Famous People Talking About Heath Ledger

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is great he's doing a fantastic job literally transformed I think you know I mean I didn't I knew I didn't I'd met Heath once before in LA and he's a really sweet guy he's just the cool guy and and he's he's totally taken Ned and made him his own and made him he looks like Ned you know I mean he looks he looks so like Ned and he's found all these subtle nuances to the character and he's making him play very interesting when you were in um Ned Kelly I was I think the most jealous I have been of anyone ever Orlando Bloom Anthony was it for me to know see hey glad you like for you as it as a young girl like going onto set were you just like oh I was just like a boy who the whole time I was so excited Orlando Bloom I had like one scene with and I just the whole time was just like so dreamy just because it feels important to mention it Heath was just like the kindest coolest like weirdest in the best possible way like just so was not like a Hollywood kind of so reluctant to like take on that like hot Robin he was just like this moment is so intense did you stay in character throughout filming or did you turn it on and turn it off I did not stay in character all the times I would have been pretty hard on a person but that scene right there I was really hitting he's I mean he asked me to I said now listen I'm you know a little more of a veteran than you I said when I was a young actor I used to ask people to hit me it hurts mm-hmm and I said I'll do it if you want me to and I'm not gonna hold back yeah and he said please he said he needed it and I was hitting pretty hard hey hey Julia is it true that you were the one who suggested that Heath Ledger scene can't take my eyes off of you and the football scene and 10 Things I Hate About You and what is your favorite memory of that day yes and my favorite memory of that day well I mean that was your idea no it was definitely not Oh was that your idea okay I don't know yeah cool I'll take credit for it yeah my favorite memory of that day the whole day he was just phenomenal I mean like running up and down those stadium steps and nobody knew that he had this amazing voice and he just went full out and I got to watch it it's such a great moment I think we had been cast for our essences without really understanding what our essences were and that's outside of sexuality I mean we're like two straight guys cast in these roles but who we who we are who we were and could see and I don't know if I could so when the movie had the response that it had I think all of us who had been cast that includes every actor but the main actors of Heath and me and and Hathaway and Michelle Williams like I think I don't think we recognize what Aang had seen in us so we're sort of wandering around blind at the profundity and the echo that the movie made we understood the power of the story but I think playing a character in it we didn't fully and I don't think we ever had any idea would have the impact that add dudes again it's summer well maybe not like I said me and I was getting married November trying to get something on the ranch I guess you my hope for my daddy's placing give my hand your than where I'm gonna be back the army don't get me I enjoy rehearsals and I believe that writing should should hold up to the rehearsal process and I think you learned a lot in the rehearsal process too you also just mostly break through all you know I mean there's some moments or it's nice to just meet somebody and go but I find if you're gonna get to a place where you really want to land with someone you want to be present with them it's very good particularly in emotional things and stuff like that you need to at least spend enough time with them that all that forgive me for but like all the [ __ ] of like small talk goes away and then you can get to it when I say all we have is broke man I can't quit you you know that those lines tell you what we could have had a good life together [ __ ] real good life how does a place of our own but you didn't water Danis so what we got now is Brokeback now everything's built on that that's all we got boy [ __ ] off so I hope you know that if you don't never know the rest you count the damn few times that we've been together in nearly 20 years and you measure the short [ __ ] leash you keep me on and then you asked me about Mexico and you tell me you kill me for need something I don't hardly never get you have no idea how bad it gets I'm not you I can't make it on a couple of high-altitude [ __ ] once or twice a year hear too much from yes seven horse [ __ ] I wish I knew how to quit you we had rehearsed it we had gone earlier months earlier when it was still snowing there and I remember it was about covered in two or three feet of snow we didn't even see what the ground looked like at a time I had my dog who's now passed away jumping through the snow I remember and then the spring came and everything melted and we shot the scene and there was a like a palpable feeling of that scene while we were doing it to make a movie that's that even just works is a miracle and when it resonates even beyond that it's it's impossible and it has nothing to do with you in the end and the bathroo is presented to chi'lan [Music] [Music] [Applause] who thought that this would happen to the George twins to all the nominees this is I'm I'm just flattered to be in your your company I kind of wanted to go hey Jamie will love that okay thank you so much to Aang to Heat Michelle - James - Larry and Diana for writing this incredible story - Annie Proulx for writing this - it's almost all three of theirs this movie means even more to me socially than it does artistically the stunning success have Brokeback Mountain in which she acted opposite the late Heath Ledger catapulted her to a new level of success and earned her an Oscar nomination what was making Brokeback Mountain like well that was happy that was happy at work for a reason we both understand yeah you fell in love on that movie I did I did maybe that's the secret that off-screen love affair with Leger only deepened the drama on screen who could forget moments like this I remember that day tell member that day really well I remember standing in the hallway and thinking water water I want to be like water strong enough to