FAR TOO PRO | Prop Hunt #4

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nice the NHANES impedes is too pro for you right my I've never played with any of you before so I don't know your strategies either oh oh I just know marks yeah so basically to be on really logical really it's a good conspicuous prop that no one whatever choose see you don't think that anyone would yeah yeah yeah yeah he's so funny watching this a spectator it really is I just really [ __ ] up like an unbelievable level just wholly getting out more details about how you eff this up please exposure good well not makes how you doing over there I'm doing fine which one you just jump uh how do I jump spacebar how does one jump in a video game yeah this is gonna be good hey come ha ha yeah I'm Nick you do a team that gray yeah f 2 necro joins him oh good even know what idiot Wow okay so mm-hmm-hmm any plans minx or can we just sort of generally panic when they realize bobba bobba fett what was with the music at the end that was your death music na ba ba ba but the only question is is the mix in here as well the question is am I to pray the amok mixes on the pro side I is a sneaky sneaky position is it so are we playing are we playing with the rules where you can't hide behind something are we doing that plain sight fine sight I'm Michael broke the rules rule dry balls okay I know now and ER are we doing hints as well yes with the other hits um [Music] how can we in the mall didn't record the other side I mean I recorded them but there the other video was so crappy I don't think it exists I think anything happened ooh okay so what really really large object are you going to be like I haven't unli I have not unleashed the large object strategy at them yet I really have not seen they have not seen it yet I know what will wear the props on this map I don't see them yeah this could be trouble okay well oh here we go have been unleashed is it a role that we need to stay in the compound nope oh right I know nothing to see them to see here that's our discussion okay okay I could let go innocent Meryl if you um if you answer my questions okay okay it's your favorite color you have you read America yes okay I mean I live there yes that's a good on some one final question okay and if you want to Rick right bill you all right what's 2+2 is this a trick question cuz I would say he doesn't have mercy on me let's being very nice ah yummy mash you came from the wrong direction I was hoping to swing by someone they would say you were supposed to have mercy on me as well but you didn't hey you won my specimen right you are you are very kind I might have to return the favor exactly don't do it you don't know mix you don't know mix don't do it do not trust do not trust mix almost as bad as manners yeah almost as bad as manners let's just be honest here okay I am she's trying to get on your good side right now I'm glad that everyone categorizes me as that but I'm really nice I can't eat oh hi Jaime okay I've got a plan is it good no yes ah why would I follow you then I'm an no there there neither of the barrels okay just go get aside just go here right here i'ma wait here okay all right beautiful okay so um anyway yeah me how are you oh yeah not too bad yeah decent weather I suppose oh it's gotten pretty dark oh yeah but there are only a few crops I we were just chilling out in the gazebo having a great time to be found Nick hurry something markedly different but he is massively obvious oh goody I'm really like good to be honest you're looking at your tail on my screen you're facing away from the thing that you're trying to face yeah that's a problem dumb it or something ID pick a really large one like a bed or something all that thanks for that I'm gonna find you there now well you're not that surprising you're not that surprising wow just insulting more why don't you I should have put a comma between the words mmm Jesus MacRay really where is he I don't know I don't know be something he's something big he wasn't no big he's not anymore no anymore he changed after we gave him a little lecture let's just say he could be on our bucket list oh that was a very subtle hint huh yeah he's a bed Eddy I get oh my god Marcus not too pro today oh no that was good Oh where we're going where are you don't mess with me I could I can help you was a bucket yes Wow this is this is 2 V 3 so we are at a bit of a disadvantage but yeah it's lovely you'll know a long time Oh am i oh wait you're right I am I don't know if I've known for having proper skills I'm not entirely sure that's that videos Matthew you have you I mean I I do my best by oh god oh god oh I watched unlike Tonio videos mr. sparkles and then I disliked marks stretch yes so I gotta say I know it's I don't know I think it's you over there but I'm not really I need to stop following you the home to attend sit right come on I'm gonna find someone want to kill some oh really that's a little aggressive yeah I'm gonna get somebody come on good nice poor crops think of this if it if its minks it very well might be but other feelings to you feelings feelings I have the best idea ever next round mine haha Oh God oh no it's only major props please darn enough plenty of promised weeds but least one event with goodwill awareness your name pops up sir I was oh yeah that would that would definitely do it yeah so I'm Evan why don't you give us a hint I'm barely there you did the head last hole God oh sorry you can't get using the same wall um ah ha ha ha my emotions are all bucketed up no you're killing it was definitely better yeah well my oh my goodness really ok ok ok all right well the happen necro being