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brings up a lot of emotion you certainly feel like you're part of something special you're connected to it it's very distinctive certainly very mechanical the Germans make things beautifully and they just happen to go extremely well they are just a fantastically practical sports car to me they're just a cool car they're just they're they're all race cars they're all built for a purpose it's just that the whole German engineering sort of thing about it it was the noise um that's what drew me to Porsches when I first got into them I remember distinctly at my high school a 928 that used to arrive to pick somebody else up and the purr that it had was just wonderful the sound of Athletics is is very different from the the sound of anything else the air-cooled cars are particularly special because being echoed there isn't a water jacket around the the engine block which absorbs some of the noises so they've got a mechanical threshing that is that is all their own and you hear that even even at low revs you can hear that they just sound different and they sound more mechanical than than just about anything else yeah I just like the shape of them I think I like the fact that they're very simple right I mean the original cars the G Series cars and the cars before that they're very simple in their design um and I you know I don't know what it is but it's something It's a combination I just love the the function I love the purity of the design it's that real classic element to it which I'm I'm drawn to I'm drawn to things that are quite clean and minimalist it's almost no matter what Porsche I'm driving on a road test children to grandparents all like to have a look so you know driving them it's something special it's a it's a different kind of car there is a real passion there around around the mark and around the fun that it gives us in terms of ownership experience I don't know I think there's just something unique and different about them the whole idea of rear engine rear wheel so most of them I suppose um in the feel of you know you can jump in an early one like say for instance in early 9 11. you can jump in one of those and ride up to a GT3 you can still feel the difference or feel the power come through the wheels every little bump through the steering wheel it's um it's it's really really exhilarating you know driving down curl curl straight with you know a classic Porsche just looking out and there's the ocean on the left side and it's just it's just unbelievable to some things might be a bit Bassy but it's right at that point just before it touches that rev limiter that it you really you really know that you're alive thank you thank you foreign foreign I did a class called Power mechanics and it was really the only thing I was good at at school my careers advisor at school said oh you know I'll see if I can get you a gig at this Workshop I didn't know until I actually turned up that it was actually at the Porsche Workshop Grant came along into the network as an apprentice so I taught him through being a head mechanic and also through my workshop manager for the whole week I was there first and I left last I just couldn't get enough of it and I thought this is really great so I said to the workshop Foreman there at the time how do I get a job here this is the coolest place on Earth by the end of that year I'd already had the job lined up long before I'd actually finished school back in those days it wasn't a fair bit of mucking around with the poor old apprentices I remember being sent down the road for a left-handed spanner they also tried the old uh can of stripy paint Grant got offered this business down here and then after a couple of years he rang me and said would I be interested in coming down I was his boss now he's my boss and you know it's been a long relationship and it's been a good one foreign they don't age um yeah when my kids grow up Porsches will still be fashionable 30 something years later I'm still working on the product because I absolutely love it you know it's it speaks for itself it's a reliable car and the people that own them are total enthusiasts my granddad gave me my first car when I was 16 I couldn't even drive it so I spent that first year that I couldn't drive it doing it up and and looking after it and I used to sit in it and talk to him I had a deep affection for my granddad I guess that's where my sort of relationship with cars started I always have a lot of infection for my cars to be honest and I literally talked to them as clear as it may seem I was the kind of girl that had posters on the wall in my bedroom of cars as opposed to the local pop stars my first portion that I owned is the one that I still own which is 1968. she was the car that started our relationship with older house the whole team there especially as a woman they don't treat me as if I'm dumb and only like the color of the car having Grant look after our cars has made owning a Porsche more like just only a normal European car in terms of cost I know that you need to spend more money on a Porsche I think you need to find the right Porsche for you and really love it and enjoy it and and spend time in it and have somebody look after it the 968 was our second car for a very very long time and I always call it the world's most practical Porsche because it's got a fantastic boot it's got decent sized bucket seats in the back for the kids and the kids were comfortable in that seats until they were a good six seven years old foreign I bought my husband a 996 911 