Fast Cars (Documentary)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] a Ferrari F50 a street legal Road car directly derived from Formula 1 one of the fastest cars on earth capable of 325 kmph at that speed it will cover 5.41 km per minute the length of a football field every [Music] second [Music] the way the brain and the body react to driving at high speed is being measured during this run on a closed Road the bare tooth Highway in Montana increased heart rate heightened awareness erratic breathing all triggered by chemical responses that biologically signal fear panic but what this driver feels is pleasure it's not just speed that generates pleasure after all sitting in an airplane at three times the speed puts most people to [Music] sleep it's not just technology that makes fast special even though technically these cars are amongst the most advanced machines in motoring's history impractical expensive wasteful even and yet there's something inside most humans that responds to these exceptional cars the most important thing that people want and in fact Miss in most production automobiles is a character I don't know if we do the best car in the world but for sure I want to do cars that as soon as you drive this car you say to yourself listen I leave once I want to buy this car the truly great Automobiles of the past of the present and I'm sure of the future are the ones that exhibit some character we moved the behavior of the car a little bit closer to the borders of the physics or we moved uh the borders of physics a little bit when you drive a Ferrari you feel something very very very uh peculiar maybe is the music of the engine maybe is a gearbox maybe the atmosphere in the cockpit maybe it's the design maybe is the acceleration but is a a mix of very different elements that create emotion of driving three car makers ferari Callaway and Porsche each has a common goal to build the best and the fastest road-going cars on [Applause] earth but each with a different way of achieving that desire the Ferrari F50 Italian flare boldest in concept and so operatic in execution Ferrari has been producing fast and stylish cars for over 50 years their intention is that every new model will be faster and more beautiful than the one before their expectation is that every car will be a classic Porsche German Precision a different design philosophy cool technology classic engineering [Music] in various gues this model the 911 has been a classic for 30 years the shape's familiar but beneath the skin is one of the fastest cars Porsche has ever produced twin turbo four-wheel drive top speed 290 kmph 0 to 100 kmph in only 4.5 seconds packed with more computing power than took man to the moon the 911 is arguably the most successful fast car ever produced and the 911 Turbo four-wheel drive the most advanced in many ways it looks and sounds the least contemporary but Porsche's improvements year by year have been incremental they've been concentrating on the way a car should work this car is the result of the persistent application of science technical ingenuity the Callaway Corvette American Muscle Brash and visceral a standard Chevrolet Corvette will reach 257 km/h this one will do [Music] 283 Reeves Callaway takes a car that most people consider is already a fast car and makes it even faster we were hired by Chevrolet to improve their product I shouldn't say improve I should say uh Focus the product in in a way that would appeal to a certain kind of customer um our job for all of the car companies that we work for is usually to start with a basic unit and see how much more we could produce reliably cost effectively and within emission constraints the Chevrolet small block V8 is one of the most I think it's probably the most popular basic engine to modify for racing purposes and as a result the the the population of special parts available for these engines far exceeds almost any other type you're not stupid if you decide you're going to use the Chevrolet V8 as a basis through a series of naturally aspirated techniques we we optimize the internal components of the engine uh to maximize its efficiency and that's what we do through the supernatural technique the first thing is is building horsepower and actually building the horsepower in relative terms is is kind of is easy the second thing we look at is actually making making it reliable so now we're making reliable horsepower the third thing that we do is make it drivable this is where we're starting to distinguish ourselves from from other tuners or modifiers we're now making drivable reliable horsepower and the fourth thing that we do which really separates us from most tuners or or so-called hot roders and makes us known for the engineering prowess that we we have is that we can make this emission compliant the physics that are involved in making something as archaic as a internal combustion engine work if you think about them too long you go crazy the device normally shouldn't work very well but in fact after 100 Years of development it is a u a Triumph of uh execution over design a really good car gives feedback to the road and becomes an extension of the of the driver the whole thing becomes a driving system the automobile the highway the driver the surrounding conditions all of those things work together to create a system that's within the driver's control the driver has control of that entire little universe and even even dealing with things like traffic and and other things that intrude into that system the driver of the car still has control over all of that stuff um I think that's a rare experience for all of us [Applause] building a powerful engine is not enough it's not just the engine that makes a Ferrari F50 perform at the limit like this to go this fast and still be safe it must have [Music] balance drivers talk a lot about