hold up a ship but able to sit through your fingers it's unforgettable yeah for me too me too thankfully I hope not to forget it you have worked with some of the best actors in the world how would you rate Heath's talent it was quite extraordinary wasn't it oh well he's gotta be right up there I think I'm not sure whether I'm accurate about this but that somebody told me that Michael Caine who's a very experienced bloke said that one of Heath's recent performances could be the Joker is one of the greatest performances he's ever seen on screen well that ain't bad though you say it's not comic-book characters one of the nice things for us as an audience is there are comic moments and that's mostly with you was know there's a lot of comic comic moments to me but the surprises Israa Heath Heath Ledger who plays this homicidal psychopathic murderer and his he gets a lot of humor out of his his part one of the funniest things he did for me was he displays his nutcase with his funny make up this weird makeup and then he says Maggie Gilligan at Gyllenhaal and it's it's like this beautiful woman and he has this very long hair and he got a beautiful woman and it brushes his hair back as a masculine gesture but it's very feminine it's quite weird though and it gets a laugh it's good it's very funny but he saw unexpected and he gets quite a few laughs of a considering he's playing to my mind one the greatest villains in movie history I'm talking about Doug and movie history he's straight up there we do with Tony Hopkins and Hannibal Lecter or we reject with the original Joker there big person and of course you can see that now on that and the big screen but I wondered of course you wouldn't have had that many scenes with them but on set did you look at the finances how's it playing yeah I never have a scene directly with him but what he does do in the movie the Batman and I had given the party and he gate crushes it so I was in the scene but not a different dialogue with other people but not with him he never ever spoke to me in the scene but I was on the set with him for three days you know and I got to know him but what surprised me was I was on the set with him talkative or he did the first tag that I ever saw but I didn't know what was coming and so what happens at the end he gets in the elevator goes down then the elevator comes up and he bursts into our party which is the first time I ever saw the Joker as such and I thought it was stunning right from there I mean I praised him to high heaven all over the place I think he's going to get an Oscar nomination probably get the Oscar but this is not based on him dying or anything like that I'm saying this and so many unit from the first day it wasn't his first day my first day with him I mean I don't know him very well I just had soap on the set chest for two days I've never met him before but he was lovely but and died and very very quiet I enjoyed very much actually our very first scene together in in that interrogation room as I've said you know because it was the first time I got to see you know what he was really going to do and enjoyed it very much you know I mean despite the rage and everything that you know Batman was displaying in that scene I actually in between takes I was I was laughing my head off because I was liking how much it seemed to be working between us and he thought so you could see how much glee and delight he got from playing this character you know he really got satisfaction out of it we've never wanted any kind of nudge nudge wink wink concession to the audio since you stay under you stay in character you believe the character throughout and Heath did an impeccable job with that he immersed himself completely into it it was a real joy working opposite him not seeing you know when once he was in his makeup he was the joke that all the way through once he took it off he was Heath you know and he was great company but when he was in it he stated director Christopher Nolan soon found himself the toast of Hollywood for delivering such a smash hit however he was quick to attribute the record box-office result to the appeal of the film's cast the excitement surrounding his very very unique fresh portrayal of the Joker was always for us going to be an absolute linchpin of getting people excited to come and see the continuation of our story he's the big fresh element in it along with aaron eckhart playing Harvey Dent Harvey two-face so yeah I think I think the early word on how great his performances is undoubtedly helped what was he glad you like to work with fantastic speaking of makeup when we first got there I guess we were Hurst in England in London and so Heath and I were in the same trailer coming up with our looks you know so I would be working on to face over here and Heath would be on the other side of the trailer with his makeup man and they would be you know Heath would be going on making noises from the other side of the room you know like this and and I would look over and he's making him he's coming up with his makeup which I thought was real special you know and then we would talk about it and that sort of thing well just a really great guy my one experience with Heath on the film was our scene together in the hospital that which is really my only scene with them and it was I was in the hospital bed that day and I thought well I don't really have any lines what am I gonna do and I had no idea what was gonna happen so I got in the bed and they were lighting and Chris was walking around and doing things and then Heath came around and Heath was always in character so he would come around and you know be talking to himself in the corner like this and then he would come up I was laying there and I was watching him the whole time and he came up and would walk around me like the and I would watch him and I would watch him he'd walk around the hospital bed like they said watch and didn't say anything for maybe an hour he would walk around and then we watch him and they need to start saying his lines and I would watch him boom watch him come around the bed like this and then all said my hips would go up like this and he kept caught my hand so we just went through this organic process of developing this scene which was really nothing and then when we came time to shoot we had this thing beautifully choreographed and you know