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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] I'm who's playing yeah bro what who's playing it's actually my best friendo the one that was at the [ __ ] no jumper interview oh the white kid [ __ ] no bro ndoo [ __ ] you don't remember him oh no no I know him I thought you were talking about the white kid though yeah there you hey you got a message to any of the no jper R gang fans out there should they come [ __ ] with you a South by yeah come [ __ ] with me a South by you feel me I gotta get my Uber Eats I'm G holler at you later [ __ ] you love you love you too [ __ ] peace in the kitchen cooking work in the kitchen cooking work work in the kitchen cooking work in hey I just got famous deck he's pulling up we're doing this video at 5:00 p.m. he told me to invite as many girls as possible so I've literally been texting every [ __ ] girl I can think of in my phone that seems even like the type of person that would remotely want to be in a rap video and then I hit a l to and I'm like yo I need H get on the phone get some hose over here so that's what we're doing if Dex bails on this video shoot and I just have every girl I know there that would be so fire look I'm partway through shaving my head I'm not even done yet but I just want to say if you can hear this and not feel something [Music] then I don't understand you cuz this [ __ ] really really is making me feel some kind of way right now hey for the record uh you guys saw me get this jacket the other day in the Vlog but I'm [ __ ] hyped as [ __ ] on it uh hopefully yeah yeah yeah there you can see the back of it so this is coming from a brand called garage something like that up and cominging clothing brand based out of Los Angeles thank you for all that you do to help people who are trying to make it you're an inspiration to us and everyone else we hope you enjoy your oneon-one custom jacket we do full Collections and Customs we're located in Downtown LA congratulations on all your success and then it's got see those see the Instagrams well all I'd like to say is that this is right on my [ __ ] alley to get like a custom jacket with dope original art on it like holy [ __ ] could my fans be any tighter thank you very very much to those guys I'm going to be rocking this today in the Dex video and I spoke with all the young creatives but especially the ones who give me free [ __ ] also you know I'm rocking all right so I'm headed to the store now to go do this Dex video but I just want to say one thing first and foremost is how do you become a legend the way you become a legend is you help a lot of [ __ ] people out so that they have to keep talking about you and thanking you for the rest of their [ __ ] life number one obvious example of that is yams yams wasn't even in the game for that long before he passed and there are so many rappers so many people in the industry still to this day who have to like they would be lying if they didn't give uh yams credit for the the effect that he had on their career like even a month ago I'm interviewing [ __ ] hoodridge Pablo Juan and he's sitting there saying like yeah yams gave me a big boost he like encouraged me he put me on game blah blah blah you look at somebody like Ian Connor there's like a ton of rappers Fashion Kids Etc who would be straight up lying if they did an interview and didn't say yeah Ian put me on and so regardless of if you like him or not it's like that that [ __ ] doesn't go away like if one of those kids that Ian puts on goes on to become crazy famous designer in the future whatever it's like he's part of their [ __ ] narrative and that's how you become a [ __ ] Legend is you just help out as many people with Talent as possible which is the opposite attitude of how a lot of people are in business where they act like no I'm not going to help out anybody unless I got them on papers unless I'm going to make a percentage of everything that they do from there from there on blah blah blah look at Gucci why is Gucci still the only old [ __ ] who's super super relevant in Atlanta hip-hop and his influence goes Way Beyond a lot of his peers a lot of people that have been doing similar stuff to him helping people out blah blah blah well the m a big I mean Gucci is just ridiculously talented so you you can't undermine that but I mean a huge part of it is just the fact that he's got the eye he's got the ear and that when he saw Amigos when he saw future when he saw scooter when he saw goddamn everybody he was in there he wanted to be part of it he wanted to help him out and he's a legend for it so if you want to be a legend once you get a little bit of clout once you get to the point that you can help people out just [ __ ] do it and that's what I'm doing and that's why I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing is because I want to help out as many kids as possible so that then one day when the [ __ ] wolves come for me when they really really try to take me out when they get the articles about me blah blah blah I'm going to have a goddamn Army of [ __ ] who I showed love to who are going to have my back I just put you on game Dex is a goddamn legend in the making too because he does the same thing I heard people criticize him in the past and be like Oh Dex [ __ ] with too many people you know he'll just do a video with anybody he meets blah blah blah but Dex is a a creative dude who just like recognizes talent and he'll just like boom he meets little Tracy bang he's got videos he's got songs with him it's just like that's how Dex is living that's why Dex is like a quintessential [ __ ] internet era artist because he just seizes upon ideas and just goes with