HOMESTEADS in Farthest Frontier! Let's Play - Ep.4

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hello everybody darren here and welcome back to the quaint little village of swords in farthest frontier now in the last episode we had just doubled our population yet again we're getting pretty close now to a hundred total inhabitants and this means we've actually got about 30 people not currently assigned to a job freeloading off the the hard work of the people in the industry and down the mines so today we're going to be mass harvesting resources all around us building that wall getting some new industry and farms and really putting these people to work so let's get into it now one little correction from a previous episode that i was saying we currently have houses ready to be upgraded and i'd been saying i'm gonna hold off on doing that because we don't actually really get any more money from them they just get more happy and happiness for us right now is really really high so i was saying like ah we don't really need to upgrade them turns out you do get more tax from them it just doesn't tell you in the game directly so here when we look at a shelter and we look at the upgrade bonuses we can see a larger happiness bonus and increased durability it doesn't say anything about getting more money but when you do upgrade them you get homesteads and in the game guide that takes you out to the website and has brief descriptions in the desirability category it tells you that homesteads will provide you more tax and when you look at your monthly gold report you actually do see a separate category for taxes homestead with a little bit of extra income there so it is worthwhile and that's what we're going to be doing today also allowing these to actually upgrade i'm gonna wait just a little bit whoa um so picking up right where we left off at the end of the last episode we were just building out of out here uh harvesting resources loading up the cart with more wood and things like that and then we just built an extra forager hut and a hunting cabin here because we saw that there was some boar lurking around nearby and actually hovering over it we do see where it is it's right there they're territorial animals that pose a danger to villagers that wander too close but provide meat so we're going to be trying to feed all of these people as well because we have just taken on so many more people with 30 people not working jobs that sustainability is going to get harder and harder to maintain ultimately you you know you need a portion of your people always working food to sustain the growing population so all right so basically what i was thinking is we're going to just cut down and harvest a bunch of trees out this way while we're still building that wall the final bit of the wall out here and then we're going to continue building the wall out here so let's just let time plate i'll speed it up as well and we'll move the cart further out this way too now something else i'd be meaning to do actually i'll just keep time on normal is stock the market with some extra things so i've since learned that you can what you tell them to stock is actually the rate at which they're always going to try and stock you're not saying store 10 directly in here you're saying always keep 10 in here i think that's kind of how it works we'll see anyway as time goes on but i'm going to say keep this at 50 coats so we have currently 18 hide coats so it's a pretty high number but we're going to try and really ramp up our industry so we can sell things and make good money and then for shoes we've actually already nearly got 50. i'll say put 50 in there as well and they'll start transferring things in and when the market trader comes by then of course we'll try and sell stuff if we get lucky with a good trader we also bought our heavy tool previously so something i'm going to want to do also is get working oh there's a trader actually on the way right now um is get working on a farm out this way building wheat and then we can get a mill going so that's what the heavy tool was required for and it turns out that that heavy tool actually wears out over time so you need to have a either be making your own or have a steady amount of gold so you can buy another one otherwise you could be in a lot of trouble if you're relying on bread and wheat and then suddenly you can't get your meal to work anymore all right we have all our little worker ants out here chopping away this is what i was saying we just got so many people not doing anything i was really surprised at the end of last episode i guess we've just been taking on so many but i just hadn't noticed that they didn't have any jobs to do so as long as we're harvesting something that's giving them something to do and they'll be loading up the cart and we'll bring that cart over to the left side of the town and get continuing the wall just gonna up the priority of this wall so that they actually get cracking on it um something else just to get ahead of food production we only have one fishing shack but we've got three hunters and three gatherers now so i'm just gonna get another fishing shack somewhere down here cool and then maybe they can work this area and what else let me just check the so we've got velena in the forager shack she's currently getting the medicinal herbs kind of want to get more willow and build more of the industry for baskets so we can sell it so there's another basket shop right here we'll just get another one going right now let's see basket shop there so let's put it right next to it should we put it this way i reckon there and then we have another um cobbler next to that one this they do fit together but so does this one so yeah that'd be okay [Music] um because we're gonna get we've an extra hunter that means more pelts and so on and so forth so let's check out the market so who we got we have beldar the peddler leaving in 50 days what is he buying he is but hey he's buying shoes perfect um yep so actually so we've got an order from kariolus our gross yeah no not our grocer sorry our trader he's going to be stocking the trading post where is he right now actually it says he's doing it [Music] so he's heading out to the tannery grabbing a bunch of stuff he's currently carrying one coat great uh maybe we'll assign another person here eh make this go a bit quicker in future don't want that person leaving in 44 days without getting the shoes loaded up um yeah the shoes should sell for a pretty penny i mean it's an average price but at least 45 times 13 whatever that is decent amount of wallet um should give us a good amount of money for future purchases we want to be purchasing livestock eventually and they're about five to seven hundred for each cow and the more you can get one go the better all right let's just speed it up just a little bit try not