Fan Mail Unboxing - part 9

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what's up guys how y'all doing today we're gonna do another fun mail unboxing I got a lot more fun mail in the last two weeks so thank you so much guys for keep sending me fun mail and making this video continue to happen okay I think I'm gonna start from the smallest one to the biggest one I don't know just for fun mix it up this time you know okay let's see what this little package we got over here whoa solar power flashlights whoa this is a lair flashlight let's see what's inside this is so small that's so cool let's see if it's turns on Ward's turns on look how bright that is and look there's a little solar panels definitely putting on my keys thank you so much I wonder who it came from I think it comes from the company I'd only think there is a been a company name it just solar panel flashlights that's it look cool thank you so much whoever sent it to me this one come from cheer Maine gee Jacksonville Florida I've been to the Jacksonville Florida by the way playlist life is coming up in a month I don't know if I go there but I really want to maybe I will oh wow that's so cool look it says boom safety is number one priority that's really cool Luke and Hugo right there thank you so much that's awesome a little lettuce later Ponty never had one of those before maybe I'll try it out that's so cool thank you so much nextly a package is coming from our son door not sure how to pronounce it and it's from Eataly Wow I have one semi-solid that's so cool let's open it up oh cool that's a CD maybe some kind of music or something I'll check it out later thank you so much illusion of transparency let's see what's inside of this oh no way this is somebody sent me what it is it's a pen and it's a smashes windows I actually already bought one of this because I actually want to put it to the test and film it in slow motion break in a glass so thank you so much for sending it to me this is gonna be a really cool video in a okay let's see what else we got over here this come from the most family adventures I think that same there YouTube oh I got some super hot peppers yeah they gave me two packages woo it's even smell so hot and I got a note over here I'll read it later thank you so much maybe I'll do more hot challenges but I don't feel like it on right now because last time it really mess me up that grenade hot sauce was too hot okay this one come from weeds us with us I'm telling you I keep butchering everybody's name from Virginia Beach actually lived in Virginia Beach for four years Virginia Beach Virginia whoa this is a conga jaques awesome one of these over here I'm not going to open it right now because I'm planning to do car gadgets really soon so I'm gonna put it to the test letter and then there is another one looks like just a cell phone holders that's cool thank you so much looks like this is the next let's open it up okay let's see what's inside here boom there's a little note oh no I got more hot sauce ultimate insanity hot sauce you know what guys already done this video but thank you so much anyways this one was a little hot but not too hot actually enjoyed it I might use it anyway it's not like a challenge because already done this challenge this one came from Endor thank you and there's so much there is another little box with the heart on it let's see what's inside looks like we got more gadgets oh cool this is like some kind of sandwich or on meat this is some kind of meat gadget or sandwich Perez I'm definitely gonna check it out and see how it works really soon as you know those kitchen gadgets are so popular so thank you so much for sending it to me there is a note saying that it was sent by a company thank you so much we'll put that to the test in the near future hopefully next package this package form come from snipping I'm not sure how to pronounce your name song so if I opened it whoa look I got an M by E it's perfect size in the shoebox it's so cool what kind of Emery is this da Vinci Marie that's so cool definitely going to put to the test French Emery this is my third in my French MA so guys don't send me any more French amazed thank you so much cannot wait to put these things to the test I toss I'm from Belgium and this is a Russian backboard Belgium and France use enjoy your meal oh wow you see I did not know that Belgium and French use the same memory so that's really cool man so much duct tape how do I open this I think this is another shoebox hi to us my name is Eddie from Hungary whoa thank you so much for telling me your name and where you form that makes it so much easier no way are you kidding me another French Oh Marie Wow I have I think at least four of this ones now French and Belgium I married not that I know whoa thank you so much I have to do it with few people since I have so many friends amazed there is some kind of candy right here and it's I guess Hungarian candy wow I love different type of changes so thank you so much so coca is that how you say this package comes from Edmond saki-san you already know him I did couple videos with him let's see what he got look at that this is Emery or what is this it looks so red a human Iranian daily Russian oh I guess if there is like a disaster or something food gift from the people of the United States of America that's what it says on the font package wow that's so cool I wonder what this food tastes like