Family Guy S20E12 - The Great PIZZA Story - Part 2

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god this car is depressing he's got three ashtrays in use can you put on some music there's no cd player just a disc man with a cassette plug-in you ever heard of a band called special delivery oh no it's his band oh no oh they're all in uniforms god bless him uh dying on a stranger's toilet seat is bad but this is real bad dad let's get back to the pizzas right we deliver the pizzas and nobody calls the police where's our first stop the police station [Music] there are cameras everywhere we can't be seen leaving those pizzas but he can good thinking chris all those in favor of meg getting in the dead guy's clothes with him and scarecrowing them in raise your hand fine i'll do it but only cause i'm starved for human contact and he's not fully cold yet [Music] well if it isn't georgie my fourth best friend in the weirdly gray flesh i haven't seen you since i ordered that calzone hey i hate to be the bearer of bad shoes but your sneakers untied hey heard your guitar got stolen so i swiped you a new one from the evidence locker it used to belong to martin shkreli surprisingly soulful balladeer okay fine you can play me a song to thank me hmm i'm hearing a little clapton mixed with hearing loss from going to the gun range too much we're one short on the suspect lineup you know anyone who could fill in well the perpetrator was doing a highly choreographed routine during the assault so number three please step forward and perform the zombie dance from thriller oh come on five six seven eight whew that was close i'm glad to be done delivering to places that are too risky to walk a dead body into what's next the cadaver dog training facility [Music] i've been waiting for you georgie i haven't eaten all day the pizza guy's having a secret affair oh to be single and dead again huh chris last stop i ordered another pizza all right lois is gonna be home soon so we got to fix this now why don't we just shove them in the sewer let the clowns have at him i'm good with anything that keeps pennywise off my jock sounds like a plan hold on peter this feels wrong we can't just dump them face down into raw sewage without saying a few words you're right brian i'll do the honors it feels like just yesterday when he came into our lives carrying a pizza we bought i always loved how he looked around the house a little too much while i was digging the money out of my wallet and who can forget his license plate number 7g something something five more sweat than you're used to seeing on a fella but that's what moisture wicking shirts are for his nails were dirty but his heart was pure okay time to drop him in a river a dung he's stuck oh crap it's lois peter what the hell is going on you ordered pizza didn't you yes ma'am
Channel: yungCrwn | Family Guy Clips
Views: 107,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2JPzqSZ7y4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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