balance especially through corners at the limit of adhesion it feels as if the car is on tiptoes Dancing Through the [Music] Apex all that maintains the balance between opposing and Powerful for forces is the car's chassis suspension and tires the tires are the most important part of the vehicle without question why because every movement you make every thought you have and every intention that you have has to be translated through the tires the rest of the vehicle is along for the ride as a matter of fact you could take the position that everything in the vehicle is there in order to make the tires work driver included tires used to be 100% [Applause] rubber but as cars got quicker customers needed more grip so today more than half the tire is synthetic ethylbenzene and badine give manufacturers control over the tire's compound its characteristics the ideal Tire would never wear out never get hot would have no rolling resistance and would have unlimited grip in the real world of course that perfect combination is impossible the tires on these cars are biased towards grip rather than durability and they trade a soft ride for Sharp handling the right tires are essential in fact Ferrari's Tire requirements were so specific that goodar had to design a special Tire just for the F50 they're expensive a set of tires costs close to $4,000 and you could wear them out in one afternoon on the track only when the car's on the right rubber can a designer concentrate on fine-tuning the next part of the package suspension well the suspension is important in a subliminal kind of way because it controls how you feel when you ask the car to do something and don't forget that most people think that the automobile is largely an extension of themselves meaning themselves trying to move somewhere so how well does it take your intention and turn it into motion does it respond right now is it a little slow does it roll a lot when it goes into a corner does it pitch or dive when you uh put the brakes on does it squat when you accelerate um boy that isn't an easy equation to Define when you're doing the basic design of the vehicle that's what comes from the development side of the thing and the best place for development is the racetrack Callaway's race car is based on the Chevrolet Corvette frame but the Bodywork is all carbon fiber its two valve per cylinder aluminium V8 puts out more than 500 brake horsepower in 1995 Callaway's race driver Elmo Capelli drove this car to pole position at the 24 hours of Lamar the world's toughest longdistance sports car race today he's competing in the penultimate round of the scca World Challenge Series he's leading the championship but not by much Elmo's profession is a precarious one as a race car driver he must push the car to the Limit but not over it to do that he needs data information about how the car car is handling how close it is to failure how close it is to the edge of control Elmo's mechanics get that information by Telemetry downloading data into a computer we may hurt the car even more Elmo gets information from more sensitive sources there's two thing the steering wheel and your bottom when you're are sitting in in the seat and all the sensation is coming from there so sometime you feel the front of the car very light this means that you probably you have too much grip on the rear and not on the front and sometime it's the same on the front compare the rear fine that is fine and you look good too race cars are noisy brutal and hard to drive unlike a standard Road car a race car is infinitely [Music] adjustable I don't know you can see proba throughout race weekend Almo and the Callaway team have changed the game ratios suspension settings and the aerodynamics to try and produce a car that is perfectly suited to this track on this day the perfect setup exists just in imagination is always a compromise obviously you start the race and you have one condition and then after 1 hour you have a completely different condition so is a compromise of balance the car basically we try to have a base set up and then you have to improve or you have to change your driving style the kinds of things that you expect to hear from a race car driver is how was the car stability wise how was it straight line wise what happened in the initial degree of steering wheel Turnin what happens when you are braking and turning at the same time what happens when you are fully loaded laterally and then what happens on the exit portion of the of the corner and how was that whole transition managed those five or six kinds of discussion points are are what you would go over again and again and again with every change that you make to Springs shock sway bars [Music] stiffness no matter how well the race car is handling and no matter how meticulously the team has worked on setup racing conditions are unpredictable and sometimes something can happen that will upset a car's directional stability entirely [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] CP try to make if if Elmo can just finish the race he'll get enough points to win the championship Elmo but as a driver he has to be even more sensitive now to what the car is telling him he must ask questions of the suspension the tires the chassis they will tell him whether it's safe to go on ignoring or misinterpreting that conversation could cost him his life you can talk really mly with a car and the car talk with you if I if you ask me how it's impossible to explain it's just question of trust so you have to really love the car and then listen what the car say the car have a soul is for sure if the team gets the setup right on the track rewards are immediate the Callaway team rely on Elmo to find the tiniest improvements a tenth of a second quicker per lap can become a race-winning margin [Music] Elmo nice job the driver of the Callaway