Field creation - FS19

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well welcome back to a charm show is it farming summer 2019 and field creation so get on a sample mod lap here from Fell's burn obviously there are some fields already painted on the map itself I wanted to just show you the process of actually creating a new field so we're going to bring up the terrain editing window and you want to come down to foliage layer painting make sure you have terrain detail selected it is by default now because it's at the top of the list but just in case you've been doing some other things you might want to just reselect it so make sure you have that terrain detail I'm going to I'm already on my square brush but if you're not I probably would say it's easier to work with if you're making you know the standard square or rectangles don't fields and then change your radius of your brush to su and then go to terrain froze paint mode bring up your brush and then choose whatever terrain detail you want to put down for your field texture so 0 would be cultivated 1 is plowed - is potatoes seeded and then you have a combination of many different things so zero and three for example would be cultivated fertilized so if I take off three you can see that this one's slightly lighter zacchaeus same terrain texture but one is fertilized one is not and you could do the same for plowed so I would do flowered which is non fertilized and then one and three is plowed fertilized so you know there's various different combinations there and then you have one and two which is your grass texture for a field so if you want to create a field of grass that the hired worker will work on then this is the texture that needs to be put down otherwise the high worker will just assume is any other grass on the map and then basically won't work in that field so well I say they won't work you could always put down cultivated texture or a seeded texture which i think is 0 1 1 so you could put down a seeded texture with grass and the high worker would do his job or hers but if you wanted to actually represent a grass field then I would use the one and two photos channels and that will actually then look a bit more like a grass field but you know again up to you how you want to do that I'm pretty sure when you seed grass in the game irregardless of what the field starts off as it always goes to this texture anyway underneath it won't stay as cultivate you don't ploughed or whatever else it will always go to the grass texture and then you have a few others so if I use the cultivated texture because it shows up quite well so cultivated we know that zero and three is cultivated fertilized but if I use zero and four we have cultivated with slurry hormone your texture and then I can do 0-5 which is cultivated line and you can make a combination I believe so I could go zero four and five and this would be I have no idea what that is I'm guessing that's been your maybe that's been your and the other ones very that's a new one on me looks good though I have to say so you know there's lots of different combinations in here that you can choose so zero and six is 45 degree angle so I could do 45 degree angle with four and then that would be cultivated 45 degree angle with Vanille I'm going to say that's me y'all I have no idea what that one is that's a new one on me it looks like it's gone I'll stroll over it I don't know about anyway irregardless there's lots of different channels to choose from there I would play around with those and see what you can come up with and then literally all you do is just paint the field in however you want it to be so you know quickly I'm just painting a field in roughly so you know there's my field done and now what I need to do is tell the game what that field is and it's dimensions so that the NPC can can can take control of it if it's in an area that I don't own so I'm not going to do it with that one because I'm not sure what I've got in this area because I've been playing around with different place of all imports and all sorts of stuff so I'll do is I'll come over to this field over here and we'll create field one now when you're putting your fields together for me I don't really care what the number of the field is you know so I would literally just go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and you know go around that way or you could start in this corner and go one two three four five six seven or start in the middle and just sort of do a circle of motion outwards you know whatever works for you like I said I don't really care what the number of the field is okay don't care if it's 130 or 50 as long as it's cheap it's got my water in it I'm going to buy it you know just go with whatever works for you but end of the day it's a way of the game keeping track of what is what so you know now I've got no fields so they've been my scene graph here at all so I'm going to need to create all of that and then I play all the proper setup so the game understands what it is I'm trying to do with it all so I'm going to create a new transform group I'm going to call this fields hit tab lock it in and then I need to create another transform group and put that within the fields of transform group so I'm going to cut and paste it and this will be field 0 1 and then for the actual fields transform group the main transform group here which are going to contain all of my fields I need to add a user attribute so I'm going to do um create this is going to be a script called back and we'll go add and then in here I'm going to type field util dot um create hit tab what we're going to do then is create two more transform group so I'm going to go one two I'm going to take both of those cut them and put them into filled zero one the first one is going to be called filled dimensions you have to watch all of the uppercase and lowercase letters but yeah make sure you keep a note of where the uppercase and lowercase letters are because it does