Turbo I happen to see that there was one online and when I saw the background I thought I've got I've got grants Workshop background so I rang him and said is this one of yours can I come down and say it he said Nikki you can come down and drive it between us we arranged the whole secrecy of buying the car for Darren without Darren knowing thankfully I I control the bank accounts and stuff at home so I was able to sneak the money out that's his toy as far as I'm concerned I do pinch it every now and then and he does let me take it to a nice lunch or something like that it's beautiful but it's insanely fast thank you foreign visiting Porsche Center Willoughby where we were there and he kept walking into the engine room where I spent a lot of my time back then and keep saying you know you should be coming and working for me you should be coming and working for me and I'd at that time I just basically said well when you when you want a partner and not a worker come and see me there was a guy by the name of Mark Sandy who's one of the mechanics there who had his own rally car and he asked me to come and help so I started helping him and then I got heavily involved in rowing and cutting in particular co-driving myself I was taking holidays in my annual leave and competing in in rallies in Australia and New Zealand and some in Asia I probably owe this part of my my history or career to a guy by the name of um Wayne Bell and I was sitting in Wayne's Lounge room and it was it was a decision that had to be made between working for him at Hyundai Motorsport and doing Asia Pacific rallying or come and be part of Ian's business and Ian's organization and buy into that and Wayne sat me down and basically said to me mate go and buy a business don't come Rowling because rallying there's only a short it could be a short-term thing and like you could only offer me a one-year contract so decision was taken to come and buy part of order House Hamilton be part of that in 2005 I finally got to a stage in my life where I was comfortable enough to think about going rallying is something I'd always wanted to do I was given Grant's name and I rang him up and I said listen I'd like to go rallying I'm thinking of Target Tasmania but what I really like is gravel rallying and he said me too he said I just happen to know the car it's a 1972 RS replica sort of it's a narrow body car Grant was part of the build process in in 1999 and was built for the 2000 London to Sydney Marathon this car was available we were able to do a deal to buy it and then the rest is history Grant did the normal Grant thing where he sits you down and tells you you know why you shouldn't be building this race car and now it's going to cost you an absolute Fortune and through that process we understood that or he learned more about me and the fact that my real passion was going gravel rallying so we found this car or he knew of this car being available and the fact that it had been built specifically for gravel rallying and so he got it to his workshop and we went for a drive together and as we were driving around I said you know the only problem is I've got no one to sit in a co-driver's seat you know if I'm going to go gravel rallying I need someone in the code driver to see well I'll sit with you foreign had a lot more Talent than I did as a co-driver he was outstanding and he kept telling me to go a bit harder and faster it was great fun and I just you know said that's it we're going to do this for some time to come the thing you learn as a driver with the co-drivers just to say yes sir one of the great things about grunt is he has an opinion he's incredibly enthusiastic and passionate with what he does and with rallying and for the most part I just defer to his decisions although we have had a couple of set twos and Barneys and you know gone toe-to-toe from time to time and occasionally we have to remind each other that the the light in the forest is beautiful and it doesn't matter where we're coming I've had a few no not I wouldn't say need death experiences but we've certainly had a few moments um that happens when you're pushing and trying to win you know you you're always gonna if you're not having moments in Motorsport then you're not trying hard enough that's that's my take on it all thank you Grant and I are in a very long Marathon rally in the south island of New Zealand and we're in day three or day four of the event we'd had a very long section with a very poor Road book and Grant said you know in 300 meters I want you to go left at the K intersection through that gate and I didn't slow down and we hit a rock on the outside in the snow and rolled over into the creek on our roof and slid up the creek with the windshield inside the car fortunately the car was okay we actually rolled it onto its Wheels afterwards and got it going again and then for My Punishment I drove 150 kilometers in a blizzard thank you every time we go out we just try to make them easier to drive because you know we know rally when you're doing 50 kilometers down a dirt road it's very tense it's you know incredibly draining from the point of view of the concentration that's required both for the co-driver and for the driver and so the best thing we can do is to make the car as easy to drive at all times so that you know neither of us are uncomfortable with what it's doing when we ask it to do something a rally car that we've built for Jeff is pretty special it's uh it's a pretty amazing car it's it's probably the thing that also scares me the most it's only the pilots who aren't