Corvette Road car wants the same things from his car as the driver of the race car even though the average driver may not have the analytical skills of the race car driver he'll know when the car feels [Applause] right but day-to-day driving conditions on the road are different to the racetrack and the Callaway race car would be an impossible package put straight on the road a lot of people think I want a racing car I want a racing car on the road I can tell you that's not what they want and they will learn that very quickly um as you mature in your Automotive desires what you want really is something that is everything you want a lot of power you want a lot of style you want something very exclusive and you want it to be dead reliable so you're asking for a little bit of a contradiction F50 was a very difficult technology goal we wanted to do a formula one with two seats or let me say a Formula One for the roads and that was a very very difficult Target to achieve Ferrari has a long tradition of racing for its founder Enzo Ferrari racing always came first indeed the sale of his road cars funded the race team so he could never make the road cars appear less successful or less glamorous than the racing cars building a name and reputation on the track would mean nothing if the road cars didn't perform as well so the road cars got better as the race car has got better racing competition is the most important element of our tradition of our [Music] history competition is something inside our body something very very important more than important is uh is part of our [Music] life the F50 is derived directly from the hottest form of Motorsport in the world Formula 1 where exotic Materials Science and money combined to produce such awesome machines that only a handful of humans are skillful enough to drive them in just 5 Seconds a Formula 1 Ferrari can be doing 210 kmph from a standing Start Formula 1 is so technically extreme that the cars are expendable constant development and improvements make last Seasons or even last weekend's car redundant but a road car is built to last Ferrari's challenge was to integrate as much Formula 1 technology as possible into a road car and still make it possible for the average owner to drive everyday for many years F50 is the car that wants to celebrate 50 year of of Ferrari is the first and the last formula one two seats for the road the first because nobody has done this before the last because with the rules in around the world will be impossible in the future to build a such a car the F50 is built around its engine a 4.7 L 5 valve per cylinder V12 a race engine detuned to make it reliable it's so efficient that above 4,000 RPM its emissions are low enough that exhaust gases can bypass the catalytic converters entirely it sits right behind the driver just like Formula 1 the engine and gearbox are loadbearing structures and support the rear suspension like Formula 1 [Music] Ferrari's building only 349 of these [Music] cars and the qualifications for owning one are strict we have chosen the the clients with three very important characteristic they have to own Min minimum two other Ferraris they have to be known by ourself or by our dealers and we have to be sure that they are not going going to buy this car just to sell after 1 month the factory will always know how the car is being driven data about every aspect of the car's Road life is fed into an onboard black box that data can be reviewed at every service Ferrari want this car to be driven hard weight is the enemy of acceleration and weight distribution the key to good handling so everything on the F50 is light and in the best possible place this carbon fiber tub forms a light strong shell around the driver and the rest of the car is fastened to it again the same as Formula 1 bolting the engine directly to the tub is one of those options the owner of a family car wouldn't like noise and vibration from the engine is transmitted directly into the seats for the Ferrari driver that just adds to the experience the driver becomes a component [Music] too this is truly a handbuilt [Music] car a small group of technicians follow the car along a short and highly specialized assembly line this part of Italy has a tradition of craftsmanship that goes back back hundreds of years nothing is rushed no one works at night and the Factory closes at weekends it's the Ferrari [Music] way at Porsche in stutgart cars are hand assembled too but machines regulate the [Music] pace cars are assembled to order here so there is one line capable of handling any one of more than a dozen model variations that Porsche currently produce from the 911 Turbo to the boxer the boxer should be a big seller for Porsche it's a mid-engine water cooled high performance car that would certainly be a success for any other sports car maker but Porsche has to win over a customer base that is particularly loyal to one model the 911 and that is evolved from a design philosophy that Ferdinand Porsche set 50 years ago horizontally opposed rear engine air [Music] cooled even the shape of the 911 comes from its 50-year-old predecessor the 356 for Porsche Engineers function has become more important than form marketing has provided the 911 design envelope in which they work so where art exists in the technology it comes second to utility if it works there's a place for it if it looks good too that's a bonus see I'm I'm an engineer I think in equations I think in those kind of things so for me it's difficult if equations finally end up in nice shapes uh so that's what we Define engineering art so loyal are Porsche's customers to the original shape that the 911 has remained in production as other models have come and gone it's been Porsche's most successful model on the road and on the track I think uh Porsche without racing would not be what is Porsche