Fans Tell MGM - We Want a NEW Stargate Series!

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Stargate fans have been living in uncertainty  for nine years what exactly does MGM plan to do   with 17 years of Stargate history and a restless  fanbase eager for something anything to happen   with their favorite science fiction franchise the  sudden cancellation of Stargate Universe mid-story   in 2011 left fans wandering aimlessly for years  while a wishy-washy MGM has been everywhere from   let's make new Stargate to hello are you guys  still alive so it should come as no surprise   that some fans of the show have grown tired  of waiting and have decided to take matters   into their own hands a massive fan based tweet  event called Stargate SuperDrive that will push   for a fourth Stargate series is about to launch  and you can be a part of it it was created by   a fan but not just any fan the upcoming tweet  storm was organized by none other than Joseph   malossi a writer and executive producer on  all three original Stargate series and most   recently known for creating the amazing dark  matter TV series according to malossi Stargate   SuperDrive will hopefully be that final push to  get a new Brad Wright Stargate series greenlit   by MGM make sure you stay tuned until the end  of the video to watch our stargate SuperDrive   trailer and get pumped up about how you can be  part of this rare event millat see and others   participating in this online shout didn't come to  this place lightly like many Stargate fans stuck   in MGM's deadlights millat c was dealing with  his own inner horror with the franchise being   in a constant state of limbo he explained that  after years of waiting he grew as impatient as   most Stargate fans for a new series he knew he  needed to get MGM's attention and he had a plan   on how to do it but let's get back to that plan  in a moment how did we get here how did one of   the most successful television science-fiction  franchises of all time end up in what seems like   an eternal purgatory stargate sg1 was once listed  in the Guinness Book of World Records as being   the longest-running continuous science fiction  TV series running for 10 years before the title   was taken away by Smallville in 2011 Stargate  Atlantis was hugely popular and many felt it   had been prematurely cancelled and replaced by  Stargate Universe but the whole franchise came   to a grinding halt when MGM filed bankruptcy and  Stargate on television entered the Dark Ages there   are two videos that do a deep dive into why all  this happened and there will be links to those   at the end of this video if you want to learn  more the point is that Stargate is a success   story for MGM and there was no reason for fans  to believe the studio wouldn't get back on the   Stargate horse when times were better but  during an interview with gate world in 2011   Alaina Huffman who played tomorrow Johansson in  Stargate Universe explained that Brad Wright had   tried very hard to put a movie together but MGM  post-bankruptcy was not interested in funding a   Stargate movie that continued the TV series this  apathy toward the Stargate television series was   confirmed during a variety interview in 2016 with  Jonathan Glickman the president of MGM's motion   picture group during the interview he recalled  that when he ascended to his position in 2011   the Stargate property had been dormant and for  a black of a better term had played itself out   at that moment the message was loud and clear  MGM didn't have any plans for more Stargate on   television but no studio in their right mind is  going to sit on a money maker right so in 2014   fans hopes soared when MGM announced that they  were rebooting the original Stargate movie with   a plan to do multiple films unfortunately these  movies would not be based on the more than 340   hours of Brad Wright created Stargate television  but instead take the story in a new direction   based on the 2-hour movie from 1994 what fans of  the television series were disappointed but maybe   it was possible that new movies could also  ignite the flame of a new Stargate TV series   it's probably a good thing we didn't find out a  successful new movie franchise would likely take   its premise to television and the Brad Wright  vision of Stargate would have likely been lost   forever so in 2016 the gods of canon spoke and the  rebooted movies were killed with fingers pointing   at the studio as being more concerned over cost  than quality despite the setbacks fans of a new   Brad Wright backed Stargate series could hope once  again surely MGM would go back to television now   that the new movies were dead fans would only have  to wait six months during comic-con San Diego 2017   Stargate fans got the news they had been waiting  for it was announced that Stargate origins was   coming to a new Stargate command subscription  service the new series described as webisodes   would essentially be a 10 episode feature-length  movie broken into 10 episodes of 10 minutes it   wasn't a Brad Wright show but it was new Stargate  and it was planning to take