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well I'm glad that we've got this taken care of um great job guys great job so what a great event all right so I'm going to go ahead and introduce this a little bit and then I'll let Patrick introduce it in a further way and and then we'll jump into it so this right here is the and this is Patrick's rendition one of them one of my viewers renditions of the fastest theoretical speed run for a Diablo to run ok a lot of people have always asked about this this is like a segmented run but even more amped up because he's also taking advantage of drops and everything to the fullest right so it's in a general segmented run you just kind of run through and you know ok I'm gonna kill and darĂ­o a thousand times hey finally she dropped his RS boots and there was a good boss group we're good right you take that segment you save it you go to the next one from what I've seen it looks like Patrick has modified monster drops and things as well to drop like whatever he needs kind of along the way so it's meeven more close to that theoretical perfect run that's kind of insane there's also player adjusting in this so this isn't any % players 1 to 8 so it's really just going for as fast as possible but there are some things you know that I've I have questions about that could maybe make it even faster and he did have to still manually play through so that our our you know speed adjustments of just him playing as well and I'll let him kind of talk a little bit more through it here and then we'll watch it but go ahead and take it away Patrick well I think that was the good introduction I don't really have too much more to say just that whenever there is a drop an item it is like 100% legitimate there's you know that you could boot up Diablo 2 here and do this run in theory you would just have to be like a really really lucky player right so everything is like authentic and legitimate be like five percent right that's not possible so but I will do a lot of damage because I will get a lot of really good items so yeah okay yeah but I guess we can stop yeah all right well we'll start it and play it through I might pause it here and there but you know I kind of just want to enjoy and watch and talk about some of the decisions that you make and then maybe some questions as to why yeah yeah that sounds good and like I spent a lot like I spent a lot of time just planning this run mm-hmm because I thought it was kind of fun to just plan it but the execution was kind of fast because I started I'd like half a year ago and I haven't had much time honestly there are some optimizations that can obviously be done here right yeah okay every go the run starting I'm probably a few seconds behind here but all right now you're writing they're sitting aids yep we're starting out players aid of course always fantastic getting the early stamina potion it's very nice and I love I love the start I think the starts perfect you get the stamina pot that's all you really need you get your javelin set which is insane because realize the damage with the javelin yeah you basically actually the guy here beasts are absolutely ridiculous in this game and how good of a boss drop they are our like boss group they are for experience and I also get an experience for and of course right so I definitely question the all of the identity scrolls I I definitely question like that just because it's sort of a why not just have you know like I said before just a tome and then and then a one quick buy there right yeah and I yeah I could probably just buy a tome honestly and I need 21 IDs I think you could get them in the jails or whatnot right you could run around and there's the idea they have the drops of the tomes in there so you go for this yeah the reset and more experience a fracking issue which is you know classic done that many times myself and he's level 8 is minus 2 so I get some decent experience here the reason why I run this twice is to get little eight actually because I need to gamble a pair of boots to get some faster burn work interesting interesting I like that and yeah so yeah so I get the blood fist as well that's for later dude faster hit recover in some life sure and you know the javelins with the dead set is actually just amazing you get thirty increased attack speed cannot be close life leech and a ton of damage sorry just perfect now Elliott yeah so what was with the Hotspurs pickup was that just for gold or yeah the Hotspurs is for late-game as well I'll drop the boots and actually for Hotspurs for resistance for act for basically interesting did you really felt like you needed that resistance there I mean you know I just I just I don't know I I didn't remove it because I had it there all the time from the drop table and I never removed it so I I just picked it up anyway sure yeah I feel like if I'm like gonna like really get into the picking of it like maybe that's one of those things you could avoid also you go for the gamble on the Hazara speeds could you not just have a drop from them or what was actually they would like I don't think they can drop before is it andariel I believe that's the case because of the high Q level so it's you can get them so early by gambling that's why I do that where can they drop I'm pretty sure they can drop in the tower and uh maybe they could III never visit the Tavor though and true I mean I you just yeah see this I mean you just drop the runes later I'm sure I will that's actually kind of interesting because I thought I would have to do the counters right like everyone else does but it turns out that there's a creep a kind of monster in in act 1 which can drop up to Rahl rune which is pretty amazing because that's all they're like act too late act to drop yeah yeah that's perfect actually alright so going after the yetis once again this is the best class