to forget about that um trader so we want to add a couple of extra houses as well um because if you look at our market and our radius we're currently losing six gold a month that's because we have the doctor's office turned on right now and that's going to be costing 30 upkeep so it's pretty expensive the monthly the market's only making 28 and then i guess there's maybe a couple extra services that are costing a little bit extra somewhere not sure what that is but anyway before i get distracted with that we'll just put down a few more houses in the market range and i'm putting these down pretty chaotic because well one i think it kind of looks more natural this way but also i'm going to build a more ordered structured town when we expand i was thinking of just doing it over here because remember we had um sand all the way out here that i want to work it work towards eventually this is so far that i'm thinking the wall could come down and then join the lake somewhere over this way so if you want that to happen then this would be a great area to just clear out a big forest build a town from scratch and essentially either move everyone over or just have another town on the go that gives us time to then refactor this one so we have like two little sort of villages coinciding with each other and that way the farms will be in between which is decent and maybe we could also move the compost people said that before move the compost may be closer to the farms and that way they can stock the farms faster but it's that's actually really not that important because they stock it super quick anyway and they only do it like once a year so it's super fast you don't really have to worry about that but it would be good to be able to collect waste from two towns in the middle that would make sense for sure all right so you need to move your radius so you can get some fish so 696 fish now i was streaming this game and uh i actually had a little lake a little lake and i had three fisheries in there and we actually drained the lake of fish um they do come back though eventually which is good but it was kind of interesting to see it actually does run out or can run out so you do need to space these apart we had a very small lake it was almost like a pond in a way all right looks like the wall is done um i had a comment about the gates facing the wrong way i think this is facing the right way gates should push in not out to a town especially defensively if if it worked the other way around then someone on the outside could wrap things around this and pull it out towards them because the hinges would lean lean out that way whereas yeah that it should it should come in right i think so anyway so i'm going to keep it this way i think i did build one or two of them the wrong way though um one of them is facing out yeah this one so i don't know leave a comment which way you think it should be but i think it should be coming in like the gates open in you open them in as people come in that's to me makes sense um okay so we're pretty much done with the wall here that's the only reason i was harvesting out this direction so we'll start telling them to you can stop harvesting there start harvesting basically everywhere around this farm bring up the cart as well and then everything down here too so the cart's gonna make its way up that way i have to go over to the oh i just missed him oh well it doesn't really matter because ultimately we just need the money for and he wasn't selling it at a great price we'll just try to make a note that we did load up the things i was just a little late oh my god i always miss the traders anyways i wish there was an icon that told you or a notification and said hey we're about to leave it'd be just helpful for me but anyways the good news is it was on the average price someone will come in looking for either a good a better price and we'll just keep 50 stocked of both jackets and shoes and really what i want to buy is the cow so unless he had a cow with him at the ex at this time right now it's not really anything anything lost we're fine for gold we have 860 there and we 544 in the trading post right now so i'm okay with it not ideal was a mistake but it's not that bad all right we've got some extra houses being placed down and being built that was really quick actually they built them super fast and we can also now allow the upgrades so some of these houses are going to become homesteads and when that happens we should start seeing the gold go up all right villager cured food stocks are low yeah food stocks are low that's why with the second fishery out there there they are silana carrying six fish and she's gonna be eating two herself it's a little greedy all right otherwise they're looking good there's tons of willow out here so we've just put down another basket makers and the idea was that maybe if i had another gathering hut out here and one of them dedicated to the willow one of them dedicated to the medicinal herbs um that should be good for kind of the resource production basically so in the food category another not a hunter cabin sorry a foraging hut foraging shack pop it right there where we've just cleared some trees anyway and then we'll give them the range out here so there's one two three four five six it's crazy there's so much willow out here i don't really know why and then we could actually say maybe move these berry bushes close by two as soon as you're gonna be getting medicinal herbs and stuff just move them over this way somewhere kind of misplaced that first one there's actually medicinal and herbs all here oh really we could just have the one out here but anyway two people the more the merrier the quicker we'll get it all done yeah so um we could just shift it now there we go barger shack all the way out there look at the amount of stuff it's crazy all right great let's run times to speed right now now we could check the rate of different things as well to see how we're doing but i think everything's fine by the way um something i've also learned that i think might be relevant for people is when you salvage buildings you get 50 back if you move the building you keep all the materials so if you're going to reorganize a certain place don't delete things just move them and i also learned that if a house gets abandoned let's say this house needs 30 reliable uh desirability in order to upgrade and become a homestead it also needs 30 to maintain it so if desirability here falls below 30 this house will become abandoned they'd rather live they'd rather not have a home than have a home that isn't that nice apparently so because of that if the house gets abandoned i was wondering oh how do we ever get it back because you can tear it down and get some materials back but you can't there's no option to rebuild but it turns out if you get the desirability in the