Farming Simulator 19 - Modding Tutorial - Real World Terrain

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what's up everybody Jonathan here with NLA gaming and today I wanted to do a redo of the elevation real real-world elevation data to putting in the Giants editor farming simulator or whatever for building your Maps I created one and something I may have seen that the other day and I was kind of playing around some more with that and thought I'd do an update video and I'll just delete the old one and replace it with this one but basically the same thing so if you watched it as this is just sort of more of an updated version of what's going on ok so what this tutorial is going to be about is actually getting real-world terrain data in your map so basically what I'm talking about here is you know if you live in a hilly area or even a flat area whatever you know if you can get your hands on the elevation data then you should be able to create this and what you're looking at here on the screen is this is in Giants editor of course and this is basically just a you know sample of some terrain data I grabbed off the internet and I'll show you some places where to get that and whatever and what to look for but this is this is actually I think in Tennessee somewhere and just under scribe some random unknowing listen it's in Georgia North Georgia up near the town of Blue Ridge been so kind of neat naming and some cool little features with like a little Ridge in there and a little pond over there you can kind of see that but okay so it's fairly simple to do this I mean it's not you know terribly difficult so we'll go through all the steps and what you're looking at here it actually is not how it's going to come in to Giants editor you can kind of see it's fairly smooth I mean there's some bumpiness in here but this has been smoothed and I'll show you what I'm talking about when we get something added in but basically this this none of this was done by hand except for smoothing it so it just sort of popped in there and this is going to save you tons of time because you can actually cut see I don't know if this was a road or pipeline going right through here if you can see my mouse that's kind of a straight straight ish I just noticed that I didn't see that before but that could be a road going through them I thinking maybe something else going through this way it could be a road or a pipeline or something I don't know but there's a few other places where it could be roads or something in there anyway this kind of gives you a it's it'll it'll save you a ton of time when you're doing map making because one of the biggest things is actually doing terrain and what I used to do is I'll do the terrain first I kind of have an idea of you know I want a hill over here a mountain ridge over there pond over in this spot you know and and kind of thinking about how my roads gonna be I want to put those in so I did the terrain first and then I come back and do you know I call paint on where I want the grass where I want the gravel roads forest ground a lot kind of stuff you know I do all that later then sorting adding the trees and bushes and things so the first step usually for me anyway is the terrain and this is this is this is absolutely gonna save me a ton of time because can you imagine you know doing all this by hand and grabbing this little tool and raising this part up and then your lower and roller and something over here you know and all that so you know you can very quickly build your terrain and it just takes a little bit of time to do that and we'll look at that okay so first of all I'm going to close that cuz we don't need that anymore and first of all you're gonna need the terrain data now I've got a couple of different websites here pulled up this first one it's a little bit harder to use than some other sites I've seen and and again it's really going to depend on your state to you know or or if you don't want to use your state you depends on the other states because it just depends on how good a data they have in in my case in Louisiana we have what's called lidar and this is for the whole state it's all been flown with lidar and what lidar is is basically you have an airplane and it's fine along it unknown because it's got GPS on stuff and it's got in the bottom of the plane it's got a machine that shoots a laser down to the ground and so it shoots a laser beam down the ground of course the very instant that it leaves or getting you one gets good shot I guess you could say and when it bounces on the ground and comes back up it records the time it takes for that laser beam to reflect back and so that time because the planes that are known altitude it based on time it knows the distance to the ground and so it shoots millions and millions of these points and it gathers all this information but you know not all of them hit the ground so there has to be some interpret interpretation done on the points when they get them back because you know some we're going to hit trees so we're gonna hit buildings and whatever and so you know you have to sort of massage the data and extract those higher elevations and you know eventually you build what's called a ground level map and then so that's what this is okay so I'm gonna pick something up here in the in this kind of reddish orangish yellowish area in this northwest part of the state sort of because all down here in this blue and green all that area that's that's all pretty low flat land so let's grab something up here that's gonna be pretty hilly you know something like let's say I think there's a lake right there it's that pretty not a good one because it'll just be flat in that little kind of darker yellow area here I'll tell you what let's trying to find something that's got a little bit of yellow in there but not a whole lot no no let's just go for that one okay so in this case over here on the left is show me the files like in balance we got contours to em raw points in this QA QC report which just report we'll need that you also don't need that raw points if you ever come across a lot our website where you can download the data do not get the raw points because you'll get millions and millions of little dots and you have really no way of doing anything with them so what you're looking for is the DM so I'm going to click on that and you know