of today it's very important uh important is to decide what kind of racing so it's really a racing that shows on the racetrack similar cars similar shapes similar products that we have on the road that really the customer can identify with what we have and what we understand so Porsche 2 develops on the racetrack it's where they learned about turbocharging before fitting it to a production car in 1974 as an option turbocharging is attractive it delivers larger amounts of power from only moderately sized engines but there is a cost turbochargers generate extra heat and in an engine heat can be both an asset and a liability the efficiency of an engine depends on the difference between its lowest and highest temperatures ideally the air and fuel mixture coming into the combustion chamber should be cool and dense when it ignites it should be very hot and so greatly expanded the higher the maximum temperature can be raised the more efficiently and more powerfully the engine will run too charged engines can help increasing uh that temperature but you have to manage your materials as I said uh you have to transfer that heat that uh all components in the combustion chamber are exceeded to you have to bring that away and that's that's really the secret all you have to uh use materials like ceramics that can withstand that high [Applause] [Music] [Applause] temperatures G gas temperatures in the combustion chamber where these Pistons operate can be around 2000° Centigrade but if the Piston Crown goes above 250° the oil will break down clogging the oil ways and the engine will fail Porsche Engineers have leared a lot about heat transfer in an aircooled engine how thick the cooling fin should be around the cylinder the best Ceramics to use for the valve seats where the engine needs to be stronger to withstand the extra stresses turbos [Applause] [Music] develop the first Porsche turbocharged Road car had a single turbo this one has two Porsche found a single turbo could dump too much power too suddenly into the rear wheels the twin turbos are smaller each driven by a symmetrically divided exhaust system smaller means lighter lighter means less inertia and less inertia means faster response to the throttle less turbo lag this car delivers large amounts of power more smoothly and for the driver this brings [Applause] confidence most important thing is that you have a safe feeling from the car and the car should inspire you confidence that you can drive fast you should be one part with the car then only you can drive fast with this car and it's also important that the car is uh very durability that you can drive not only one fast lap that you can drive 10 20 laps with the same speed four-wheel drive car tenden is more to under steering and so if you drive cornering with these cars you have to lift a little bit the acceleration that the car comes a little bit more in over steering and the under steering tendance is not so hard and then you have to push down the acceleration as soon as possible to get the car a little bit more in an over steering [Music] condition this is a car of systems a combination of Technologies the four-wheel drive system is unlike any other it's Dynamic sharing power between front and rear depending on the driving demands of the moment if the rear wheels lose grip more power is fed to the front the anti-lock brake system large enough to be at home on the racetrack is dynamic too if it senses a rear wheel about to spin it will apply braking Force to that wheel even if the car is is accelerating I think uh it's not difficult but it's the secret to do it the right way and I think that this is where Porsche is really strong the systems help you to drive the car very fast and the borderline with the systems is much more higher than without the systems to do it in a way that the car or that the total system really handles like a Porsche uh I think that's the secret that our Engineers only can do the whole car is made to drive fast and you get a good response from this car it's quite important uh that we do anything in a team approach so we have some people that really drive the whole thing but uh Solutions are generated in really in a team approach and that's marketing that's engineering that's production uh that's of course Finance uh so all the people really come together the final decision makers this is our board there is no doubt about that and there are some program managers who had the whole thing but the solutions are really team driven Callaway Engineers Pride themselves as being part of a team too but they have their own traditions in this Workshop it's big V8s and the weekends racing horsepower and car shows [Music] the first Chevrolet Corvette came out in 1953 back then it could sell on visual style alone the first Corvettes were not particularly fast but the shapes were all testosterone it was that if you could make a three-dimensional version of a young man's libido it would look like this by the 60s Corvettes had developed muscles they were straight line Rockets Chevrolet had created a niche market and a car that enhanced the Chevrolet image helping sails right across the range through the 70s and ' 80s as new technology developed and matured so did car buyers today we live in a technical age we understand aerodynamics efficiency handling they are words in the brochures of the humblest new car we live in the age of the technology package so today's muscle car must be more than just beef cake we're first and foremost engine guys we build great engines but when you increase the power even of a good chassis like the Corvette from 300 to 400 horsepower you put we put big demands on the rest of the systems in that car and so we try to go through the whole car work on all of the related systems in the automobile the suspension wheels and tires brakes aerodynamics everything