FAMILY of Killers Take Revenge on Ex Husband

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[Music] hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we are going to Texas where else for bizar cases to the small community of colums Neil or I think they pronounce it differently see the reason we are going there is that one day a couple were attending church having a prey and having a visitation and as they walked out into the parking lot on a blustery Winter's day there would be a click there would be a bang and Sirens would ring out in this place of worship senseless but uh Revenge usually is please subscribe to see new videos every week now um you want to give it a goo [Music] let colums Neil or Co Miss Neil which I don't know folks it just seems wrong to me to say like that it's a small town in Texas and when I say small I mean like itty bitty only about 550 people will live there if you can believe [Music] that it's the town where everybody knows your name though that keeps on coming up so I don't really want anybody to know my name cuz it's always small towns where you're going to die if it's a that chapter story if you were to look for it on a map you'd have to squint real hard and look Northeast of Houston it's a blinking ysic kind of place but hey salt of the earth and other buzzwords for how country people are really nice and not murderous at all on the Ed of a town that is entirely outskirts lies Mount Caramel Baptist Church and on January 18th 2014 a man called Nathan Maddox and his wife Crystal were among the attendees there that Saturday morning with Nathan's 5-year-old daughter Madison but it wasn't for no service it was visitation Madison was Nathan's daughter from a previous relationship her mother was Kristen Westfall as they walked out of the church that day a number of shots would ring out in the most horrifying fashion and then when you know a group of people were questioned about some kind of conspiracy they would have this to say Nathan was like a brother I don't went out I would have went out and stopped I didn't hell no an empty church on a Sunday it's very out of the norm for our small uh our small County barricaded by crime tape Prett scary PR scary a small community stunned sh to me that anybody would do such a thing at a church 35-year-old Nathan Maddox and his wife 31-year-old Crystal Maddox from saala gun down outside Church doors there's a reason for everything sort of what was the reason for this Nathan and Crystal had been married about 1 year in early 2014 Nathan 35 worked at lkin Industries if you need measuring tape they got you back well Crystal tury was the owner and operator of all the that Sparkles and shabby sheap peek Boutique what a name why did you pick that and she also ran Crystal Maddox photography while being extremely active in local beauty pageants and they were happy happy happy as a pig and chick Nathan he had a daughter from a previous relationship while Crystal she had four kids from a previous relationship so they were kind of like one of the one of them big old Blended Blended Families how you blend things again Crystal was so dedicated to her children she filmed them all the time made plays for them for Halloween very good mother very creative I mean that was crystal growing up she was a handful and while her mother was encouraging her to go to college you know get one of them educations I keep hearing so much about Crystal was like no the only thing she was interested in was being a mother that was the only life she ever envisioned for herself fair play to you only a few months at of high school she married her sweetheart had a child then after the birth of her first 3 months later she was pregnant again in 2009 Crystal and her husband they went their separate ways so Crystal packed up her four kids and she moved to lkin Texas to start fresh she got involved in the local scenes you know the pageantry um she did the hair the makeup the costumes all that sort of thing and it was one night in 2011 that she bumped into old school friend Nathan Maddox well look at you they started going out and he loved her kids I mean that was obviously a huge deal breaker for Crystal if you don't want like you're not going to like my kids you can you know um but no he stepped right in it was like he's the dad who' always been there he wanted to be there and things were good Nathan had in fact just divorced his wife of 5 years Kristen and they had a daughter together Maddie back in the day he had to work in Montana and was sending money back to Texas and he had thought things were good between him and his first wife but not so unbeknownst to him one day he'd come home to find the house empty and a letter of Abandonment there saying listen Nathan you gone off God knows where don't know when you'll be back even though I know where you've gone and when you'll be back Kristen makes no sense and she refused to let him see his daughter she ended their entire marriage with a text writing the really is nothing left between us we both have changed and we both miss the person who we married too much has happened and I don't see the person in you anymore I can't remember how it felt to be happy yikes poor her it was devastating for Nathan not to see his daughter Maddie Madison and so you know he had to he had to see so began his quest to get her back a quest that would go on for many's a year the abandonment