area back up to 30 then it will be eventually refilled not immediately but eventually people will move back in and restore the home so i just thought that was kind of worth mentioning it's just stuff i learned all right looking good let's continue um so we're basically harvesting this entire area the extra farms are going to go here uh right next to this area another one down here because the fertility is still pretty good around this area we're harvesting play we need to get more stone we're quite low on that so that's another building we can put down so there's a temporary shelter here being stocked with food i'm gonna go to resource production get a work camp and just put it somewhere like just here and we can set its radius over by the stone it's a little bit of a distance i guess maybe we could just tuck it in that way i just wanted to make sure that they go and use the temporary shelter so i just don't want them to be too far from it all right cool so temporary so yeah they should get their food in here or go to the shelter when they need to i also noticed that the temporary shelter sometimes does get occupied typically during winter when people like are rushing for a shelter they might rush into this building and you see the occupancy go up so it's kind of interesting i don't think it's a permanent thing though i think it is again obviously it's called the temporary shelter but i think even that occupancy is just a temporary thing i'm guessing it still says they are they're occupants of other places let's have a look at our homesteads looking awesome a little bit better than they were before they have a kind of a thicker thatched roof a little bit bigger house overall a little background shack i guess like almost like an outhouse or something i don't know um and let's have a look so basically the upgrade requirement for this would be to get to tier three um they need three food types pottery and candles so and that's the upgrade cross so the next one will be additional housing capacity so the next level up from a homestead actually allows more people to live here so that's really really really good and i'm guessing more taxes too but yep for now we're just going to be sticking with obviously aiming to keep everything around 30 to 40 percent get everyone bringing them up to having uh a homestead we can say we're actually making gold now homesteads are bringing in four gold in total so what we want to do to raise desirability is just put some extra gardens and things around at the back of these kind of spam that long garden actually because it just fits really nicely in different things and then maybe out here as well and then we can put maybe a medium garden here get rid of that willow sorry to say but it has to go there we go all right cool so that should raise desirability and these houses will just poof into homesteads they only require six planks for the upgrades it's not too bad no more trader here at the moment these carts that are coming back and forth are obviously the wagons transporting back and forth we could get another wagon thinking about it so let's increase that and we could get more baskets on the go too so how many people do we have not doing anything we've got 18 so i say not doing anything they are obviously harvesting cutting down trees things like that but they're not working a job properly a profession a specific profession food is okay though we have seven months in the bank so looking all right it does keep saying seven months is going to spoil but as long as we eat it before it supposes fine all right and the other foraging shack is done now so we'll just add this out here same area there's so much to gather and all this willow is just gonna be fed into the basket shops up here i suppose you could have them maybe down here or something knowing that it's coming in that way but i suppose actually we do have willow over here too all right things looking good so should we commence the next phase of the wall i think so this wall is taking a very very long time um so yeah i think i'm just trying to gauge where is it going to come all the way down it has to come to about there i reckon so you could say to about here it's a big chunk of the wall and then we'll just move the cart down there so they just pull from the cart to to get it built and then i'll just increase it's already at three maybe just set some priority so they get cracking on it and then let's start harvesting just even more around here and we can just stop harvesting here for a little bit actually they're doing it so i might as well leave them they're just gonna have to travel a little bit further all right things are looking good still waiting on another trader to come by but how's our stock our inventory we have 25 coats stocked we have 50 shoes stocked uh none of them in the global inventory but as we make more now we'll just keep them for ourselves uh what else we could stock other things like clay and wood even if we wanted to wood can sometimes sell wood is totally renewable so it's not bad selling that stone isn't renewable it actually says in the early access not road map but they have a kind of um what how they plan on the final version differing they say that they're hoping that they can make stone a renewable source by having like a late game stone mine or something like that you know or quarry i guess you'd call it uh so what we're gonna do with this have we built a work camp before actually i guess not so this is our first work camp a work camp is cool it's a generalized building work camps are used to continuously harvest wood and stone laborers assigned to the camp will deposit materials at the work camp where a wagon can collect it so that wagon that's going back and forth here it should stop by here as well so we'll just put four people out on this we'll say just stone move this all the way the resource ratio so you can say for every five stone pick up one wood i want just stoned here and then there's all of the stone it's hard to see but a clump there here and here so just right in the middle there should be a good amount to get and it'll tell you eventually when it runs out and they can't get any more and then they should just grab the food from the temporary shelter so once this area is depleted then we could just get rid of the building or move it somewhere else you know and we get a steady supply of wood coming in then i suppose we can have like a work camp down here instead of just harvesting i wonder would that be better and just tell them to clear this area clear these trees i mean you can only have four people doing it though so i don't know it might be better but it's fine just tell them to harvest just the old-fashioned way and then we'll build that wall and then we'll just clear everything inside all right looking good uh we've added some more houses no more