in that car that goes together to raise the whole automobile up to the standard of the engines that we build Enzo Ferrari believed that extra horsepower was the answer to all design problems and in his day this was almost true but there's a practical limit to that concept at the sort of speeds today's fast cars have to travel an invisible barrier that the car must push against [Applause] air air resistance increases at the square of speed or in other words air resistance increases four times as speed doubles the management of air around the car is vital and designers must know what happens as they deflect it squeeze it or thin it it's deflected through radiators and Brake discs for cooling squeezed onto rear Wings to add stability and thinned around suspension components to suck the car onto the ground apart from hitting something at high speed the major Hazard for fast cars is flight a jumbo jet is 250 times heavier than the Porsche but it will take off at 252 kmph at that speed these cars are still [Applause] accelerating without an effective front spoiler air buildup under the front of the car will force it off the ground that air either has to be swept away fast or appli to a surface that will provide downforce the Ferrari uses a sealed undertray to accelerate the air under the car it's shaped like an inverted aircraft Wing So it lowers air pressure and squeezes the car onto the road the rear spoiler is not just for show it develops enough downforce that at 320 kmph if the road turned upside down the car would still [Applause] stick aerodynamics affect the Callaway too its body modifications don't alter the basic shape of the Chevrolet Corvette but they do make significant aerodynamic improvements enhancing its stability at high [Music] speed as in important as what you hang into the air is what you hide from it on the Ferrari Formula 1 car the springs and dampers are taken out of the Airstream and tucked into the center line of the car the F50 is the same running push rods up to the horizontally mounted Springs and [Music] dampers even though he can't see it this is what the driver of a fast car feels the car working around him and through [Music] [Applause] him downloading data from the car is much easier than measuring a driver's state of mind I'm going to go around you and this the very first electrode that I'm placing here is the reference electrode until recently science had little opportunity to examine the physiology of car control we can see different changes possibly while you're making turns if you're doing sharp turns versus straightaways and this is a probe that measures the amount of oxygen in your arterial blood it uses a signal and it picks up uh the pulsing sensation in your finger JPI is being wired into a portable non-invasive medical monitoring kit developed for another form of high-speed transport the space shuttle this is the first time it's been used to monitor a high performance driver okay [Music] [Applause] second by second jei's heart rate breathing oxygen saturation eye movement and brain activity are being gathered by sensors and recorded onto a computer memory card the graph shows the physiology of stress High heart rate rapid eye movements and interrupted breathing normally pacemaker neurons in the brain stem control breathing it's automatic but JPI is so intensely involved in the physical act of driving that breathing is taken over by the cerebral cortex a higher authority which occasionally stops it altogether you've got the heavy braking once you get gotten rid of that braking then as you prepare setting the car up through the corner um you are on the power because you're trying to keep us apply as much power as is possible for you to stay on the road but also to give you quick exit speed and that that is stressful every single one of these movements every single one of these Corners when you negotiate it at high speed and you know you've gone through it quick um you invariably feel that it's once more Victory with every Victory comes achievement and achievement is addictive I can see areas where your muscles are very tense and very tonic and then there are areas where the the muscle tension decreases or you you you're probably a little more relaxed at that time okay that probably is when you start turning into a really tight Corner um so you're bracing yourself uh in the car we saw a lot of eye movement a lot of chin activity um your respirations may have gotten a slight bit more more frequent there was a lot of ey movement because I was looking out for stones and if I did see something I was also trying to determine on what side of the road that I would flow to to avoid that stone there's no indication in the brain wve patterns of jupp's mood but the combination of physical indicators suggests fear instead JPI feels pleasure it's a very finite line there between pleasure and um and fright um but if you have the right machine to do it with then becomes uh a pleasure if you don't have the right machine then that very quickly turns to Absolute fright because you don't have control pleasure is an indicator that endorphins are being released into the brain it's like the thrill we get after surviving a roller coaster ride but the difference in a fast car is the pleasure that drivers get from control the end of the drive what it does is it brings you very close to um to the machine um and you actually feel that there is such thing as a a Harmony between a human being and uh something mechanical you become very emotional towards a vehicle because you you know that there were a couple of moments where you had you had some moments and um it's it's just like if you were hanging off a cliff and the person that came and pulled you off that Cliff um even though you weren't a friend of his before but you certainly will become a friend of his real quick and this