scared that are having crashes and I think the same is true in any form of Motorsport if you don't have a little bit of self-preservation then you will go off and you will have a crash the best project I've worked on would probably go back to the first Target car that we built for Grant is a navigator and the customer which was a genuine Australian delivered three liter Carrera the every nut involt was uh taken out throwing away and start again with the clean shed some of the body panels too things were cut up and opened out and such contrast in its original format really but there was um not suggesting Porsche got it wrong but it's just to adapt it for this situation that made it something quite special it builds my original Motorsport customer he was the guy that came to me first and we've had a very very colorful and long-standing relationship I guess you'd say do I think this car the 74 RS that we're sitting in Grant and I built specifically to win Target Tasmania and beat Rex Boardman um we unfortunately never achieved that but we came second to Rex in Targa and we won the classic competition at Target in this and we were second to outright it was built for the body shell it's a genuine wide body Carrera it's built with extremely strong roll cage we were told by the Builder we would die before it deformed it's a 3.6 liter motor which was it was the maximum size engine that we could run in tarmac rallying at the time it's built specifically for tarmac so that it's not a high revving engine it really doesn't like to rev much over 6800 it's got a lot of torque and low down grunt so that it'll it really gets off the mark quickly and it goes up hills and it pulls out of Corners it's not a circuit Racing Engine and it's got about 350 horsepower I believe foreign I really I'd save enough in the tires to really punch it through that real tight section yeah because you gapped him I throw a new set of tires on it well we're not in the course you're actually allowed series oh am I yeah well we'll put two new ones on the back pick the best for the rest yep in regard to the finish of the car and the way it's been it's been built specifically for functionality really Grant and the order house boys have done all this I mean it wasn't really my input remembering that the car was bought as a a very sad wide body career we've done it just simply that way mainly functionality and within the rules of Target thank you I remember the first time when Grant came home and said he was going to be he wanted to be part of this buying to this business um I was frightened I was scared I didn't know what to expect we spent the whole that whole Christmas holiday period I guess for most wasn't a holiday for us we built essentially built a lot of the internal structuring that you see at the workshop today cleaned the whole place up had a big throw out of old junk and stuffy and had collected so much stuff over the years that really wasn't of much value he needed somewhere to expand because where he was he was you know just one of the numbers so and he had so much to give and I just thought I'll Trust his judgment and if he thinks that this is a good thing let's do it we'd just been married in 1996 when I took over the business and we also bought a house nothing like a mortgage to make you commit to something thank you at that stage I was actually a hairdresser managing a salon and the only way that we could do it and Grant you know nothing about Computing or business I knew nothing about it so I thought let's do it let's go for it so I would come down and I would do the book work a few days a week and then manage the salon the rest of the time it was tough long days and I just said to my I just said to Grant I said I'm done with hairdressing let's do this together and I became full-time here so that was a big decision for me because 13 years hairdressing that was all I knew to come to something which I didn't know but I knew his drive and his passion and where he wanted to take it and I wanted to be a part of that I seem to be good at biting off more than I can chew and then just chew like hell to try and get through it all I don't know how to introduce Adrian Adrian's just a total pull me get that loves his Porsche Boxster and thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread but he's good I was lucky enough to pick up the Porsche in the GFC for about half the price of what I should have paid for it I probably paid double doing it up putting bits and pieces on it upgrading the engine the brakes it feels more like my friend's 911 when I'm driving because it's got the 911 suspension on it but it still feels light and nimble like the Boxster does it's a bit quicker the engine sounds more raspy it's yeah it's just a fun car to drive now and um and it's different to any other Boxster that I see on the road me and my friend who's got a Carrera we took the cars out down through the back of New South Wales took it all out through the countryside up into the mountains had some great drives I think that's when I really let the car go and that's when you really start to enjoy the car not for what it looks like but you know how it handles and how it drives there's a Prestige to them of course they're nice looking 10 years 20 years 30 years on they still look really good it's my daily drive but it's my weekend car as well to go on Drive days in the country I've been working on Porsche cars since 2005. I had a small stint on some BMWs for a couple of months at one stage and they're just not the same I can't see myself working on anything other