Hay Day with the Farmall 756 Diesel

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hi I'm Pete and welcome to just few Acres Farm today I have a day filled with good things this morning it's a little chilly but it's supposed to warm up and then over the course of the next five days Sun every day and gradually progressing up into the low 80s and the first good thing I have to do today to let these little guys out hey you monkeys today's the day you get to go out and explore [Music] they're not too sure about this whole situation I guess a good way to get them to come outside is put their food and water out here then they'll have a little bit of a encouragement well the little guys came out there they go around the pen I can't get too close to them or else I'm gonna spook them even more yesterday Hillary and I set up the trailer here at the winter pigs pen they're getting ready to ship out these pigs are big they're about a month older than I would have liked but that's all we could get at the butcher when we scheduled you get a drink every batch of pigs is different when we pull the trailer in and open the door they ran right into here without any food required to explore the place sometimes the pigs won't get on for a few days but they're only getting feed now out of the trailer and a couple days before they go I'll let that water barrel go empty and then they're going to get food and water in the trailer to entice them to climb in there on the day they're off continuing my show and tell the barn Edition is complete at least the contractor's portion of it is it took Amos and Brett just a two-man crew eight and one half work days to build this just amazing what two people can accomplish when they put their mind to it we have a nice apron out here to load manure in and out of and right around the corner here we've got water yeah water we have an electrical panel and an outlet I think I'm gonna put the fencer up here but the stock Tank's going to sit right over here so I got water right here and I got electricity right here if needed next steps on this is time allows her to put in the pipe gates and the feeder panels and the gate and back and to bring my post pounding guy back and we're going to run the new fence right along here so this entrance in the barn is going to be outside of the winter pasture so I can come in here with the tractor without getting into the pastures and we got to finish cleaning up all this junk in here wood and pieces of stuff concrete blocks get out they've started digging that's what pigs do there they go given that we have such a nice weather streak going here I'm gonna cut hey today I got two first cutting fields to do it's probably about 10 or 11 acres and I'm going to use my Farmall 756 diesel made in 1968 same here as me in my International 999 foot haybine good job I really enjoy I checked everything over yesterday greased everything checked the fluids got the haybine all ready check the change lubricated everything so we're ready to go thank you here's our first field we have to folder out to cutting position by pulling on this rope over here to release the PIN there we go ready for takeoff [Music] engine on this tractor makes the sweetest sound I love it can you believe I'm cutting hay with an over shirt on it's gonna walk is nice not being out in the heat we got some good thick stuff here [Music] four passes all the way around and I've got the headlamps done and I can start parallel cutting low range fourth and now we're moving along [Laughter] Headlands are done let's take a look at the haybine got a busted guard right there I'll have to fix that rollers shined up drivetrain looks all right luckily I always keep spares of these things on hand [Music] here's the Old Guard messing with plow bolts and now I dropped one of the bolts talking to you where'd it go yeah huh foreign [Music] the torque spec is one grunt yeah there we go oh get off there this goes in the toolbox with all the other stuff [Music] old guards wrenches big block of wood and we're back to the races [Music] well I think I'll split this field since we got a dog leg over here here we go straight I don't know I just aim for one of the trees foreign these burnt tips are from the couple frosts that we had earlier this week looks like laying down don't make some good hay man that is a beautiful tractor it's this sound this sound right here [Music] [Music] there's more to making a hanging video for me than just making the hay video because when the Channel first started out the first successful videos I had that spread were the haymaking videos I did three videos and I thought well I see a lot of videos of people just driving around making hay without saying much I thought I'd explain the process and it turned out a lot of people enjoyed that and so ever since then I'm always reminded of first starting and the Channel Growing and how happy I was that those videos did well that is Texas big rectangle to do foreign [Laughter] that's it for field number one now we're going to stay over and outside of the car here we go again [Music] [Laughter] thicker than the last one was you might remember the last ball I clipped this late on the ground it makes a big difference I see it every time making hay is gratifying in so many ways the first is just getting out and working this old equipment because I've spent so much time getting it in shape the hay by and I've had for five or six years now it took two or three years to work out all the bugs and now it works pretty much flawlessly in the tractor I spent all the time last winter working on this tractor and to enjoy the fruits of that labor is very satisfying thank you thank you and I'm satisfied to be able to provide food for the cattle through the cold winter months off our own land there's something about closing a loop there in the food supply that makes me enjoy raising cattle more than any other animal on our farm where we don't have to import feed to sustain the animal and I believe that cutting a field is one of the best things you can do to ensure the long-term Health that field every time I cut my Fields the grass just comes back stronger and stronger and if I just grazed and didn't cut I don't think they would be as good looking as they are not even close the other thing that happens when I'm making hay and I think a lot of people feel this is that your senses change and it's not just for making hay it's working any heavy complex machinery as you're on the equipment for hour after hour you really tune into the particular sounds and the sights and the smells it's all the senses the feel of the vibration of the equipment and you can tell when any little thing is changed in the operation of that equipment it's like hunting when you sit someplace for a half an hour two hours four hours your senses open up and you start to see and feel and hear things that you wouldn't if you were just walking through the woods and on your way to someplace else [Laughter] [Laughter] comes the last little fight [Laughter] hold on what a great day to cut hay beautiful day everything performed flawlessly I just broke one rock guard on the haybine that's kind of a normal occurrence and the tractor ran awesome better than I did it's the same age as me and it runs better than I do worked hard all day I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Just a Few Acres Farm
Views: 491,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farm, farming, hobby farm, hobby farm guys, hobby farming for profit, homestead, how farms work, just a few acres farm, life on a farm, day on the farm, slow farming, busy day, farm day, small farm, life on small farm, a few acres farm, few acres farm, just a few acres farm youtube, pigs, dexter cattle, cattle, chickens, farmall 756, international 990, cutting hay, making hay
Id: Hf9GywcopPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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