them to the point where some people might even be like oh it's kind of biting whatever that's like that's an old school way of looking at it for for Dex it's like anything that he encounters is a a potential influence whether it's a person whether it's a rapper whether it's a producer his clothing whatever so he is just in the moment his videos come out the day after he makes them that's what's up all right I'm in here at our designer Arnold's house uh or house not house it would be weird if you lived in this little thing it's an office and we're in here with the team to do some uh creative feedback so let's let research and development let's do it time wake up the dead president wait [ __ ] boy had to come out how you going to put your cousin in this this music video Don't incriminate me I'm not supposed to be hanging out with her oh my God definitely can't incriminate your own and who's this girl that you invited by the way can we get ID okay she follows me on Twitter and I think she's cute so I invited her she slid in my DM I like how you think you kind of think like me I yeah I learned a lot from you I'm the cutest follower and DM her yo Lena's dress right now is like on some next [ __ ] can we check this out really address it dress casual God damn that is not casual that's like one Oak one Oak I'm going to one Oak oh God ended up at one Oak fronos is out don't say the car's topless say the fronos is out hey we out here post on the Block real Road gang [ __ ] I never met L before she's really really what are you hey you disrespect my mom I'mma come for you like little PE currently uh occupied being the Fest mother mother [ __ ] in the [ __ ] Universe walking around with this squad like casual I think this is really really this is solidifying me as a legend at this moment walking down Melrose with this little mob I really am the white rayj when you're a white boy trying to fit in what's the move you buy a big ass bottle of Hennessy and bring it to the rap video shoot duh man coming through we got the Nexus Squad in here Mike I see you Ling in the back next to Diego way Bros this Diego like [Music] what your 18 is back OBS we got Dex Diego I got gleich coming big important question when you do a rap video what car are you going to flex Alfredo was whipping the Bentley today so I think we're going to rock that uh obviously the Porsche is an option but you know we got to mix it up day by day oh it's fat that's disgusting damn I'm sorry true life I can't stop saying that right now we're borrowing money from Alfredo to B cuz I don't have cash on me but he doesn't know who thank you put down me Rose with my [ __ ] bro Adam now we're walking to the store to the store we juice juicy juice juice for your [ __ ] I'm about to juice on the [ __ ] stomach and lick it up and then like spit it back out and then let Adam J it back up he was just hanging from this pole and he was like I want to [ __ ] a [ __ ] like this I really wish I had captured that when I when I [ __ ] I'm like Adam come hold on tag te Adam we damn you think we're going to tag team a girl before we die yeah hell yeah no that's so far I have no idea I did not know we were on that level me and hes never double teamed a girl before and we oh we got close we got real close at the old house 426 boys it's pretty bad that I don't even remember what you're talking about I believe you though my friend Dex is getting the girl's number and I can't let you guys hear the number cuz he just gave the number that's why that girl was looking at Dex he just literally walked up he goes hey take my number and she's just like okay it's like that that was crazy I mean I guess I've done that but he just did it like with such fluidity buying Lane and Candy [ __ ] come on supporting the community right there hey who yall who you hust for who you guys selling candy for and [ __ ] my basketball team all right yeah thank you man respect 4,000 the [ __ ] bag cost no th000 oh what we doing yeah my bag cost 4,000 your girl bag cost no th000 he right my [ __ ] has a ass purse she don't know what's up I'm be totally honest I'm I think that way shout out to Lena but she don't know nothing about designer purses she got to learn she needs a a stylist I don't know anything either I can't help hey I'm Church on the roof that's ni fine that's good yo this is the most rare [ __ ] I ever [ __ ] witnessed in my life we're walking on the street with Dex look who we got look who we got oh yeah with the shenanigans activities they want me gone ass get rid of me yo I'm looking forward to interviewing these [ __ ] [Music] big hey shout out jcole oh yeah all the going on man I be tell hey look Adam be hitting me Adam be hitting me he be like you don't even know Frosty you don't know him now you know who I got put on to you guys through is the I'll fight you boys in Tacoma they listen to you guys you don't even they don't even know look look first off they don't even know that they went viral on White Boy [ __ ] so like let me tell y'all real quick some white boys that's vloggers like we like we do yeah played your [ __ ] after I tweeted it and and now you guys are like that's how you hit a [Music] [Laughter] m I'm saying okay hi Adria what the [ __ ] up Adam how you doing I'm good can you introduce me to your lady friends here real quick this is Morgan Morgan Morgan Lee and this is Gina Valen Gina Valentina okay I bet that there's dudes watching this right now who are fans of you guys in your work so this [ __ ] Adam just stole stole thisly just stole I'm so sorry I'm sorry I did not realize what I was doing you let the white man booting out here you let the white man still on camera I got a couple real ones with meing a goddamn