Fan Correction: Andy Has Terrible Japanese Pronunciation! | CONAN on TBS

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] this of course is a segment this of course is a segment where viewers try to find mistakes on our show uh what so far hundreds and hundreds of Challengers no winners nobody has caught us making a mistake that was a little much yeah that was kind of gloaty yeah well tonight a fan named carena Morrison says she thinks she caught a mistake she says it happened during a comedy sketch when Andy said a word in Japanese what hi Conan I was watching your show the other night and uh you were doing an international news Edition and I couldn't help but notice that your pal Andy mispronounced the word oai for good night in Japanese and because I figured that you might want to show me up I decided to ask some of my Japanese friends how to say it as proof so without further Ado hey how do you say good night in Japanese how do you say good night in Japanese how do you say good night in Japanese how do you say good night in Japanese how's that [Music] yeah well sorry carena but you are dead wrong Andy did in fact pronounce that word correctly and guess what I also have four Japanese friends ready to back me up check it out hey George te how do you say good night in Japanese how do you say good night in Japanese I suicide how do you say good night in Japanese Sude how do you say good night in [Applause] Japanese hey our thanks to George te and to his sister Georgina for helping us out yeah so the challenge still stands still stands still stands if you think you've spoted an error on our show reported at Team haha I found an error we will sort it out fairly and impartially here on the air as we always do let's see if you got a little CL make sh me out of the m
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,401,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy Sketches, Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, Fan Corrections, Highlights, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, best moments of conan, celebrity interview, celebrity interviews, coco, conan best, conan best moments, conan classic, conan funniest, conan funny interviews, conan funny moments, conan o'brian, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny moments on conan, late night show, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Id: 19uLJdelYck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2012
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