Family Vanished - Full Movie

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foreign [Music] [Music] get up hmm okay what dress will go with this foreign piss off and close the door Mike somebody's on a rag downstairs in 10 minutes we got work to do hey and don't forget to change out your gloves this time oh thank you Mike come on don't hate me because I'm so tired morning good morning plane lands in an hour who's hungry he also Cooks how's it going we're staying another week a good time ah The Best Is Yet To Come [Music] God I already need money in the other foreign smog's already getting to me where'd you folks go Hawaii oh I love it there I sold a painting for my client the buyer lives in Maui so he flew us over to deliver it lucky you what was your favorite part of the trip April April I was asking what your favorite part of the trip was coming home oh [Music] that's good to be back foreign I thought Peter was going to water these oh I uh I told him just to collect the mail that's not good the alarm's off I promise you it's not my fault I know I turned it on before we left maybe it malfunctioned welcome home see your hands don't move who are you people who are you [Music] foam walk come on [Music] you don't have to do this just take what you want thanks we will make yourself sit down you can take the money you're broke we already checked your bank accounts we actually have more money than you do yeah I thought all rich people knew what to do with their money no they're stupid and they put all their passwords in one book that's easy to find yeah all you Wall Street times here so busy hiding what you got and what you don't got what else are you hiding Brian how do you know my name oh we know a lot of things about you about all of you why are you wearing our clothes oh Lisa what a shame you live this big perfect life all Maybe Brian should have been more careful with your Investments closets and drawers are full of expensive crap this makes you happy do you just want more fedic I don't know why I spent so much money on that rag I guess even Rich folks are suckers why the long face little miss perfect princess looks to me like you've got it made here by the way I love your little trophies but I'll bet everyone at school thinks you're serious I don't know honey kind of like that rag you know you are far more attractive in person those pictures don't do you just back off back off you you're gonna do exactly what I say okay please hey it's enough I'm just playing around now [Music] are you expecting someone no get up go get it get up let's go you sit both of you come on honey sit down that's our neighbor Peter here he collected the mail we'll get rid of them or we will make any indication and everyone dies hey hey Peter hey I bet it sucks to be back in the Heat and smog yeah yeah it sure does uh it wasn't much uh Bill's mainly sorry about that so how was your trip it's good you know it's never never lasts long enough [Music] everything all right [Music] yeah yeah no I'm just you know we're a little frazzled from the uh from the flight oh yeah business class can be pretty raw huh all those free drinks really make you miserable don't they yeah hey are you sure you're okay yeah yeah uh you know we still have to unpack so uh so on it thanks thanks again Peter yeah sure good work gonna be a problem no good please just take what you want and go there's no need to traumatize my family anymore but Brian we like being with your beautiful house such a good host yeah Brian you're such a good host [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so close princess really that's stupid I will splatter your brains all over these walls sit trophy she can really run I'll take her you take him Tire up be my pleasure you two move I got him get the laptop sit down Bruce Jenner sit stop it look I know she won't it's okay you gotta famous Lisa the big sales all over the trades I'm surprised you can read you'd be surprised a lot of things we can do if I were you I'd keep my mouth shut can't believe somebody actually paid 675 000 for that piece of crap my daughter can pay better than that sure can I told you not to mention the sale price in the interview I always thought it would help the gallery yeah well look what it brought I mean God the world is just filled with the scum we're just looking for some way to just to get give one over on someone are we going to have these kind of problems when we're rich gee honey I hope not look besides my commission this money belongs to my client I don't care who it belongs to you're going to call the bank manager and get it in cash in cash there's a hold on the check they're never going to release it that quickly they know you and your gallery is a good client make it happen [Music] do it [Music] foreign hurry up set it down put on speaker hi this is Lisa Stiles is Mr Buckley available [Music] please hold for Mr Buckley this is Styles how are you I'm well how can I help you today uh I uh I need to withdraw the money from my gallery account in cash okay um 675 thousand uh Mrs Styles I'm sure you realize that's a lot of money to uh withdraw in cash this deposit only came in two days ago and there is a seven day hold I don't know if that's going to be possible could you please find some way I uh I've been a client for a long