never seen anything like that thank you so much Edwin he been sending me so much time you guys should go check got his channel put link in description okay this one comes from Philip Wow I love the box look at that I wonder what is that inside of it maybe you send me something for my birthday it was only like a month ago yeah let's open it up see what's inside no way guys we got the most French on my list now that's so crazy we got today three more French Emery's and I already had two so I have now five French amazed Wow but you know what I think there are different menus so it's okay maybe I can put them to the test on my second channel you see this is my new number eight right here and this is menu number ten and this is menu number ten so only two repeats I think my other ones are different as well so I might put them to the test on my second channel as a different menu see what kind of difference they are and what they taste like thank you so much Philip I cannot wait to put it to the test alright in the next box we got over here for Michael let's see what we got inside it's a pretty big what what what is this he actually says his name is Michael and he's 14 years old high school student and he invented bottle flip the game along with my family look at that isn't it this while to end when you just flip the bottles I'm doing it let's open it up and see what's inside the little beautiful box by the way there is bunch of all searched here or some kind of board I don't know whoa what is that oh that's so cool that is like a board where you flip the bottle like yes empty bottle there's a bunch of cards over here and stuff and the fun kind of bottle cups you know what I'll have to play it later maybe I'll do it in the vlog that's really cool thank you so much Michael and you know what it looks like it's very well and design good job let's see what we got over here who would come from Japan it says black plastic kitchen well sir some kind of gadget from the Japan I love Japanese gadgets they are the funniest and the coolest so let's see what's inside whoa so much stuff oh my gosh first of all I think this is up no way I think it's all your seaweed I love CB so I cannot wait to try this warriors they actually sent me a really cool card look at that and this is their supply store where they like sell all this cool Japan gadgets and toys there is some kind of pink green milk curry and it's some kind of kitchen gadgets wow that's so cool I cannot wait to put that to the test let's have some kind of marvel to the brush so what is this let's find out oh no this is Marvel chopsticks I was actually thinking to do a chopsticks gadgets so they have sent me quite a few of them chopstick on on this side fork and a spoon and that's so cool what is this this is Captain of America this is some kind of lunch box I think whew there is more kimchi with some kind of going stuff hopefully it's a civic and yellow bus but I'll try it out later Pocky sticks and they also gain that's awesome Wow no way look at this I have to put that to the test this is a flip flops with mops on the back of it so I can mop the floor while I'm working alone this is awesome definitely putting that to the test and this oh no way wow this is the coolest thing ever this is a super my brother like a cards I think let's open up to make sure if it is or not yep look at that Super Mario brother cards and look at this side this is so awesome Wow I'm not gonna even a plane with this I think I'm just gonna save this and put it in my collection this is so cool never seen anything like that that's why I like Japanese stores because they have a really cool stuff that is over how to find so thank you guys I think this is their company you guys are the best thank you for sending me so many cool weird things and at last box over here let's see what else no way what is this oh my gosh look I'm over here cutting my boxes open with this little thing from now on I'm cutting boxes open with this big knife wow that's beautiful it feels heavy so it's gonna be pretty doable Wow whoa he sent me two of them that's so cool I never seen a knife like that before let's open one up see what it looks like oh look at this knife I'm not sure why on this side is Ola and it's in kind of so color knife like that that's so cool right here it's a little note over here but it's always says this Dinah toothed Gardens survival knife for camping and a whole bunch of other things I guess this is a garden survival tool so you know when you plant stuff some plants and see its tells you only dig like few inches in and then you plant something so that's really cool that it tells you how many inches there is why I never seen a knife like that before it even comes with a little host over here so go and put it in a holster so that way nobody gonna get cut well guys that's pretty much it you guys are amazing send me so many emery's oh that's so heavy altogether thank you so much for sending this fan mail if you're gonna keep sending me more stuff I'm gonna keep making more fan mail videos well thank you for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 876,320
Rating: 4.9075933 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, russian hacker, crazy russian, Fan Mail Unboxing, mre, review, Mail Unboxing, Most Useless Box Ever!
Id: fClUbGPO_l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2017
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