us back to a time   before Colonel Jack O'Neill and dr. Daniel Jackson  came into the picture in 2018 the world war ii era   stargate origins was launched with mixed reviews  but fans were eager for more stories but for some   reason following the release of origins MGM  started running silent the Stargate command   streaming service was up and running and offered  a one-stop shop for the fandom it felt like a new   start for the franchise not wanting to miss out  on this opportunity Malati organized his first   massive tweet storm on March 9th 2018 the goal  for that event called Stargate now was to send a   message to MGM that fans want a fourth Stargate  series by creator Brad Wright participation in   the Twitter storm was overwhelming armed with the  hashtag Stargate rising at MGM Studios more than   100,000 tweets were sent and it trended number  one in Canada France and the United Kingdom   number two in the United States and number seven  world Amandla tapping Michael Shanks christopher   Judge Robert Picardo and david hewlett were only  a few of the dozens of stargate alums to join the   twitter storm it was a transcendent moment for  the fandom with everyone coming together in one   voice across the globe and when the dust settled  surely that would be enough to convince MGM that   stargate fans weren't done with the franchise  surely MGM would respond with have no fear   stargate will continue with Brad Wright at the  helm at the very least they'll say we hear you   loud and clear but there was nothing if they saw  Stargate trending worldwide on Twitter they were   staying quiet about it as the months went by  stargate origins was looking like a one-trick   pony and stargate rising had peaked and was fading  into the past then unexpectedly 10 months later   in January 2019 Brad Wright told Newark so the  hub podcast that he has been in contact with MGM   about the Stargate brand the man who had fathered  Stargate in every iteration of the TV show until   the cancellation in 2011 was back in the picture  Wright said that MGM realizes Stargate is a   genuine franchise and they are taking it seriously  he said fans shouldn't expect a full-fledged new   TV series anytime soon but MGM seemed open to  conversations and was receptive of his wish to   honor the hundreds of hours of world-building and  television that had already been created Wright's   message to fans was that Stargate is an important  part of the MGM library and they're working on it   it would seem that malossi and the Stargate  fandom had indeed been heard by MGM then in   May Richard Dean Anderson told gate world that  he hoped the series would return and that he was   interested in being a part of it while nothing  is certain especially after the closure of the   Stargate command streaming service palazzi is  convinced that the franchise is so valuable to   MGM that it is only a matter of time before they  announce a new series and with MGM smack dab in   the middle of the streaming wars with epics now  a fourth Stargate series makes so much sense   the current mega tweet storm Stargate SuperDrive  is planned for Friday December 6 and starts at 9   p.m. Eastern and 6 p.m. Pacific Malati feels now  is the right time for MGM to be reminded that   the fandom is out here and ready to support a new  series with Brad right back at the helm he knows   right can craft a series that new viewers will  enjoy while still paying tribute to everything   that's come before dear MGM this is a win win pull  the trigger sincerely the Stargate fandom if you   were a Stargate fan and you want a fourth Stargate  series dust off your Twitter accounts or make a   new one and join us at PopCap Skies millat see at  Behrend Destructo and at stargate now this friday   night and if you love stargate and other sci-fi  shows and want all the latest information consider   subscribing and hitting the bell for notifications  on our next video and if you love Stargate and   want more smash that like button and let's make  sure MGM knows exactly how we feel please share   this video so we can make others aware of how they  can participate in helping Stargate get a fourth   series also consider supporting our channel  by purchasing this stargate inspired graphic   tee using the code the podcast for 20% off so we  can continue making more videos like this one the   link will be in the description below and until  next time here's the Stargate SuperDrive trailer you
Channel: The Popcast
Views: 432,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stargate, Joseph Mallozzi, Stargate Superdrive, Stargate Now, stargate command, stargate sg1, stargate atlantis, stargate movie, stargate origins, star trek, the orville, star trek discovery, mgm, brad wright, dean devlon, the expanse, hulu, netflix, amazon, brad wright director, dean devlin interview, stargate trailer, stargate theme, star trek picard, stargate sg1 theme, Twitter Storm, Petition, popcast, stargate command shutting down, stargate atlantis rising
Id: 9gHprw9jUuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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