people have arrived yet and then they are becoming homesteads happiness pretty good some people are less happy than others though and we're going to start thinking about getting flax to make our own clothes also because we're going to start getting low on that this area is pretty much clear now so we can also say all right time to get a second farm going so these farms eventually i'm probably going to move them once we've cleared out the clay mines around us so this isn't like a super optimal farm build or anything how big is that nine by eight yeah that's fine by me new villager immigrated new villager born all good food's just a little bit low i think we'll be okay the wall has been extended pretty nicely almost all the way down to where we told it to just to there and what here we're coming up to year nine and how's our farm doing actually so we just harvested cabbage we planted 1054 and got 865 not bad remember our soil isn't the best so we're trying to get to that sand mine so we can bring in a little bit more in the future and make these farms a little bit better and then what we're going to be doing is start making wheat we have the heavy tool for the mill get cracking on flour and then mix that and make bread and a bakery and a bakery actually adds desirability to all these homes so it could really um make them super happy but i think i'll use the bakery over in the in the planned expansion the second city almost all right everyone's back out extremely cold temperatures with a moderate breeze but they have their heavy coats so this hasn't caught anything for a while that's a bit of a it's a bit alarming there is a bore right there oh no that's that's our hunter yeah this is this five board but we don't see it in this bore over this way too all right well let's just move this around this is a deer out here also so just move a bit further down maybe they'll get both oh my god you i think you found them oh he ran away but so did they well we know where they are maybe we'll just tell them to go a bit further out this way then okay and there's still deer out here that we're gathered or gathering you know hunting and that wall's almost ready to come all the way across so yeah let's start bringing this down this way then and then we'll just join the wall all the way out here so i kind of wanted to be level with this road because that's a nice crossing point for us so right there and this can just go straight all the way across we don't want to build the whole thing at once so i know it has to come to here so it's good so let's just remember that let's just do th this far first any traders no trader at the moment stock is 28 for coats 50 for shoes [Music] nothing else we really have an excess that i'm willing to sell i mean maybe something like herbs but i feel like you always use them and then willow and things like that we're turning into baskets baskets might be a good thing to load up actually do we have any baskets [Music] wow i don't know why i'm not seeing it we should have some baskets right oh there they are sorry right there i just didn't expect two of them i was looking for like one i don't know i just missed it anyway 44 there yeah so let's just load up again 50 and uh throw all the baskets in there loads of shoes loads of codes the next trader that comes by we're going to make a killing now they do have a finite amount of money you can't sell that much in one go but we'll see year nine one month of food is stored that's a little alarming not going to lie so we're cleaning out weeds yet again and then we're going with beans so what's the situation with beans they yield moderate amounts of dried beans they can be restored longer than other crops that's good actually i didn't think about that impacts fertility it can actually help fertility which is interesting it does have fertility wow yeah pretty good uh and heat tolerance is really good so yeah having it in the middle of summer i guess is a good place to put it but yeah the target soil mixture could be better so it will be a slight debuff to it yearly taxes collected we are making money now the house the homesteads are outweighing the doctor's office nicely every watch tower that we get we need some defenses every watchtower we get is eight upkeep eight monthly upkeep whereas the barracks is 10 just on its own but then it's also 10 per soldier that you put inside of it it's 250 gold even build it i feel like the barracks is really good this is okay but it kind of only covers like a small area so i'd really just want to cover right around here so when they're trying to come in and rob our storehouses or our stockyards or stuff it'll be good there but it wouldn't do much anywhere else until we get a few of them dotted around the perimeter maybe but that's going to i don't have the goal to to be able to afford that i don't mind going a little into the red um but not not to the point where i'd have to have like six towers you know that'd be too much hey we've got a market trader coming in right now these people are making baskets love to see it it'll tell you if they can't you know if they're idle they can't work because there's not enough willow for instance all right let's see what we've got so this person is willing to buy baskets at a standard rate of 12 and they're willing to buy wood at a far above average price it's tempting to sell actually it's just free kind of free money really because these do grow back um yeah maybe we could try and stock a hundred how long are you here for 57 days see we won't be able to move the wood over quick enough i reckon we'll just sell the um we'll stock wood maybe in future but i think for now we'll just sell what we have the 50 baskets so kariolas is still stocking there we go just got 50 delivered did we yep all right so yeah let's sell 50 baskets at 12 a pop average price but it is 600 i'm happy enough with it it's just excess it's all good let's go set sold not selling anything else we could sell clay but it's a low price that he's buying it for again tempting with the wood could maybe just list transferring i wonder how much wood is right nearby let's just see here zero so we've 227 global supply but i reckon it's all in this yeah it is so because of that it's like well i can't you're not you know it's not gonna by the time he runs out and runs back he'll be gone there's just no point doing that we could stock some for the future we could also buy soap and he's got oh my god there we go he's got cows yeah we could do that we have enough now to buy that let's transfer some gold or we can get our first two cows and build a barn so we'll take some gold into the trading post that's nearly two thousand so we could buy three maybe yeah and he's selling it for a good price actually just a regular price often it's an inflated price so just give me all this gold please one nine two