group so yeah they can actually drop you know I used travelens but they can drop what's it called the pilum which does more damage but it's it's slower so and you need more dexterity so I ended up just using two javelins anyway okay yeah javelins really are super good and the reason that he's doing going to the tcp/ip is to reset his maps right so he at that point he is changing up his mat pool so he can get a better map going forward because there's not the perfect map that has everything exactly as you want it so what you do is you do this is a segmented run so he goes and resets that map and then basically changes the seed to whatever map you want at that point rejoins and you know this is broken up this isn't one full run everybody this is broken up into segments so yeah that I keep running here I got a really good map of course there are like millions of different map seeds so you could always gains a lot of time on maps I guess but they are somewhat preset as you know very well so right later in the game there's usually like okay you can do the maggot layer in two teleporters and that's actually the fastest you can do even though there are a lot of different Maps right here's the yeah the quick turn to the right turn to the right and then straight across maps alright it looks like here's here here's where I get the roots and as I said the ghouls they are level 12 and their minions which is the same as andariel and they drop from a treasure class from the act to treasure class table which is very interesting and it's here I can actually get the roots I needs here they are ended evelyn of course so what's the was with the efferent it yeah you'll well we'll see what's it for i guess okay alright maybe for black i don't know i'm interested and daria lie just face roller yeah you know the she has a quest rope in addition like the original quest drop is that she drops gem and too cheap right Jeff's right so I get the amethyst here as well nice and a couple of rings they'll be the faster cast rings an orb and an amulet right one actually done in six minutes and 37 seconds of play time which is pretty decent yeah and it's level 12 of course yeah yeah so at this point looks like you go a little bit into farming I am curious yeah about the distance to this boss group and the I guess I'm also curious why you're picking up all the potion I guess some need your potions later but the distance to it okay there's a second one but I feel like there's a lot of times where I've come out to farm and had a boss group just right there you know like there's two boss groups right at the exit as opposed to all the way to the left so it's right I'm curious yeah and there are however the combination I have here is kind of unique I probably you know the maps I went through probably I don't know 500 map sir the thing is that there's dry hills is right to the right and the Waypoint is right at the entrance which is very important for me when I keep segments to manipulate where the waypoints bonsly right I just didn't know if it would be faster to maybe do a and those rings are amazing faster castrate ResLife it'd be better to just reset that map again right but I guess you only filled with your experience you could probably up my somewhat there yeah that's true yeah and then also something else that we had discussed here was using just static and Nova potentially on these groups right because so yeah I yeah I'm not sure why I didn't find that actually I I got so like tunnel vision with my with my javelins I mean yeah I made this yeah and the run is kind of like you know it's supposed to be very fast but it's also supposed to be somewhat different than entertaining I guess well which is why I make like sub optimal choices sometimes like a few times in this run but yeah good point Nova would probably faster especially considering I'm always doing max damage on my novice right because they have a life saying why I always yeah yeah yeah leveling segments the reason I do this is because I need level 18 right for teleport yeah this is just the fastest way the steel beetles gives a lot of experience what it done soldiers oh yeah I mean that's we always loved beetles so this right here is just reaffirming my love for Beals even more like if you want to go fast so what are these jewels right here what are they I pick up the jewel and the light belt yeah your guess is probably coming up soon I guess jewel faster hit recovery and alright and R adamant I got nice I've already seen you dear atom in here and that made me curious as well is the Plus kill really worth it for year no it's not at all for applause kill I pick up the postulates yeah random at this like another like ghouls really insane he has a really recent level my little 19 yet however circlets and he can I can drop the the dragon stones Jared stones right yeah and they have a really high ethics level so they are able to spawn with like ethics level 27 which is like the realest the next leap or monster who can do that so right I get to teleport charges there for my orbs which is very necessary to keep up with the plastic asteroid side faster castrate I have I didn't actually see that you had teleport charges going there because I was gonna ask about that I was gonna say how are you keeping up a teleport you're just using AM analyst teleport from the charges on the on stones that's a very interesting optimization yeah so because the vitamin can drop five items and you know in theory you can you can actually have fire you know similar items like circlips orchards I guess yeah and I guess it the other thing sure everyone has gotten the yeah if you have optimized magnet layers and things like that you aren't teleporting mindlessly you can actually spend a lot of time on one specific one instead of burning out of all the charges instantly right so yeah that was the staff the