order now was eventually lifted and he could see his daughter and Maddie still lived with Kristen and her parents Paul and Letha Westfall along with Kristen's younger brother Cameron they had to organize visitations and all that but Paul and Al lethal Letha by the way the grandparents they weren't exactly too chuffed to see um Maddie go spend time with Nathan and Nathan's new Belle uh Crystal see Maddie loved dresses and she loved makeup and all that sort of stuff so Crystal who was heavily involved in pageantry well didn't they just get on Just SW and so sprouted the seeds of jealousy in June 2012 Kristen filed for full custody and more battles began battles that only got more intense when Nathan and Crystal married so while they were settling down having a and trying to see Nathan's daughter Kristen was going the opposite of settling down she was a real wild card in August 2013 uh Kristen was arrested for possession of meth which was not her first arrest for possession of devils ice ever so she was kind of like then guess what Paul and lethal Letha the evil grandparents they got custody of Maddie they refused to let Nathan or Crystal see her Crystal once went to confront them about this and recorded it for proof naan gets visits on from 6: to 8 on Thursday he also gets this Thanksgiving lawy we have a lawyer right y'all have uh told someone that we have an injunction saying we can't have visits but I talked to my lawyer on the way out here and that's not true he told me to come out and get our visit I have the papers right here worth the paper Road on we just got an El Road last week was y'all cold Nathan and Crystal were doing everything they could to raise money for this custody battle on talk and selling all their shy you working extra shifts doing everything they could to raise a bit of bit of Kash they they were just so desperate to see her while the West Falls more like shite Falls however eventually they they raised enough money they went through the entire legal process and guess what they got visitation rights the visitations would take place in a church Mount Caramel church and then this 911 call came in 911 what's going on what's going on are you at around 12:25 the 18th of January 2014 there had been a shooting right outside the church and when police arrived they found both Nathan and Crystal shot to death both had execution St shots to the Head they had been shot dead right outside the door four-year-old Maddie had thankfully being inside the church when this happened and hadn't seen anything at all the N9 caller was Lethal Letha which is kind of odd with everything going going on see in the church had been Letha and a a person from child child Services there to witness the visitation and make sure it all went swimmingly in fact it was the child services person who spoke mostly to the police because Letha was she was too hysterical to talk she couldn't bear she couldn't bear person was fin shot are they in the church no no where they at they're okay can you tell me what you saw I just saw a lady lying down on the ground that's all I could see all right so was she the only one outside no her husband was outside with her okay who's her husband Natha M I think he may be the victim [Music] also okay who's that in there with you West and a fouryear old baby girl Nathan and Crystal had been murdered during a supervised visit neither who had been inside Letha or the social worker saw the shooter once hearing the gunshots they locked the door and called the cops it was it was very apparent that this had been a targeted killing from the start nothing was stolen there were no signs of any kind of struggle neither a 303 shell casing was found at the scene so they knew the weapon used in The Killing and what to keep an eye at for though it was a pretty common rifle someone shot 34-year-old Nathan Maddox and his wife 30-year-old Crystal investigators have questioned what they call Persons of Interest but no one is in custody now interestingly the police would later learn that Nathan had been shot in the chest with a shotgun so there was two guns used which likely means there was two Shooters involved in this Ambush the West Falls the ones who weren't at the church were contacted Paul Kristen and young Cameron Paul had a seizure he was so shocked uh when he heard what had happened he had to go to hospital his dearly beloved ex-son-in-law Kristen was interviewed first and she was open and honest about their struggle the shitfest between them yes me and Nathan had had this issue with his we've had our disagreements but the fact remains that I was married with him for eight years of course I still have love in the heart can you think of anybody that would want to hurt Nathan now there's a lot of rumors going around the motorcycle gang drove up at his mom's house and he was scared to death and they told him that if he ever told about something that happened I killed him but she said ooh his past back in Montana I heard rumor has it that he was involved in something Shady back there don't ask me what but you know gangs or um whatever they have in Montana now Kristen's Alibi was that her and her father Paul had driven to a store a few miles away busy morning and so when the shooting happened at12 they were a long way away and had only gotten home I know you're looking at me but stop looking Paul to his question he had the same story as his daughter