matter the game does look for all of that as far as I'm aware so it's there for a reason then this one is going to be filled map indicator like so and then I need to create three more trans all groups so I'm going to go one two three these two need to be a child of this one so I'm going to cut those and paste them into into there and then this entire transform group needs to be a child of the field dimensions so I'm going to put it into there and then the first one is going to be corner zero one underscore one and I'm going to take a copy of that and then basically paste it into there and change the last number to a - I'll do the same with this one and change the last number to a three so I now have my field zero one field dimensions corner zero one underscore one corner zero one underscore two corner zero one underscore three so then in field zero one transform grip I'm going to add in a couple more user attributes so the first one is going to be field dimensions this needs to be an integer so I'm going to go add and the next next one I need to put in areas name indicator index this also needs to be an integer and I'll click Add and basically these are pointing to these transform groups so this one here fulfilled ownership dimensions which is what this one is basically requesting it wants to know where that is and I think I've actually done that wrong so I have to do it again field dimension index there goes with fun again field dimension index integer make sure you get it right otherwise it won't work so you've got filled dimension index and name indicator index so basically this first one is looking at the last number in the index path which is a zero and then my map indicator the last number there is of one so I need to change this to a one for the name indicator index and that's the actual field map indicator okay so I'll probably say that the main transform group for the field itself leave it where it is at zero zero zero to the map and then your field dimensions you can set them up against the actual field itself now it depends I've seen so many different ways this can be done some people will take the entire transform group and apply it to the field so I'll bring over the entire transform group for field zero one and place it somewhere in the middle of the field and then I'll take the field dimensions and move that wherever I want to move it and so on and so on you know at the end of the day whichever way works for you but I tend to go with the main transform group leave that in the middle of the map zeroed and then my field dimensions transform group I'm going to come over here and basically place it in the corner of the field so I'm just going to go ctrl P and click there like that now this is I'm facing northward at the moment in the map so this one will go in this corner here because I've put the main transform group there that also means that my corner 0 1 will automatically start there so I don't have to move it I think that makes it much easier in my opinion so what I'm actually going to do is if I click on my fields transform group I can go scripts at first 19 map and then toggle render field areas and when I then start to place all of the different corners it will start to generate that for me so I can bring this one out and then this one up and then I start to create my actual dimension for the field just makes it nice and easy to paint it in or move move the appropriate points to work create that set up for the field so you might have to move them around a little bit and just you know get them exactly where you want them to be just again depending on how you want to set it up if you're going to move the corner zero one underscore one then make sure you select the field dimensions transform group and move it as a whole and again that will keep the corner zero one underscore one all zeroed to me that's a better way of doing it but you know work with whatever you're comfortable with so this one over here I'm just going to bring this one back to the corner the field something like that and then this one over here I need to move that bike to somewhere there and then back to somewhere like that now every time you move the camera is going to look like you haven't got it right but if you get in close and get each corner correct with the camera up close you should be okay there okay so that one is relatively straightforward because it's a square field you know they all they are all square fields or rectangle or whatever straight edged fields for the most part I think but when we then come into fields like this one which has the L shape kind of set up to it that's a little bit different because if we follow the same procedure there I'm going to have this section over here also filled in which the game will automatically create the full the field for me it will actually fill this gap in and create the rest of the field for me if I don't own the land because it will be controlled by name NPC so you have to be again little bit careful when you settle down so what I will do here then is so I don't have to go through the process of entering all of these user attributes back in every single time I could just make a copy of it what I'm going to do is make a duplication of this one so I'm just going to go ctrl D and then I'll rename this to field zero to keep the main transform group again zero to the map and I can then just move everything around wherever I want it to be so I will actually just go back to this one because I forgot to move the map indicated a field map indicator so this one I'm going to go ctrl P and click somewhere in the middle of the map sorry in the middle of the field and then the game will display the number for that field in the middle of the field there on the PDA so that's that one and then field to field dimensions similar process again I'm just going to come over to the corner of the field here control V and then click and then I just adjust the other corners appropriately so like I said