Family Guy - The reception to "Christie" appears less than positive

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hey that was terrific oh what an achievement you really did it buddy what are you guys talking about I stunk I can't act at all no you were uh very believably fat didn't you notice half the time I was staring right into the camera they had to use peanut butter to get me on my mark yeah but you've done a great thing for authenticity and inclusivity I don't even know what those words mean I just like to see Your Tail Wag when you say them Peter you're giving them marginalized a voice how are they marginal the whole country is full of dumb fat now more than ever we need authenticity and inclusivity oh Brian what we need is good actors I don't care if they're black white tall short thin fat gay straight you forgot those ones look I admit I thought acting was easy and maybe I was blinded by all the praise I got from Harvey Weinstein Peter Harvey Weinstein hasn't had clout for like six years oh boy then I may have done some things I'll regret I don't know I guess as a fat guy I I got offended that Chris Christie wasn't played by a fat guy but turns out it just needed to be a good actor maybe we should all spend less time judging and more time enjoying what different actors bring to different roles that's the magic of movies and TV and stepson porn Chris you don't have to join every conversation okay look look I understand not everyone will agree on this issue but let's discuss it in a civilized manner by making death threats from our individual homes to one another on the internet right back at you buddy
Channel: Mr. Rupert
Views: 49,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lxeV5Afh3g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 34sec (94 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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