundations of the catholic church figure it out figure it out this is not rocket science this is this is easy stuff so um yeah so if you if you can't stand trump here's what you should okay i don't like his personality right oh he seems to be mean towards women never never mind that women have occupied half his his his employees have half the white house staff i think he's um gosh it's just they lie it's just a big lie they're alive they lie lie through their teeth so um well at least think about this here's what i abhor i can get past personality when it comes to ten thousand babies every saturday being ripped apart limb from limb and they can feel it so oh i don't like trump's personality what about the ten thousand babies this saturday well i don't like transfer center like what about the ten thousand babies next saturday but i don't like trump's personality uh there's no valid equivocation there no there's none no it's none so yeah so that if if biden gets in which i hope not but we'll get what we deserve like like bishop archbishop fulton sheen said we we always get the politicians we deserve he's one of my favorites yeah oh he's an awesome guy yeah yeah some people in the hierarchy yeah interrupted his process towards canonization shame on that shame on them oh listen i know where he is now now i know where those are going to be stand in the way of such a you know yeah i'll just stop or i'll get in trouble we don't want you getting the job we need you in the fight uh leads us directly into our next question you know from your viewpoint as a police uh could you address briefly why you feel and why we all know that the issue of life for the unborn is really the preeminent issue of our time and by that i mean not just the life of children in the womb unborn children but also other issues that are related to life such as the intrinsically immoral acts that happen with uh in vitro sterile uh fertilization and also bringing stem cell research and also uh the latest uh uh you know binary confusion that exists yeah so what was the first part of that question again i was listening to all the various various issues and but i can't remember the first part yeah well i haven't in my i'm replaying in my mind is one of the latest videos where you talked about the life issue but you brought it out to cover not just the life of children in the womb but also um all the other issues that are related to life for example stem cell research yeah and in vitro fertilization and and also uh most importantly recently is this uh uh binary confusion without a call for what it is homosexuality and it's also um the transgender uh confusion that's spreading across our country today right you know uh birds we have adages time-honored adages because they speak the truth and um i used to always tell the kids listen it's all you need to know you know i call them kids now but they're high school juniors and seniors it's all you need to know about who to vote for find out who hollywood's voting for and then vote for the other guy you've probably heard me say that advice right it's all you need to know because birds of a feather flock together and so you know planned parenthood is evil to the core it is from is from the sorry that is telling us to hold on just a sec uh anyway um we know planned parenthood is evil to the court from the bottles of hell so who are they flocking with hollywood of course hollywood all those like we want to look to hollywood for moral guidance like they're going to be the arbiters of what is good and bad in morality that's cesspool yeah that it is absolutely completely opposite so look at planned parenthood hollywood uh blm the non-binary folks it doesn't mean god doesn't love them uh he loved judas judas still betrayed him yeah what did he what did he say to him in the garden jesus would you betray me with a kiss he didn't say you're a loser and say you're about to betray me you're going to burn in hell which we actually did say that earlier said better he had never been born i remember that yeah so it's pretty this pretends that that nobody knows who's in hell that's just a lie we know forget as he spoke to the about the pharisees if you don't if you're righteous it doesn't exceed theirs you're not going to enter the kingdom of heaven well if you don't enter the kingdom of heaven where are you you're in the kingdom of hell absolutely that's black and white again and so um all the issues um we we have to speak about them and um and be clear about it because there is it's like the lines on the highway i've been using that a lot lately so you got lines of yellow line on one side white on the other i forget which one's which i think yellow's on the left they keep us on the path we are the line painters you know jesus used or almighty god in ezekiel used this as watchtower over the house of israel i got maybe i'll make that my new adoption i'm a line painter on the highway the narrow road because it is narrow it just didn't say it's a broad road no no he said that broad road is to destruction so we we are supposed to by virtue of our ordination to be painting those lines as you know i don't like it when they're faded because then you can't especially at night when you're tired get make the lines brights so that people can at least then they know when they you know go outside we all do because we're all sinners but but at least we know you go too far outside that line crash and burn right yeah we know where to wait yes yes wonder uh as we um as we think about some of your words to to your fellow priests that's that's terrific uh input that you've given them um well they're lying painters too we're in this game we better be all on this same and not be oh can i make a joke you know it seems to be the case that sometimes you go by road construction sites which are never done as we would like them to be efficiently and quickly and you sometimes see people that don't seem to be working too hard like six people are standing around looking at one person with a shovel right how many times have you seen that uh yeah i can tell you a funny story about chicago and that but yeah it's just so indicative of that mentality of illinois anyway uh we better