three let's see is that just three it's just three cows isn't it one two three yeah now as far as i know if you leave them in the market they're fine but once they move out to the barn they need like water and food and area to graze so we'll just buy and stock them for now and then when we build that then we can move them in all right we're getting our first livestock feels good man and we can milk them get some additional food and food variety there we go three cows i would have liked to get four but we just don't quite have enough gold and they'll be fine in there for a little while i wish you could get like i wish you could get like an iou you know it's like oh we've got loads of stuff in our inventory we'll sell to the next guy we'll definitely be able to pay you i swear and our other farm has been done so i'm just trying to think where we're going to build this barn so the barn is what we need for the cows right with a barn cattle can be raised for food hides in milk cattle must be purchased from visiting trader which we've just done and then you sort of designate an area around it so [Music] the fertility excuse me is based on like their grazing um now does that hurt desirability is quite low with this yeah so i'm not really too sure where to put it i suppose over by the other farms i guess makes sense but again it's probably gonna move i wanted this area for another farm so maybe just here but i sort of planned on this being all a new area for a town so i'm just a little not sure i suppose i'll just have to bite the bullet on it for a while we can always move it later but somewhere out here i think is fine i need more gates actually thinking about it and this hasn't been built either so let me just cue that up as well so i don't know just another gate somewhere here another gate somewhere there probably move this one okay cool because there's gonna be a road that comes down this way then i'll have to get rid of some of these curved roads soon people someone said something about like my road management stuff all of this is kind of temporary you know it's fine we're doing great i think we're making money we've got good population no one's starving everyone's well not that happy anymore actually but people are generally pretty happy they're getting a little low on food we'll be fine i know it's a little bit of wasted you know work time removing roads we don't lose any resource from it unless you're removing cobbled roads then you do lose some stone which is annoying and i probably will actually remove the one that's curved eventually but i'm not putting any more stone roads down because i want to wait until we actually get a bit more of a structured area to build on uh right so that wall is all now done so we have to just continue that wall out but yeah if anyone's watching my anno playthrough or other city builders i play like i just i'm not a full full optimal gamer i like to get immersed in my worlds in my game so i don't know i just you know try to make things look kind of nice and pleasant and i'm just not not always a hundred percent on the ball but at the same time i usually do just find like on anno i remember people would like pick you up on like little small things all the time generally everyone who watched that seem to quite enjoy the series and it did really well and everything so that's that's fine not complaining um but you know people were like oh you could do that you could do this you could do this it's like i did beat the hardest ai i do have the max amount of money you know i don't know what else you really want from me i have every item in the game it's like yes you could be more optimal but to what point you know i don't personally find fun being optimal i know some people i guess it's also like an ocd thing like i'm not consciously making mistakes really on purpose except for when i build towns like this i'm like yeah i want it to look broken up and look interesting it's just more interesting to me to play it that way but this is not an optimal layout by any stretch um but it's not trying to be so yeah yeah some people say like why would you do that it's like i often just respond sometimes like fun i just just want to have fun with it i have fun doing it different ways ah this guy's buying baskets of way more money oh well um but he's also buying shoes so we could just sell the shoes at the regular price should we do that do we need them extra money right now what else does he could we buy from him not much could buy some clothes as soon as we're getting a bit low let's put an order in to sell 10 baskets still 160 gold i'm not gonna turn my nose up at that so yeah we'll try stock another 50 i guess wait a few days see what we get stored and then um i'll sell what we can for 16. i'll try not to miss him 44 days so that's basically somewhere in the middle of this month then we'll get back to him um but yeah i'm actually streaming the game at the same time as this is out like i've been streaming it almost every day since the release and i'm playing it on the hardest difficulty there so you do have to be a little bit more optimal so that one has been a bit better that way and if you're looking for a more optimal series the reason i didn't start this on hard is just because i didn't know how difficult it would be um on hard the raids are a lot larger people were saying like that raid wasn't that big well that is the first one it does get bigger and bigger as time goes on and it's really whether or not you can keep up with it um the first one ultimately your town center i think will always just defeat it unless you built your town center far away from your storehouses like then you'll get robbed i guess and maybe nothing would have defended but we're totally fine on that front um but yeah in future we're gonna get raids hitting like multiple sides of the town at the same time people will start robbing random buildings in storehouses they'll kill villagers that kind of thing so it does definitely get harder but that is just the first raid all right cool 154 that next part of the wall is going nice so we'll just move down now to get this final bit down here and we'll just tell people to harvest as well all the little bits out this way so these um hunters and forge like the hunters definitely will probably end up moving out because we're going to be walling in this deer and i think eventually they're going to go away when there's too many humans around the next farm is coming along nicely they're just flattening out the land removing the well kind of removing the weeds and stuff before they actually get it ready to be planted and people were saying oh you could put a fence around this that's true but you actually once you have a wall around the city my experience is you don't get stuff stolen from you by animals now maybe if the the town is large enough maybe that