time over 10 years yes yes I know and we appreciate all of your business it's a it's a very long time may I ask why you need it in cash [Music] I sold a painting for my client and she needs her portion in cash I I see Mr Buckley what can we do okay I can release half of it early that's yeah yeah yes um it will thank you now um unfortunately we don't have that much on hand in the branch tomorrow okay that's uh Mr Buckley I am I really need this to happen yes Miss Styles I I I hear what you're saying well if uh if I put the order in now maybe I can do it um but I'll I'll have to call you back later today okay yeah yeah yeah um that's okay thank you thank you very much you better pray he comes through [Music] ah nothing but slob I wouldn't feed this crap to a dog I'm down for a burger run nobody leaves until we get the money there's too many prying eyes around here no wonder these people are so weak we have to do something right now no matter what they say we've seen their faces and they're gonna kill us we have to fight back look there's no other choice hey what are you two talking about you know uh if we're gonna show up for work tomorrow people are going to start to wonder what happened I changed all your social media posts you're staying in Hawaii another week because it's just and I used your cell phone to text your co-workers gave them the good news I get the impression that we're not wanted here Brian is that because you think you're better than we are you just hadn't got to know us yet I know you yeah you're always playing the victim because the system's rigged against you right yep I mean you're gonna get yours by any means necessary oh that gives you a righteous deal it's called survival Brian this woman ain't long for people who can't fend for themselves different than animals a bunch of Thieves and drug addicts drug addicts you don't know what you're talking about I've had just about enough you people think you can preach from your throne and your high-class neighborhood you've been living in a fantasy world girl and it's time to wake up [Laughter] tell us about that safe Brian yeah Brian you know that safe hidden bite all those fancy shoes how could you possibly wear all those shoes God I want the combination it's a biometric lock it only opens with our fingerprints okay well I could either cut off your fingers or you come upstairs and they sure choice come on Ryan what's wrong I need my inhaler come on let's go what happened try to call 9-1-1 remember that guy back in Gainesville I broke him listen I'll open this safe just please don't hurt him nope it's too late we're going upstairs and Brian's gonna learn a little lesson let's go man it's a hot one today I sure would want to be you I bet this attic is 120 degrees let's see whoo it is hot in here come on in welcome to your new home Bank manager's calling you better hope it's good news hello there's a Styles uh Christopher Buckley a Tujunga Valley Bank yes um Mr Buckley yes I was able to secure the funds you need in cash so you can stop by anytime tomorrow after two thank you very much glad to be able see you then we got it yes we did it Mom shut up nobody likes a whiner Brian hey you have yourself a good we got in here you really do have asthma don't you give yourself Brian good bad I'll see you in a couple hours one more [Music] this one's gonna be easy where is Brian what did he do to him looks like he's going to sweat it out up in the attic for a while maybe he'll learn to cooperate it's 90 degrees outside he suffers from asthma you can't do that we can take this as far down the line as you want your choice it's your turn honey let's go check out that safe come on come on let's go it's okay Uber to lose it okay after you how you doing princess you must be hungry get away from me you know you want come on look at it well here we are just the two of us Lisa you look smarter than your husband I don't think you're gonna do anything stupid are you yeah that's of course you want to no now open it put it down put it down you keep surprising me ah down there they put me okay can you scream I will cut your throat you understand say yes laughs [Laughter] that's so cool get off whoops I'm sure you can find something else to wear in here laughs what's this this isn't worth anything I like it we only keep what we can sell that's all my mom doesn't care what we keep I do look we're all getting tired of the ACT Marcia it's time to grow up and listen for once what are you looking at trust me honey you ain't gonna miss any of this stuff it's a nice ring you got there Lisa April maybe I'm okay look at me I'm okay don't worry tie her up yes ma'am ah you don't have to point that thing at us we're not going to do anything you're right you're not watch them if you do anything that screws up this money I will kill you oh babe I'm going jealous on me you know my way I was just trying to break her next time I'll tell you there will be a next time my husband needs his inhaler yeah not my problem could you please bring him some water at least no he's probably roasting and toasting up there maybe this time I'll listen to the rules I'll go check on them if that's okay with you you know I've been thinking a lot about that ring Lisa get up ah no damn that's a big one this is how rich people show their love oh what