be doing our job painting not sitting around chatting it up we better be out there painting those lines we have a duty to do that so yeah be a line painter be a line painter and you know that leads into our next topic because a lot of people who are going to watch this video who are uh subscribers to our our website at restoreamericallibby.com and obviously your fellow priests and many who see this video are going to say well what can i do about this and so our next question father is do you have any advice for the laity members of the lady who look at this epic struggle between good and evil and they say what can i do yeah i'll spend an hour a day watching my videos i'm just kidding just probably be getting advice it's not like flipping on a light switch and you suddenly become aware of what the fullness of the truth is i don't know what the fullness of the truth is i again god gives me each day what i need to know i guess and uh so every day you should be having a holy hour archbishop fulton j sheen said that too he said holy hour in front of the eucharist but not everybody can make it to it and now you know the church is all closed so you can't even go in we actually live in a sketchy neighborhood here so unfortunately i do have to keep the church doors locked unless we're doing something and we let in anybody that comes in that wants to go in and pray but i just can't leave it unlocked unfortunately that's just a loss to america but you know what the uncivil society we're in yeah you know nobody would have dreamed of doing it listen even even the people that weren't churchgoers wouldn't even dream of going into a church first of all you'd alienate all the church goers and there used to be the majority but also god just might be real so my do i really want to take the chance of making him mad at me but but now now there's such a graceless godless society which you know it's in 63 when they took prayer out of out of our government schools what do we expect right you don't get good fruit from a good from an evil tree jesus said that yeah write in the bible so i've gone astray again what was the question well we were talking about the we were talking about the struggle between good and evil and uh members of the lady oh what can they do what the late they can do and we so so it was the holy hour uh but you can do that at home uh it doesn't always have to be all at once that's really hard to do even sometimes for me but chunks chunks of prayer try and get it to add up to 60 minutes jesus said is it and i'm not making this number out of thin air here jesus said can't you spend one hour with me can't you can't you do that pray the rosary pray the rose is that the hint is that pray the rosary hallelujah blessed mother pray the rosary our blessed mother told us to do that being why because a rosary is a meditation on the mysteries of christ the mysteries of the incarnation why he came in the first place i love that i love the joyful or the glorious no sorry joyful mysteries you know nativity the visitation it makes me think of like christmas and the angels in the sky and unto you this day is born a savior oh gosh yeah anyway just pray the rosary the um the sorrowful mysteries that's actually that is my favorite meditation is going through them and realizing you know what he suffered for us you know for me father the same thing is true and i when i say all the mysteries it's the sorrowful ones that say they speak to my heart the most yeah what our lord suffered for our sins yeah i was oh i just saw i was i went to um where was it pittsburgh and they had uh the relics of the true cross by the way there's a false sense out there that oh if you could gather all the relics of the two cross it'd make up like multiple crosses in real life no if they did a study the legitimate ones add up to about a third so they're they're real they're legitimate ones if you got the documentation but there's also a relic of the pillar whereupon he was scourged i think his first time in real life i saw that and that's like one of my favorites see when you when we're being scourged by bad people outside the church and inside the church you think okay tie me up to that pillar next to jesus and you look over at him you saw you saw in that that mel gibson film that magnificent film the passion of christ what a horror that was but can you imagine if you actually could say this to jesus you look over at him he's right next to you and you say i'll take this next one for you oh yeah and he took all those for us exactly how about if we say i'll just take one could we would be we wanted to just take one yeah exactly yeah so that so that the star from mysteries pray the rosary do your holy hour you can pray the rosary in the holy hour it doesn't have to be in addition to the holy hour uh meditate on the holy try and get to receive the holy eucharist be of course reconciled as often as you can pope saint john paul the second one once a week well you think well what could he possibly have done wrong listen the closer you get to god the more you realize he is great and you're not absolutely and so that's really true um the but you see when they turn all the churches around and the priests face the people all of a sudden we're all just there's no difference right the priest is an altar christus he represents christ he represents christ at the altar of sacrifice there's a slight difference between the nave and the sanctuary so uh all the look they did this on purpose to destroy faith yeah they did this was intentional it's actually they they said it oh yeah i was in second on the math yeah yeah back on the faith and but interest in your father that may be what is propelling the growth of the return of the latin mass yes and all these traditional uh liturgy because of the every look look at the temple that in which jesus worship first of all go to exodus 25 31 which was 1400 years before jesus so we're talking 3400 years ago they had the the altar of the showbread right which is the eucharist and three times the year i think it was the priest would come out from the inner place where nobody could go except him and he'd bring out the bread which twelve loaves of bread