The Reality of DSA and Development in 2024! | Hiring Market Trends in 2024 for Software Engineers 😨

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Did you ever think that you'll work in Google? Never! And thinking about it was a far sight, even during the time of interview I thought of skipping because I thought that I won't be able to give interview, so I told my father that I am going to have a sleep. Its a huge difference outside, so when a students graduates outside in computer science, they've 4-5 big projects to show. So, FAANG companies or remote jobs with decent salaries? Open source contribution or Grinding DSA on Leetcode? Because, I should learn in 2024. I've a DSA course. So, I will say - yes! I'm joking. DSA according to me, in 2024 They're educating... they're sharing knowledge. *I'm just sharing Knowledge* Now tell me, Aryan - do you ever get hate? A lot! Firstly, Elon should be caught in San Francisco The layoffs Elon Musk did in Twitter, firstly, was its beginning. People tell me on LinkedIn - I'm shy. I get shy when I put up posts. Bro, sit at home! Have fun at home. If anyone knows even JavaScript, theey would say - Wow! He knows JavaScript. Come here and work. In today's time, Chat GPT knows JavaScript that focus of interviews is given in heavy DSA from last 10 years. FAANG did - it was our mistake as well, I think that it's the mistake of FAANG as well because in the race of being a creator or youtuber.... Welcome, to a new podcast. You're going to have lot of fun today. A lot of raw discussions took place, you can say - its a candid discussion between two people. And today, we've Aryan Singh. You might've seen him on Instagram & he makes good reels. And today he came at our home, it was very good. And we talked with him, about his Google journey. He studied from abroad. Let me tell you something interesting, that you'll get to know in detail. Hr played cricket for 10 years, then he came to to the field of coding - software engineering. When I listen about such cases, it feels like anything can happen in life. So, Aryan is a right example for it. We learnt lot of things from him and it was fun talking to him in this podcast & we talked about open source AI, current market, mindset outside, the difference between engineers outside Indi & in India I understood that. So this podcast is totally packed. Watch until the end, completely - you'll learn lot of things. The only condition is - you need to like this podcast, share & comment what you found interesting in the podcast. And like aim is 10,000 - accomplish it for more interesting podcasts. Let's talk with Aryan & before that, if you aren't on MasterCoding then where are you - come and join. There we upload lot of interview questions around frontend, backend, web development and its a free web community. There're lot of students, we keep on adding questions - people also put up. So, link you can see. Join there & you'll get lot of help in cracking interviews in future. Let's talk with Aryan & know his complete journey! Its going to be fun. Let's go! So, Aryan welcome to our youtube channel. And you're head over heels on Instagram, so thought of talking in detail about your journey. So, I won't take much time. Lot of people have already seen you. But we'll talk with Aryan on topics you're unaware of. So, over to you - you can start first with your introduction. Your academic background, where you live - tell about yourself. Please! Absolutely! So, actually my journey is a bit different. I did bachelors from USA & after 12th a high risk decision of sending outside was taken by my parents. I did bachelors in computer science from outside I took a bit of early graduation & started the journey of software engineering but yes, I did lot of internships, worked in tech, made lot of startups and dumped it. Those who trusted and invested money, lost it as well. But yes, this is my small academic introduction that I did bachelors from outside, then started job in Google. I did internship at Google & before that I had other internship so, this is academic. Before this, those who don't know I used to play cricket here, where we're shooting right now. I played cricket for 10 years in Faridabad. And I was going to be a cricketer but by mistake I'm a coder, if someone's watching then so, I was like you. If you're stuck in the journey & I never realized when I reached from cricket to coding. And we're enjoying. When did you feel - as a person is passionately playing cricket for 10 years, then it occurred that I want to go in IT / coding? Who fed this condition in your mind? The Indian system is a bit forceful, in 5th standard, 10th, 11th, 12th without asking so, for me it was the same that tech is a booming field, even now. Lot of new things have arrived. Earlier, it wasn't much. So, looking at tech -cousins & lot of other people told to put me in tech. And outside, there's huge companies - Google, Facebook that we hard since childhood. So, to put me in tech - thought of engineering and then talking it in detail because we can do computer science. So, its started from there. For cricket, its a difficult sport even in India. Its impossible There isn't much practicality in it that, let's say even if you play for trophy, but even after that there's less chance so, I took a bit of practical decision which was good & then in tech, apps are there & all