than Porsche I came from another dealer not doing Porsches to a sort of family business which was a good change because I don't really like the dealership in and out I compare it to McDonald's to be honest our customers know that we can't plead ignorance on anything with the cars we're a specialist it's what we do we tell people we're a Porsche specialist we're not like your typical Prestige dealership that may have a Porsche in there from time to time so we did we did so put new houses in service new hoses new caliper overalls the caliper kits new pads in the front yeah and machine the discs so nothing else extra no what about the hunting thing and the rich thing Tim reset the mixture right and he said as far as I know he said it was it was good right he was happy with it cool is your Island going anyway how's my wife your Island my heart is Bahamas are you still kicking back at Monaco a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah that's right that's exactly what I'm doing I thought your jet had range to get there but no I sold my chair no I bought two helicopters instead and a couple race horses right that's very that's very Swanky and that's the real deal that's all the original books there yeah I think you put in the original radio back in oh I'm getting old aren't I that won't work no the ear of ox have you still got the Euro box whatever it was yeah it's a year of ultimate one yeah yeah Chris that guy that's down there in the car yeah talk to him yeah he's mobile he does all every dealer every portion dealer in Sydney right he's the man better than me yeah well that's what he's doing today the automotive industry is is full of people who are miserable which as a petrol head I've never really understood you you're getting to to work with with the thing that that motivates you and that gets you out of bed in the morning order House Hamilton is by and large a happy place and although everyone has has days when they aren't quite as sparkly as other days sometimes it feels like a bit of a treat to to be allowed to to do what we're doing and still get paid for it foreign the first Porsche that I bought happens to be sitting over my right shoulder it's a fantastic car it's a 1993 968 Club Sport Factory Motorsport Edition I think of this in a way as the predecessor to gt3s extra rare this one in that it's a non-aircon and no radio version I got a bit initially I thought I would be modifying the car heavily but when you looked at the specs from it from the factory it was pretty accomplished piece of machinery and well beyond my limits at that point in time so I actually left it as it is standard and to set it up with a wheel alignment harness some safety gear and tracked it for a year or two without doing anything actually and I guess call it luck but managed to win its class Championship every year it's ever run foreign you'll find that the ability to to go and do a track day and then be able to drive home and I got a bit I think the first 10 rules of our club about the other you've got to be able to drive home you've got to be able to drive home Etc and the Porsche Mark is absolutely the car to do that they've got the right balance of engineering around Motorsport yet durability for customers at Club level or who are having a spirited drive on the street like myself in terms of the engine on this it's something a little different actually it contrast to say 911 with a flat six this has got an inline four it's a it's a big inline four it's got a three liter four-cylinder 16 valve with variable timing on the camshafts which was pretty Cutting Edge technology I believe it had more torque than the Holden 5 liter V8 back in early 93 when it was created I've often thought about whether I'd get a GT3 um it's still there on the list but uh I've got to admit every time I start to look at the lap times that we can now achieve so I'm doing about a one minute 47 on the Grand Prix circuit and on the same tires GT3 road cars 996 is 997s they're doing a 146 maybe 45 nine so there really isn't much in it and I think with a little bit more tuning in work on the suspension I'm looking forward to giving giving some of the gt3s more of a run again this car just loves Bathurst it's okay on the straight I get up to about 230 240 down the straight and into the Kink but the ability to hang out and keep up with all of the 997 gt3s whether on Slicks or semi-slicks Etc and frankly yeah can monster them across the top of the mountain I don't I don't want to be arrogant but you really can take it to them for more than eight decades the name Porsche has been synonymous with engineering expertise and have recorded more victories than any other manufacturer in classic races such as the 24-hour Lomo Ferdinand Porsche believed that design must be functional and functionality must be translated into visual Aesthetics every part of a Porsche is the residue of sustained focus on function engineering excellence and reliability he drove to create cars that Express power and speed even while standing still a small car with abundant power and brakes could accelerate rapidly and also have stopping ability to surpass the larger and more powerful cars it was this approach that is at the heart of Porsche Design and is for most the main attraction the ideal of Simplicity quality reliability accessible engineering and design has been rewarded with Car Sales volumes than most other sports car manufacturers can only dream of Ferdinand Porsche's vision and self-belief continues to imbue the design DNA and Engineering prowess of today's Porsches