omelets coming up of course I actually had an idea of kind of trying to combine them with a portal shrine in the in the Viper level too but it turned out to be slower like much slower so there's your perfect damage yes I just did it this way trying to combine them with slow everywhere Oh like I'm sorry what gotcha I guess yeah oh the jewels used for crafting why did I not even think about that obviously okay yeah that makes sense so you craft a belt and for a faster castrate so do you hit the 200 frame no you're not not 200 105 I hit the 105 breakpoint however I made the biggest mistake I made this run is a mistake that I lost 20 seconds on yes the circlet I put on yeah he's actually with faster heat recovery instead of faster castrate what which really sucks yeah I realized it like after I've compiled the whole run and everything so oh so wait did you actually hit the 105 then or did you not hit it hit the 63 won because I have 95 so here I crapped a belt as you can see which is really nice belt but it doesn't really matter where wait so you never actually get to the 105 I could get 95 because my circle it does yeah it's huge i after i wear the last piece to get 105 I do like 500 spell casts which is like 500 frames yeah so yes 27 second lost on time and I fight yeah oh my god that's brutal yeah it's actually so there are a lot of ways to optimize this this is more like a proof-of-concept right just for just for fun something I made right yeah so here we go back and forth this is much faster and then I need a little 20 right so we go kill steal beetles yep lovin life man now I kill it with Nova of course yeah so here you go for the Nova which is yeah yeah I definitely think that would have saved I mean you probably could have saved 30 seconds in my opinion if you yeah maybe I would need a lot of man potions though witch but yeah I probably could save some time there yeah yeah I think that would be an optimization piece right there would just be that and obviously 105 break point would be huge so but because the the bowl of the Isle is right is level 20 and I I cannot it kind of drop before I can free yeah so it's only knock four and five I get a use of it so okay yeah that really sucked and yeah it was too bad yeah this is interesting um yeah let's see here we got the brain right yeah oh you got the eyes is madness I get here is insane by the way this map it's like you have the play dungeon here yeah the Waypoint and then the dungeon and then you have the exit that is crazy yeah so I'm guessing all your mana potions are like double doubling and stuff it's actually something like I play this game since its release I did not know that there were critical strikes basically on potions yeah yeah that's a huge thing it actually screws you over right so I actually turn it off late-game yeah because if you have greater mana potions that'll mess with you that's that's definitely a huge factor is that you have critical strikes on mana potions and health potions but yeah the mana potions if you have a greater mana push and going and you get that critical strike this is just for an chat and you get the critical strike it'll fill your mana too fast and overfill it and you won't get the much value out of that potion so you don't want a critical strike with graders but you want a critical strike with regular manopause I actually messed up her and I didn't keep it to act one so I had to run through the act 3 town oh wow doesn't yeah it lost like yeah so yeah I could probably like do this a little faster especially I should already had the organs in the cube yeah you can also press Stevenson yeah inside it oh so here we go 105 but minus 10 of course so yeah that she doesn't do anything oh man that is so painful it real is that happens happens yeah so here we go they still really quick of course Jared stone yeah and actually is done in a stunning like let me see 3900 frames it's like 2 minutes and 40 seconds which decent time that's a pretty good time nice little spin in town I like it and I actually pick up a belter to just speed this process up which is kind of neat turns out I don't need all this mana potion should I say that seems like I want it to be safe way too many mana potions for uh you know you don't need that much at all and fix through because I mean you need that may mana potions when you have to teleport like a madman but if you have all the maps perfect and they're always I guess they're not creating and screen you over they're not you know Act four is basically only teleporting and I have a lot of resistance right I have ninety five or sixty seventy five right lightning so I cannot die of course my outlet gives me a hundred present from Allah instructs yeah I mean you definitely deck that a little bit yeah definitely picked out so do you not is a the lack of there's lightning skills one that says it's the lack of a mercenary at all painful like was there it was there a thought that maybe having a mercenary for those bosses might be helpful I actually did have it for like this all right now I mean III hit the pretty decent like the 61st rate recovery rate point so even though I get hit it doesn't lose that much time yeah I was thinking for damage like if you gave him an awesome weapon yeah and then you know just that Grand Vizier dis ace and then mattock at ancients just those three alone if you gave him a ball or weapon you know you could probably take down each of those a couple seconds faster honestly well there but it's gonna cost time too you know yeah maybe are the two guys talak and colleague that I really it's just matter the other guy has yeah he has lighting assistance so yep yeah I this it would be purely semantic there but you could I mean if you just had a you know you drop a rare pike off of Mephisto right with that Jared stone identify it give it to him and now you've got a boss killer