so, In 2016-17, apps boomed for a couple years. Apps are released, so I felt interesting & cousins guided that if you choose computer science in tech then, so from there cricket to computer science - I didn't know when I switched, but majorly - just because of tech and with guidance of some people. And when did you think to study from outside, not from India. Absolutely! So this is also because of cousins - that there're many cousins abroad so, they guided a bit - there's lot of traffic for Masters of immigrants people do masters - as its a bit cheap for 2 years. And people complete it in own and a half years. And take internship, then job. Due to currency conversion, salaries are higher obviously, we all know so, these things were discussed that you can also go for bachelors that is a bit high risk decision because 4 years are there, it'll take more money, there's high risk kid is young, this and that but yes, looking at that how much is risk tolerance managing finances accordingly, they decided that waiting 4-5 years for masters can be removed. I was good in studies, a bit of risk could be taken I was getting good numbers, so parents develop risk tolerance accordingly. So, that was there. Then the plan was made, managing all of it. Did you ever think of working in Google? Never! And thinking was a far sight, I went for mountain view with my aunt, where my aunt lived and you'll not believe, I wanted to run away. I ran within 15 minutes. because I saw big buildings that I'll never get work here. They're high end people, we don't get it. And specially, let's say someone is from a huge city in Delhi or schooling, who has crores of money has huge exposure. They have trust factor that they can do it because we saw lot of money but those who haven't seen much money never think that we can also earn, so it was there but in Google, I never thought of it. I'll tell further, I thought of skipping during the time of interview as I felt that I won't be able to crack interview so, I told my dad that I'm going to sleep. I'll decline it, I already got offer *when you were studying there* when I was studying, when I got interview for Google internship. So it takes 2 interviews. How did you get this opportunity Aryan? This internship of Google? In USA & India, there's same culture of hiring on campus & off campus Okay! So, outside there's a culture of cold emails - you can write an email to a recruiter or manager that I've these skills & I'm interested the position you're hiring for. So, its a win-win because recruiter is finding for person like you & you're applying for that position but you need an impressive profile, if you write in cold email that I don't have anything - you can properly point in it. I did that - I cold emailed a google recruiter then he reached out to me. We're hiring interns in Google, we'll send you an online coding challenge so, I cleared that. But when it was turn for phone interviews then I had 100% trust that I won't be able to do it. I told my father that I won't be able to do it. I didn't have that much believe at that time. What was the challenge, technical challenge or soft-skill issue. Both! So, as we all know in DSA how much you prepare, do CP - there's always a luck factor Absolutely! That if someone asks, then many of them aren't able to. So, that was a factor always that - lot of interviews failed, many were accepted but Google Facebook - in FAANG, there's the fear that for them, its harder so, the topic wasn't of questions but belief which is missing in many people that they didn't believe that it can be done, until it was done. Right! So, the topic was that. But then my father woke me up that if you're here, then go for it. So, I gave those interviews & now the story is different. Perfect! So, how much time did you spend in Google? What is your tech stack? Yes! So its been more than 3.5 years. I did internship of 3-4 months before itself, so adding its almost 4 years And before that I had a bit of experience, so total 4-4.5 years and tech stack is internal for Google - Angular. Although people don't like Angular. Those who don't like and are watching, learn it - it can also help you but yes, outside in the market angular isn't that famous, but Google has its own tech stack, framework so, they used Angular & then backend is in Java, C++ - so we do those things as well. But yes, language is - Dart - which is google's own creation flutter framework uses dart & they're bringing dart in angular as well due to performance so, dart and angular are main. Rest, a bit of Java, C++ are done as well if we get opportunity then. What are the differences you see in India's mindset and the same abroad? When you see a graduate student - B.Tech & a B.Tech student outside, what are the differences you see? There's a huge difference. In abroad, the biggest difference in education is that - specially in computer science only everyone is focused in making projects, so let me tell you how they learn computer science. In India, in any college they make notes, they write in copy-pen, they try to understand coding from copy-pen they copy someone else's notes. They download course from telegram and try learning from there. They buy lot of courses and learn but its not like that outside, its totally different. There people learn from hackathons so in abroad, they see if a hackathon is being conducted. ''I'll