before by applying the field dimension transform group to one of the corners of the field that also means then that corner zero one underscore one is set for me and keeps it all zeroed so I have to mess about with that one too much and then this one over here I can just manipulate this one and open it so I'll bring that one back to someone like that and then this one over here I can align to the edge of the field here something like that and then bring it back to somewhere like so okay so that giving me half the field there or maybe a little bit more than half but I've still got this little bit over here which at the moment is not set up so what I need to do now then is create a whole new field dimension set up so I'm going to go ctrl D and make a duplication of this and then what I'm going to do is just rename all of these so the first one would become corner zero to underscore one and then this one would be corner zero to underscore two and then this one will be corner zero to underscore three and then I can take the corner zero to underscore one and move this one up to where the other part is I would probably recommend to have a small amount overlap it doesn't matter just have a little bit overlapping there like so and then again work with all of your other corners so this one over here I can bring back to this corner somewhere over here something like that and then this one over here I'll bring it back and bring it across and get again so you can actually see what's going on something like that and then just double-check all of the corners yeah that looks pretty good and you're you know pretty good to go there I think obviously with everything that you do in the editor it will take a session in game to just double check that everything works check for any errors in the lung collapse or stuff and then fix them if they need to be fixed and then just continue on through so you know you might want to do maybe a couple of fields and check them out first just to make sure that you've got all of the user attributes and whatever else set up correctly and then just go through and come back into the editor and continue on so we'll do the same with the other one here for the fill type indicator control playing this click somewhere in the middle there and now you have two fields set up so you've got filled one and filled two all created and set up now I don't think this works or at least it didn't earlier on but once you've got all your dimensions stood up before the fields you can go map FS 19 map and then get field sizes so it doesn't work excellent and then a console down here it will actually tell you the size in hectares of those fields so you've got 0.975 hectare for field one and one point two six one hectares for film two and then you know just continue on round so you can then do this field over here so I'll quickly do one more so I just take fill zero two here make a duplication of it and then change the name of it to filled zero three come back in again and take your field dimensions transform group in somewhere closer you can see the field in detail on the corner of the field in detail control B and click in the corner there you might need to just move it around a little bit to get it as best you can like so fill one we don't sorry corner one we don't need to mess about it's because it's zero to the field dimensions because this is just one rectangle field I can delete the corner zero to set up because I don't need that and then just take this one and move all the paths accordingly so we'll do this one for this over to this corner here like so take this one and bring it out to this corner like that bring it back like so then you have another field set up and then we'll take our field map indicate control V and click it somewhere in the middle the field so that's filled three done and you literally just go around the map do one of the rest of them until you're comfortable and happy with the layout of all your fields again like I said before I don't really care what the number of the field is but you know some people might so you may or may not want to go around and actually have some kind of strategy to how you number the fields but I would just go you know starting the corner here and then just go count out one two three four five six and then continue on round until you've got them all done with any ones that potentially in the middle you know so you get round to here in Europe maybe I don't know 15 and then you've got one in the middle that will be 16 or whatever or just literally go across the map however you want it you know there's so many different ways of numbering fields you can just choose whatever you want go around around a circle until you get to the middle whatever works for you but that's pretty much it how do create a field with the different channels under the terrain detail here so whether you want to be cultivated plowed potato seeded fertilized in your conch line whatever you wanna call it and all the other different textures there and then basically threaten or your field set up in the scene graph with the appropriate user attributes setting up the dimensions running the script to get your field sizes and hectare and I'll actually turn that one off again now so if I select the fields transform grip and you must make sure you've got the main fields transform group the one with this user attribute in it scripts at verse 19 map toggle field render areas or Tom called render field areas there we go that turns it off again and that's pretty much it just go around the whole map until you've got them all numbered and whatever else and self when they're dimensions and you're good to go I'm sure wizard thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: ShyWizard
Views: 32,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming simulator 19, giants editor, field creation, shywizard
Id: kdJsn7XN8jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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