posters of Porsches continue to Adorn the walls of dreamers and better cars owned by drivers as time moves on you know these cars one day will become old cars too um it's important that we don't just rest too too much on on the old cars it's going to limit our numbers of cars we've got to just progress with time the same as Porsche and um yeah it's important to work in those modern day cars again there's still Avenues there we can look into and get more out of those cars too great things about 911s particularly is that they're everyday cars they're a car you can you'll jump in you know it's going to start if you haven't driven it for a week it's easy to drive they're good fun they're reasonably economical welcome to the toy shop as I call it uh these are some of my cards this is my daily driver I call it not that I drive it every day uh it's a C4s it's a lovely motor manual I think all my cars are manual yes they are so this car here is the only right hand drive 964 rsr that Porsche have ever built I was stepping up a class which was fairly exciting but it's also such an iconic car it's original it's a hard car to drive you've actually got to be driving at 100 to get the most out of them noise the rsr it's a deep sound complete roll cage it's a five-speed gearbox they took the standard motor which is 3.6 liters out to 3.8 liters and It produced 300 horsepower you can tweak them with the exhaust and Inlet manifolds and I think it got up to about 330 340 horsepower which is about as much as you can get out of a air-cooled engine above that they start to run a bit hot this is an anniversary model 964 which I bought from Grant and I've enlarged the motor to 3.8 I put the spoiler on it so it's actually like a 964 Carrera RS replica it's the only replica I have I guess I've slowed my racing down the last couple of years partly because of business commitments and partly because some of the Porsches that I race a little bit outclassed with the modern machinery this one is the 968 CS which I used to race I've done targas in it and production sports cars I'm just taking the front of the roll cage out so I can I can drive it on the road it's uh they're pretty hard to drive with a full roll cage if the police find you I'll end up with a big defect notice I didn't want that collecting cars became almost a little bit out of passion and when I went racing I had a twenty one thousand dollar 1972 911s which is worth another 100 now I think more than that but I flared the guards and made it look like a bit more of a racing car and when I finished with racing and I thought gee this is a good car I should hang on to it and then when this one turned up I then kept that and I said to myself I'm getting a collection here and then I decided to put James on to look after my cars and bought this place here to start to store them and so with James restoring them and or maintaining them and me going out and collecting good cars as they come on one or two a year the passion has just growing that was my first race car I can't believe I raced a car so valuable that's a 1972 911 S 2.4 a 944 S2 which I do Porsche events with and it's done a couple of targas I have a audio cars and I have winter cars so I have to come on down and say for example the 72s is a winter car no air conditioning and they're pretty hot in summer pretty hard to look cool when the switch running down your nose one car did four K's last year that's just four kilometers down to get registered and back again and that just started up after 12 months drove down did the Regis Rego check bring it back again it was fun now that's one of the great things about them the earlier models take a little bit of throttle modulation to get them going they're not as happy as the earlier was the later ones but yeah they'll always start first go my father was a he's a car nut like he it's his fault that I am doing what I do and spend all my weekends at the racetrack and drive my poor wife crazy um so we used to go to car races as kids and um yeah it's his fault and I've now convinced him to have his midlife crisis now that he's they're empty mum and dad are empty nesters and he's just gone and bought a secondhand Boxster we had a new Boxster a brand new box to come in a couple of weeks ago wow yeah what was your car anyway I had the meteor gray 3.2 career oh yeah yeah you delivered it to me once years ago you bought it to my house oh it's like you oh yeah I remember that yeah yeah that was definitely my favorite car I got my first car when I was eight from one of dad's friends he said yeah I have this Paddock pressure and my dad taught me how to drive through that and then he taught me how to get quicker and faster and using the handbrake and then I just raced around the paddocks still doing it now I started doing motor counter in 2007 and between 2007 and 2011 I won three state titles an Australian Junior title and state Canada cross title the first time I got into Porsche was three days after we got it and I was 15. it was a serious eye opener pretty much my dream of the new Porsche IS to just get quicker than Dad pretty much just to beat him working with grants just it's great it definitely knows how to set up a car for the racetrack he's got the the team the skills and he definitely has the passion with the motec system in the car we can retrieve data off the car and they can look at what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong compare it with dad's data over late with other data and yeah it's it helps you go a lot faster living the Porsche is just it's awesome every time