attend it, meet 3-4 people, sit with them for 2 days and by making a project, I'll learn it.'' So, that culture is not here neither the system. Here that is a systematic problem of education system but its a huge difference outside, when a student graduates in computer science, you'll see he has 4-5 big projects to show that I made a game, I made an app, I made a website in which I helped in fund raising. I made a website, where we did something which wasn't available before in the market or made a product with which CAs are being helped or a product for lawyers or anything. That comes only when you meet people at hackathons and doing innovative, creative things. So, that is a bit of systematic thing. The clear difference is that, if you see the resume of 99% people here then you'll see a bit of problem that uniqueness & creative is missing in that resume. The same e-commerce, social media app clones will be visible in 99% resume and its not the fault of students because they're learning that - an ecosystem has been created. So, in abroad there's a clear difference even classes are designed, for full stack - in which you need to choose an Idea and you're graded on that idea. I don't think any college in India, except a few - where grading is done based on ideas, where you need to build a tech stack from scratch. Or things like that -yes there's definitely plus and minus. between India and abroad. But yes, its booming here as well. Lot of people are making good projects many people go for hackathons so, I'm sure within 1.5 years we'll get to see new things. Awareness is there in India but I can say that students there, write code and work to make themselves better. Absolutely! *Instead of, only theory going on* You can't learn from theory because its the field. You need to work *Right!* And a systematic problem is that the focus of interviews is heavily on DSA from last 10 years. In FAANG, its our mistake as well, I believe that its the fault of FAANG as well because to be a creator or youtuber, we're making content since last 10 years that DSA - DSA..... but the problem is that, DSA has a mismatch from real life projects. It makes you a good programmer but there's a bit of mismatch. Its there, even I always say, DSA is to crack interview but for work we know development works & no doubt, it helps in logic building. If your linear data structure is good Absolutely! That will work as well. But it gets huge hype. Its heavily hyped, even if you se React Applications - 90% projects made by students use filter, map, reduce, 5-6 higher order functions, 5-6 small arrays, maps this and that Exactly! Means you're not using anything more, I agree some advanced applications or let's say using BSF, DSF have to be used or you're using it to make search app but otherwise I don't think, basic development has huge hand in it but yes, it'll make you a good programmer, good problem solver, logic builder there's no doubt in DSA for it. As specially in India, recession, layoffs - hiring isn't normal like 2022 right - is it the same abroad. I agree that if you've courage, talent - you'll surpass from anywhere we listen to so many things. As a content creator, we even say this. Students are skillful, but there're no options for job. There're few options. So, what should a student do in this case, according to you. firstly, Elon Musk should be caught hold in San Francisco. The twitter layoff that Elon Musk did, firstly it was the beginning. So, in twitter basically they had around 7500 employees & they were only working on the mobile app i.e web app, which is the front-face of twitter. So, when that accusation was placed it was known that among 7500 people, 5000 were such who're involved in very minisequel tasks. Who're making the video for Day in a life, they're getting up 3 times for tea and water they're getting up 6 times to drink coffee so, when Elon Musk came he made a private company. He had to save money, in all the way he had to raise a private company, so lot of investors were involved in it. So, from there journey of layoffs started and this wave occurred that lot of people can work than who worked in the field of tech. So, startups saw that if we layoff 1000 people, it leads to good investor update out balance sheets are good, people work more & we can give them bit of hike we can balance things & our headache will be less. Our food is less, space is les, infrastructure is low as well so, the wave started in 2021-2022, whenever it started. So, in that case a person of 3 years of experiences comes in the beginning he says, give us the job for first one. A 5 years experienced says, we also want to apply on 2+ and freshers start facing bit of difficulty in it. Right! This is 100% truth, if creator says like us that its wrong. Then its not. *But think that* earlier, if things could work with 3 things now, you should know DevOps, Kubernates, you should know pipelines - CI/CD, along with front-end role. A complete package, then only you'll be in visibility & get options. The time of HTML, CSS, JavaScript & DevOps is gone that used to be before. That was because if you see, 10 years back - there were less tutorials, courses were less Chat GPT wasn't there, so even if anyone knew JavaScript then they would say - Wow! He knows JavaScript, come and work here. Today, Chat GOT knows JavaScript. It knows React, JavaScript, Firebase, MongoDB, NodeExpress. You can make e-commerce app within 15 minutes from Chat GPT. Chain the prompt, you'll write 10 forms from the starting chat GPT will give you an e-commerce app. Right! So, average coder who had e-commerce app in his resume 10 years ago & the one made today has a huge difference. Because AI is making those things, means at a small level. *Right!