a waste of money but I'll bet it's worth a lot you'll never know the love of a man you can trust at least my husband loves me enough to give me a ring what do you have shut up Know About Us know what your husband wants you think you're better than me huh you had just about everything until you got greedy and wanted more and your husband lost it all he could be up there dying and all you care about is this stupid ring is typical what kind of mother teaches her daughter evil you are sick and depraved no no wear your wake-up call something even your little locks couldn't keep out [Music] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Brian man I am disappointed in you who's stronger than you look you hear Brian I want you to know something I just had a nice little visit with your wife you recognize this I forgive you for a second amendment time you want the boat or the knife or are you going to behave come on come on are you okay [Music] y'all pray while you're down there that's a good idea hand me that water okay honey give me that bowl over there come home Brian we're gonna get you to bark here you go no no no no no no no no no treat please stop please don't make me hit you now come on come on now come on Mark dog bark bark bark bark just do what they say Brian bark dog bark Brian [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] hey what's wrong with our dog damn it get him get him his inhaler now get him his inhaler give it to him give it to him hurry up ask nicely please give him his inhaler this is not funny give it to me please please that was the best dog impression I've ever heard [Laughter] [Music] the only one that wants you anymore poor doggy [Laughter] let's do something wow that got me hungry I'm gonna make some dinner upstairs let's go come on up it's right up the stairs princess oh I don't feel good can I please use the bathroom down here really go ahead just keep the door open [Music] [Music] mistake [Music] please Splash I was Taking a Bath let's get this party started well Lisa's been a bad little girl so there needs to be some consequences take your clothes off man well can't take a bath without taking clothes off in that right sounds right to me hey anyone care to help me out you you all right Brian you're on your own drip take them home go on I'm so so sorry come on Brian that's it that's it take it all off now oh Brad when's the last time you were at the gym I'm sorry find it by the Light we need to get back in the sun man girls don't want this part now all right get in touch get in the tub come on I said get in the tub E I get on your knees on your knees thank you [Music] I'm just going to be a little wet okay now we're not going to have any more problems tomorrow at the bank are we I sure hope not [Music] come on don't look at him he's a fish he's a fish I need you to know that we're serious get down let's do one more time open up Michael Phelps over here sorry I won't do anything else I promise oh come on it's a liar just like her husband [Music] show him how much of a liar she really is and now it's story time tonight's story is a story about love or should I say of one night of lust enough you're gonna get your money why do this because I can and you pissed me off tonight's story is a story about a woman who lived a perfect little life so we thought but everyone has secrets what is she talking about oh this is your wifey's little diary I came across it while I was helping myself to some knickknacks up in that very hot attic Peter's hand touched my waist and I didn't push him away I don't know what I was doing maybe I had too much champagne but he kissed me with a passion I had not felt in a long time I feel guilty to say but I enjoyed oh no Lisa well don't stop now it's just getting juicy we made love it was exciting passionate and I felt alive again when it was over we knew it was a mistake and agreed never to tell anyone this Peter guy must be some neighbor you accused me of never knowing the love of a man I could I could well it looks like your man can't trust you there are no happy ending ending even in Suburbia time for bed I know I'm mostly good just in case you're thinking of running off during the night really sucks to be you know foreign three years ago you were on a business trip in New England we had a fight you said you wanted a divorce there's no excuse for whatever what she didn't read about is the torment and the guilt that I have felt every day since it was the worst mistake of my life Brian I'm so sorry a bit of going I didn't plan it I swear it just happened so what you you were just never going to tell me about it I got to find out from the demented woman in there just so she could she could she humiliate my family even more than she already has I'm sorry I caught into your reference entire time it's like a it's a nightmare that never ends he's gonna change that I don't even know what to say please probably she does though I want to get these bastards one way or the other one hey do I hear talking in there thank you I'll be watching everything on this camera I don't even think about trying anything stupid put this in your ear so you can hear me when you're inside tell me if you can hear me yeah I can hear you picture's fine Mike keep your cell phone I'll be using the app so we can talk I