you're in the car driving the car it's just an absolute drain it's a it's awesome fun you just I still can't get over it it's a bit of an unusual thing with me because most Porsche owners love old Porsche Porsche is a transitional thing which moves forward we're a high end of the it we live on The Cutting Edge of I.T so I'm a little bit like a ferry Porsche somebody once said to Ferry Porsche what's the best portion said the next one so hence I'm a guy that likes the current models just keep moving forward moving with the Technologies but faster better and safer the best portion that I've ever owned would be the GT2 which we were leaning up against now it's just fantastic it is the most awesome car it goes unbelievably fast acceleration just everything about it is just unbelievable star cancers should be the newest one my answer is the 356 because we've modified those for racing for decades and made them go very well for what we've started with and that's what I read difficult to drive particularly in the early years and it's a beautiful car sounds great looks great and I'd love to have a go one day probably the probably the 73 RS you know an affordable car they're relatively but I like the older Porsches well I'll surprise you about which is the greatest racing Force ever built it's this one I bought it new in 1984 so I've been driving this car for 29 years and for 29 years of banging it the motor was never open it was amazing hey it's a little 76 9-11 gemini Blue silly question I guess the the Striking one that really stood out in in my mind because which was associated with the car itself uh it was the 9083 that they ran at the Target foreo and at the Nurburgring which was the pale blue car with the orange stripes the one with the big arrow on the front yard oh that's that's really difficult is Group C type 962 or 956 it's only 12 centimeter difference between service cars that was that was really a fantastic car during Singapore gravy race at 9936 spider and that was a great thing it was a real race car participated dating by 34 cars and we finished second and behind us varies from car so that's it it's the future now again not only to make the demonstrations like here we want to race them again and we're tearing the cars for racing foreign license thank you it's about about five or six years old they have one little little Matchbox four it's a 911 I love them from there and so it's taken me this long to counterfeit foreign you just give it everything you can you take it home put in the garage and the next time they are like four weeks time you take it out again off you go and all you've got to do is just change the oil and change the tires it's unreal they just they just go and go and go all right yeah well I didn't think I'd ever be able to get into a racing car let alone right here something as great as it is yeah I do own it I do drive it and I do Pit through it so so that cuts down on a lot of expenses because I because we're doing all ourselves good I'll tell the most humbling thing I've ever done is this motorized look at that I'm both from the back if you come into a corner I've actually got to say to myself especially coming into this corner down here is you can do it it's okay stay on the track because if you think you're gonna slide that's exactly what will happen so you've got to look ahead you look as far ahead as you can and keep a positive attitude in the car I'll do the rest foreign like if there's something stuck around the road or a nut or a boulder or even a stone you can feel it you feel it through the steering wheel in your hands you can feel it in the in your foot on the clutch when you go put it in you can feel it in the accelerator when you put it down you feel it on the brake when you're braking you can feel it in the seat through the bottom as you're sitting in it you can feel it it's unbelievable oh you live in the dream it's just right that's awesome thank you very much my friend foreign thank you thank you thank you the racing started on a whim really it was a just a phone call from a friend who said that he'd found a second hand Ford Falcon EA saloon car and that that car at the time was I think something like five thousand dollars repossessed in bad order in the sky after a very wet and Soggy round at Phillip Island once which is not much fun with it with a Celine car I saw these beautiful Sleek Porsche 996s at the time in an early round of the GT3 cup challenge when it first commenced a few years back and I actually jumped on the phone from the pits at Phillip Island to a guy back here in Sydney who worked for a Porsche dealer said how do I buy one foreign been a bunch of close calls there's one sitting on YouTube right now having to go in field at the chase at 50 to 60 kilometers an hour when there was a slowing car just on my line that could have ended in tears if the car had gone sideways into the sand it certainly could have Barrel rolled and anything could have happened across the board career a cup over the last few years has been safe and generally respectful racing you just don't race at that speed and at those limits without there being incidents last October in the last race after a very very good run found the wall just coming over Skyline so you have to maintain respect and be very very aware at all times because the bottom line is anything going at 270 kilometers an hour is the ability to bite you and bite you hard oh I guess a lot of people had the desire but it's like anything in life you just need to take some steps towards it you can race very affordably and