How to Crochet an Edge on your Quilt

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[Music] foreign on how to crochet edges on your quilts I've had a lot of questions on how I attach my crocheted edges to the quilts and I just wanted to say that this is nothing new it has been around before and we used to do a blanket stitch on the on the edge of the binding and as you can see the the stitches along there and then we crochet into the top I just wanted to show you a few of my quilts with the gorgeous crochet edges on this one is one of my favorites I love this green and I love a Pom-Pom border so it's seamless on the front and seamless on the back no blanket stitch and it does look like it's been stitched inside the quilt but it's actually stitched on top so in this tutorial I'll show you how to do that so our my next one is the Elizabeth Mary quilt it's made from tilde Fabrics on linen tilde is one of tilde Fabrics are one of my favorites and this edging is called a spade edging and again no blanket stitch on the back the next one is tilde again and this one is called winter Bloom this is available as a PDF download on our website gorgeous gold color again tilde on the back which just looks beautiful and a nice seamless edging as well I've had lots of questions via social media on how I attach my binding so I'm just going to show you a quick little tutorial and I'm just going to break it down on how I do my crochet edges so first of all your binding will be cut at one and a half inches then take it to your iron fold it in half and attach it like normal as you would with your quilt once your binding is all sewn on with your sewing machine you're going to pull your binding all the way over I use these clips to keep them in place and then hand sew like you would normally you're binding all the way around now the tricky little bit is these corners if you just cut those Corners out it'll take some of the bulk out so when you come to do your corner you sew right up to there and then fold that one back there's a little bit of bulk here but don't worry too much about that once you've finished your binding the top of your quilt will look like this binding on the front and then on the back it's all nice and neatly sewn down now that that's completed we can now move on to the crocheted Edge I love to use Fiddlesticks Wren which is an eight-ply cotton you can also use a four ply cotton and that would just give you a finer Edge on your quilt okay we're going to start our back stitch along the edge of the quilt now I use a very long darning needle with a quite a sharp edge and you'll need a pair of scissors so on the back of your quilt we're going to come up through the binding here don't forget to put a knot at the end of your yarn and you can start anywhere on your quilt and we're just going to pop that through there now I'm going to be honest with you this is not fun this bit it's a little bit tricky so we're just going to do a back stitch here right on the very edge and push that through so there's your first Stitch so we'll go right next to it and you can either go through your quilt or just on the edge of your binding sometimes it's a little bit tricky and a little bit hard to pull your thread through and you're going to continue doing the back stitches all the way around don't worry too much about the length if they're different lengths it's okay because we're just going to crochet into the top of those anyway so once you've you've gone all the way around which I'm just going to show you another piece that's what it's going to look like so right on that very edge are your stitches now that you've completed your back stitch all the way around your quilt the fun begins we can start to crochet I use a three millimeter crochet hook and my eight ply Fiddlesticks Wren and I normally start about halfway down one side of the quilt I'm going to attach my yarn and I do that by just hooking that on and I tie a knot so the first lot of stitches you're going to do they are all double crochets and that's English term double crochet in American that's a single crochet so I'm going to start with just a chain and as you can see there I'm going to just estimate how many stitches go into each Stitch so I normally do about two or three into each one you don't want to have too many stitches in there because your border will then become frilly and we don't want a frilly border okay so I've done three in the first one four in the next one because obviously your stitches can be a little different so in each Stitch I do probably two or three stitches see this one's a little bit shorter so I'd probably only pop one in there this one's a little bit longer and I will do three double crochets in there and you carry on all the way around this is building your base for your edging so Row one is double crochet all the way around and I just want to show you what I do when I come to a corner as I'm coming up to the corner I'm just going to put three double crochets in there in this one I'm going to chain two to go back down the other side and I will probably have to put in four in this one because this Stitch is a little bit bigger than the others and you're just going to carry on all the way around and your first row of double crochets is your base of your crocheted edge of what you're going to create once you've crocheted your double crochets all the way around your quilt just slip stitch into your first chain one and I always do a second round of double crochets then I go into my pattern on the crocheted Edge on the three quilts we showed you earlier I just want to just quickly explain the stitches I have done on these so on the gorgeous green one I have done three rows of double crochet then I've gone into the cute little Pom-Pom border on the Elizabeth Mary quilt two rows of that base double crochet and then I have moved on to the Spade border and then on the winter Bloom quilt two rows of double crochet and I called this the crown border as it sort of looked like mini crowns I hope this tutorial has inspired you to create your own beautiful crochet edges on your next quilt coming up on my next video I will show you how to hand piece our pre-cut tilde hexagons and add this special touch to this crocheted Edge watching our very first YouTube video please subscribe like and share you can also follow Elsa Grace on Facebook and Instagram foreign
Channel: Elsie Gray's
Views: 33,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crochet, patchwork, crocheted edge, quilting, elsie grays, tilda, fiddlesticks, sewing, quilts
Id: uM4_I1h81p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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