represented the twelve tribes of israel israel and he would say behold the god who loves you the face of god who loves you right that's profound and we have when we hold up the holy eucharist that's what we're saying behold the lamb of god the what the god who loves you the lamb who sacrificed himself for you that's your understanding exactly and then so that was on the right side and this straight up ahead was the altar of incense and that's where zechariah went in and that's where the angel gabriel met zachariah there was so there was incense and then over on the left was the menorah the altar of lights the candles right yeah so if you're not seeing a bunch of candles up there on the altar if you're not seeing the sanctuary light if you're not seeing jesus present front and center if you're not seeing incense those things have been ordered commanded by almighty god who speaks to us through our senses so we should be seeing smelling tasting hearing all the glory through all the senses throughout the senses in every holy sacrifice of the mass we don't dumb it down we don't simplify it no it's the holy sacrifice of the mess they took out the word sacrifice every chance it could um to to forget that to have us they took out the you know the the passion of jesus on the cross so they said pius the 12th noted this way back in like in the 50s he wrote a document he said listen don't i don't want to see crosses up there crucifixes that don't have a suffering jesus none of this flying jesus i've risen from the dead that's baloney that's not catholic yeah that denies the suffering yeah exactly which is a constant reminder of what we are called to do when jesus said pick up your cross he said he didn't say pick up your picnic basket meet me at the beach no cross what does that mean well we should know what that means by looking at a crucified christ that's our example that's our example that we're supposed to follow at least strive to live up to so just that there's just you're you know meditating on the sorrowful mysteries again the passion of christ so i guess but you only and here's the thing you only get out of it what you put into it so if you're not going to do it you're just a pretender of a faithful person and and you know when it comes to sheep and goats that's it right what are you going to say he's got because because she remember the parable of the talents it's like one of my favorites he gives you five he gives you ten we're living in america we probably have twenty what'd you do with well i took the kids to you know sunday morning soccer practice yeah disneyland yeah uh yeah so we're gonna have a lot to account for myself included uh for the wasted time the things we didn't do which was make faith our priority yeah yeah exactly so yeah exactly the one nice question for remember did we already go way longer than 20 minutes oh we're fine okay all right all right i know all of our listeners readers and anyone who's watching this video including your fellow priests are going to be fascinated by this discussion we're having okay no worries about that right but for members of the lady that are kind of starving for truth and we know that right they're yeah oh they are out there there's a yeah yeah i've i've i'm closing in on 500 handwritten notes of thank yous whatever and there's still i think it is if i could count as i'm sure it's over 700 that i still have to write and i'm going to i keep saying i'm going to i'm going to i hand write a little note to each one of them uh so if i am martyred by the people that hate me well maybe it'll be a third class or a like i don't know oh my gosh anyway well the question you know we're thinking uh like i know members of the way yeah who who are excited and thrilled about uh the message they're hearing from you because they're starving they're starving that's what those letters say all the emails i'm up to six thousand though i can't get i can't get to them i started this did you hear this i started a personal account just so i could just make sure that the one on yahoo has like i don't know 30 000 that i haven't even read but now my personal account over just past couple months have gone to six thousand so i will get back to everybody as soon as i can but they're all saying the same thing starving they're not being fed starving that's the word they use not me yeah and i know some of those uh some of those people who are either writing or email yeah or maybe they're just sitting in a living room listening to a video and they're thinking gosh what can we do uh if we have let's say a faithful pastor someone who's not supported by a bishop in our country yeah what do we do about that situation so we can do what we know full well we can do which is we vote with our feet in our pocketbooks right so if you i used to drive 50 miles one way to go to a priest that fed me uh so i've done that too was it you that was talking about 109 miles or was that no that was a i was visiting with a brother beforehand and he was talking about some these people went 109 miles every saturday they weren't even catholic to go to pray in front of the abortion clinics with this catholic group that was praying for an abortion one way 109 miles so he said there's my there's my cut off like if you're not if you're 109 miles or less then you could show up like on occasion outside the abortion clinic so what you could do is you can just go to that parish where you're being fed where you're a man is up there in the person of christ speaking the truth as christ commanded us to do and um that's a federal suggestion i mean i did it myself long before this this was never on the horizon he probably heard me say that and so um but also you can let the bishops know those you know there are a lot of good bishops um i mean there's like obviously i like strickland right and and sticking down in knoxville i think we're friends yeah i mean he has said some very incredible things unlike there's a there's like 250 some bishops active bishops in the us and you can count on one hand the ones that have yeah well that's that's a metaphor because maybe there's ten that they've actually spoken up and said what they're supposed to say and not been