Fast Car
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Channel: Tracy Chapman - Topic
Views: 24,267,160
Rating: 4.7298107 out of 5
Keywords: Tracy Chapman, Fast Car
Id: IJ8i49EqgYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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This is one of those songs that's special enough that some people are able to love it even if it's completely outside the genres they usually listen to
Mike gave me a list of his top ten Springsteen songs.
Three of them were Huey Lewis and the News. One was Tracy Chapman, Fast Car. And my personal favorite... Short People.
Beautiful timeless track
Sometimes I get drunk, listen to this song, and tear up
I found a higher-quality upload of this track!
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my mom used to always play this song in the car when I was little so now its a special, nostalgic song that just brings everything back to normal when nothing seems right, damn that was soft
I was such a shit when I was twelveish. My dad used to put this on when he was drunk and sad, and I'd always tell him how crappy it was. Now, this is one of my most played songs. I didn't appreciate it then, though at 12 I'm not certain I was ready for it anyway. It's so pointed and specific, yet still incredible in its universality in the longing and hope it conveys. I miss him everytime I hear this, makes me think of him sitting in front of the old fatback computer with his crappy speakers crying about wanting to be someone and it just rips me apart. I wish I had the chance to experience this song with him as an adult, to let him know that I understand now.
My dad used to listen to this during his struggle days. I am listening to it during mine.
I was in high school when Tracy Chapman's debut album came out. It took the country by storm. Completely different from anything else that was going on at the time.
Even my father liked it, which was astounding, because he liked nearly nothing. He had graduated from high school in 1956 and didn't even like Elvis.
He basically liked Bach and nothing else. I can only list 3 or 4 movies that I remember him liking (Platoon, The Killing Fields, Dune, and American Beauty).
Anyway, Fast Car was the first single from that album, I think. It was certainly the highest-charting single. I wouldn't say the song is super simple, but it definitely has a simple sound to it. Tracy has done a lot of great stuff over the years, but it's neat that this song still holds up 30 years later.