a noob its you yah yah yah yah I don't easy to poke the Yami bear Oh Yami come on you just walked right by me come on at this point in time you're just being totally ridiculous yeah Holly I can't find ya me at the moment almost no they're really trolling with me I have not will pass anything yes you have Yami is that your weight is that you that well yeah that's always yummy yeah yeah you [ __ ] like twice in a row [Laughter] um let me another clue uh I'm like a shadow in the night my hiding spot blocks out the Sun Oh hiding spot blocks countless yeah that's interesting to say an extremely overweight prop yeah I'm psyching piays I have no idea to the building if you block out the Sun because you are the building right yes that's exactly what it is he's the full building you are the map I am the map oh you almost got me whoever that is me house me those you thing late these clues these clues may have to adjust your clue mark um nah I haven't changed files just something a little more yeah like Oh about the same dammit um uh I don't know I don't know what to say anymore oh that's not very helpful I I am I am I'm a something that shouldn't be moving right now probably shouldn't be moving cuz if I was spotted boy I happen if you were spotted it was that I would have I don't know is this hard to run away from three people I'm so confused it that way was was he a book it it was a barrel I was gullible he's always a barrel I wasn't lying that was my clue I'm barely then Errol bear early bear oh you just die already don't even look that well that's wrong down that didn't just happen I think it did oh hey I think it did okay I had a really good idea and I forgot what was stem so really they could only be either a barrel or a bucket on this man this chairs and beds as long I'm much more than this yeah pretty much I'm liking yours they're yummy very clever you know I would say one thing I will change for a different prop every every round so I won't be the same prop every time sparkles do you remember how I was really nice when you were a barrel I think you should be really nice to me if you find me as a barrel this time so you're a barrel yeah thanks for the clue I might be a barrel I might be in the street but mark don't come I kneecaps Ibaka's come please wait what in the straight you say a barrel easy I don't know why you give it away that quickly but ok I'm on my way I don't know which Street you're at I want to have a quiz so be fun with you here just some doors close on this map and stay close bah boppa bah bum bah right somebody else is closing them Hey no I mean I literally can't open them um bum bum bum is that funny man with the Craig BA mr. Spock Oh oh hi ok you're just gonna it's friendly barrel that just appeared ok ah really barrel um I would like to give you a quiz if you would like honky ok so what is your favorite animal my favorite animal I like small things you like scorpions Dorian's that just sounds not good at all on anima is why would you say you like scorpions I'm not sure about that answer it will ask me another one I'm sure I'll give you a much better answer what's your favorite movie how fiction hope fiction is it that's a good one I mean it's a little bit.i it's probably shows up in people's favorite movie lists pretty frequent ok are we have to fear oh hi good eyes I want to be this is this is gonna be this is gonna be the question for all questions and if you answer incorrectly then I'm going to get you both with one we're okay guys sorry guys I'm gonna get both with one grenade where are you guys make sure you stand close together come in come in Thanks that's like a barrel blocking it all right are you guys okay I should ask a math a math question oh [ __ ] um what is the area of a circle with a radius of three all right make sure you've got this I'm just where do you just go I am nowhere to be sane it's he but I I I think you got away I mixed look I know I know try God because you're right and look at the area of a circle is gonna do it PI R squared it is Pyrus my times three come on yummy so glad it's pi times 9 so that's 90 plus 18 plywood I might would have been satisfied with 9 pi cos pi is an irrational number yeah so hard to do this good this is seriously over my head math come on yes you 2+2 last time come on a bit hard hey come on it's just it's very rough circle it's nine pies yeah you do pie ours the circumference of a circle it's just nine nine pies don't you know has your youtubing this made you forget about your schooling you guys go okay well that a you have an excuse it's my conning skis where did you run off to a little bit the switch to a buck you're handsome ha ha say that again do that again I'm following the sound of your voice no louder why I want to find you that's why ah ha ha ha do you guys have walked past in making time yeah yeah why don't you sing it yes what have you looked at him just saying yeah that was good market back good luck at get wise I think market mama stop shooting a shotgun man Jesus de Jesus oh my god come on he's right here you can you see him done around you you yeah you say they were messing with me you son of a [ __ ] hundred what that was new and take our potatoes forget I got it continue with the bouncing study a bit don't drop your on crops
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,218,183
Rating: 4.9624238 out of 5
Keywords: prop hunt, prop hunt gameplay, prop hunt funny, prop hunt collab, prop hunt markiplier, prop hunt multiplayer, prop hunt best moments, funny video, markiplier, collab
Id: TjnDl3rQwe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2013
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