download here in a second but let's go back over here to this USGS site I want to show you this one because this is a fairly good place to go now you're not going to get as good a resolution with any kind of you know usually with any kind of government data because as you know usually flown at higher resolutions and what I mean by that is like if you can imagine a a pixel you know so you take a digital photograph or something it's in pixels right it's not continuous as you would like a film camera or something but with a digital photo it's in pixels or squares and the smaller those little squares are and the more of them per image the higher resolution you have but sometimes like you'll get across this some of this USGS data the government data whatever and it was flown at like five meter resolution even up to 25 even 50 meter resolution it's huge square so you losing a lot of resolution there she wants something that's really highly you know real high resolution lots of small pixels all right now see if I remember I don't do all this okay so if you noticed over here when you first come up to this website if you just type in USGS elevation data you'll you'll get to around its back at me show you it's a USGS elevation data that's what I typed in and this second link here for me is this national map so you click on that and you come to this website now you have to go to the National map viewer this shows you what data is available and then you probably saw or clicked on this little data download link here which gave me which sends you over to here now this what this is doing is this will show you what data is available I'm gonna pick something kind of in the northern part of Arkansas up here probably I don't know somewhere around this maumelle River area okay well there's there's a mountain right there I think that maybe said uncle Mountain North Fork appearing cold anyway we're just going to use this is this a nice little peak right there okay so over here on the Left what you're looking for is elevation that or digital elevation so I like that a lot or even so there's one right there it says lidar and you click on that and not not all of its going to be there you'll have to click on this little show and hide availability to see if there is a lot door or other higher resolution stuff available and there is for Arkansas but let's look because this is just a point cloud you also don't want that you want to say you want something that says DM or well I guess really des what you want okay so that is available for that area so now what we need to do is I'm not exactly sure if you can I guess you know up here at the top it says use map which is actually telling the data downloader where you want you know this what you want to download and you can either use a box for point current extent whatever I'm just going to leave it actually its current extent because this will grab everything inside your map view which actually it's going to get you more than what you need okay so we've got DM selected so and then you click on find products and it's gonna think about it for a second and then it's gonna pull up this right here so usgs national elevation data i thinks what that stands for and then it's going to tell you the resolution well anyway that's what you want so I'm going to click download once oh my goodness that's 5.4 gigabytes well I'll take a minute yeah I don't think how it's gonna be grabbing that much well anyway let's just cancel that because I'll show you what happens okay so the first step like I said is to download your data and I don't think we ever do oh yeah we got one right there okay so we did we did get some a lot our data side be real high-quality I'll show you that I don't know if I can you know have time or whatever to show you the other one see what the difference is but because I'm not in the same area okay so first first step like I said is get your elevation data you gotta have that and then the next step is you're going to go over here to this QGIS program this is a free open source type GIS program and a GIS stands for geographic information systems in case you didn't know I've got a degree in GIS so I'm somewhat familiar with this program although I've eaten or mele use a different program there's this one here this program here is little bit difficult to use but once you kind of figure it out and I'll show you just sort of what you need instead of you know cuz all you Budhan do she's got a screen shot and I'll show you that okay so we need to get our raster data in here and so we downloaded a couple of things well actually just this one we need to extract that so I'm just I've got 7-zip installed so I'm just gonna right click on the file go to 7-zip and I might extract it to this folder all right so we've got it extracted now we need to add it into the map so on this toolbar here which I'm not really sure what toolbar this is I couldn't never figure that out they don't have them labeled or anything whenever you uh says the layers toolbar but cuz you can go to view and then toolbars but maybe that was it okay okay that's what it was so view toolbars manage layers toolbar so that's what you need if you don't have that you need to get that added in because there's two things we need to do on here the first one is we need to add the elevation model to the map so we click on raster's because that's what it is and we downloaded it so we gotta go find that let's see he's gonna be down here in the folders it's gonna be that one right there and we're looking for the file that has a dot DM so that's the first ones what we need open it alright so this is what it comes up with and if you've ever looked around and you know making maps or whatever and we'll look here in a minute but in the for your mod the map underscore DM is like if you were to go in the Giants and just start using the terrain tool and you know increase in the height of some areas decreasing the highest some other areas when you go look at it it sort of looks like this and won't be exact but it would be somewhat similar to this alright so we've got them this digital elevation model added to our map the next step is we need to make a two-kilometer if we're gonna make a standard size map need a two kilometer square so we can grab all the data inside that ok so the way we're going to do this is this bottom button here is