got it you're driving hey Lisa take a good look at your family because if you screw this up it's gonna be the last time you ever see him let's go you're gonna drop me off half a block from the bank if I even suspect that you're trying to alert someone I'll call Mike and your family will die you don't have to say it again I know you're gonna get what you want okay oh I usually do then what you'll never see us again you're gonna just let us go absolutely go back out to the street drive around the parking lot Park on that side of the building after you get the cash pick me back up here if at any time we lose signal I will assume you have alerted someone and your family dies please stop saying that I'm doing what you want okay go so far so good okay babe I'm excited yeah get excited when we have the money [Music] foreign get the damn bag now hurry I'll get it [Music] Mrs Styles is here Mrs Styles Mr Butler please come in sit down yes I know it's quite a sight three hundred and forty thousand dollars yeah quite out of sight so we got some paperwork we got to deal with here I'll need you to fill out this withdrawal slip and sign it please okay how was your vacation yes Maui it's beautiful are you okay you're fine Act Naturally yeah I'm just nervous of course of course I have to ask as a matter of policy are you a victim of a fraud or scam or are you withdrawing this money against your own free will no one is forcing you to do this correct answer him now no this is my choice is there a problem honey I don't know yet now I've already filled out a cash transaction report as required by law and a suspicious activity report for the IRS which is a required for all exchanges over ten thousand dollars so yeah please count the money there are 34 stacks of 100 bills each stack is ten thousand for a total of three hundred and forty thousand and I'll go get your receipt where did it go is there a problem with the money no there is no problem he just what's going on does she have the money yeah just be ready in case something happens you're not outside in five minutes your family dies hurry up thank you thank you who called the police your family is dead Mike she double crossed us get ready to kill them Mr Buckley did you call the police yes as a precaution you really didn't need to do that okay oh no they were more than happy to help get rid of the cops now you know I really don't need the cops cry for me and I'll let you go first cry Brian okay you want me to do her first put it on me she's going first come on can you ask him to leave well they're here already maybe even talk to them yourself I said cry Brian cry okay fine I'll ask them to leave it really wasn't necessary for you to call them in the first place as you wish the Styles homes just trying to help [Music] Mike hold on for a minute officers this is Mrs Stiles new man if you want we can follow you to the city limit um no that's quite all right thank you [Music] thank you again I really appreciate it thank you have a good day thank you [Music] she's pulling out now the cops are following all right we're set she's on her way we got everything start getting ready to leave I'll be there in half an hour okay see you soon keep an eye on these guys well I go pack up my stuff your mom says kill him kill him Drive so now you let us go right that was our deal our deal just drive don't run any red lights to do anything stupid we're still live and the gun's loaded hey what are you doing can I pay you to go away with my share of the money your share stop acting like a spoiled princess and stick to the plan we only take things we can sell you know that hey where you going to get some food for the trip no you can get it when you get there I'm not eating at that Grace Pit again Apple pile of crap too bad get upstairs pack your clothes and strip the sheets let's go she's gonna be here any minute let's go chop chop come on look what the Cat Dragged In gotta go as planned no problems she's a good girl oh ah she better be plus 300 Grand look like Come to Papa freedom who is it it's Peter the neighbor yeah the home wrecker so what don't answer it he saw us drive up well he knows somebody's here well then let's go we've all got a long drive what where are we going somewhere the cops won't find you guys for a while so we have a chance to get away be happy you're almost free ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] get it [Music] I can't see anything yeah I got it got it I got it all right okay okay um okay okay I got it I got it I got it foreign leave me a message and I'll get back to you thanks almost there thank you okay let's go everybody hurry up nothing here but the coyotes is this where you're letting us go I'm just gonna take a walk first no no get in the van why because I said so been real princess April come here April okay [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] get on your knees I said on your knees it's all your fault Brian I knew I shouldn't have trusted you you got a lot of nerve to do that no I've got a lot of nerve you were the one who's cheating on me do you remember that when you stole all of our dreams with your stupid Investments other than arguing I know right but I love it she was right you're greedy stop fighting what is wrong with you too are you finished finished yes finally