Fantastic backcountry FLYING adventure in Utah!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right guys welcome aboard heading back to utah um and as you can see in typical fashion i've brought everything i freaking own apparently every time i get out there it's just been really short and gotten cut short and stuff and i've missed a lot of things so looking forward to getting out there and just hitting a lot of strips stopping and seeing some interesting landmarks that i'll show you guys that i found that i think will be cool to see hopefully and uh yeah just have a good time it's gonna be a little warm 88 is the high tomorrow but should be light winds for the next couple of days so all in all take it you know it's early fall still a little warm but gotta jump on that good weather when you get it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right what up guys so we're here mexican mountain uh again i know it wasn't here it wasn't that long ago i was here it's uh it's been smoky but it's way better than when i was here like a month ago and it's definitely cooler still a little warm but cooler that's why i'm surprised not to see anybody else here because you know temperature's not terrible and uh should cool off at night decently so really kind of strange to have this place to myself this time of year i think man it's an amazing place yeah i know i say that every time you guys are probably sick of hearing it i'm telling you it just takes your breath away when you're down here in this canyon probably won't do any more flying tonight i don't think um i filled up my my bush bag there with fuel so that uh i can almost top off and have a have pretty much full tanks for tomorrow i've got a lot of flying to do tomorrow a lot of a lot of stuff planned a lot of places to stop um should be good so i'll get camp going and then get back with you guys in a minute now the stream here mexican mountain is a little bigger down here the spot i've looked at it before it was pretty narrow it didn't look like much but it's actually flowing pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] well good morning to you guys and uh here we are at hidden splendor that canyon approach was unbelievable seriously that was really cool talk about three-dimensional flying really cool to see this this would be a fun one to camp at too because there's a river down there so there's some cars over there there is a road access here which is also a good thing and um you can actually drive all the way down the river it looked like there was a car down there by the river so um yeah super super cool place hey [Music] truck so the first landing i made over here at the butte i just landed on the road this was in the morning and i i wasn't really sure where i could and could not land and i wanted to play it safe so i stopped in on the road uh later in the day i figured out that you actually can land a lot closer to the butte so i went over there in that evening and landed over there i'm actually going to skip ahead and show you that part of the video now just because it was really cool landing over by the butte unfortunately my cameras were dead so i don't actually have the landing but you'll see what i'm talking about it was it was really neat and then after that we'll we'll come back and and pick up where we left off here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i gotta say guys this spot is just absolutely fantastic planting was nothing real it's exciting you can see my tracks right over here just a nice flat slightly uphill spot with a little bit of a headwind just a light breeze so it's perfect but uh yeah this is amazing i just walked way back and took a bunch of pictures so hopefully one of those turns out but that is just fantastic [Music] so how you doing man good how are you doing damn that was sick so i come out to utah to play of course because it's just awesome out here yeah i used to ride i rode for 20 years did freestyle and uh back in my younger days and uh and i never actually come out here and ridden even though i've seen all the videos and oh man this is the place you know and so i was out here and i was like you know what i got to stop in there and at least see it even though i'll never ride it that's pretty cool man yeah wasn't that sick it's a different kind of uh uh you know all-terrain vehicle what is that what it's iran's s7 is what it's called oh that's not a cup is it no it's like a modern tub basically just a little you know newer version essentially but how much uh like like how little room does it take to talk you know at this altitude this temperature like right now i've got pretty full fuel and stuff so i'm not super light um but it'll probably take off in you know 150 200 feet or something like that so it's pretty short that's cool all right all right see you guys so uh sorry there's a little bit of a breeze i had a tailwind on landing uh this is the gold creek shootering strip and this is something i wanted to come see because you got this backdrop of the henry mountains and uh it's impressive but i just wanted to get a quick clip uh and talk about the strip actually yeah so yeah it's hard to see it from here but it looked pretty rough um coming in so like i say i would stick to where the yellow grass starts and on up it's pretty rough beyond that it looked really rocky and there's like a big ditch running through it and still wouldn't hit it with small tires but um you know you got stuff like this in the strip randomly so there's some things that you gotta look out for just a fantastic view with those mountains right behind you we're just right here in the foothills essentially and uh very pretty very nice all right so i got to tell you guys i was over at caneville or more specifically swing arm city where all the riding goes on and i didn't film hardly any of this i'm terrible when it comes to that i'm terrible at putting cameras in people's faces especially if i don't know them um which i think that's probably understandable people i don't know anyway met a handful of people that were super cool uh everybody there that came by that was riding loved it which i thought they might i mean we're all kind of this is just a dirt bike in the sky so we're all doing similar things here but yeah they were loving it i took took one guy for a ride he was absolutely just eating it up i think it made his day and that was awesome to be able to do that and then he gave me some gas um which was cool i was