card does almost the same thing to you to be able to put ourselves in a situation where we have some really powerful system entity completely at our control I'm sure that fire Pilots feel that way I think the driver of a sports car the driver of a Callaway Corvette can drive that car and really feel a totality of of the entity and he the driver is the sentient thing in control of that and that's pretty cool even more extreme mental States can be reached what psychiatrists describe as complete dissociation you become like a person that is sitting in a chair at the cinema so I just watch around me and everything has become automatic so I just watch and I have a pleasure to see my hands to go and I don't think it's and now then you you become really part of the car driving anything even a golf cart should be fun there's no doubt that the cars most of us drive are technically competent and have become more so Year bye but what manufacturers don't build into the package is fun excitement character that's missing by by commercial necessity that's missing from the basic automobile that you buy today it's certainly not there in a Honda it's certainly not even there in a Mercedes and American cars are probably the furthest from character with a few exceptions but I don't think this is a nationalistic issue I think this is only a creative [Music] issue with such a strong sense of what a car should be like it was inevitable that Reeves Callaway would produce his own car as close to perfect as he could make it we've been doing engineering projects for car companies for the past 20 years projects come and go but what's left behind is the experience we could all see the handwriting on the wall that someday we would pull together all of those experiences and try to incorporate them into an automobile of our own something that we thought could be commercially successful we've just started doing that but do you have a a series of tests you want to do during this practice session just like Enzo Ferrari and Ferdinand Porsche did 50 years before Callaway has become a manufacturer in his own right and he aims to prove his design the C7 on the track in this car he'll go head to head against Ferrari and Porsche in the world's toughest long-distance sports car race at Lamar I don't think there's any other way to establish a reputation a legitimate reputation against other legitimate folks other than by going into competition with them and the effects of it either good or bad are long [Music] [Applause] lasting even though this is a new car it's also a product of the classic cars of the past they said benchmarks for the present too if you sit in a u a Ferrari 27 75 GTB today which was the last of the front engine 12 cylinder Ferraris you clearly understand what Enzo wanted in an automobile he wanted it to look like this he wanted it to sound like this he wanted it to feel like this and he wanted it to do this but it was very narrow in its focus appealed only to a certain number of people at the moment now in retrospect we look back at it and we say say whooo Milestone yard stick barometer a great piece of work on all counts if you list on one hands the cars that we we we all of us consider valuable and desirable you'll find that they were all made by a man and they were pretty closely a a pure function of what he wanted not a committee not an agreement not a compromise it was a Clear Vision Rees Callaway knows that success on the track will generate demand for a road-going version of the C7 even those who can't afford it will feel pleasure as it passes by perhaps because like a Porsche or a Ferrari it's made with passion at Porsche 2 the talk is of new cars the replacement for the 911 even Porsche is feeling the constraints of its design envelope but the search for Perfection goes on what we can do today with today's knowledge today's experience today's science is to get a little closer to a perfect car so we are getting close to that but I still think the generation after us they still have enough to do to engineer perfect Porsche cars we look ahead all the time if you ask to me what is the the Ferrari card that you like the most I have to answer to you the next one the card that is coming is not arrived yet so for us uh research is important technology is extremely important to find the Perfection but it's in the life I think is very difficult or quite impossible to be perfect a debate about which car is best is pointless they approach perfection in such different [Music] ways Ferrari bred to win an extrovert in an aggressive raceit Porsche the cool classic Beauty with a science degree Callaway Corvette the '90s muscle car a natural athlete with a top class coach if choosing the best is impossible choosing a favorite is easier and tells as much about your own character as it does about the cars together these cars tell us where we are they are markers of our time of Technology culture and [Music] style [Music] you know an automobile is a wonderful collection of Arts isn't it you know it's it's it's aesthetic it's its ethic it's its materials it's its style but it also comes alive you know that's the nice thing it runs it's about the closest thing that we as men who make things can make to making something that's living I think that that's probably the compelling underlying aspect of this whole thing
Channel: Machina
Views: 209,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rods, series, Documentary (TV Genre), latest, Speed, rebuilding, hot, new, Automobile (TV Genre), Fast Cars, Racing, Race, Mods, Car, Mighty, dvd, Discovery Channel (TV Network), Trailer, muscle, cars, mechanics, Barry, in the world, Fast, Drift
Id: 2gTlV57IlT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 1sec (3121 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2015
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