wishy-washy effeminate about it that's right and well they're very oh they're very mean and and and uh very uh yeah when when they don't like what they don't like criticism that's a cardinal sin child molesters they didn't bother them too much but boy you criticize them watch out doesn't go over too well right no it does not uh i found that out yeah anyway um let the bishops know listen we want we want to be catholic and when you talk about the extraordinary form which is nothing but that all that we've had for you know millennia that's right until this experimentation after vatican ii and the thing is when are they going to figure it out that um when when now 75 people don't even show up even before kovid and and some 70 don't believe in the real presence what are they gonna figure out that this recavation of the church and the evisceration of the sacred liturgy isn't working it's failing the proof is in the pudding again it's not rocket science the proof is in the pudding how can they not figure it out yeah what number what percentage does it have to get to before they finally say you know the titanic has struck the iceberg here i don't know that it can be saved there will be in chicago they're closing one-fourth of the churches which is evidence of exactly what you're describing father well why would you want to why would men want to go to church when they're not seeing a man up there speaking as a man should speak as a leader they'll follow patent to their death that's right because he was a man that you know they'll they'll follow they'll follow a leader but if you're just one of them as they tried to do after you know that just makes me sick when you see those pictures priests would be sitting out with the people letting somebody else up there into the sanctuary reading sacred scripture or reading a poem sometimes you know they would they would do extracurricular readings right in place of in place of right oh my gosh yeah yeah well it's just so so listen that's why the men have left and and the statistics have shown that if if a dad needs his family and is faithful something like 90 some percent of the kids will continue in the faith but if dad's like half-hearted half-baked i'm going fishing instead or whatever something it's in the low teens okay that's continue which means that you know over 80 percent once they leave the home don't they leave the faith yeah they live in the face it's because the men aren't the fathers are being fathers well listen fathers and that goes for ordained fathers you better be doing your job as a father right figure out what that is the duty that you have on your shoulders because again the parable of the talents if you've been given a bunch of talents you show up before god's will you don't have anything in your hands what happens to that guy what happens that guy yeah buying his feet and hands and gnashing and teeth is where he's going to go and he just gets thrown out right so yeah who talks about that it does jesus the lord so i'm not okay if i'm speaking the truth i don't want to hear any criticism but you will because people don't truth hurts oh truth absolutely and i think that's uh for anyone who is speaking boldly and speaking the truth as you are father you're going to take some flack but you know something in world war ii they knew they were over the target when the flag was right right somebody just said that to me a day or two ago said that i've heard that yeah the bombers uh yeah who flew the uh the uh of the eighth air force yeah the bombers over germany yes they knew they were on point yes exactly and speaking of being on point you know i know a lot of our listeners readers and viewers of this video uh are going to want to offer you financial support not just emails and cards and letters sure are great i'm happy for any email or card though just so you know just i'm delighted uh you know what the mailman said he said yeah one day he's doing we had three days in one week where each of the days was well over 100 pieces of mail and amazing he said i've never in my entire life and career seen one house get so much mail okay all right well that makes two of us because i didn't see it either until until it oh if you used to see my dining tables of disaster oh anyway uh yeah we're doing something good of being that there's catholics everywhere real catholics that are there are not being fed yeah anyway yeah so yeah if somebody happens to include um some check of support for the building fund because that was a i think it ended up being i think when it all was said and done about 115 000 for the roof it started out at 90 something but then we had the roofs over in the church entryways and uh so it was a case of robbing peter to pay paul is that the phrase yeah something like that yeah so anyways no i still have to pay paul or peter whoever i robbed i guess yeah so yeah so that's still a kind of over my head well that's terrific because i know that a lot of people who watch this video will want to do something they'll pray as you've advised them to do and you know my first name is james and so i always think faith without works is that faith exactly which which has been misinterpreted you know luther wanted to throw that out did you know that he wanted to throw out the book of james he cut out seven books anyway because they weren't in the jewish canon i'm saying why would you cut out the books that the jews didn't like when after all they're the ones that crucified jesus so you know like wisdom chapter two where it shows how let's put him to the test let us give him a harmful or a horrendous death and see if god will save him i mean that was that it wasn't it wasn't like a prophetic book it's almost like they wrote a history book after the fact so carson why would you choose the ones that don't like catholics they use their list they're it makes no sense it surprised me it devised logic but they wanted to throw out james because james said faith without works is dead which is actually true and paul was writing to a whole different community of new people where he was talking about faith is what's important here james is writing to somebody the people that had been in the faith for a while