FASTEST Way to Learn Web Development in 2024 and Get a Job - My Real Life Story!

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If you are targeting MAANG companies, then their starting two rounds will be DSA Then on solid leetcode. There will be easy-medium questions. If you have done 300-400 questions Then only you will be able to solve them. Otherwise, it's not like that, there are many companies that give a lot of money And it's not like that I will tell you from my experience, it's been 6 years, 6.5 years But still I am learning, I keep learning something new When it comes to web development, then foundation Or you are in the front-end, in the back-end Your basic will be as strong Now the same basic foundation will keep on going until your journey is over The more you write code, the more you will remember the code I don't remember the code It will happen, the more you practice, the more you will remember the code If I talk about the freshers who are going to give interviews Like when the proper market will open The more you have done, the better And if you have done it yourself, then it's a good thing Go confidently, if you don't know, say no, it's okay Sir, I can try, but that confidence, that learning That you have the desire to learn, that should be visible to the interviewers Chances are high, you have 80% chance See, when you are in college First year, second year, third year Some get a job from college, on campus Some get off-campus job Some try differently Some start their journey from MNC Some start from start-up But at the end, something good happens I have learned something from my experience Whether we will talk about web development today Or you are in any other field The basic foundation never changes Frameworks will come, libraries will come Today the company is on X technology Tomorrow it will shift to Y technology You will get training You will involve yourself in it You will learn things and then you move forward In IT, it's not that I am done You will learn something Always, and that only helps you to switch forward Welcome to you After a long time, I am getting the opportunity to talk to you Today I will talk in detail about web development 2024 is ahead From my side, you have many wishes You should move forward All the people in our TS family And switch many jobs I know that time is critical Whether it is web dev, devops or any profile Especially for freshers But I believe that time will get better soon These things are very common in IT They come in a very dangerous way And when more openings come after that They will come very frequently So just trust yourself There is a gap But this gap will get filled soon And after that many jobs will come That's what I believe So today I will talk to you about some things That actually work in the company And I will tell you from my experience It's been 6 years, 6.5 years But still I am learning I keep learning something new It never happens that I know everything And it shouldn't happen When your attitude will be to learn something You should learn it respectfully Whether it's from juniors or seniors You should learn it respectfully So that's a growth mindset This is a learning that I am giving you Always keep it with you And this is a way To grow and survive in IT Right? So when it comes to web development So what is web development? It is a process of creating a website Right? In 90s we talk about web 1.0 When 2000 came, 2001 came Web 2.0,Web 3.0 But still The applications around us Which we commonly use Are based on web 2.0 Right? Where web development is in a boom Right? But I say I am a web developer I am in front end role Other profiles are also in demand But yes, when we are in college In our mind We see coding Yes, there is only coding There are no other fields But when I was in college I also use to think same. But later I understood that there are other roles There is a lot of money in them I think there is no awareness Now there are a lot of videos on YouTube Right? So when it comes to web development Foundation You are in front end or back end Your strong basics Your basic foundation Will keep on going Till your journey is there I am telling you such things These are very important Like I am working in a project And along with the project You learn a lot Suppose you have an experience It is not that these things will keep on going That you are studying basics daily Some things you will do along with the project And google, use chatgpts And those things Keep on going along with the learning Now I will not start a tutorial along with it When you are working in a project You learn along with the project Let me tell you about web development So as I said it is a process of creating Website, right? Where there will be a front end and a back end When we talk about jobs in web development There are different varieties of roles Like UI developer I gave you a design of Figma And whatever design is there on Figma You will convert it with the help of HTML, CSS, JavaScript There are 4 pillars in web development Very important, HTML, CSS And JavaScript And Database The HTML CSS You can't leave it It will work as long as there is web development Right? If something else comes then it is different But the foundation depends a lot on it After that JavaScript It is not that JavaScript is mandatory Right? I started my career in Java So for the back end You can use PHP If you want to create a website In Java there is JSP, Servlet ASP.NET Ruby and Rails So there are a lot of other technologies That companies work in And people are working as a back end But there is also a full stack role Which is known as front end and back end But let's talk about the pillars The 4 pillars that come out HTML, CSS and you can use any back end technology To create a website And Database, very important Now what is in the database? There is a SQL and non-SQL But when it comes to web development Ok, HTML, CSS, JavaScript Angular, React, Vue.js MongoDB You can hear a lot of things And it confuses you that should I do everything So in this video I have planned something That you will get to know a lot Like I talked about the 4 pillars HTML,CSS is very important So if I give you a roadmap With my experience And do this much is enough But when you go for interviews During that time you will get to know That there is no complete package Even I am talking to you