he did we never said a word to each other Wow yeah and then it was a long day and we walked out to our back to our trailers and Heath was here and I was walking and he puts his hand on my shoulder and he goes that's what acting is all about Leger performance is unbelievable unbelievable and I still haven't even seen frankly beginning the whole thing sat down and watched the whole thing I've seen it in pieces but yeah it's extraordinary I think what he did was really spectacular and I think even for the the greatest actors it's unusual that you can hit a stride where you're so free and I think that it was inspiring watching him do that and I think it's incredibly difficult to do that in a movie that's this big first up from the first five minutes with him here you knew that he had found you're tuned into some frequency or he was doing something with it that was very very special and between takes and between he was a sweet guy and we talked about a lot of sorts of things he turned up on time he knew the lines completely committed focused on the work so and what you know if you're gonna leave then I think you know be proud leave you know and leave with this [Applause] [Applause] man great remember you know wonderful to see you sledge there you're about to see new never-before-seen footage from the Dark Knight Rises [Music] I'm sorry o pride something I hope you don't mind if I if I if I speak about this but there's something I feel very unsettled at the moment and and I suppose it's because uh I only just saw the the news about Heath Ledger's death and um yes it just seems it seems somehow strange to be talking about anything else not that this anything to say really except to express one's regret and to and to safe in the bottom one's heart to to to his family and to his friends that I'm sorry for their trouble I didn't know him I have an impression a strong impression I would have liked him very much as a man if I if I had I'd already marvelled at some of his work and had looked forward so much to seeing the work that he would do in the future so very very proud of this thank you so much for giving it to me and I'm very proud to be included in that group of wonderful actors for as long as I can remember the thing that gave me a sense of wonderment of renewal the thing that teased me with the question how is such a thing possible and then dare you go back into the arena one more time with with longing and and self-doubt jostling in the balance it's always been the work of other actors and there are many actors in this room tonight including my fellow nominees who've given me that that sense of regeneration and a Heath Ledger gave it to me [Music] [Applause] in monsters ball that character that he created it seemed to be almost like an unformed being retreating from themselves retreating from his father from his life even retreating from arson yet we wanted to follow him and yet were scared to follow him almost I was unique and and then of course in Brokeback Mountain he was unique he was perfect [Music] and that that's seen in the trailer at the end of the film is as moving as anything that I think I've ever seen and I'd like to dedicate this to Heath Ledger most of you probably know by now and some of you may not know Heath Ledger was found dead a few hours ago yesterday as you're seeing this yesterday Heath Ledger was an amazing amazing talented young man twenty eight years old he was a friend and we will miss him and we want to leave you with the last time he was on our show we're here we're gonna ride in a bobsled and you'll see we're about to go down the mountain here we go we're going down hold on really really tight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] see you tomorrow bye bye Erica lie block on Facebook what was your favorite experience working with Heath Ledger Heath you know it's actually we just celebrated the 20th anniversary of of that movie the movie I was in Heath which is called 10 Things I Hate About You Heath had really good taste in music so he was the first time I ever heard one of my now favorite bands and has been my favorite band one of my favorite bands for many years Radiohead first time I ever heard Radiohead was driving the back of his car Ok Computer he had a CD of it hell of an actor let's talk about Heath Ledger's Joker what an unbelievable villain you say that you knew early on was that great yeah from the really the first rehearsal I had with him I called a friend in California and they said we were shooting in London and I called home and they said you know how's it going and what's he like and I said it's it's really special I think that actors you know if they're lucky they do sort of consistently good work and I liken it to it's it's like you're flying at sort of subsonic speed and then occasionally an actor will go through the sound barrier and he has really tapped into something here he's sort of he's just tuned into a sort of a station we can't hear you know it's very it's very special work and I know I know that there's a lot of hype about it but it but it really lives up to it I mean it is an oscar-worthy performance and it would not surprise me if he doesn't get a posthumous Oscar he's just playing that was the great thing with hate he just bounced there the minute the camera started rolling he was up and fired he was now a just a great time because he I don't normally allow much sad living but he was just so good at it he knew that character and every take he would come up with something different and surprising which makes the whole process of making it feel much more fun because it's normally quite boring just you know you've planned it for a year and now you're doing exactly what you want I was enjoying the fact that it was surprising every day and Heath was leading the pack because he got Andrew Garfield to add living as well because Andrew had never ad-lib before suddenly everybody was adding their own little bits to my film Terri joke so he co-directed a film and you know he really he did like you from he was about to direct his own movie and he came in not just as an actor consumed his own part but he was concerned with the whole process and whether it was ID living his own dialogue or putting you know suggesting sequences or changing things around or why don't we do it like this like he was just always on the wall and