* But Arayn, I want to add a point. You told it very nicely. I'll have e-commerce app from Chat GPT, I'll take code I'll even run it but the books I used, do I know how to use it. So, even if I'm making e-commerce and all my foundation, hooks, high order functional - if I know to write hooks, custom books that'll make a way for interview. There might be tools. *Absolutely* So we can take help from tools but if I'm blindly copying, I don't know then its dumbness. Absolutely! But 99% of people are doing that dumb work, unfortunately because when you get easy access if there's e-commerce app, then we copied and quickly move forward. So, unfortunately it has bit of negatives as well. in AI, positives are very few to see. It is seen in sash, tools and others but In dev cycle, if you remember you were sitting 2-2 hours in stack over flow, 5-6 years ago. If you look at insights of stack over flow, people have stopped sitting. People used to Google things, if you had to make custom hooks, you used to google it, learn it How does .....effect work? - We used to check all these things ourselves so there it got disconnected a bit that people quickly write it through AI, so that is one thing but yes, here if you're making CHAT GPT write, build on top of it, learn more features and add it, you can add lot of things. And yes, its not wrong to take help from it but yes, 10 years ago it used to take 6-months to learn JavaScript. Now it takes 2 weeks, 3 weeks if you even take help of Chat GPT, then your learning speed becomes faster in the current date *Right!* So, you need to wear lot of hats. Yeah, I think you've to be smart. Its fine that you're a developer, but the smartness is how are you using the tool and increasing your efficiency. But you didn't give answer to my question - the students who're suffering now in such crowd, what should the path be for them. I mean how - patience, motivation, these things are temporary but later, there's no job. At the end, there should be money in the pocket *absolutely* your point of cold email was good. At the end we're products, right! We'll be sold to someone, be it a small company or MNC, right! But, how to make that path? Absolutely! So, what I always recommend people is - you should bring uniqueness in you in 2024. Okay! I think, if you're unique in any way. Unique can also mean that you know things properly, let's say you learn next.js or React then you know React with clarity or with advanced level. Unique also means you made lot of products. Unique can also mean, you did open source, unique can also means you are extremely good in DSA. You're very good, amazing & unique can also mean, you did multiple things, multiple projects as well DSA and all but the main topic that I feel, lot of my friends are startup founders. Who're hiring at that time, they're finding a person who can wear multiple hats. So, again the end of discussion is - what I feel is - you need to learn lot of things. Now whether you think of it as unluckiness or you can say, your bad luck or anything but what was going on 10 years ago can't continue today, unfortunately. So, in the current time, you need to learn everything, deploy, build in public as well you need to show it to people, cold email & you need to make a combination of all these things that we do these 6-7 things & we're expert in it as well for a bit. So, I think, if you follow that make projects and give it a time of 3-4 months, then definitely, you'll see opportunities and I'm saying it from my personal experience thousands of people come across it, when they do different projects with uniqueness. Absolutely! And you need to have patience in it. You don't need to rush, but yes, keep one thing clear that - okay, I've knowledge of DevOps Kubernates - whether you're interested in front-end or backend you can prepare and have projects accordingly. Then networking is very important. *Its very important* That is very important. All the people you meet, whether in LinkedIn or in-person you can pave the way from there. Absolutely! There's no shortcut for networking. And people feel that sending 'Hello' is networking, which is a misinterpretation I think, you need to do a bit of back and forth, value should be provided from both sides. *Right!* That if I stole something from here, which is a one-way street but if i give something to you similarly, in LinkedIn if you're messaging someone, then either tell something good about yourself that I have these skills & I ask referral from you or in any way talking to a recruiter, then I think that is good rather than saying that 'HI', 'Hello' - or the old style that persists. So, yes - networking is very important. Cold emailing, DMs on LinkedIn to people. I answer to thousands of DMs on Instagram - all of which I get, I try to help in whatever way, all the ones which I'm able to - but yes, I've seen that trend is being changed. Lot of people reply, lot of them message as well but you need to master cold emails, its very important in 2024. You talked about AI *Yes* So, what are your views on AI? If anything happens, people add AI AI is the reason, so what do you think - since Devin AI has arrived they're launching anything, students are all-the-more scared. There're not much jobs and on top of that, tools like these are launched which cause trouble for people. No, No! I myself have made lot of memes on AI that - 'if there're documents of ancestral plot then' 'Dad, forward it to me!' 