So it's not that I am a complete package See, I know about foundation I know how to debug These are very important Debugging is very important Skills are ok, but at the same time Debugging skills should be strong How do they work? Some things, no matter how many tutorials you watch on YouTube How many documentation you read But some things When you go to that place And talk to 4 people That's where your brain will work And that's where you have to use your basic fundamentals And you will understand that Ok, I used it like this Ok, I will debug it Because the better debugger you are The better you can debug the code The better logic you can write And extend the code This is my personal experience We listen to a variety of things Let's read CSS Let's read bootstrap What should I read? See, every individual is different Some are new Some have 2 years of experience Some spend 10-12 hours But still if you want to enter in web development So I can suggest 2 roadmaps 3 months and 6 months You can give 1 year or 2 years But the competition is so high There is a lot of crowd in the market If we spend a lot of time How will it work? See, if you go on a 3 month roadmap And this is a very basic roadmap With which you will get confidence And you can try for an interview Like HTML, this is very important How you will use text How you will prepare a website So you give 1 to 1.5 weeks on HTML Similarly You give 2 to 3 weeks to CSS Where you understand the property of CSS Now you have prepared the website You will decorate it There are a lot of properties in CSS Which you will learn And with the help of that you will be able to design the website Now I am not going there That you design in Figma And then convert it That is a different roadmap But if you know HTML If you know CSS Then you will be able to drive things For example, if you don't know Figma When you join the company If there is a requirement, you will learn If you think that I will complete it first Then I will give an interview That will never come So HTML is done, CSS is done And you have to give 1 month On JavaScript So 1 week on HTML Or 1.5 weeks and 2 to 3 weeks on CSS In this you will get a month And you have to give 1 more week on JavaScript Where You have to make basic if else, while loop Do while loop and good programs Where all these concepts are being used Which will open your hands If I talk about the advanced concept Then ES6 concept Because you have to learn the framework library So you will go to React, Angular But how to use Promise How to use Async, how to use Await How to use Let, how to use Const, Var All these things you will be using You will give 1 month time And you will practice well And a database, I said 4 pillar HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Database Now when it comes to web development So either you can go If it comes to database, you will do SQL or non-SQL In SQL, you will write SQL query And after writing query You get results DL operation, DML operation Right? Non-SQL is easy to learn You don't have to make queries You get functions It is easier to deal with that So when you make a project, I always say Like I get a lot of calls from top mates That brother, what project should I make I say you are making a crud Crud is enough You can take any application in the world You will see the crud You will see the insert You will see the display You will see the delete, edit Right? So there will be a search bar If you extend a crud, make a search bar Put a filter Right? So the application is made And your foundation I am telling you from my personal experience If your foundation is strong, no one can stop you Do you understand? So for 3 months You can make a project like this If you have 6 months time It is very good, give the same time to HTML Give the same time to CSS, you will spend 1 month on JavaScript Then you will spend 1 month on React React is in a lot of demand A lot of companies Are demanding for React Maybe it will change in the future, we will see But now we focus, we learn So spend 1 month on React And the useful resources I have given in the description You can refer to it And I have my own tutorials on DSA There is a lot on DSA too Before moving ahead, I want to tell you GeeksforGeeks is running a 390 challenge Now what is this 390 challenge? If you take any course from GeeksforGeeks Whether you are taking it on DevOps, Fullstack Or software testing, suppose you took it today In 90 days from today If you complete 90% of the course Then you will get 90% refund This is a very interesting offer For all students, working professionals So I have given the link in the description Do not do anything, if you In January, this offer is valid From 1st to 31st January If you take a course in this time frame Then you are eligible In 90 days, complete 90% Of the course and you will get a refund I have given the link in the description You can go and check out for more details So we will spend 1 month on React Where we Because the class component is rarely used So we will learn the functional component We will learn the hooks very well Because you will see all these things in the project You can make a normal website When you use a framework library You are dividing the whole application Into some components So that you can reuse those components So there you learn a lot of concepts Context API, Redux State management is very important What is state management at the end? Managing the data So you spent 1 month After that for 1.5 months There is another important thing in this Tailwind CSS is very popular nowadays So give it in 1.5 weeks And if you take an idea of one thing Then it is easy to learn the other thing Now you can learn Angular But Angular is a complete full-fledged framework Which will take some time So I did not suggest you But it is not like that You will get better with time 1.5 -2 months left There will be a mini project and a major project You can make an e-commerce You can make a clone If you are confident If you have made that clone yourself No one can stop you Talking about system design As you move forward You will learn from the company We learned in system design college And it is not like I am 17 years old And it is not like It all depends on what you are doing in the company If you are designing a solution Then it is different As your path will increase Things will keep changing And you