and a gunshot residue test was done of course heard this story before angry paw gets a rifle but the test results came back inconclusive now despite aliis despite the fact that Letha was at the scene though she definitely didn't wasn't involved in the actual shooting there was also a social worker there and then of course Paul had a seizure which is kind of funny it's kind of like a a bit of an overreaction upon hearing somebody you really hate has been shot dead it's kind of funny you think he'd be jumping for joy upon hearing that the custody battles for were over maybe it was one of them happy little seizures despite all of that though people were convinced the West Falls were involved the only people who could be in fact police were so sure they had Child Protective Services go over and just you know Snoop around they stepped in and removed mie from the home on the basis that the shooters were unidentified and it was too dangerous to leave her with the maybe Killers this then began shocker another qu battle who was the time for these cor battles they're like a rabbit dog at so CPS actually went to the West Fall home and they were like you're not getting her back a you could be the killers B they found a gun easily accessible see there was sewage literal [ __ ] in their yard and the other letter they found meth in their home actual meth apparently Letha was using the meth to control her daughter Kristen if Kristen was like Hey I'm moving out of here and I'm taking my daughter uh away from you guess what Letha would say uh no you're not leaving you're not taking our granddaughter away look at this little baggie of meth guess what I'll take to the cops cuz you've been arrested for possession before and I'll do it to you again more than a month after Crystal and Nathan Maddox were shot and killed outside a church something of this nature you know I take that personally the Tyler County Sheriff for the first time is naming a suspect in the killings there are other suspects uh you know uh we're not prepared to release those names at this time but yes Miss Westfall has been she's been identified as a suspect 54-year-old Letha westall is Nathan maddox's former mother-in-law last night officers arrested her on an unrelated charge fony possession of a controlled substance by fraud it was one month after the murders that a friend of the West Falls Christopher EES stepped into the Sheriff's Office asking to speak with him every time I be over there father was always saying that the dadd come take the baby he's going to shoot him kill him that's all they kept talking about they try to come take that baby I'm killing him have somebody kill them turns out that the West Falls had been planning the murder of Nathan and Crystal Maddox for a long ass time they probably figured it was way freaking cheaper than going through these custody battles which would never end and they would not repeat not allow Maddie to spend one second where the madx is this is a story of true hatred true hatred and jealousy because I'm sure Madison just loved hanging out in the house that had literal [ __ ] in the yard so with all this the police got indictments for the entire Westfall family Paul Letha Letha Kristen and Cameron Letha Westfall Paul Westfall Kristen Westfall and Cameron Westfall were all indicted for engaging an organized criminal activity the couple was charged and killed was shot rather and killed January 18th while leaving Mount camell Baptist Church near colne following a court-ordered child custody visit with Nathan Maddox 5-year-old daughter an attorney who represented Nathan in the child custody case said this visit would have likely been the last supervised visit Deon expected Nathan to get full custody of his daughter from the maternal grandparents not long after CPS gained custody following the shootings the 5-year-old is Nathan's only child his wife Crystal had four children all four were arrested by police Paul he had a seizure during his arrest he loved them Cameron West was interviewed first now have you ever heard Le talk about murder Nathan no sir Nathan was like a he was my family murdering some people we've had a long-standing bridge against that will actually end up C saving us a load of money to people we hate us doing something like that you sound like a crazy person next was Kristen's turn I let not dog same story and fact chist would say you know what ne's dead actually kind of liked him kind of a bummer that he's gone actually oh well I literally have not had a somebody saying will you will you murder Letha denied the entire thing about asking someone to kill Nathan and Paul after being released from hospital maintained his innocence were you responsible for the shooting of Nathan he maintained his innocence for a bit because the police as I said they they were full sure that one of them was involved and because they had four people arrested you just need one linoln the chain to crack and then you got the whole thing Paul's little break in the chain was his children actually um his child not Kristen Cameron three hours after he first spoke to police he requested another opportunity and this time Paul said he had done it oh I had so you're telling me that you killed Nathan and his wife and who help you I want the whole truth take my son I want the whole truth now your first thought you got big papy right stepping in here A whole family's