'Because, Devin AI has arrived so our jobs are in danger.' But, the simple answer to it is that - there's no benefit in being scared. There's no benefit on running away from it. Nor any benefit from making chaos on the topic - creators do it, understand it because we get Money for it from youtube So, If we won't take the name of Devin AI then how will we get views. Right! So, I also tried to scare people but sorry for that but yes, AI is not going to do anything. But in-short, my strong point is - I personally believe, I'm telling it from my personal experience Yes, if 20 people are working in a company then that can be reduced 16-15, the count can decrease but you need manual intervention No, no - you need it. And even, if you see then person who made one project, now makes 3-4 projects and leap forward this is possible but yes, in the next 2-3-4 years I cannot believe that, yesterday there was news on Devin AI you can check, someone exposed them. It was a marketing campaign. By using whisper AI, vision AI they made something and Chat GPT is turning 2 years. In 2021 or 2022, early version was released Mid journey is years old. Lexica Art has been there for long time, Playground AI was a tool long time back so, look for these tools. It had been 1.5-2-3 years. Everyone still has their job, they're here, companies are running. There's no problem but yes, the average person - you can say, he has fear - the average mindset can get a push he'll be taken in but yes, a little push is needed. But yes, why do you fear small things like, AI Okay! So, what is your thought / point on DSA that should one learn it in 2024? I've a DSA course. So, I would say yes obviously. Just joking. DSA according to me, in 2024 is a controversial opinion and not all creators say the truth because everyone has a course. Honestly, telling you within 2-3 years DSA should it be visible, inform me - in 2-3-4 years DSA is going to be seen at few places. Very few, again the reason is startups grow from tech stacks, companies grow from tech products, testing, automation, CI/CD, DevOps, AWS cloud related stuff, front-end and back-end. Everything is frameworks, libraries take android, there's no DSA in it. You don't need to do DSA in iOS, so its a bit of controversial opinion but I believe that if you remove problem solving *yes* that it makes me a better problem solver, better mathematician or makes my calculations better makes the logic building better, if you make it null and void for some time if someone challenges me in writing, I'm ready to tell you the names of 50 such developers who never did DSA. And they're brilliant engineers & better than me. If I can take 2-3 names now - Harsh Kumar Pandey, Dipanshu lot of people are there - Dhanush. I say, there's no better coder than them. Look at them - they never did DSA, so there're lot of them. If you leave out FAANG, already DSA has been reduced. If you look at the hiring done by Supaways, Appwrite, Vercel look at the hiring done by big companies, you'll know the trend but yes, you should do it I not deny, you should do it as it helps. You become a better solver and all but yes, I think you need to give a string focus to dev. Don't ignore DSA but yes, Dev needs a huge focus and you'll get opportunities, that's a guarantee. So, I hope you're getting lot of insights from Aryan, let's ask him 2-3 questions more, which I've for you now, I would like to know as there's Instagram, as you're currently running. You make content. Through funny content, you're sharing knowledge with people I'm dumping knowledge. Now, tell me Aryan - do you get hate? A lot! How do you deal with it because being a content creator & when we get hate sometimes, you might've felt angry - you might've felt like answering it. But you can't answer all of them Absolutely! Its still good when your audience is less, but it gets tough when it increases - how do you handle it then? Let me tell you some points on hate - firstly, love and hate is very disbalanced. Hate is small but its visible, love is huge, people come to meet they kiss and all - but we forget it in second. If someone writes a hate word, we remember it for 6 months So, hate is small but it pricks us. So, secondly I think if you want to grow in life, learn accepting hate be shameless, spread your projects. People tell me on LinkedIn, I'm feeling shy to post. Then stay at home, play the snake-charmer because shameless person is the base for a successful person that you need to be thick skinned and shameless. Hate shouldn't make any difference, you're doing good work. Its obvious - Don't do something like, Hardik Pandya don't take team captain down from his position, then the whole India will be on top of you - but if you're doing good work, you can't impress every single person Right! We don't mind - they're also like us one day & let me tell you a secret haters are your lovers, let me give you an example if someone commented - try