Fleetwood Mac - Landslide (Official Music Video)
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Channel: Fleetwood Mac
Views: 57,042,279
Rating: 4.8917646 out of 5
Keywords: fleetwood mac, fleetwood mac landslide, landslide, fleetwood mac tour, landslide fleetwood mac, stevie nicks, stevie nicks landslide, fleetwood mac landslide live, landslide the dance, fleetwood mac live, fleetwood mac hits, stevie nicks hits, fleetwood mac greatest hits, lindsey buckingham, chistine mcvie, fleetwood mac landslide official video, fleetwood mac landslide video, landslide video, landslide official video, fleetwoodmac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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How on earth aren't Fleetwood Mac in the /r/music hall of fame? They have literally one of the best albums ever made and some of the catchiest songs of all time.
I probably heard my parents listen to this song as a kid in the '80s. But as a '90s teen I remember the Smashing Pumpkins version the most.
I them preform this last year/the year before. I can't remember the years anymore. When she sang the "I'm getting older, too", she heavy sighed and it just hit me right in the feels.
Now we just need a cool guy on a skateboard to make a short clip with this song, and it will re-enter the charts.
Love this song, I get emotional almost every time I hear it.
Even cooler is that while this song is about the failure of the relationship of the two people on stage, 'Life in the Fast Lane' is about this relationship ending her previous one with Don Henley.
The Mac....so hot right now
My college bar would play this song every single day as the final song of the night when the bar was closing. Brings back such good memories.
38 year old man here, sitting at my home office, with tears in my eyes, and I have no idea why.