FAST & Amazing Jelly Roll Quilt. Part 1 Beginner Friendly

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foreign [Music] I hope all y'all are having a blessed day it is a rainy and cool day here today on the mountain today is Thursday August 3rd and it only got up to 70 degrees today but the humidity is like I feel like I've been hosed down so the chickens will be running about today because I think we have some thunderstorms coming in so we are here today with our next little project and today I am going to be doing a pattern that my pal sues from Revelation quilts as designed it's using a jelly roll and it's a lot of fun you're using one jelly roll and the perfect jelly roll has two of every single fabric so you have 40 strips and there's two of a kind throughout the entire jelly roll that's how this works because we're going to be splitting it so rather than trying to explain it to you I'm just going to take you over to the cutting table and I'm going to show you what we have this is a lovely jelly roll that was by bennertex and it was beautiful jelly roll however some of the Fabrics were not duplicates so what I've done is I had a second jelly roll of batiks that I got from the soya quilting guys I took that were similar to replace The Singletons that I took out of here hopefully your jelly roll has two of each Fabric and what you're going to do is you are going to separate them out into two piles this fabric didn't this the fabric and the jelly roll didn't work so I took these two pieces of jelly roll and I inserted them these were a match and then I had another two and this like I said I had several that were very very similar so I'm using those and you want to leave it in the same order that it came out the jelly roll because they usually have have them laid out very very nicely and maybe not a rainbow but you know going through all the colors and the light colors together and Sue's is calling this quilt Crossings so the way this is going to work is I'm going to put this pile over here I'm going to forget forget about it for a little while this pile we are going to take over to our sewing machine and leaving it in this order I am going to sew every single strip together into one big strip set and the way that we're going to do that is we're going to take these two and sew them together in One Direction okay and then we're going to so this one but if you're sewing in this Direction with one then in the you're going to go in the other direction and that will prevent your quilt from skewing and if you've ever made a watercolor quilt you know what I'm talking about when I say skewing you have all these itty bitty little tiny squares and you've sew them all in One Direction all the way throughout the entire coil and when you get to your quilt it is cockeyed so rather than being a square it's kind of like this because as you keep sewing the sewing machine and the feed dogs keep pushing the fabric and it gets skewed So to avoid any skewing I'm going to sew them in opposite directions so I'll sew this one to this one going this way when I go to add this one I'm going to go in this direction and you're going to do that throughout the entire stack that you have here and you are going to press your seams all in the same direction all right here we go I am taking that one and this one put them right sides together and these this is a batik so it's not it you can use either side and I have my quarter inch foot with the plow on and we are just going to zip on down okay that is done and we take it out of the machine and we do not have to worry about finger pressing that's a very very long seam to finger press and it would be kind of painful my hands really hurt and so I went down this time so I'm going to go up the next time I'm getting my next piece and I'm keeping them in order okay matching The Edge and the beauty of this pattern is that it's no waste you'll have a little extra left over but you can use that in the Border so I'm going to turn the camera off muscle through this and again we are just now we're going to change direction again but we're going to keep everything in order I did want to pop in here and show you my progress so far and I did want to give you a couple of tips if you if it makes you feel more secure you can of course use pins or those little sew Clips but what I do is I use my fingers so I have everything lined up here and I just go nothing is moved everything's the way it's supposed to be and then I do it again and you're you're only working with a small section at a time not the entire strip and it does it just takes the stress away from going a straight seam and worrying about things shifting you know I'm not I'm not a pin person and I just find that this works very nicely and I'm not pulling don't don't pull and yank on your strips otherwise your piece will be warped and it will Ripple and it'll look like a roller coaster and that's that's not what we're going for I'm not applying any pressure at all other than just to hold the pieces together so now I've sewn this way so now on the next piece I'm going to be sewing in the opposite direction so I take it and I turn it around and I grab our next piece right sides together keeping it real I made a mistake like the fourth piece I put on here I sewed with the seam on the front so I had to tear it out and do it again just you know being honest and letting you know I'm not perfect only only the Lord is perfect not to worry about it if you have to stop and rip it out it's no big deal have a cup of coffee or a cookie and just relax just remember that even if you have a stitch or two that's crooked this quilt will still keep somebody warm allow them to feel like they are loved and that's the whole point of quilting I have this whole thing sewn together and it's just beautiful I did make some changes I was having some of the batiks almost next to each other so I I just changed that and then on the other stack I made sure that it matched apologize about my nails I just I haven't haven't been up to doing them I've been trying new things and I'm just exhausted all right so I have this folded in half and I have the edges aligned and I've ironed it ironed the whole thing All in One Direction and it's laying flat there's no wrinkles and now I am taking my ruler and I'm going to cut off the salvages and I'm going to cut at the 22 inch Mark and I'm going to use my weight and I'm going to run through that twice just to make sure all the seams got what we need to do now is we need to cut these into two inch strips lining up the two inch lining up the two inch putting the weight on here and cutting and I made a mistake this happens to me a lot and I don't know how to stop it from happening I veered off that is unfortunate so I'm going to