Family Guy- Peter Opens His Own Restaurant

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[Music] now right everybody only three hours till opening oh this is gonna be the coolest place in Quahog all the movers and shakers and bigwigs are gonna eat here good evening welcome to big Pete's House of munch may I help you yes do you accept the Discover card hey Lois Diamond Jim Brady over here just asked if we accept the Discover card no no I don't think so you know you know I would rather take two live chickens than your fly-by-night credit card I would I would rather take a jar of pennies that's value was less than that of your bill look you don't have to insult me no no no you are going to sit there and listen to the funny things I would take instead of your credit card the guy Table seven complained there's not enough juice on his prime rib let me take care of that phone in tell him bone Appetit douche bag you guys I have some bad news I just finished going over the books and this restaurant is hemorrhaging money what isn't it obvious we're not getting enough customers this place is like a ghost town half the time yeah maybe somebody should have asked me after all I'm the only one in this family with any business experience all right violet and Pigpen you've been seeing each other a few weeks now what seems to be the problem I keep getting bladder infections and I don't know why really you don't know why [Music] Louis roll out the red carpet here comes Joe and his cop buddies they got tables 4:30 whoa whoa whoa chill I thought you were bringing your cat friends over what are all these parallelograms doing here you mean paraplegics these are my friends Peter go on guys let's see oh god I hope there's not one of those angry handicapped Vietnam guys with a bandana on his head there he is I've seen some things man and some stuff I wouldn't recommend it PETA isn't this one to follow the place is packed uh Lois aren't you a little freaked out by this why everybody's having a great time besides think of the money we're making I don't care about that I wanted a cool restaurant not the cafeteria at the Veterans Hospital this is weird that rap video by MC Escher don't up the stairs and going down the stairs and going up the stairs and going down the stairs and in local news a new restaurant is taking Quahog by storm that's right I am if you're handicapped or know someone who's handicapped or just happened to be a fan of the circus then come on down to big Pete's House of munch where the elite without feet to meet to eat Lois this is insanity I think we should shut down the restaurant why what doing so well oh let me explain something to y'all right cripples are not cool hang on I'm gonna get the picture what do you see here Lois do we have what do you see a picture of Mark Harmon a picture of Mark Harmon the greatest actor who ever lived do you see a wheelchair under my car man Paul Louis do you see a wheelchair under Mark Hammond no no you do not because Mike Harmon is cool and I know what you think and I'll Peter this is just like your Gil Gerard speech and you can stop writing your tracks because it is not granted it is similar to the Gil Gerard speech but I like our restaurant the way it is and if you don't that's your problem fine then I'll deal with this myself [Music] all right here they come hey Peter we're here for dinner no no you're not Joe we have a new policy can't you read the same Peter what the hell is that all about it's a message Joe I don't want you and your kind eating here anymore you're ruining what we're supposed to be a cool establishment here you're one of my closest friends are you telling me that you have a problem with me being handicapped as a matter of fact Joe yes I think it's immoral it's a lifestyle choice you're forcing on America we're handicapped are a proud people yeah when you're not drinking and gambling on your reservations which we gave you fine if that's the way you want it but we're not gonna go down easy okay that was easy but I'll be back with more handicapped guys
Channel: Cartoon Comedy
Views: 493,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family guy peter opens his restaurant, peter opens his own restaurant, peter griffin opens his own restaurant, peter griffin restaurant, family guy, family guy funny, family guy peter, family guy peter funny, peter funny, peter griffin funny
Id: Z-XfMestaBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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