still happens but in my experience like i said it's really not a problem so we need to deliver 40 planks out here we are working on um cutting wood all the way down here you have to be harvesting far more i think is a bit of a long travel time to get certain things built out that way the stockyard is like over here where construction materials are stored and our whole town has been built over on the left side now so that's certainly not optimal but our town looks nice i like the look of it look at this how cozy is this place people going to school they're graduating we're getting the notifications about people graduating all the time we're up to 87. i'm surprised more people haven't kind of arrived though in a while it could be because happiness has fallen because food supply has been a bit low stalking the it when it says the happiness is low from food we haven't that's funny nine people just arrived yeah we'll take them in but there they are actually they just got given uh our clothes i guess their clothes just changed there they go they're going straight out to cut down some trees i'd love to see it um oh yeah so i was saying like about stocking food is that what i think yeah i think so anyway well basically we've got three months of food that's in stores how much food is in their houses depends on the grocer delivering them right so that'll keep them happy as long as the houses actually get full of food and all the little amenities that they they want but this place should keep us going for quite a while that's pretty much everything that this market can sustain maybe one or two more houses here in the corners and then like i said we'll have about 130 people and we can start building out here having a fresh town for them to kind of move across to with higher desirability and stuff like that and a bit more structure and order and i feel like that's like kind of a nice natural progression from like our little village hamlet to a proper town that's been built with it all that kind of stuff now in mind with stone roads and all of that like a baker and the school at the heart of it the school is a huge area of influence around it and then we'll redesign this one we can move stuff out and change the buildings around too i like that you could say like why not just build it like that from the beginning but i don't know there's something really nice about having it slowly update and progress and change around over time it's it's more realistic i guess it's kind of how it works in real life or it did okay anyways so yeah maybe more planks is the answer because we're getting pretty low or we're at a bit of a bottleneck for planks for building things we've got 24 laborers still and eight people assigned to possibly be building we also need a gate down here let's just do that [Music] good so there we go is that the wall complete i think it i think so we're complete we've got various gates that gates facing the wrong way these are all facing the wrong way what happened i definitely have been turning them the right way i don't know anyway i can fix them later uh okay so villager strickland type but we're seeing this message a lot but as long as we have the doctor up and running as long as we have herbs pretty much it's out of our hands you know you can help with providing soap and a rat catcher actually you might get a rat catcher now you can always help with different um diseases that are kind of going around um but really a rat catcher is great when you've got a granary because storing wheat and stuff the rats will be gnawing away at it so these people are unable to work there's no more stone for them to grab out here and we actually have iron deposits and stuff up here so they might relocate to a new mining camp or work camp up that way is there anything else out for him no i don't think so yeah so you can salvage this building or we can relocate it actually it is a work camp it's like i said we'll put it down here somewhere and they could just be told to go harvest all the trees in this area along with everyone else and we'll just keep this storage cart roughly around here clear out this entire area it's a big build and then we need a couple more clay mines we don't need the clay mines but i want to get rid of the clay that's in the way this one's down to 268 is there any more people we can put in there yeah just gather as much oil as possible get them in there nice just hearing little chopping all over the place at the moment and what has this farm doing so we just got beans we planted 682 we got 66. pretty good pretty good a little ominous but pretty good nonetheless uh considering our soil mixture could be a lot better see actually that's really where we could relocate the place afterwards we really do need to get the sandpit the sand mine built so i might start laying out a road that way first so we've got an exit here i don't mind having just a curved road that leads out to this area firewood is low as well that's weird i think wood is just low because it takes so long for the wood to get over here probably because it's all being stored in this cart all right villagers are being cured the doctor is doing well who is our doctor again soraka selling snake oil but somehow fixing people up either way she has herbs a little bit of poop stored in her place nothing wrong with that all right how are we doing we're coming up to winter again i mean we're right on the threshold of having quite low food but i'm not really too worried about i think we'll be fine let's check our hunters so our hunter out this way gathered 150 last year totally fine fish 288 actually the best thing to do instead of checking all the buildings is we can just look food production so our food production went up and up and up and then it's kind of come down a bit i don't i'm trying to think what i've stopped making if anything we've just added two extra buildings so maybe the yield of crops has been a bit lower from before but it is above consumption but barely you know apparently i guess we could check so protein grain vegetables so the vegetables have come down i guess fruit and dairy oh yeah we have to actually make a fruit um you can build a building that where people harvest apples and stuff like that like an orchard let's see food production this one an arborist building 25 clay yeah i'm gonna stick it somewhere like out here and then we'll just put plants around it and stuff does this affect um the houses next to it desirability is nothing okay that's fine all right cool get that built we also need to harvest all the stone that's around here it's just stones please get rid of those got a lot of dead wood lying out here as well okay work camp let's tell them just wood all around you start out there there we go chopping trees so which should be pretty good now and it's just been dumped around the ground for a