if it'll tooltip will come up there so it says new shapefile layer we need to click on that and up here at the very top the first thing we need to change is from point to polygon because making a square you don't have to worry about this system filing coding thing all that this next one here is the coordinate system and once we add it in the map or the digital elevation model to the map it automatically set it as that so just leave that alone it should be set just fine there and then from here we're just going to click OK that's all I need to do now we need to save it so I'm going to let's see I'm just going to make a new folder in here I'm just going to call it Arkansas since that's where rat I'm gonna save this as 2k bound I don't think it let me go any more than any more characters in it okay so this be fine so I'm going to do is just make up a box okay so we got the 2k bound shapefile added in there's nothing in there yet we can't do anything with it just yet we have to enable editing first so this little pencil this is the blue this is the digitizing toolbar yeah so this first our second little icon is actually not grayed out is the toggle editing button click that and then you see it highlights a bunch of other stuff on this toolbar well this fourth button over is the add feature button so click that enables this little panel this advanced digitizing panel so if you don't have that one go to view panels and then advanced digitizing panel you gotta have that one turned on okay so once that pops up the next thing to do is click this little ruler with this triangle thing you can see it activates two more little boxes and if you notice once we mouse over the map you see the the cursor changes to like a little crosshair thing so we're gonna click in just clicking the map somewhere you could even click it over here doesn't matter just click it in there somewhere and for me anyway you see how it's when I when I move my mouse to the right just a little bit and it automatically clicks vertical if you don't have that I'm not really sure how to get that turned on by hoping it's it's built in automatic but I guess if you don't have it you could rotate the shape file or something mean but mainly the main thing is what you want to do is make a square I'm gonna get to be kind of hard to make a square without this turned on but hopefully it's there for you okay so back and get back on track here so we need to make a two kilometer square box and how we're gonna do that is because the map when in the coordinate system I was talking about a head like a I think a WAG 84w SAT foursome with on the end up with that little third a little item I talked about under the file system or whatever we didn't have to worry about that tells that that's telling me that it's in meters which is what we want because as kilometers is what we need so how to get a 2k box okay so the first thing you got to do is once you've clicked in here and you've got the you know the little lines that are coming up everywhere come up here to this D and type in mm hit enter and it changes to it this little circle now what this is saying is anywhere on this circle that we click is two kilometers from this original point we're making a square so I'm gonna you know click at the very bottom you know straight vertical and then come back over here just keep going around mm I'm gonna go over here to the right click in 2000 again click click and there we got it so now from here you right click it's gonna pop up this little box and all you got to do is put a 1 in there didn't really matter what you put in there click okay all right so now we got us a box we can't see what's underneath though because we need to take a square a square shot a screenshot of this area inside this box we need to make it transparent so click on color and makespan this out just a little bit so we can see what's going on so all I did was click on see how did I get back get back okay so right here where it says color and it's got this purple you know box or whatever with this drop down I just clicked on it and then what you're looking for right here is just opacity and change it all the way to zero and click apply in the bottom right hand corner okay so now it's it's transparently see-through there all right so where we got it right here it was pretty good I'm missing leave it there but we need to zoom in first so on this first toolbar under the main menu stuff you see this magnifying glass with the plus sign click on that and all you're gonna do is click in the top left and drag a box around on this other box and it zooms in now the next step is you could how you have to get a screenshot of this you need what what's inside this little black box we need a screenshot of that so in my case I'm using Windows 10 and there's just built in tool called the snipping tool bar it looks like this if you have Windows 7 or above I think this is built-in otherwise you have to have some sort of a screen capture program but so what I'm gonna do is make sure that the mode is set to rectangular and I'm gonna click new and I'm gonna grab everything that is inside that little box ok so I got it now I need to save it and so you can either go file save as or click this little save snip button I'm just going to do that let's see we were in Arkansas and I'm going to change this to DM so I know that it's DM file and that's pretty much it we got it saved alright so the next step is we need to open up some sort of a graphics editing program whether it be Photoshop I mean there's several of them out there probably even some more than I'm not even aware of but when I uses Photoshop so we'll get Photoshop and open and then we're gonna open up that DM file because we need to do first of all need to do one thing what two things to it really so first thing is we're going to go to open and we're gonna go to our mods folders where we're at actually know we're in the Documents folder Arkansas there we go okay so we got this DM dot PNG this is what we just grabbed the screen capture from that other program there it is okay so we need to do a couple things to it first of all we got to change the actual image size because if you're making a standard size map which I believe is 248 by 248 then you have to change this to 102 five by 102 five why that I don't know but that's the way it's got to be okay so that kind