the neighbor Hood [Music] go go come on look we can't help it we can just get this [Music] time okay are you okay come on we gotta go come on come on [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] stop stop wait my family and I are stranded can you please give us a ride to the city sure thank you thank you thank you come on you all right you said that your registered firearm was stolen during the robbery uh yeah yeah he he took it for my safe and your neighbor Mr Peter Levy why was he other with you in the desert um well he must have seen us leave and then decided to follow us we don't really know what happened after we brought the gunshots the sheriff's department found the area that you described and located his car I also found him a short distance away I'm sorry to have to tell you this but he's dead gunshot wounds how long had you known him almost 11 years he bought the house down the street from us shortly after we bought ours detective fund would really like to just go back home is that all right your house is a crime scene at the moment our guys should be finished up later tonight you're just gonna have to wait we're also going to need your DNA and fingerprints to check against anything else we may find in the house detective Carboni will help you take care of that I don't feel safe here anymore no it's not no no look that's exactly how they want us to feel if we start feeling that way then they've won this is this is still our home we're safe now I'm going to my room it's bad enough what these people did to us in our home now we have to go through the indignity of having the cops tearing our house apart I want to make these people pay for what they did just let the police handle it okay find them [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] they didn't take that Styles was about to declare bankruptcy wasn't it huge debts but wasn't his wife about to come into some money the sale of that painting yeah her commission was about 100 Grand but the family's debt was north of half a million so she went to the bank and withdrew 340 000 but most of that belonged to her client maybe this home invasion store is a cover-up she steals her clients money and pays off the debts Maybe but what about the murder of Peter Levy I mean what's that got to do with this let's dig deeper there's definitely more going on here you got it hey hun you're home early how was work chaotic I can I can't focus the locksmith is almost finished did you uh go on to the gallery today no detective Flynn called and said he's on his way here why did he find something didn't say hey I'm gonna go to Kim's to hang out okay do you think that's a good idea yeah don't worry Kim's dad's gonna be there he'll protect me I love you both we love you too babe be safe honey someone just just logged onto my social did you change your password is this the area where it came from never heard of that change your password right now wait a minute do you think I could think it could be I mean maybe they're trying to log on to my account to see if I see if I just did any update update it's possible afternoon detectives hello Mrs Stiles Detective you find anything actually we came to ask you both why you didn't tell us about the affair between you Mrs Styles and Peter Levy your Journal was logged in as evidence don't you think that's an important fact in this case actually we didn't think much about it we've been trying to put all that behind us I see but you can understand Mr Levy was killed with your gun and somehow he ended up out in the woods with you no I explained Michael was taken to the robbery are you are you accusing us of murder I didn't say that Mr Styles but if we're going to catch these people we will need your complete cooperation you have my complete cooperation remember we're the victims here we'll need you both to come down and talk us through the timeline again just to clarify a few things are you asking or telling us right now we're asking okay well uh yeah we'll be there tomorrow with uh with our lawyer that's your right we'll see you then good day thank you thanks sorry go ahead can't believe this I mean they haven't found any evidence another treatment that's like we're the criminals we're still being victimized and those horrible people are getting away with what they did we're not going to let them what no we're going to take care of this ourselves Brian that's crazy no they need to suffer exactly like we did what then what what does that make us even how's what's going on with our lives huh just just accept what happened and and to hope for an arrest someday and unless if that happens then what I mean I want to tell you right now there is no amount of prison time that's going to make this right for me do you understand what I'm talking about do you what what where did they log in from where was on your socialized account was like those those fall something I think it was Mill Springs I don't that's right it's close uh it's known for the cafe uh friendly service apple pies you know what strange Mike and Marsha they got in this argument right before we left they she mentioned something about some greasy spoon Cafe something she mentioned apple pie could it be what are the odds what not good but I mean that's all we got I mean it's that's about an hour away [Music] [Music] hi folks hi take a seat anywhere you like I'll be right with you thank you thank you seems like a nice little place yeah coffee you know my wife and I were looking at this crazy story in the paper about a local break-in have you seen them are they do they come in here nope I don't look familiar and I work most shifts are you with the police no no no we were just curious ready to order our special today is our Mill Springs burger with rattlesnake hot sauce um you know what we're just gonna probably look at the menu for a couple minutes if that's okay okay thank you this is a waste of time I've got the whole town to search okay it's April hi honey is everything okay yeah but I'm home early where are you guys we're having lunch why are you back early I thought you were going to stay at Kim's you're so worried about it where are you guys I'll come meet you we're just finishing up here at the beach which we had lunch with a couple of your dad's friends why don't you just lock all the doors I'll be home soon okay um we're still on for dinners tonight right yes whatever you want Okay Bye Mom I love you love you too this is a dead end anyway [Music] I will pile of crap I'm here to pick up an order for Smith okay just give me a second is that their daughter that'll be 17.96 are you sure positive let's go come on come on [Music] oh man we have to leave but uh I thank you [Music] foreign hungry took you long enough everything go okay yeah no problems yeah which one's my pie where's my change consider it my tip next time get your own pie I'll be out by the tree get a new attitude [Music] [Music] [Music] okay thank you [Music] how long we want to stay in this dump as long as we have to we'll give it a few days it wouldn't ask for Public's help they're always hoping an informant comes forward they never do Zora is that you [Music] thank you foreign what's going on nothing all right it's getting cold I'm gonna go to the van get my coat grab me a beer sure let's go what what do you think about that huh I'm breaking my house cheers [Music] don't you want to eat with us no he makes me want to vomit your choice food's gonna be gone on the counter there you go hey back off get up no what are you gonna do kill us I don't think so go ahead and grab your precious stuff and leave that's not what this is about really careful what you wish for good on your knees and put your hands behind your back get down on your knees give me my ring give me my Rave white trash [Applause] [Music] just so we're clear this belongs to me you got it ah [Music] looks like you've got some backbone after all I was right you're no different than us go ahead the more you do to us the more you prove my point but it's already too late we've already destroyed your perfect little world no you didn't you picked on the wrong family get away from her now take it easy make it easy just Put the gun down you okay Mom shoot them in untie me [Music] do it shoot them mom dad what what's going on me what are you doing history locations man why didn't you tell me I didn't want to get you involved with cut your hair oh okay listen tie her up tie her up shirt oh my God foreign [Music] I think you're all barking no biting and I think I want to hear you bark come on I know you know how to do it work for me bark oh come on Bark for Me man I want you to bark come on you bark for me come on bark little doggy ah I leave at least it's too bad we never made it I know you never had a real man shut up except maybe Peter shut up you pull that trigger Brad go ahead pull that trigger it's gonna feel so good Brian it's gonna feel so good pull that trigger do it Nancy boy that's enough do it Brian go away Ryan God help me because when I get untied I'm going straight for your daughter come on let's get out of here you got it yeah go go [Music] your positive ID allows us to move forward and press charges murder robbery and kidnapping among other things and we now know the real names Riker Alexia and Zora Adamson we're trying to connect them to three other home invasion robberies in two other states well we're just glad you guys caught them before they could hurt anybody else yeah we caught a lucky break anonymous tips on the local cops to where they were hiding out where were they they found them tied up in an abandoned Farmhouse about an hour north now we thought it was a drug deal that had gone wrong but we recovered your gun a lot of your belongings and the money it looks like it's mostly all there that is good to hear funny thing they claim that you folks broke in and held them hostage just like you said they did to you oh God that's ridiculous oh I wouldn't believe anything that they say I mean like we ever do something like that [Music] yeah that's what I said crazy story right yeah I hope there's no hard feelings not at all foreign [Music] how did this ever happen to us I don't know things are not going to be the same are they 'd be better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Johnson Production Group
Views: 1,270,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Johnson Production Group, Tim Johnson, JPG
Id: 3E43vpX60Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 13sec (5173 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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