while while we um while people are a bit cold i suppose so waiting on the barn to be finished we're just yeah we got that bottleneck of planks i suppose we could have another sawmill see a lot of them are just stalking it is yeah all right to speed that up let's bring the cart over it's gonna take a while to get there we'll leave the cart somewhere a bit more central this is why i wish you could say like can we get someone else to take the logs from here and store them in the stockyard but i don't think there's a way to do that and the um the wagons that move out looking for yeah they're actually looking for jobs to do things like they need they can't take things from the they don't drive out to the other wagons basically any more traders come by lately did i i totally forgot to look back again didn't i yeah i did well we've got 50 baskets in store still have our three cows almost 50 coats we this is great though i mean it really will be a lot of money when we get another trader coming by i apologize i'm the worst at that i mean unless i play on times one speed and i'm constantly checking i just missed things i don't know i'm like often looking up in my top bar i'm looking around down here i'm just not paying attention to the little icons over buildings because like things like this get in the way you know you've got like oh hawthorne and the symbol isn't like super obvious at least not to me so how's the next harvest coming so we're getting carrots good frost tolerance on those then we're getting cabbage again there's almost no weed so we can get rid of this move cabbage further out and we'll go with clover just to raise the fertility up a bit there's cabbage again i don't know if it's the best thing to do maybe we'll do something else just to vary it [Music] up i wonder are people getting sick like is the place not clean you know they don't actually need soap or anything like that but the these buildings i think do the homesteads no apparently not i'm sure you could probably provide it to them i don't think they need soap until the next tier though there's still room for more people about 24 more people have capacity for housing crops are ready for assignment nice so this is just gonna have to be um worked on for this year get the weed level down get the rockiness down and then eventually when this road is built which is done now we can get this sand mine built so let's go resources [Music] a sand pit so just build it there what does it say about it when constructed on top of a sand deposit the sand sandpick is labor is a place to gather sand great okay well at least it's pretty straightforward so work camp no we need a temporary shelter uh where do we get that housing temporary shelter pop it out here and people can kind of work out here now we can also get another gathering hub maybe gather some of those vegetables that are lying around food production a forager shack this bird's nest with eggs and stuff in it is there any i don't see any wildlife really so i'm just wondering do we need a hunter out here i don't think so maybe eventually if we scout around a bit we'll see what's around us all right so we'll get these buildings built and then we'll be bringing in sand that we can get the farm soil levels back up a bit and we should get higher yields a little later oh we have traders sorry we've got two actually there they are so let's check them both out we have skorv the butcher leaving in 25 days and then we have akka of the iron clan which we've seen before so purchases he is buying herbs at an increased rate we could brings puts them in here why not just a little bit of extra money whenever i see that above average price i'm like yeah let's do it it's renewable why not so let's say transfer items let's go 100 herbs hopefully that'll be plenty anything else that we want to buy uh sell to him not really anything else we want to buy from him he's got shoes he's got crude weapons might not be a terrible idea buying a couple of those just to give to our i gotta be honest i'm not really too sure what crude weapons go for or like where they go because regular weapons are used by the people in barracks i wonder do they use these also it's a low price so i'm thinking yeah we should take this in get a few of these even just five you know uh we could do ten let's do ten crude weapons buy and let's just stock it for now we'll move them out later okay so with the other person we then need to so he's not here that much longer he's only 25 days she's here for quite a while she's buying planks increased yeah nothing really so unfortunate we could sell the baskets but i'm gonna wait until we get a better price we're not desperate for gold we're making gold so it's okay oh our barn has been built so now we have to move our cattle into it um so yeah so it says select the one you want healthy gray status okay let's go that's where they're going to be moved to if they're not in there already so here we go the barn with the barn cattle could be raised for food hides in milk so what we want to do is set the grazing area set it to be down here ah there's actually a clay deposit there but i think it's fine i don't think you need to fence it off or anything i don't think they go anywhere the herd size so we're setting it to 12 so just grow the herd and enable milking i don't know why you'd ever say don't milk i don't know why you'd ever do that like why disable it they're hungry and they haven't eaten status is reduced their healthy status and then you can slaughter them and stuff so yeah let's just put two people there they'll start working on these and we could fence it just to make it look kind of nice just to know our own limits uh so let's go with the fence roughly like this is it yeah [Music] and then maybe just like a little fence gate cool alrighty that'll be good there they are [Music] so it says population 3 out of 13 and then it should say the birth rate so zero per year at the moment but i'm sure that'll go up when we provide them with some certain things they need more food stored and they're hungry not eating anything so i think we just give them vegetables and stuff but this is why we need um [Music] wheat pretty badly so we're going to get rid of weeds weeds weeds so that should bring it down to about 40 or something maybe we can toss in weed then or um uh yeah so we could say in two years time get your first batch would that be too far out i think so so i'm gonna mirror this so that's like that like that and like that so what's the tolerance of this frost tolerance is good heat tolerance is okay this is no heat tolerance i'm just going to knock this one out of there and pop it in this way right so the heat tolerance of wheat is really good um so we'll just pop it more in the summertime and then just beforehand i don't know we could try something like turnips again frost tolerance is