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alright guys so today we're talking about the fastest way for you to learn web flow and become a master web flow designer and sell your sites for thousands of dollars we're gonna be talking about all the misconceptions and also the shortcuts that you can take to get there faster so first I want to talk about one of the biggest misconceptions that comes with web flow and this is something that I heard a lot of times before I finally made the jump and started designing with web flow and that is this idea that you need some sort of pre like knowledge of CSS or HTML or any of this coding stuff and that's just not true okay if you don't have any knowledge of that or any experience don't even worry about it because in my opinion the best way for you to learn those things and understand how they change the way a website looks or interacts I'm just dive into web flow as you click around and you make adjustments and you're designing websites you're going to learn those things along the way so if that's your big holdup in starting to design with web flow just stop worrying about it and dive in and get started now the first thing that I want to talk about today is definitely my favorite way to kind of self teach web flow on how to build awesome websites and that is reverse engineering you've probably heard of it before it's it's not a new term one thing I love about web flow is they've got an endless amount of templates and then they've also got something called the web flow showcase that has cloneable websites okay so what you can do is you can search through all these templates and websites and find sites that look awesome or have cool interaction you can actually clone those and then pull them into your designer and then you can manipulate them and so you can actually get right in there and see how things were set up how they were built how the interactions were made and just kind of go backwards through this process the thing that I love most about this is once you reverse engineer a specific section or element and see exactly how it works you won't forget it and so as you go you're constantly just learning these new things and kind of adding them to your arsenal so down the road when you have a client that needs something specific or wants a very custom interaction it's easy for you to just kind of pull that out and say I've you know I've reverse engineered that I know exactly how it works I know how to build it out step by step and that's going to save you so much time rather than waiting until that time comes and trying to fiddle with things and make them work the way that you want them to because that can be frustrating and just super time-consuming so I would say if you're new to web flow just jump into the showcase it's completely free to clone a couple of these sites and see how they work the next thing that is so awesome about web flow is they have the most incredible library of video tutorials now these things are not only super helpful they're brief their to the point they're super descriptive but the things are also super funny so it's really engaging it's easy for you to sit down and watch a handful of them and that's actually something that me even after building tons and tons of sites on web flow I still set aside time almost every day to get in and watch a couple of these tutorials because I every day I either learn something new or I'm reminded of something that I forgot and I'm continually honing my skills which as web designers and especially in web flow we're constantly learning new things you never get to the point where you arrive and so if you are waiting to take on clients or start charging people and tell that point where you feel like you've arrived as a web designer just don't do it manually I mean you can pick up web flow day one and a week later you can take on your first client and while that site may take you longer you can still build something that looks awesome and you're gonna learn along the way something that really helped me in my first couple months as I was learning web flow was having something called a personal project now a personal project there's really no set parameters on that or what it can or can't be it really just has to be a project that you enjoy and that you take pride in ok so whether you want to build a website to advertise your design skills or whether you want to recreate a website that you just really like or you want to make a website for a friend or a family member whatever this personal project is to you that will make it so whenever you have free time you're excited to sit down open up web flow and just work on it okay now that being said one thing that I think you should keep in mind is set some pretty high expectations on this site make sure that you have a vision of how you want it to be but also that you know is kind of beyond your skill set at the time because that's gonna push you to learn new things and implement new strategies and and features and all these different things and as you do that you're gonna find that you're extra motivated to learn new things and implement the things that you learn from the tutorials and from your reverse engineering and it's at the end gonna be something that you can take a lot of pride in and even use in your showcase so thanks so much for watching my video guys if you liked it or even learn one single thing from it please share with a friend make sure to LIKE the video and also subscribe to my channel I have a lot of awesome stuff coming out here over the next couple weeks more on web flow how to make more money as a web designer how to up your prices land your clients we're gonna talk about it all and I don't want you to miss any of it [Music]
Channel: Payton Clark Smith
Views: 23,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdesign, webflow, webflow tutorial, web design tutorial, learn webflow
Id: 5CH8ds055dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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