will be doing certification You will be learning things This is called growth mindset As per the requirement It is not like you spend 24 hours in this No, everything has to be balanced Now there is a question How to become a good developer If I answer this If I am a good developer I will say no I have interest I enjoy This is very important Because it is very important Many people don't do this And then they say I will do this, then I will leave this I believe that The more you practice The more you watch the video Documentation is very important Video has visual So we understand it But if you get used to it It is best The more you practice The more you get better This is the key to being a good developer The more you practice Even if you are not doing it As time is increasing Responsibilities are increasing But as per your experience The more you practice The better you will be The more you will try to solve complex problems I got a question How to solve a problem Break down any problem In small pieces And try to solve every single problem Try to combine it later This is how logic is made And not that I will make a logic I will take time And I can also take help from google At the end we have to deliver a product So I have my own understanding My basic understanding Towards how is my javascript And some help from google Everyone does this And the more you write code The more you remember The more you practice The more you write code The more you will remember If I talk about the freshers Who are going to give interviews When the proper market opens The more you have done The better Confidently go and say no But the confidence The desire to learn The interviewer should see it Chances are high 80% you can be selected A question is coming from DSA It depends on Which company you are targeting I have answered this many times DSA is important You can see a good playlist I have put the same things Which I had read and asked But if you are targeting MANG Then DSA will be the starting Then on your solid leet code You have done 300-400 questions Otherwise it is not like this Many companies give a lot of money And it is not like this I have already made a video About projects If you want to know more You can watch it on the screen I have put the link in the description Be confident during the interview Believe in yourself This is the way Rejections will be there And you will be going to the right company If I talk about salary Like I am in 2024 If you go as a fresher You will get around 4-7 lakhs You will get as a fresher I know some people Will be very frustrated They don't have a job in the market I can understand But I will tell you again If you lose courage Then no one will give you courage Be confident Keep working on your skills When the right time comes You will get a job This is very common in IT Believe in yourself If I talk about the conclusion My experience Like we work in the company I will tell you that The company's expectations are the same You are in the front-end, back-end, full stack In any role The task you have got The sprint is for 2-3 weeks It depends But your work should be done on time And if you get stuck They don't mean you are playing with Google Or with your mind Their work should be done at the end You have to be a smart developer Searching on Google is also an art Some things will come But yes Try to understand Whatever you are copying from Google You should have an understanding Then there is no problem But the problem is that you are taking it with your eyes closed Keep this in mind I am telling you such insights Which is very important while working in the company You are using chat GPT There is no problem But whatever you are taking, you should know about it Web development Is evergreen In the coming time The demand of web development will increase Not only web development but the other profiles too But at the end How do you see yourself Don't compare yourself with someone Be positive If you compare yourself with someone Then there will be a problem See yourself What is your potential caliber Everyone's potential caliber is different So how are you How much time do you have to give You have to decide And trust yourself If you believe in yourself Nothing is impossible Everything is possible Because I am possible in the impossible Keep this in mind When I started I started from the service base I made a lot of mistakes I learnt a lot of things Gradually I went to the product base I am working there I am learning things from people And I am also working hard So this is what I want Money will come Everything will be good So that's all from my side If you like this video Like Aim is 5000 for more interesting videos And if you have any question in your mind After watching this video Do mention it in the comment section I will definitely cover it And I will be covering the next topic If you tell me something in the comment section Okay If you are not connected with me on master coding Then come, where are you We are putting a lot of content there There will be a webinar on Maanstack So you will get to know that And I want to tell you If you are planning a full stack Then Mervin can be a good option for you Because at the end What is a full stack developer Who knows front-end, back-end And database And system design is also the same Like how you are building a system So how are you building it end to end We will cover a detailed video in the future At the end if I give you a suggestion Then you can target Mernstack Okay, thank you so much I will see you in another video And you can see all these links Thank you so much for watching this video Till then take care of yourself Thank you so much Bye
Channel: Technical Suneja
Views: 150,835
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Keywords: ajay suneja, fastest way to become a software developer, fastest way to learn web development, best way to learn web development 2022, web development full course, web development code with harry, web development projects, web development course, anshika gupta, anshika gupta amazon, full stack development, complete full stack developer course, full stack developer roadmap, akshay saini javascript, javascript full course, how to learn javascript for beginners, 6 months, 2024
Id: MBaWhV-_zeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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