energetic and and and generous and just wanted to you know make the best work he could everyone else it was great he just he kept everybody going you come in the morning I hate shooting because you have to get up early he thought hey let's go to work and he would lift everybody and every day was like that so yeah we got through an incredible amount in the first month luckily we got through enough well he was still alive to actually be able to finish the film she is such a giving actor meaning you know when he's not on camera and he's doing a scene with you he's very giving and that he's still acting and it lets you you know be your character and concentrate on your character it makes it easier yeah extraordinary full of life a loss for life an energy which was contagious infectious in a really good way and inspiring to everyone the he kind of a woman look at the reaction could be insane reaction after he was snatched away it's like you think like people that never met him people that he touched through his work people that he touched because of how because of friendships because of whatever like he he was just a it was a force of nature and to be to be in the presence of that and so I think I can speak for us both and say oh we feel really lucky to met him and to have been in a creative situation with him yes of course he did such amazing work that there's a responsibility by any actor to play the next villain in a Batman franchise obviously so yeah about that personally but then also the same time I have a job to do and it's really grateful to be part of the team and the family so there's more inspiration already that I follow after Heath and and just to have the opportunity at all it's very grateful I know one thing we didn't talk about was Heath Ledger yeah pressure did you watch his performance before going into what it is Heath Ledger gave one of the best performances one of the most beautiful performances not just of any villain but in my opinion ever in the history of cinema he was so incredible and out of respect to him and to Jack and everybody else we knew we had to do something completely different but what did inspire me by all those performances was the commitment that they made how brave they were and how they threw themselves into this role and created something so memorable so there was a lot of pressure a lot of responsibility but very very very inspired and very grateful he did some incredible work powerful artists who contributed to our industry in such a major way and I'll never forget his work and who he was his spirits he's left a big mark on me and so many of my friends that we all hung out together with and it's so sad that he didn't reach his full potential I mean he did he did so much but there was his life was just too short right you are son the famous Brothers Grimm look at this strapping young man he is my daughter and a fine wife he'll make some lucky man he worked with them Heath Ledger was that good it was great it was great I'm not being hyperbolic at all by saying this but he's the best actor I ever worked with seriously seriously yeah you know he'd be you know I don't know what to say about that it's just terrible and and it's not something that that that I'll ever get over North nor do I think anybody who knew him you know could ever get over he's a really really special guy and I think two people who knew him it just felt like his light was just too bright for this place you know think about the fervor that surrounded Brokeback Mountain when it was released 11 years ago Heath bang and I were at the center of a storm that year fielding the praise and controversy that came from telling a love story about two men standing here tonight I can't help but think about Heath and how much he would have loved to witness all of this incredible change that has been affected in the LGBT community in intervening years he would be proud to know that he had somehow played a small part in all of it I know that I am and even though Brokeback was very much a movie of its moment in history aang made sure that it would stand the test of time he kept it simple and quiet with respect for the characters and their corner of the world he knew that to tell a big story you have to keep it small we don't always need to speak in order to communicate and it's a lesson that rings in my ears Hoffman I I remember the day we shot our big love scene when we we finished the scene we both Heath and I we got up and we looked over to see a huge smile on Ang's face and I was surprised because although you know though you might not know it being has a really great sense of humor you know he rarely smiled on set but this was a shit-eating grin and so naturally I walked up to hang and I was excited to see any sort of emotion crossed his face and he clearly I asked it I was like how what how was that how was that you know it you know you liked the scene and and he just was nodding in a really awkward way and he just said so gay [Applause] that was the first of many times that he but wait it is a beautiful beautiful story it's a gorgeous script and God Jack's cute and the actor goes to Joaquin Phoenix a five-time nominee is walking finished celebrating his first win he was previously nominated in this category for his performance [Applause] I was here many years ago and I couldn't fully appreciate it at the time I now realized how fortunate I am to be a part of this community have such reverence for actors and and what we do I said we're really honored to be here I'd like to just talk about a little bit about my fellow nominees that's a day really understanding here on the shoulders of my favorite actor Heath Ledger so thank you and good night a friendship can't really be explained in a soundbite nor can it in a three-minute interview and those who can do it I find sort of odd I happen to not be one of those people but I think that you know I think Heath meant a lot to a lot of people the people who are fans and the people who saw his work and we're moved by his work and the people who knew him as a person and you know is just an incredible force and it's still missed
Channel: Joana
Views: 362,475
Rating: 4.9755211 out of 5
Keywords: heathledger, brokebackmountain, joker, cinema
Id: kc0H4Pa-Nik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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