going to go down he's the man of the house he's going to do the honorable thing he'll take the fall he'll take the blo right save his wife and kids you know any any [ __ ] but not really actually seems as I said it seems like he was very protective over his kids but specifically Cameron because Paul came in and he was like all right I I shot him dead and I know you know I wasn't alone there was another person with me who was also the shooter because remember two guns were used the a shooter was Kristen actually was my daughter who's we you and Kristen just uh you know Under The Bu you go when Letha was confronted with Paul's confession she said she had heard him shouting outside the church that day you he'd say you know I should just I should just kill him and be done with I didn't take Paul serious because honestly I would have never thought that D Christen would have ever been capable of doing something like that now they're starting to come apart I don't went out I would have went out and stopped can you hear that that's [ __ ] well I hear what you're saying but some of it I know is not true if you can tell me anything not something to think about because the mo the time out of all of that know we went to the store I you me last time we here we checked out saying some of the things you're saying are not true I didn't shoot Kristen though was denying she'd been involved no I would never shoot him even though her own father was saying she had been involved I mean it's not he didn't so much as throw her o o under the bus he was the one driving the bus in the planning of all this did they ever get together home and sit down and put make notes or draw diagrams or they never once ever made notes for Pure fact or diagrams for the pure fact that my sister said was best not to have anything on paper have a paper tra is what she called it Cameron then confessed that he had had disposed of the murder weapons after Paul had asked him to why he would ask him to do that his favorite child ask him to dispose of murder weapons when you're just involving him in the crime can I shock you he's a [ __ ] person I'm sure Paul had another seizure when he was confronted about that see at 9:40 a.m. Letha who was there in the church at the Mount Caramel church at the visitation this was to be the last supervised visit Nathan and Crystal were to have with Maddie next time the West Falls wouldn't need to be there during that meeting Letha texted Kristen they are here 2 hours later she texted get in place group effort all the West Falls were involved as Nathan and Crystal walked out of the church they were executed Crystal walked out first as she did she was shot in the head died instantly Nathan then ran after her and he was shot as he lay on the ground whoever was wielding the shotgun executed him this plan had had been on the cards for months they had in fact asked other people to do it as the person who Christopher EES who blew this whole thing up he had been asked everybody had had refused so they said fine we'll do it the Westfall way we'll do it ourselves Cameron Westfall was offered a deal charged with two k of tampering with evidence if he cooperated and testified against his own family and testify he did for that he would get 10 years Letha took a plea bargain also she pleaded guilty to engaging in an organized criminal act she got life with parole after 30 years which for her this old [ __ ] that's a death sentence Paul was due to go on trial then he was declared incompetent to stand trial then competent to stand trial then he pleaded guilty he was zigging and zagging you not life with the possibility of Paro for that lad once again a death sentence and finally Kristen she was nope no not me didn't have anything to do which is like the goads on her when her Tre members of her own family were all taking plea deals all would testify against her and she was like liars she went on trial and August 2016 the motive was simply custody Nathan was on the up the West Falls were on the falls and so Nathan might end up getting full custody can't have that shockingly uh she was guilty she was given the sentence of life without the possibility of parole and so ends the story of the mxes and the West Fall family a story of greed a story of jealousy a story of pure shite it's really a story of um hatred and of fearing you know losing so much something so much you will kill out of that fear which will then just cause you to lose everything it's like one of them um self-fulfilling prophecies or something only instead of like a Chosen One um just shite big load of shite thank you so much for watching uh it really means the world to me I hope you enjoyed this whole video um yeah that's about it all right um this video just kind of sort of ends uh check out I'm on Twitter I'm on Instagram check out the that chapter podcast which has a new episode out every single Monday and for completely new and wild stories new video will be up in a couple of days so see you then please take care of each other and yourselves cuz I love you m [Music] out
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 719,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, westfall family, nathan maddox, krystal maddox, kristin westfall, paul westfall, letha westfall, cameron westfall, colmesneil tx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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