Airplane broke down on the way to Idaho!!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: GravityKnightFlying
Views: 8,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airplane, trent palmer, flying cowboys, gravity knight flying, rans s7, s-7s, rotax, edge performance, edge performance engine, edge 912, edge 914, edge sti, kitfox, cessna, backcountry flying, backcountry aviation, off airport, stol, stol pilot, high sierra fly-in, stol drags, stol competition, bushwheels, alaskan bushwheels, acme aero, yamaha apex, s7 courier, s-21 outbound, rotax 915, ep912sti, taildragger, tailwheel, mountain pilot, mountain flying, aircraft, vans rv-15, flying
Id: irJMkD_kFDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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