goddamn godam the we making we walking down MOS and put volcano everywhere we walk volcano feet bleeding dripping May flavor no sauce on my girl cuz I'm dripping this like that yeah no sauce on my burger bro it better not be no dub I'mma call her out as a dub you know I call you know I love calling dub [ __ ] out I'll call her I'll be like what's up dub $20 bill that's why I'm a call her soon as I see her all right I'm here with no jumper alumni and babe Britney Johnson and she hasn't seen the story yet I'm going to show her the story right now told me she can't hang out for very long because she has a date which I don't approve of first dat let's go hey this is famous Dex I don't know uh you guys have met but I feel like he's probably going to really like you this is here we go this is this is the meeting I was waiting for yeah you been waiting for this oh thumbnail tit oh wait hold on you guys are both amazing deely Hills born tities hey get that out a little bit [Music] that's it that's it right there all right it is cute hey these are my uh young Trappers just so you girls know I like this better than nice hey I meet a million cool supporters every day but this fool just came through with the don't at me hat which is something I love to say on Twitter so I'll definitely be rocking this uh what's her name and you're from Connecticut yeah and you're a big Rogue being Soldier hell yeah dude that's all I need to know if they want to reach you where they got to go uh r Gonzalez on Twitter and on Instagram beautiful I'm doing it out here for the culture don't add me that's my message to the world thank you brother at us long way from downtown back a long ass way from downtown H sering this [ __ ] Ser shout out to Ser Bluetooth we couldn't make it to the opening cuz anxiety n he had a [ __ ] emergency man that was Sean's out here freshly telling you already know me up who G I did not know he was from Mar Marin Marin Marin I'm like what I never heard of a Marin yeah the bay shout out the bay hey if anybody's from a place called Marin let us know I thought I think it was made up I just remembered I bought this Trev bought what that [ __ ] open we out here filming that's not yours stop front Brandon I'm not going to let you pose for the vog [ __ ] we need something something is finally really thinks he's a rapper with that ain't his I [Music] know next like what [ __ ] your little [ __ ] I your [ __ ] yeah come soon that's how collab is dropping soon man I swear swear to [Music] God Adam I know you be doing all this all the time you the rockar what should rockar hey we ain't heard from you in a minute hey man jump man you know what I mean yo I like the new video I've seen it I'm feeling it and I I heard we're coming back in hot for uh interview number two no [ __ ] it uh we coming in for interview number one official joint we coming in for the official Joint Miami jumping and all that you know I mean man you going to come in and [ __ ] with us yeah when you ready all right uh we need about a week for the studio I say nothing I'm in there perfect Stone and just watching movies sick man EA way too many snacks [Music] [Music] [Music] if you don't listen to Choo you're a [ __ ] idiot you got thear over [Music] [ __ ] Tony the beer over lify I'll clean up Tony Emily let's see this dress just for the record oh my [Laughter] God she like trust me oh oh [ __ ] get out of here she just claimed your ass for the Vlog bro damn you just got claim my friend all right so we just hopped into Uber and I'm actually going to see this is super random but somebody told me hey Bigg e in the studio with Duke from uh YSL Young Thugs Duke and they were like yo like he's in the studio with them so I just texted Big E and I'm like yo you think it'd be cool if I pulled up he's like yeah yeah do it come alone so I'm here with Lena I assume that that's okay but right now we're pulling up on Duke who I'm a big fan of hey I'm out here with Duke YSL they're pulling up to the thugga show down at the observatory yeah why said [ __ ] you already know the [ __ ] going on La we taking over right [ __ ] now yo I'm on the way right now hey Mar man not have a pint in this pocket but uh shout out to Duke I'm a big fan of this guy I got some of night's over that was a fun one shout out to my man famous Dex shout out to Lona the plug and everybody else who rolled through everybody who showed love shout out to Dogo money too that video will probably be dropping really soon I'm trying to get it for the not jber Channel make sure you guys see it but you look so [ __ ] up I do yeah I feel fine you look [ __ ] you're [ __ ] up that's the only reason you think that all right so I forgot I have to announce the winner of the Seattle ticket giveaway I am going to give it away to Kate from the net because she hit me up and she said yo I deserve a ticket to Seattle show because it's going to be my boyfriend's first show ever also [ __ ] while listening to your podcast the boy never nutted so hard hasht # rope gang nut # rope gang for that [ __ ] so someone someone's girlfriend DMD me that so huge huge shout out to Kate from the net hopefully you have a good time with the show you and your boyfriend are going to be going uh enjoy you're Aid idiot if you don't [ __ ] with you're Aid [Music] [Applause] idiot
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 833,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: famous dex, FRosTydaSnowMann, frosty da snowmann, almighty suspect, yung gleesh, vlog, adam22, lena the plug, adria rae, brandon begin, alfredo mancuso, hesh nigga
Id: 1u9MEbK90N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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