and and they was trying to encourage them okay now that you're faithful now you have to do something yeah stepping stone stepping stones right so so it's just this misinterpretation of what paul and james they were not in conflict with each other but ultimately even if he thought still there's a conflict there what do we go with saint paul do we go with jesus so we reconcile paul to jesus not the other way around because jesus is the savior and he's the one that said pick up your cross the son of man will come and judge you according to your works what have you done what haven't you done you know that's what the son of man is going to do on goat and sheep day so what did jesus say go out and do all these other things so there are things that one must do by virtue of the faith that they have so it's just a misreading by luther and and now has poisoned all of christendom for the last 500 years yeah there you go that was i don't think that was part of the script for the questions but you know it's true yeah this is amazing talk oh well god bless you it's just this a treat right here god bless you father thank you for the work you're doing uh for your boldness and speaking out and most importantly good leaders like you are always excellent examples for you know for those around you whether they be in the priesthood members of the laity or even people who are let's say falling away catholics when they when they hear your message father they have to be inspired to come back you know okay so can i tell you that if of all the things i read it's heartbreaking to hear i'm starving but i've gotten from uh fallen away catholics from protestants uh that have written said that we're coming back or you know not just from falling away from the catholics but also that joint problems we're coming back yeah um that has happened so many times that nobody better dare tell me that this message wasn't needed and that it isn't saving souls correct it is saving souls it absolutely is found out yeah yeah and we're so proud of you all all of us uh who supported you certainly myself and many members of uh you know our organization who will watch this video uh hopefully your fellow priests will be inspired by it i'm sure they will i hope so yeah okay so we're almost we're supposed to be playing on the same team show oh there you go can i tell you one more thing you said about what catholics do yeah show up for practice that's what i call it sure we all understand sports right yeah if if you don't show up for practice you you're going to get kicked off the team right right that's actually true and uh if you or if you or you're if you do a half-baked practice like not practice very hard when you're there you're letting down the team that we're a catholic team so you got to show up for practice i use a story about how i'm showing up for mass on sunday when i was kid i had like 100 first and second cousins and did i tell you this story have you heard this before um i don't think i've heard of it okay all right well um okay well have all these so we go to church there would be all my cousins all my aunts and uncles great aunts great uncles grandma and grandpa they'd all be there and you know creature is a habit we all sit in the same spot right so if you go and you sit there and say hey i hope aunt margaret has seen one of these because i keep using her as an example well one day she's not there well something must be wrong she only lives a block up the street and i see her walk as i'm coming in here she is walking down the street to go into church like clockwork and um what was wrong does she need prayers well she had a brain aneurysm well that's a good reason for not being in church that day absolutely so so somebody's missing and you just all you do is you look around you see the picture you're thinking pictures there's somebody's hey where's there must be something wrong they need prayers so uh that's showing up for the team and so it's not all about me whether i commit a mortal sin because i don't go to church well i do but i'm just using that as a crazy example but it's i'm letting down the team and they're my my your presence in in the mass is a is a witness of faith to everybody else that's such a negative and so so it's not just all about you showing up you know so everybody when i look out as a priest and all the people they inspire me you're gonna come you know what i'm giving you your i say that a lot i'm gonna give you your money's worth today it's gonna be a little long good thing you have padded seats all right so uh but yeah it's and that's what was one of the grave errors of this lockdown when the priest would walk out and nobody was there oh my god that is unconscionable on the part of any shepherd of the church to deny the people the right to be in church deny the priest's right to be with his family that's right that lockdown was a hard yeah it was faithful catholics that was evil yeah totally there's it's pure evil yeah okay that's good that's probably got myself in plenty of trouble already today what part of that what part of it isn't true i still wait nobody's yet told me it isn't true so okay keep speaking the truth father yeah all of us all right all of us want you thank you so much that's such a blessing to him every catholic thank you thank you very much and even presence and yeah and even your friends in borneo and even my friends in borneo yeah excellent i hope they actually see that so they i keep mentioning every now and then yeah fabulous fabulous well uh we appreciate uh we appreciate you uh being with us father today for this interview and uh again i'm james michael francis komaneki president ceo of restoreamericanliberty.com do check us out online and do watch this video please and share it with your friends your family and if you have a church pastor do share it with him as well help us get this message out before election on november 3rd thank you lord
Channel: Liberty Depends Upon Virtue
Views: 10,710
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Id: 8ohW7wp78xI
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Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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