of blows up just a little bit and then the second thing I'm going to do is remember I talked about to start how it's going to look kind of bumpy or whatever because of the pixels well let's say let's zoom in here just a bit see see maybe right before Photoshop sort of turns in this grid pattern you might can kind of see some pixel II stuff going on I can faintly see some little squares in here what I like to do oh and here's a good example over here you can kind of see it over here in this spot where it gets a little darker how its kind of square pixel II looking what I like to do I don't know if this helps any or not but believe it soo-min at this level but well I usually go I go up to a filter bar and then this Gaussian blur which you see it kind of helps some there so if you can see that all cancel and then come back to it you see how it's kind of pixely looking on this side like especially right in here right in that little spot right there you can see some kind of pixely stuff going on so what I'm doing is going to filter blur and then Gaussian blur I've got it set for three pixels and just tone it okay and it kind of smoothes it out a little bit this will help a little but as you'll see when we get it in the Giants editor it still got some bumpiness to it whatever okay so we've got the image size saved and we did the border thing so we just need to save this as a I just will just overwrite that one teen DM dot PNG all right I'm hoping that everything works out okay now the next thing I need to do is I've actually said I've got something in here I think anyway all I'll figure it out but so I've got this blank map by blurred modding and got this off of like you know farming simulator 19 mods dot-com or something like that one the mod site you can get a bunch of these things around but this is a just a blank map and I think I've already got one loaded in here for the DM but I'll just oh yeah I do okay well I didn't really like that one anyway so I'm gonna just override it alright so let me open up another file explorer and we'll go navigate to our arkansas folder we've got this DM dot PNG so copy that we're gonna paste it over here in this mod folder alright so we got it there now what you need to do is this map de underscore de m and this might say you ass it depends on you know how you wear you down towards your blank map from but what you're looking for is underscore de m dot PNG but we're gonna copy this and then delete it so delete that DM file come back up here to the DM we just paste it in from our screenshot and paste the file name in there which effectively changes that as our de M file now and hopefully everything will come in smooth if you saw my previous video I said something out you need to change the color but from biking like to color but you need to do that alright so open and go back to him to plank map Maps and then working for that I 3d file click open now if everything loads and we've done our job but we should get some terrain automatically built yep so there we go so see how easy that was we've already got our basically our terrain built for us and as you can see as I'm zooming in you see what I'm talking about sort of the bumpiness to it when it's not really a whole lot we can do by that just because that's sort of digital files with you know this little area is a little bit lower elevation in this little area in just the color change and it's not really a whole lot we can do about that however to fix this is pretty simple all you got to do is click this terrain see what is it called terrain sculpt mode and ice I've got my radius here I'll set that for like on there maybe 30 I get my value set at 1 and so I'm just gonna middle mouse button because if you look here the middle mouse button is smooth and that's what you want so just make sure that set just smooth or I mean you could even set it to the left mouse button doesn't matter but just make sure whatever button you've got set for smooth that's what you use and so I'm just gonna middle mouse button and just quickly go over this real quick I mean don't spend a lot of time because it will affect the terrain a good bit but you can see pretty quickly can get all that bumpiness worked out and I got to do from there just go over the whole map real quick and then you start putting in your roads and adding your detailing stuff so it's makes it real quick to add terrain data I mean if you just want to be something fictional you just pick a spot but if you actually want to use a real world location like if you have seen my dots and logging videos Dodson is actually a town in Louisiana where there is a sawmill and lots of forestry stuff going on there but I didn't I didn't use this method but I kind of modeled it after that but if you wanted to use actual real-world terrain data this is the way to do it and you see I'm just pretty quickly getting this terrain smooth out and that's all there is to it so hope this helps you out some and if you've got any questions just leave me a comment I'm also on discord I got a discord channel I'll try to remember to leave a link for that and also leave links for the QGIS program that we used and the u.s. beset USGS site but now just remember that if you're if your state or area what you want in the map has lidar data or some other you know 1 meter 2 meter or something like that resolution digital elevation model see me then that's what you want to use because it'll be way more accurate and the terrain will be a lot more highly detailed like this and you would be getting anything from the USGS because normally it's either shuttle mission data or satellite or something you known as recorded at a much lower resolution and this kind of stuff but anyway I hope this helps you know thanks for watching and I say let me come in you forget questions or whatever but I'll be happy to help but thanks for watching talk to you later [Music]
Channel: NLA_Gaming
Views: 34,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FS, LS, Farm, Sim, NLA Gaming, tutorial, modding, fs19, farmsim19, farm sim 19, farming simulator 2019, farming simulator 19, 2019, DEM, terrain, Giants Editor, mapping, map making, terrain editing, terrain editor, Digital Elevation Model, Digital map, ls19, ls2019
Id: D2c6hOXBwBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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