Family Adopts a New Dog Then Vet Sees It and Calls the Cops

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facts first presents family adopts a new dog then vet sees it and calls the cops dog is man's best friend and this great relationship has been going on for many years if you love dogs chances are you like them cute healthy and adorable for many people a new puppy is always a welcomed member the family kids love to cuddle puppies and when they get bigger you can show them off to your friends if you want a bit of extra canine security a large breed is what you go for clearly buying a dog does make a lot of sense now imagine this for a minute you buy a new dog and then you invite your veterinarian to take a look at it the vet sees the dog and immediately calls the cops that's exactly what happened to one dog owner in Kunming City and China sue wee-wee is a hard-working mother of four beautiful children she works hard to provide for her family and she always takes them on an annual vacation when she's on leave this year they traveled to a city on the coast to get some rest and enjoy the Sun and that's where she saw this cute black dog and fell in love with it her kids begged her to buy the dog so she did the dog was tiny hairy and friendly she paid the dealer for the dog took it home and named it little black sue and her family they didn't believe dogs should live in the backyard so they let little black live in the main house along with the rest of the family even though the dog had its doghouse just behind the kitchen one thing they noticed immediately was that their dog did not joke when it came to food little black had a healthy appetite it could polish off a large plate of noodles and then eat one or two more extra portions suey we also noticed that the dog grew extremely fast in fact the dog seemed to grow every day of the week sue remembered the dog dealer telling her that the dog was a large breed the man told her the dog was a Tibetan Mastiff anyway the kids loved this huge dog and they were always cuddling up with their new family member on its part little black reveled in all the affection and continued to grow soon always been an observant and thoughtful person she took her time to analyze issues before drawing conclusions she observed that her dog did have some rather on dog like qualities for one thing the dog didn't bark instead it had a habit of growling when it was angry and roaring when it was happy another thing that bothered sue was that little black had a habit of standing on its two hind legs she'd even caught the dog trying to walk on his hind legs once in a while sue had dogs in the past but none of them behaved like that another thing that bothered too was the size of her dog at just 2 years of age the dog stood three feet tall and it weighed an impressive 300 pounds again the dog was always hungry and ate several huge meals every day little black loved fruits and drank plenty of water well by now the kids were scared to the dog because of its size and its giant teeth in addition the dog did not like walking on all fours but preferred to move around on its two hind legs clearly something was not right here soo-wee we decided to call Dan a veterinarian to look at the dog the vet arrived at 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning he took one look at that dog and he immediately called the cops why well little black wasn't a dog at all sue we we and her family had been living with a healthy Asiatic black bear for the past two years his revelation shocked sue she wanted to know if the animal was dangerous well the vet laughed and told her of the Asiatic black bears also known as the Himalayan bear or the moon bear he confirmed the animal is dangerous in the wild however he explained that in this case little bear did not pose any danger to them he pointed out the family had given the bear nothing but love and care in return the bear loved them right back and was grateful to them for all the attention and affection that they'd showered on him the vet stated that sue and her kids they couldn't keep the bear though and that made the family sad the story was huge and National Geographic even featured little black on its popular program eventually the bear was returned to the wild after the authorities confirmed little bear was in good health and wouldn't face any dangers for other wild bears in its natural habitat soo-wee we and her kids are relieved but they are still sad they loved little black and they'd have preferred to keep the bear and subscribe for more [Music] [Music]
Channel: Facts Verse
Views: 5,329,574
Rating: 4.3182931 out of 5
Keywords: facts verse, dog rescue, animal rescue, puppy rescue, family adopts a dog when vet sees it he calls the cops, fact verse, raising a dog, family thought they were raising a dog, rescue and protection center, vet calls cops on adopted dog, cutest exotic pets you can legally own, weirdly cute pets you should own, dog family, dog vet, dog call, my new dog, black bear, family adopts a new puppy but soon they realize this is not a dog, wild animals you can keep as pets, new dog
Id: WE7N_Gc_Luw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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