if you're in a pack of cars it doesn't really matter whether you're doing 120 220 using the same racecraft you're having the same experience naturally in life you want to progress through so we find ourselves sort of where I'm at at the moment and of course other guys have gone many many times further than I ever will you only get one shot 150 in January so you know at the moment I'm hanging in there reasonably well but I don't look back in 10 years or 20 years and say why didn't I in terms of the ability to compete with the cluster driver that I find myself on the grid with yeah I think it is probably As Good As It Gets realistically at my age with my time availability I think there's some amazing experiences to be had in addition to Career cup but I can't think of a better way to hone car and race skills than the the very equal competitive and Sprint racing format of career couplings actually if you look down in the garage my three-year-old daughter's driving a convertible white 356 electric model and that's sitting beside mine so it could be forgiven for thinking it's a Porsche Enthusiast family in terms of just a daily driver I'm perfectly happy with what I've got Carrera 901s cab which is an awesome car does everything so well couldn't think of anything much better to be honest but I must say the new Turbo S is right up there and a couple of Classics for good measure yeah I think everyone had a little bit to do with the group four car there's a secret little carbon fiber badge that I put on the chassis of that group four car that someone one day will find but also I think I did a bit of the Interior work and the start button and a couple of suspension components but everyone sort of worked on that car I don't think anyone didn't that's actually nuts that car yeah it's just crazy um I don't know how to drive it actually a bit scary by the time you accelerate you're already at the end of the street so no burnout so you don't do burnouts in that unfortunately we don't do that foreign thing was great and all but there was no way to make a living and so I guess the decision to come and be part of Waterhouse Hamilton was more of a head decision rather than a heart decision because my heart still I still really enjoy rallying I like the whole rallying scene thank you I had this Vision that I wanted to build a place and an environment that had a bunch of Craftsmen and technicians as opposed to just mechanics a place where people would come and enjoy working here and feel like they'd be part of something really really special that's what led us to build the group for iconic 80s tarmac rally car no one in this country has certainly built one it was all about you know taking something old but then making it a little bit new a little bit special we didn't want to build an out and out race car we wanted a more of a street hot rod for someone to take away on the weekend go and have some fun maybe go and do half a dozen track days a year and something that if someone got the urge in the morning they could jump in and drive to work as well first thing was it had to be a factory right hand drive car I don't care how well people say they convert cars from left to right hand drive there is so many things that can be done wrong it's not funny it was an English delivered car they're a little bit known for being Rusty and that was fine because everything was coming off it we were starting from scratch we didn't want to build a 400 horsepower race car engine that's going to need a rebuilding 10 000 case we wanted a car with a nicer shifting gearbox in it than the earlier cars with the 915 boxes even though we love them they're nice and light they are a bit more agricultural than the G50 gearbox cars Interiors all Alcantara Dash and you know door trims and things and some couple of racing bucket seats and air conditioning and air conditioning and Bluetooth I hate air conditioning because because of all the pipes and hoses and things yeah it's nice on a day like today but it just looks ugly yeah I love every model of Porsche from the beginning to the current car but for me I find it hard to go past the classics you know classic cars are all metal parts are all bolted together they're so much more mechanical noise all modern cars today are all really quiet inside they're just not quite the same thank you yeah so going just for a sound check just introduce us to the room and who's in there and hi this is the engine room perfect run by Matt don't worry about that because it's outside the anamorphic marks okay yeah I like it what quite like what was that technical jar anamorphic yeah we're shooting this all long and thin like like cinema screen okay it's the same aspect ratio that uh feature films use so when you look at this you're going to get that implicit Association that you're watching a feature film as opposed to video which is Four Square this will be really long and thin oh yeah foreign I love that I was just going to say I love the things at the back the colors the red and the black look great against the white of the car and the roof oh no that's beautiful
Channel: Autohaus Hamilton
Views: 696,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Porsche, porsche 911, porsche 991, porsche 911 gt3, porsche gt3 cup car, sodus, autohaus hamilton, grant geelan, david hutton, porsche 968, porsche 968 cs, porsche grp4, living the porsche
Id: v6E0XnVQzfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 49sec (3769 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 15 2014
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