really good so that'll be wheat so next year we're getting wheat we could even get it this year does it fit it does i reckon do it now then sorry for being so indecisive there but yeah let's just slam it in there maybe we'll go with cabbages because we're not going to be eating it though that's the fear we're going to be using it for the animals so we're kind of cutting ourselves off a little bit and then next year we're going to add food here so i'm risky i'm risking things a bit but i think it'll be okay i think once you get the yield of carrots it's still something you know yeah so we need a granary to be built and storage for the grains so just build it right around here why not and we can update our roads and stuff a bit later alright cool so we've got cows big deal um let's see if we can just deal with that trader before he leaves 13 days did we load up medicine we did herbs so we'll just sell everything we can that's 500 gold love it and he's got actual medicine there tallow clay smoked meat we could take in some smoked meat he's selling at low price seeing as we we seem like we're going to be risking things just slightly maybe we'll just do that deal so we'll buy a hun uh i don't know 150. that doesn't work for some reason so to go like this maybe about 150 uh we actually can't even do that okay let's just buy 70 then 70 smoked meat hopefully stored safely for consumption kind of unnecessary but you know just to help a little bit before we get the veg and then we'll just go until that veg is ripe and then they'll be after this episode so a bit more of a chaotic one i admit i'll have a bit more of a plan going forward next time but once the crop rotation gets going and once this area is properly cleared we can start building out a whole new town and uh things will be a little bit more optimal let's say i'm gonna also go with another plank producing building so we'll go with a saw pit again if we don't need it anymore we can always remove it or it not remove it but just like slope is too steep actually wow you should could flatten the land actually flatten the land and then maybe put it there and then we could have up to eight people working on planks just it's just for construction purposes and then we do have our 283 wood just stocked right here let's just move it even closer now no plans for more houses though for a while i think we're fine with 120 people and we need to just get as many of them on jobs gathering yeah there's only 12 people not doing anything although there is actually 10 builders right now even though we've only queued up eight so i don't know how that's happened they're just building the last little bit of the fence there got to change the gate as well oh my god this has been a bit of a mess that's interesting that fence is just attaching to the bigger wall i didn't know it does that does that but the cows are out at least they're having a great time the fodder quality is 61 that's what they can eat around here so not the best but they're pretty healthy we're milking them so that's gonna give us extra stuff feed stores are full birth rate zero per year damn yeah don't know why it's so low i think when the year passes by we might see that go up in my other in my stream my other game i have four cows and the birth rate is two per year people were like oh you didn't need to buy four you needed two but it looks like maybe maybe we do need more maybe they're all girls we're all boys all right i think that's gonna have to be it so did we get our harvest we did so we're planting wheat for the first time that'll be good for the storage of of those guys but then we can also now get our mill built and then we can also create flour and then make uh get a bakery going and start making bread and bread is actually a pretty good export if you can save it up for long enough and when a trader comes by they tend to buy it for a pretty good amount um so yeah so oh yeah let's just check i keep forgetting to look out this way so this area has been built as well oh my god they have to travel so far to bring the construction material here at the logs i wish i if i could just simply say dump half of this somewhere and bring that out that'd be great that's all i want to do just dump it we could say don't store anything into it but they don't unload it i wish they did because then they could really i mean it'd be very micro managing but it's like yeah we can load half a cart bring it out somewhere else and move our stuff move the construction material around ourselves if we wanted to we're almost at 100 for the compost as well so we can add that for um fertilizer for the first farm as well wow they just killed something in there what was it a deer that made its way into the town goddamn and firewood's coming back up now as well all right well all things considered i think we're still doing just fine food is kind of low and people are a little unhappy about that which is lowering birth rates and immigration rates but other than that things are fine people are sick but we have a doctor we're making money we could have better defenses i think also i think the next rate will be a bit more challenging if we don't put down at least one or two towers now we can afford two so i think i'll do that in the beginning of the next episode choose where they can go all right that's gonna be it for this episode thank you again very much for watching thanks for making your voices heard on the last couple of episodes uh i'll keep continuing for a little while longer i'd like to go well as long as people are watching you know it's easier said than done but as long as we keep having a decent amount of people watching i'll love to keep going and get to hopefully tier three and try to just get everything built that we can you know to show off the game to its kind of full potential all right so that's going to be it thank you very much for watching and i'll see you in the next one hey guys thank you very much for watching and remember if you want to support the channel directly you can click the join button to become a channel member doing so will get your name in the credits as well as loyalty badges and emotes to use in the comments you'll also get exclusive access to my discord where there's dedicated channels for each series i'm doing that's a great place just to meet others and make some friends
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 41,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier game, farthest frontier trailer, farthest frontier gameplay, farthest frontier guide, farthest frontier city builder, new city builder, banished, new banished game, new city builder banished, new banished builder, falling frontier, new builder game, farthest frontier how to
Id: d6bfWVaexpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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