messaging him why did you write hate comments they say - to get reply from you. Maximum are like that, hear it, maximum are that type. Try it write them - they'll say, we wanted to be visible in front of you. Or you can reply *Understood, to get attention* Attention! That is there! So many of you're there, I'll write - Dude, what's that? Means, you'll hate on my mom and sister. If you want a reply, then simply ask it. Where did you learn such good ways so, these go on but over time you'll learn it. You know, I did lot of podcasts on our youtube channel. I noticed a quality on you, you're a free man and speak freely You're a happy-go person. This is a good quality, maintain it Absolutely brother! And I think there's still a bit of up-down controversial things come for me But yes, it'll go on! Okay! So, what is your thought on open-source? Open source is amazing, no doubt. Its a public way to show your skills so, how do we know if a coder is very good - then github is a public platform where you can submit your code to show people that I wrote this code I contributed this & there we know lot of things about coders in it one thing we know is - it can code to big codebases. So, big codebase means a big company - if you contribute to, then it means he can work as an employee so, we can hire him. He has already shown us. So, its a very good way open source has a problem that - its a bit advanced. And people forget while selling course that open source is a bit advanced, like if you do open source contribution in next.js then you need a lot of understanding in it, How to do server site rendering in next.js, how does server actions work - how will the conditions be written how to read huge classes, how to read big files, what is the system of database, if prisma is used then you might've made few tables but there're 10 tables there, so how to write those so, this is an advanced skill but yes, there's no doubt that do open source contribution, on github if you write, submit code - PR - you'll get good opportunity very soon and along with it, open source is not the only way. You can show the same thing in your projects that you made a huge fund raising app, donation app, you made resume builder And you took 5000 users in it, so its also equivalent in today's date - to a very good skill. So, you can do that but open source is beautiful - obviously. *I think somewhere* it'll make your condition strong. Yeah Absolutely! As in public, you're submitting codes on github people can see it - in my project, there can be copy and pasting there're lot of things which I can do in my project, behind the scenes. But yes, if you put your project on Github then it is also considered as open source. You can show comments and discuss your project with your manage, so that's also a part of open source. Right! So, Aryan we've Rapid fire round for your - TA special. And you need to opt an answer from it. Okay! So, FAANG companies or remote jobs with decent salary? I prefer remote jobs, although I'm in FAANG. Okay! And Creating funny content on Instagram or Informational content? Informational content, obviously! Its difficult. But yes! Definitely! So, you should go for informational.... *Informational, yes! Definitely!* Open source contribution or Grinding DSA on LeetCode? Open source - any day! Okay! Android development or Web development! Web development! For sure! So, it was nice talking to you, Aryan & I got lot of insights throughout the podcast. And as you go, all the students watching you - 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year - what will be your advice for them? Advice would be - I think start enjoying coding. I think that's important - which was for me. That I always enjoyed coding, I made apps for myself for people, for family members & I think when you'll enjoy then you'll try creative things, you'll do open source make projects, you'll do lot of things. And you need to have a little patience. I faced 250-300 rejections even brother faced as well, everyone has faced it. Nobody is born with silver spoon that you got a job, so everyone face it. Learn to face rejections, leap forward, enjoy, be happy and have fun. Thank you so much Aryan, again! It was nice talking to you. Thank you! You're similar to your reels, even in real life. And seriously... I'm that bad. No! No! Don't get me wrong, the way you deliver the content and put forward your statements *Just joking* I got the same vibe today. It was nice here & guys, if you liked it then do like it, share it. And Like aim is 10,000 - accomplish it for more such interesting podcasts. I'll meet you in other interesting episode till then take care! Thank you so much! Thank you, guys!
Channel: Technical Suneja
Views: 300,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: technicalsunejaji, ajay suneja, technical suneja, ai jobs, leetcode, software engineer, how to study leetcode, nishant chahar, dsa courses, striver dp, tech job in 2024, striver podcast, job market in 2024, software engineer salary, faang hype, DEVIN AI, anshika gupta, java course, microsoft, IT job in 2024, how to crack google, how to crack microsoft, how to learn coding, placements, amazon, how to earn money, how to become a software engineer, how to become a software
Id: 1CvNcLk9dSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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