dude who's got insane damage from some ethereal Edie you know sick amplify damage and they're right ample yeah true that and of course he would tank them so that would actually help right today exactly i I did a lot of bread sir and it turns out they sometimes to just not use their spells which is really neat just right-click you yeah yeah the same goes for like you know rocky need shoe they did run away always we just need and the council's doesn't always spawns hydras so right right need to use that to your advantage nice empty throne love that and MC bailed ruin of course yep of course it's great do you have uh plus some Nova items I mean I'm sure you have it on your like weapon thus avoid I guess Plus Sonova iraq in that uh yeah it's plus we know uh static field and warm okay okay also is there any consideration for making these guys drop more like a a plus extra two lightning skills amulet because right now you have like plus one to lightning skills right I asked you what to use a put out to the level requirement level 30 I guess so that would be try okay gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah I five is basically teleporting and killing the ancients and then and didn't you come down here it's really quick yeah I mean that's yeah I spent a lot of time like trying to I thought it would take like 30 minutes but it turns out it's like 22 in game time 22:09 I believe but as you say and as you as you can tell it's there are refer optimizations and especially with you know the execution and maps and item routing experience routing and stuff like that there's probably like I don't know I wouldn't be surprised if there are four five minutes that you could save here cut off and then I mean I think we've seen a few already there let's go ahead and get the official time all right 24 52 24 52 but it worked it looks like kill that 24:52 is the final time on it for all the way through and that right there is the optimized not fully optimized but a pretty optimized segmented run with any player choice and item drops and everything kind of set in whatever way now of course things that we've already discussed right here of potential increases one a huge one getting 105 faster castrate a second one Nova on those beetles for a lot more damage I think there's a lot of seconds to be saved there and I think spawning those beetles closer and then resetting the maps could actually be faster to a better dry hills map personally but that could be you know how long does that take to get all that stuff a mercenary with a sick sick sick weapon I think would be helpful mattock de seis you know even even maybe for some of the act five waves maybe whatever not so some things like that but yeah I mean wow 24:52 that's that that's fast that's pretty fast so how long did it take you to make this the planning has taken some time because I kind of wanted to you know pretty decent run but like not hyper optimized writes I don't have all the time in the world so I probably spent like six months okay yeah the last six months mostly planning and then recording lastly there's a lot of things that you need to when you're modding Diablo it's kind of it's pretty neat but you need to do a lot of things in between all the segments and stuff like that so it's actually quite a lot of work so yeah six months give or take I guess okay couple week not too bad six months yeah I know and full of the time but uh I mean it's pretty awesome do you have do you have any thoughts of doing any more things like this honestly that I I would really like to but the thing is that real life is you know taking up so much time which is also might be an excuse but also why they're like I I rushed a couple of these segments just to be able to finish the final product which is unfortunate but you know if I had more time I would definitely be more interested in making more of these runs or optimized this one but probably not right now at least yeah okay okay I mean that's fair real life definitely takes priority right there and six months is a lot of time exam ways to dedicate to to such a project but yeah you know when you're going for all sorts of perfect optimizations of every single item and mod and what's best here and should i do use javelins and just the planning of do i run through and go in the tower do I avoid the tower oh I don't have to like you know all sorts of stuff that I mean that stuff that like I didn't even really think about right I figured you get the runes later on I figured that was just gonna happen but where do you get them is there an act one boss that can drop up to Rao rune oh there is cool you know like that all those sorts questions did he use those boots the whole time he switched over to Hotspurs which I thought was an interesting choice I would have kept his Soros and or switched into maybe some Sanders or treads or something like that maybe later maybe that's a small optimization yeah that's true Sanders forty percent right that level 20 yeah so you know when you get act 3 have a Sanders drop in just roll around with that or even getting treads early and using those for a little faster run walk but you know once again there's that's the beauty of Diablo 2 it's even when you take the most optimized run we have ever seen in the history of Diablo 2 this is the fastest run theoretical run that could possibly happen ever there's still optimizations there's still ways where you can look at it and go well maybe it could be a little bit faster she just did this you know things like that so it's cool it's really cool I love it I love that you shared that with us and yeah where can you watch the run great that is all I wanted just
Channel: MrLlamaSC
Views: 447,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: Mia7tKcQcrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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