Fatal Crash of Cessna Turbo Stationair (Caldwell, NJ)

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neither my kilo Mike Caldwell ground station air six three Victor because I'm out of my kilo and just looking for his full stop or touching goes almost outside of my kilo does none of my kilo went to 7:04 were way to to Freeland that's not on my kilobyte - to clear to land sir land runway two-niner my kilo aircraft calling on ground Hagan so six three tango Victor we're at air bound ready for taxi destination Peterborough and we have information Lulu station or sixth retail Victor coal ground where we teach 1ov embertec street angle Papa runway - - at November taxi via tango Papa 6p tango Victor oh it's our when I Victor at runway to remember and ready for takeoff staying in the pattern Archie t49 Victor kolitar acid parchment write traffic important is filled when to three-person 3 to 0-5 or anteater November cleared for takeoff traffic turning right base whatever since none of my kilos korea-based the final track departing prior to your arrival off duty garbage - fine all I'm a Temecula 366 ecosphere cold tires hey effects like I said I would like the campus over for that without beta server 60 60 cycle CR call we'll talk to a three zero one three transition a tower above 2000 approve report overhead our pork a 2006 occurs here since our crafting station alpha us four three three one three reasons for everything only so seductive available runway to to is no longer occupy them you have one holding 32 in November station you're going to T the world that ready no okay a traffic you have not on my kilo is clear to land to to short final area on the November 4 9 Victor out the departure and right close traffic first go six echo Sears transition more sound just took the handoff we still on effortlessly at or above 2000 so six seconds here nine Mike kilo for nine vector which I was read on for never to touch and goes up and him he's not ready ah and that's it although power 60 tango Victor - to FLV ready for departure station is 6 3 tango Victor College our whole chart room I - to remember holy short of - mm umber 6 3 tango Victor so now Mike you'll turn left at Delta sexiest entropy adult disability to us it's also it's also a century thanks I know my kid say five six eight I know Victor wouldn't comment you to at number Eclipse take off left downwind departure short few bow clear for takeoff runway two two left I went to Parker 6-3 you can't go Victor and cult our succes Chris Harris ethnic south of field to thousands already ship number six echo Sierra brings to change approve tomorrow someone money went one good it would have our town okay secretary radio check on ground Lancer not a clear call it our arches explore exercises before we flew with such angle don't report on Victor wings on remind you to quit touching to hear such an go away over already check again only grant airgun cool all right here check madam Clerk I call angle Victor ascorbic declaring an emergency returning to a field immediately fishin a three tango Victor as anything you need is approved any room laid when calm Goodland blur tool and unable to maintain power click three tank over here boom we tango victory so on frequency ops call up our grown-up table they just had a plane go down just the east side after the plenty room late to to talk but we start of the culture and if you do affirmative you I don't have a contact of course Furman if you disappointed runway 2 - and lost power on the way and use press we're trying to call 9-1-1 right now we are serious go with our audience turning busy you co-opted our had a plane crash yes thank you and a free tango victory on frequency at all you you Kolia ground basically related to or attacking to Iraq for nine victor packages to the ramp I brought call on the 48 go ahead fold well we just had accident what's going on I'm sorry I just ran up station oh plane just departed yeah made a left turn crash just left on my way off the airport I'm sorry is everybody okay I don't believe so file the airport still over we're trying to get more information yeah thing on that I'm not anymore follow this okay Terry okay what was it a via four yes okay we're gonna go all right should I say that part again god bless them I think I didn't I don't be morbid obesity has a lot of how if they just departed to - and I've been made a left turn they lost power you
Channel: What You Haven't Seen
Views: 786,678
Rating: 4.3433685 out of 5
Id: nDyZKWxDg30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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