i you know i would have paid him and he's like absolutely not so i just thought that was really cool so i got a cold bottle of water and some gas out of the deal which was great uh because i am doing a long trek today and so being able to throw a few gallons in just helps to make sure that won't be an issue so thanks thank you uh if you're watching this uh and i met some other guys met another guy there that was really interested in in learning more about flying so i gave him some resources and uh he's going to get in touch with me and stuff and maybe i can help him a little bit kind of go down that path and i just thought you know what a great deal got to stop there um people liked it people are into aviation a couple of those guys were really seemed to be interested in and going down a path like this at some point so i think that's just neat man got to stop there and have some fun and get some people into flying potentially so that alone made this a good day [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right welcome to the we hope radium king mine airstrip and there is i guess what's left of an old mine so we're gonna walk down and check that out see what's there well i don't know what exactly is going on here at the old trash bit but there's a torque converter out of an automatic transmission i do believe that's what that is anyway and uh a whole bunch of this it's from a while back for the most part here's one of the main structures though so we'll walk up and check that out there it is we hope so we hope mine wow well there's that that's pretty neat this interesting place boy it's rugged out here in a long ways from anything man can only imagine what working out here back in the day would have been like it sounds pretty awful to be honest like wow but beautiful it's a beautiful ruggedness well it's cool to come here and see some history i'll tell you what this is a desolate rough place and coming out here alone is risky i don't really like doing that not some of these really far spots i know i do it in colorado on the mountains a lot but it's a lot closer to home in general i know the area and uh you know it's hot it's hot out here there's no shade it's dry not a place you really want to get stuck so when i get back to the plane i'm just praying that puppy will fire up and there's nothing wrong because man that's your that's your lifeboat right there [Music] me of shame around me [Applause] [Music] yes inside this cage um [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right guys welcome to poison spring uh poison spring is considered to be the roughest most hazardous or of the official strips uh i guess or something like that but what makes this one challenging is as you can see here i'm parked on a on a downhill and i was trying to get in on this spot and i i went a little long ground speed's a little high landing in the heat of the day really not the best time to be doing this but uh this section through here isn't super rough it's not too bad but then it gets lumpy down there and you probably saw it i caught a little air off one of the lumps wasn't a violent uh ride through that with with this gear and tires and shocks and everything it makes it where it's not too bad but in the wrong airplane this would be terrible and so and then it gets way worse so i was trying to get her shut down quick because it gets way worse down there and then on the far end there's actually a section that looks decent again but it's kind of downhill and you're right at the end i wanted to do this one if it was going to be rocky i wasn't going to do it because rocks are just too good a chance of losing a tail wheel or breaking something lumpy okay i can feel that out so i made a low pass and said yeah i can stuff it in there even even though it is hot out and no help from the wind anyway cool to do it probably will never come back one thing about it though i mean there is an impressive canyon wall back here behind it it is a rugged spot that's what makes it tricky is you're carving that wall to come in here and land i mean i guess you could land the other way your go around options are a little tighter you need to have some power or make that decision early so i've seen everybody land the way i did so it's open out the front and take off that way as well that's what i'll do because the wind is basically calm and it's just hotter than heck cool to do it like i said don't need to do it again [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] all right guys thanks for watching i know that video got pretty long sorry about that there was just a lot to try to pack in there and i didn't want to leave too many things out so got a little long but hopefully enjoyed it got something out of it you know utah is just a fascinating place to fly it's absolutely unbelievable the train there landscape is just like being on another planet and you know like where that mars research facility was i mean it literally looks like mars so i guess i can see why they put it there anyway thanks for watching the video guys please subscribe you know everybody hates this part of the video me included but please please please subscribe it'd help out a lot um you guys would do that and patrons thank you guys very much for the direct support of the channel uh one thing i've been doing for the patreons is i do a lot of off airport up here in colorado all over the mountains and stuff and so i i post uh screenshots of like the locations of where those spots are and some of those kinds of things just a little perk for for the patreons but thank you patrons for the the help it makes a big difference you guys know the deal stick around more to come and uh yeah i'll see you guys in the next one take care [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you stay with me
Channel: GravityKnightFlying
Views: 23,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airplane, trent palmer, flying cowboys, gravity knight flying, rans s7, s-7s, rotax, edge performance, edge performance engine, edge 912, big bore 912, edge 914, edge sti, kitfox, rans aicraft, cessna, backcountry flying, backcountry aviation, off airport, stol, stol pilot, high sierra fly-in, stol drags, stol competition, just highlander, bushwheels, alaskan bushwheels, acme aero, whirlwind propellers, yamaha apex, yamaha epex, s6 coyote, s7 courier, s-21 outbound
Id: Vk6nvbC4ufM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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