have to re-straighten but we only need 19 strips I'm going to very carefully straighten this up again so now it's straight again and yes I did lose a little but that's okay if you have that same problem just go slow so again we're going to cut this into two inch strips so slow make sure your rotary cutter is on the ruler I kept going off to prevent that from happening I remembered that I had purchased this shape cut plus ruler from June Taylor ink and it has slots in it every half inch it did not fit in half so I folded my strip set into thirds and now it fits and now I'm going to take this and I'm going to line up the edge with the edge here this will be the next cut this will be two inch so I'm going to go one inch two inch not quite getting to the edge so have to clean that up after I'm done cutting but for now I'm going to go and do down every two inch Mark and I'll fix those cuts when I pull the ruler off that was 12 I believe so now I'm doing the 10. so now I'm just going to use a smaller ruler this here ruler and I'm just going to go down and finish the cuts you only need 19 of these strips so this is 19 and this lovely chunk is left over and I am not going to waste that I will save it and then use it with the leftover batiks to make a border we are going to start putting this together and if you notice this matches this one this matches this one and so on and so on and so on so we're going to start with one of the solid strips and we are going to sew this unit to it we're going to do that there so that the Salvage is off and we are going to sew these together and when you press the seams you want to press the seams towards the solid piece otherwise you have to deal with all these crazy all these crazy seams if if we go all the way down to the other end you can see that we have quite quite a bit of space I was thinking well I could just add another strip but you can't because the strip isn't long enough Sue's is a real sharp cookie and she she did all the math for you on this which is good because me and math don't get along we're going to sew this one here and then we're going to take the next strip and we're going to sew it here and then we're going to add one of these then one of these all the way down I am going to sew with this pieces up so I can make sure that all of the seams lay down nicely and again we're not pulling we're not tugging on this we are just placing the edges flush together and running it through the machine so as you can see you don't need pins pins are highly overrated unless you've got a lot of seams that you're dealing with all I'm doing is just using my fingers and when you iron you're going to iron so that the seam goes that away onto the big piece now we need to do the next piece and at this point we will not be able to alternate the direction because we have to match things up once we get to the next piece and I'll show you that so as you can see here I'm sewing onto this and I have all these seams going down so they'll lay nicely under the needle for me all I'm doing is matching up these seams and letting it run through the machine so you can see our first three pieces and now it's time to add another one of the strip sets and we're going to line up the edges so we'll go back up here to the top and we are going to look at this seam right here and I will zoom in with the camera we want to line up that seam with this sew line you can just see the stitching and it's lined up with that intersection and that is what you're going to do now of course you can pin if you so desire I'm just lining up the stitching line right there and it matches slide it under your machine and you are off to the races again we are not going to pull on these strips We're going to fluff good and we're just lining up the edges and you can periodically check and make sure that the seams are still aligned and if they're if they need a little bit of coercion you you can you can apply that and you won't have to worry about things going too far astray because we are lining these up as we sew the next strip will be this one and then we will be going back to another strip set and we are going to continue in that fashion this is where we're going to stop for the evening I am dead tired I can barely lift my hands anymore I still have to trim it up and when we come back we're going to trim it up we'll design the borders and sew them on and I think it's absolutely stunning and if you don't know who soothes is go over to Revelation quilts and I will leave a link down in the description for her Channel and go give her some love tell her I sent you to say Melissa from 70 Acres Studio sent me and I think I think it's real pretty I love the way it turned out and it's just it's a lot of fun to look at and I think the batiks really worked they are evenly distributed so I think that they look real nice my hair is a mess I haven't I have a hair appointment on Tuesday so that's good so I want to thank you all so very much for watching I want to thank you for all your subscriptions and for your comments and your thumbs up your comments just make my day they are the highlight of my days and I so enjoy reading them and responding to you I'd also like to ask that you go over and check out my website on coffee and I will have a link in the end screen and down in the description below I have several memberships that you can select from and I also have lots of patterns and other things available for sale and I would love it if you would join the Discord that we have though again the link will be there it'll be on my coffee site I would love to be able to see what you're working on to see what kind of quilts that you're doing and if you went out and found the Lord today I would love it if you would share that with us and get to know you a little bit better thank you for watching and I will see you right back here at 70 Acres studio with our next little project which will be putting the borders on this lovely quilt so thanks sues for the inspiration and the pattern it's absolutely lovely I love it I love you all so very very much you mean the world to me so you have a very blessed day a very very blessed week ahead and I will see you right back here at 70 acre Studio very very soon God bless good night Elizabeth Campbell [Music] foreign
Channel: 70 Acres Studio
Views: 10,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Curiously Good Art, Quilting, sewing, thrifting, recycling, thrift store fabric, scrap quilting, charity quilt, beginner quilt, scrappy quilts tutorials, quilt tutorial, patchwork, How to, tutorials, baby quilt, Foundation Paper Piecing, Kaleidoscope Quilt, Jelly Roll, 3 hour quilt
Id: Qiz73fMnyms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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